Are there people in your life who don't like talking to you?

@TheHorse (215641)
Walnut Creek, California
October 4, 2024 2:43pm CST
As you know, I tend to be a bit of an optimist. I like dark music (James McMurtry) , and dark comedy (Pulp Fiction), but I have a positive attitude toward day-to-day life. My brother (one year younger) is the exact opposite. His mantra is "Life sucks. And then you die." I don't think he cares much for me. And I don't think he enjoys talking to me, though we chat on the phone every other week or so. What's funny is that he is crafty about avoiding talking to me. If I call him, he does not pick up. If I email him, he does not respond. If I tell him I will be at work from 2 PM to 7 PM, he will call me back. At 2:30 PM. That way he can say he returned my call. Are there certain people out there who simply don't like you? Or don't like talking to you?
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11 responses
@marguicha (220799)
• Chile
My BIL stopped talking to me over 10 years ago. I wish I knew what pissed him so much. Then he told my brother that I was a pest and I also lost my brother. Now we are slowly seeing each other (with my brother, not my BIL) but now it is those sorts of polite get togethers when we don´t really talk of anything important. After such a long time, I don´t care anymore.
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@TheHorse (215641)
• Walnut Creek, California
At a certain point, one can "let go."
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@marguicha (220799)
• Chile
@TheHorse Exactly. I have my very best friends that I call my adopted family.
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@TheHorse (215641)
• Walnut Creek, California
@marguicha I have people in my life like that as well.
@somewitch (376)
Maybe, I hardly ever reach out first so they can chill. My mother seems to get frustrated when she talks to me, yet she keeps on talking to me. Go figure.
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@TheHorse (215641)
• Walnut Creek, California
How do you frustrate her?
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@TheHorse I tell her what I think, not what she wants to hear.
@kaylachan (66696)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
I seem to rack them up and piss off a lt of people. I couldn't name them all if I tried.
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@TheHorse (215641)
• Walnut Creek, California
Well Boy Howdy! Wat do you do to piss people off?
• Calgary, Alberta
My parents because I married a Black woman
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@TheHorse (215641)
• Walnut Creek, California
They don't like black women?
@JudyEv (336615)
• Rockingham, Australia
Mostly once I work out someone doesn't like me, I don't bother them any more. But it's a bit hard if it's family. My brother never liked me but he's passed away now.
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@TheHorse (215641)
• Walnut Creek, California
Do you know why you and he did not get along?
@Deepizzaguy (100732)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
Some of my relatives like my sisters do not like to talk to me since I am self employed at home due to illness.
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@TheHorse (215641)
• Walnut Creek, California
Why would your being at home make them not want to talk to you?
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@Deepizzaguy (100732)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
@TheHorse I guess being the baby of the family and only working a job in the fast food industry makes them mad at me.
@snowy22315 (178167)
• United States
Sis isnt overly friendly, but sometimes we get into good text convos. She used to call to chat, but that is a rarity these days. She is pretty busy with her work though and extracurriculars. Maybe when she retires there will be more time for chats.
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@TheHorse (215641)
• Walnut Creek, California
My brother and I have had some decent "intellectual" chats over the years. But he can be a "know it all."
@much2say (55001)
• Los Angeles, California
I think most people do like to talk to me . But right now my younger and only sister is not really talking to me, nor my mom for that matter. Long story, but she never understood how our family works . . . so ever since my father passed away, she has become worse than she already was. Very sad.
@wolfgirl569 (103342)
• Marion, Ohio
I think there is. But they are not a big part of my life anyways
@RasmaSandra (78469)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
There is no longer anyone like that in my life,
@noni1959 (10037)
• United States
I'm sure there are. One of my sisters for sure. We never got along and I don't reach out to her.