Apparently Whiskey will be here until Monday afternoon

@NJChicaa (118911)
United States
October 4, 2024 4:10pm CST
I legit never heard of my former neighbor going away for the weekend nor did I agree to watch him but apparently that is what is happening. She continues to just piss me off more and more each time she expects me to watch the dog. Like he isn't even my dog. She legit texted me this afternoon asking if I wanted the dog overnight or dropped off at 3am. Wut? Why the HELL would I want the dog dropped off in the early morning to disrupt my sleep? Then she asked if I'd be up at 9 or 10 pm to drop him off. I told her I had no idea and I'd go to bed whenever I was tired. I'll just leave the door unlocked and she can drop his stuff and the dog whenever she rolls up. I don't know why I even bother to entertain this BS. I don't get paid for it. All I get is hassled by her when I don't respond to her texts within minutes. This may be Whiskey's last sleepover here.
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10 responses
@marguicha (220799)
• Chile
I would have stopped being Whiskey´s babysitter a long time ago.
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@RasmaSandra (78469)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
Well I am glad to know Whiskey will be visiting his friend, Charlie, Sorry you say it might be the last time but I understand what you mean it is not fair that she does not pay you for the services,
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@AmbiePam (90006)
• United States
Good lord, that’s crazy. Has she ever shown any appreciation for you at all? I was hoping maybe she has and we just didn’t hear about it.
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@Shavkat (138579)
• Philippines
The good thing is I have not experienced this kind of situation. It is not a cool thing that I spend time having this kind of responsibility.
@JudyEv (336618)
• Rockingham, Australia
This arrangement seems to have just about run its course. Your 'friend' is certainly abusing the relationship.
• United States
Hey, I think you really need a drink of whiskey to deal with her and the dog. Tell her to stop calling and stop aggravating you. She sounds like a royal pain in the butt, and you don’t need that frustration and drama in your life. It’s time to cut ties with her and the dog.
@GardenGerty (160034)
• United States
She must think you never have any plans for anything. Rude and ungracious and not thankful for anything or considerate.
@kaylachan (66696)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
It better be. She's clearly taken advantage of you and thinks you have the kind of friendship where she doesn't have to ask.
@sallypup (60188)
• Centralia, Washington
Have you two had a face to face discussion about the pup?
@MarieCoyle (35199)
You HAVE to say no!!! Call her back. Tell her you have other plans. This is beyond ridiculous, as long as you agree to watching him, she will take full advantage of you. Write out a bill!! Give it to her. No, she won’t pay it, but she is a professional user, and needs to be called out.