Strange phobias, have you heard of these?

@MarieCoyle (42012)
January 25, 2025 1:28am CST
Who makes this stuff up, anyway? I was looking up a medication my son was prescribed and yep, once again there was that rabbit hole and I had to go down there for a bit...all about strange or odd phobias. Some of them, I had no idea even existed. A phobia about vegetables? Balloons? And I simply cackled over the ''fear of bellybuttons'' until I about fell out of the chair--I don't know why I thought it was so hilarious, but hey...I am still chuckling over it. And one phobia mentioned was the absolute dumbest phobia I have ever heard of, with the stupidest name ya go---- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. It is the fear of long words. Seriously, you can't make this stuff up! And the rarest of all phobias? Now this one, you would never, ever guess, not ever... Arachibutyrophobia (Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth) I wonder if the people who name these phobias, who decide that they actually ARE phobias, get paid a ton of money to dream this stuff up? If they do, and you have a good imagination, this could be the career you've been looking for!! I didn't stay down that rabbit hole for more than a few minutes when I realized there is now a phobia for pretty much everything known to mankind, and a long name to go with it. Way, way too much to write about here. Most people just say something like ''I have a thing about showers, they scare me, I have to have a bath instead'' to describe what is an example of a phobia. I think a lot of them seem like personal preference to me, but hey, what do I know about it all, anyway? How about you? Do you have a phobia?
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15 responses
@just4him (318844)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
25 Jan
I have a fear of heights. I won't say I'm getting better about it when I'm forced to use the stepstool, but at least I do what I need to and get off the thing.
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@just4him (318844)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Jan
@MarieCoyle I love flying. It's open ladders that scare the heck out of me.
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
25 Jan
I don't fear all heights, no problem flying commercially, etc. But some of the wild and weird ones, like the Willis Tower, etc...just a big nope from me!
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
26 Jan
@just4him I do not think I could ever jump out of a plane, either...I would no doubt croak before I could pull the cord for the parachute!
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@DaddyEvil (144323)
• United States
25 Jan
I'm allergic to bee/wasp venom so kill any I see before they can sting me. (I carry an epi-pen everywhere I go.) I can't eat rice after my brother told me mom made rice from cooking maggots... If I try to eat rice, anything in my stomach is coming up! The people who thought up all those weird words to describe phobias were overeducated and just trying to make the longest words in the English language. It's probably the best/most useless use of their education they could think to do.
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@DaddyEvil (144323)
• United States
25 Jan
@MarieCoyle It wasn't the first time Steve told me something that makes me sick to think about. Mom literally beat him with a belt, telling him never tell another person something like that. (It didn't stop him, though. Later, he told me mom made chocolate cake with pig's blood... If I think of that when I'm eating cake, the cake comes back up, too. Dad beat Steve that time! Mom told him he couldn't have any chocolate cake if I wouldn't eat it. He didn't get to eat chocolate cake again until he moved out of mom's house.) Pretty is allergic to bee/wasp venom, too. Pretty loves eating peanut butter and the smell makes me want to throw up... (I can eat it in candy or in cookies but just peanut butter? Eww, gross!) She leaves the dirty dish and spoon in the sink for me to wash. I turn the water as hot as it will go and rinse until nothing is left in the bowl or spoon before taking the sponge and soap to them. I've heard of phobophobia before... I thought it was silly back then, too
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
25 Jan
Ewe...maggots. Your brother was a meanie! Oddly, I see bees around the flowers here, but they never try to sting me, they just stick to their flowers. But oh, those wasps and hornets can make me so sick, so I totally understand that. My daughters have the same problem with them as well. Yes, maybe they are overeducated, or just bored so they sit around inventing ridiculous words? OK, I found a phobia that I forgot to mention that is even sillier than the bellybutton one, or the peanut butter phobia. Phobophobia. I thought, oh, a fear of having your picture taken, right? Nope. It's a fear of PHOBIAS. Seriously?? Like I said, who thinks this stuff up?
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
25 Jan
@DaddyEvil It sounds as if Steve was determined for some time to tease you unmercifully, and it backfired on him. I'm sorry he ruined it for you eating the rice and the cake. Hopefully by the time he was in trouble for all of that, he stopped teasing you. Was he a lot older than you? I know your mom had a big crew to feed. I love peanut butter. But we don't all like the same things, I get that for sure. The things I don't like usually have something to do with texture--I hate slimy type of foods. I will never understand how anyone can eat raw oysters or sushi...there are other things I can't face the texture of, but not many.
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@much2say (57366)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Jan
I have a phobia of these new phobias . As I get older, I don't know if I have these "fears" . . . it seems like I have deep "worries" about certain things though . . . or is that basically the same thing ?
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@id_peace (15268)
• Singapore
26 Jan
This is very cute. Phobia of new phobia. I wonder if anyone has a phobia of internet?
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
26 Jan
Well, I sort of think phobias and worries are somewhat different. Everyone has worries, whether they express them or not. People with worries are generally well functioning people, they are just worried about some things. People with phobias usually have some scary or terrifying reactions to whatever it is that triggers their phobias. At least, that's how I see it, I think.
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
27 Jan
@id_peace Since there appears to be a phobia for pretty much everything, I am sure there are people who are scared of using the internet. The Cleveland Clinic is a well respected medical facility and they posted this about fear of the internet./computers/smart phones, etc.
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@Juliaacv (52775)
• Canada
25 Jan
I have a fear of enclosed spaces-claustrophobia. I also have a fear of heights-acrophobia.
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@Juliaacv (52775)
• Canada
25 Jan
@MarieCoyle I have heard of the Sears Tower, but never visited it. I have been up to the top of the CN Tower in Toronto, which is 1,815.3 Feet tall. It has been years, and I do not think that I could manage that again. The Skylon Tower, in Niagara Falls is 775 Feet tall and offers a gorgeous view of the falls, and makes it seem like you are much higher is another tower I have been on, but again years ago. Today, I am content to hop up into our 4-wheel drive SUV.
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
25 Jan
@Juliaacv I have no desire to do the top of the tower thing again...the last time was enough, for sure. One thing that really scared me some years back was the Arch in St Louis. It's a lot taller than it appears to be in pictures. You can pay for a ride to the top on this little train-like cart inside that takes you up there, and look out the windows at the very top--not big windows...but if it's windy, the entire arch seems to sway. I tried to do it but I felt closed in and just don't ever plan on doing it again, not ever...not a good experience for me.
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
25 Jan
I think that many people struggle with claustrophobia. I don't like being in really crowded places, like tightly packed elevators, etc. I am the person who will hang back and take the next one! When heights are extreme, it can be scary, for sure. The Sears Tower in Chicago (renamed Willis Tower some years ago, but will always be Sears Tower for Chicagoans) is the one that gets to me and I just can't go to the top anymore...they have this glass platform thing that you can go out and stand on, etc. and of course see to the concrete jungle below you, which seems ten miles to the ground, but is actually like 1300 feet. However far it is, that skydeck is simply terrifying to me and the idea of standing out there on it makes me want to run away. Not for me.
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@wolfgirl569 (113609)
• Marion, Ohio
25 Jan
I had seen the one for long words before. The bellybutton one is funny
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@wolfgirl569 (113609)
• Marion, Ohio
25 Jan
@MarieCoyle I am guessing they have a name for everything. Can't just say I am afraid of that
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
25 Jan
@wolfgirl569 I was not ever aware that fear of bellybuttons was even a thing. I mean...who knew?
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
25 Jan
I thought it was really humorous, there are just so many phobias. I had absolutely no idea there were that many, and some of the ones were sure new to me. The fear of bellybuttons...oh, if that was all I had to worry about in life!
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@somewitch (2349)
25 Jan
I guess I fear balloons, it was worse when I was a kid. I'm simply afraid of whatever can explode. Actually, just make it about loud noises. I'd really like to use a blender we have at home but...
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
25 Jan
Some loud noises can be frightening, for sure. I can really understand that one.
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@sallypup (63390)
• Centralia, Washington
26 Jan
@somewitch What do you think about the old toy- the Jack in the Box suddenly springing out? That kind of gave me the creeps.
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@somewitch (2349)
26 Jan
@sallypup I was never given such toy, thankfully. I wonder if it was banned at some point.
@snowy22315 (186970)
• United States
25 Jan
I have a mild fear of dogs, but it isn't too bad. As in my pic I have had dogs before. I prefer cats for the most part. A dog would have to be awfully adorable for me to consider one again.There are just too many drawbacks IMHO
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
26 Jan
I love dogs and cats. I am unfortunately allergic to cats...I can usually handle being around one of them, but throw more than that into the mix, and I am simply miserable and gasping.
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@allknowing (142850)
• India
23 Feb
There has to proof for anyone believe what you have found out by reading on the Net.
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@Orson_Kart (7169)
• United Kingdom
23 Feb
My favourite is phobophobia, which is the fear of fear. I know I shouldn’t laugh, but, like you say, there’s some crazy phobias out there. I must admit, I’m not a big fan of clowns (fear is “coulrophobia”). Mind you, there are a lot of scary clown movies out there, so no wonder.
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@id_peace (15268)
• Singapore
26 Jan
I have a fear of cockroach even through I will still hit and kill them if they are on the ground.
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@id_peace (15268)
• Singapore
26 Jan
@MarieCoyle Oh yes i hate them. I am killing an average of 1 per year in my house. I am putting up all the protection that I could so that they will not come. But somehow they just come over. The flying ones were the killers.
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
26 Jan
I do not like roaches at all. They are just disgusting and be truthful, I don't think I have seen one for several years--I saw just one large one by a gas pump, at the gas station when I got out to pump the gas in the car. There was a trash can by the pump, with food wrappers in it, I am sure it was headed there for a big party.
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@jstory07 (142707)
• Roseburg, Oregon
26 Jan
There are a loyt of phobias from fear of water to fear of dogs.
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
26 Jan
Yes, there are things people are afraid of that I don't understand, either.
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@moffittjc (123182)
• Gainesville, Florida
26 Jan
Reminds me of an old joke I heard once: I don't have a fear of heights; I have a fear of widths! The only thing I can think of that I truly have a fear of is rats and roaches. Both absolutely strike terror in me. I used to have a fear of heights, but for the most part I have overcome that.
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@moffittjc (123182)
• Gainesville, Florida
29 Jan
@MarieCoyle I know a lot of people don't like spiders, but I love spiders specifically for the reason that they eat roaches and other insects. If I see a spider in my house, I generally will not mess with it (unless it's like a venomous one or something), because I know they are taking care of any roaches that may somehow sneak into my house. Now, with that being said, I don't often see spiders in my house, but I keep a very clean house and generally don't have any issues with bugs. And thankfully, I haven't seen any mice or rats at all. I know there are rat snakes that live in my yard (I've seen more than one), so hopefully they are doing their job and keeping the small critters from away from my house.
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
30 Jan
@moffittjc My little sister was bitten by a brown recluse...a very long, hard healing, many, many days in the hospital, and even two surgeries were involved. I just do NOT like spiders. I really don't like wolf spiders, I see a lot of those here in the summers...honestly I rarely see a spider in my home. There's no bugs here for them to eat? I don't know but I don't seem to have them. The last time I saw one, I had opened the door for someone and when I shut it, the spider was there--so he was escorted out very quickly!
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
27 Jan
Creepy crawly things are not high on my list of likes, either. I associate rats, mice, and roaches with dirt, one of my grandmothers said that and I guess it stuck. I know there are mice that can get in a home by chewing their way in, or enlarging an opening that was the size of a dime...but they pee and poop everywhere, constantly, so yes, I associate them with filth, too. And roaches are...OMG gross.
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@JESSY3236 (20327)
• United States
28 Jan
I used to take baths, but I wasn't exactly afraid of showers. I love taking showers now. I have a fear of dogs and heights.
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
28 Jan
I absolutely HATE baths, I've never liked them. I remember when I was little, my Dad said once that taking a bath is like sitting in your own dirt...and that statement stuck in my head. I love showers.
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@JudyEv (349221)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Jan
I wonder about some of these. Just because you may not like them doesn't necessarily mean it is a phobia.
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@JudyEv (349221)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Jan
@MarieCoyle And I sometimes wonder about some behaviours being linked to autism. It seems a good excuse sometimes.
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
27 Jan
@JudyEv I suppose that's a possiblity for sure, Judy.
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@MarieCoyle (42012)
26 Jan
Judy, I agree. But it seems to be popular for some reason, to label everything now, and phobias are a big thing, I guess. Funny, we all managed before someone came along and dreamed up all of those weird names for whatever...
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@pumpkinjam (8859)
• United Kingdom
26 Jan
I have always found the word for a fear of long words to be hilarious. I do wonder if that was made up to be deliberately ironic. Most phobia names are simply a Greek word for the thing with 'phobia' at the end. You'll get some long ones because the fear is a combination (e.g. the fear of Friday the 13th contains words for both 13 and Friday). The fear of bellybuttons is omphalophobia. That's a fun word to say. I do find words and etymology quite fascinating. As for phobias, I think some people don't understand what a phobia actually is or how debilitating they can be. There are some weird ones but it's possible to have a phobia of absolutely anything. Some are easy to manage e.g. if you have a fear of flying, you can probably just avoid flying. If you have a fear of birds, that's going to be harder to manage. I used to say that I have cynophobia. However, a phobia is, by definition, an irrational fear. I feel that being scared of a thing that could kill you is quite rational. On the other hand, I have a friend who can't even hear the word 'spider' because she's that terrified. That's irrational. I know there are spiders that can probably kill you but we don't have those here. Even so, I'd still say it's extreme to ask people not to even say the word. Ironically, this friend thought that getting a dog would cure her grandson of his fear of dogs. Personally, I thought it would be cruel. Also weird that it only happens with dogs... nobody ever suggests getting a pet spider for arachnophobes or making some with a fear of clowns spend all their time in a circus. Anyway, that's a whole other ranty rabbit hole! By the way, the word for the fear of clowns (coulrophobia) was only coined in the 1980s (if I recall correctly). While I don't fear clowns, I can understand why some people might.
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