Do you hold on to belongings that your kids don't want to inherit?

@MarieCoyle (41412)
January 27, 2025 6:05pm CST
It used to be such a ''thing'' to inherit what families considered to be treasures, such as lovely sets of china, glassware, fancy and expensive furniture pieces, collectibles, from everything to salt-and-pepper sets to Hummel figurines. We grew up viewing these things, and/or eating off the china plates on Sundays and holidays. Kids, and in all honestly many people, do not want these things anymore. They don't want to spend hours in the kitchen, hand-washing delicate china and Waterford glasses, they don't want collections of things that make more clutter and have to be dusted, and have no meaning for them. I realized this years ago, and all of the items like the above mentioned were scrutinized, offered to the kids that wanted them, and most of them are gone. My ex was really big on what I term to be ''fancy'' items, and costly ones. Since I was the one who ultimately had to take care of them, I quickly became not a fan of this at all. I held on to a few things that hold a lot of sentimental value. The really old china that one of my grandmothers brought from Ireland way before I was born, along with the sterling silver flatware that she had. It was supposed to go to the oldest granddaughter, which was me. My oldest daughter knows this, and it will go to her daughter when the time comes. I have 2 very fragile cordial glasses that my Dad brought back from Korea for my grandmother, they are over 70 years old and are lovely, I treasure them. My other grandmother left me her huge set of multi-colored Fiesta dishes. I kept them, they are my everyday dishes and serve me very well. Everyone that has passed on in my life, left me STUFF. I saved the sets of beautiful china that I inherited for a long time. My youngest daughter wanted the largest set, so she has it. My oldest son wanted one small set. I kept the Irish Grandmother's china, and there was still china sets to pass on...I gave them away. Expensive china that would have been worth a ton of money at one point, but now, no one really wants them anymore. My children live simply and just don't want to care for this stuff, they want dishes they can put in the dishwasher. I can sure agree with that. But the dishes are all so pretty, yes? But just not a thing anymore, not like they used to be. How about you? Do you have stuff you saved to pass on, but the kids don't want it?
Advice for boomers desperate to unload family heirlooms
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24 responses
@DaddyEvil (142610)
• United States
28 Jan
We don't have anything to pass on... I inherited my grandmother's flatware but we use it for everyday. Pretty got rid of most of the "stuff" she didn't think we needed when we were moving into this house. The only thing she didn't go through was a small wooden filing cabinet that I kept in my room. While I still had extra money, I bought collectible coins and cards that should still keep going up in value. Most of them are stored in that filing cabinet. There is one set of collectible coins hanging on the hallway wall between our bedrooms that I KNOW is still going up in value. Every couple of years I get a letter from the Mint telling me how much to keep them insured for in case they get stolen. I bought those items as a way to insure Pretty would have money after I'm gone. (I'm not much for trusting the government.)
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
Hopefully, the coins will continue to increase in value. That was a good idea, to buy them for her future.
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@much2say (57292)
• Los Angeles, California
28 Jan
My parents never really had any heirlooms nor were they too sentimental with "stuff". During the '94 earthquake, my parents lost a lot of their wedding dishes/gifts . . . but it was no big deal to them. The broken mess was cleaned up immediately - and they said dishes could always be replaced. I guess I learned from them to not attach myself to "things". I don't have fancy stuff, but over the years I have collected some neat dishes and things. I have told the kids this is just for family usage . . . if someday they want them, they can have them. But if not, it would be ok to donate them all . . . it was all for "our" enjoyment. I don't want them to feel obligated to keep anything nor feel guilty about getting rid of my/our "things". But Hubby's family did have sentimental heirlooms and such. During the same earthquake, they lost many of MILs precious gold rimmed dish sets inherited from her side of the family. They were deeply saddened and did not clean up the floors for days. Many years later when MIL had to be moved, my SIL and her friends went through all her stuff to give away or put in the dumpster - right in front of her. I know MIL was heartbroken to let these memories of 50+ years go. She was trying to give all of us so many of her things, but no one wanted them. Hubby took what was sentimental to him . . . like his parents' artwork (paintings, sculptures, collections), and other "things" . . . til this day they are in the garage and it is hard for him to let them go. I really don't think our kids will want them.
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@Fleura (31138)
• United Kingdom
28 Jan
I could not have thrown away MIL's things right in front of her like that. I would have taken them even if I didn't really want them, then later passed them on somehow.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
29 Jan
@Fleura Oh, I would have done the same. Heartbreaking for her to have to witness that.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
I want things I can actually use, too. It's fine to have a few things to look at and enjoy, but I sure don't want a bunch of them. More to take care of...more to dust! (I hate to dust!) and more to figure out what to do with. Oh, I bet your MIL was crushed, poor lady.
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@GardenGerty (162382)
• United States
28 Jan
I have stuff from when people lived with me and it needs to go.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
It's amazing how fast things can pile up, isn't it?
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@AmbiePam (96337)
• United States
28 Jan
Well, I don’t have children, so the few things I have of value will go to my nieces. It’s just a few things, but I’m positive they will indeed want them (one is a ring of my mother’s). My dad got rid of most of these heirlooms that have been passed in. Today he was throwing books out, and I found some old books of my mother’s, about 125 years old. He wasn’t even looking, just getting rid of them. I was too late to save most of them, but I saved a few. I’m not mad though. He said if I’d really wanted them I’d have taken them home by now. I get it. But I still don’t feel good about it.
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@1creekgirl (42640)
• United States
28 Jan
I'm sorry about the books, I know you would have loved to have some of them. It's sad that sometimes the things we treasure don't always seem special to others.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
That's nice that you have your mother's ring, Amber. Oh, I am sorry you didn't get to pick through the books from the beginning...I could never toss a book, if I don't want them, I pass them on to others that do. I love old books. I am glad you got some, but wish you could have had all that you did want.
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@1creekgirl (42640)
• United States
28 Jan
I can understand. Our 35 year old granddaughter is the sentimental one in the family, but I don't know how much "stuff" she wants after we're gone. Your things sound lovely, I know you treasure them.
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@1creekgirl (42640)
• United States
28 Jan
@MarieCoyle That's a good way to look at it.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
I inherited too much of the ''things'' to even enjoy. I hope they will be enjoyed in the future, by someone. In the end, people are more important than the things.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
29 Jan
@1creekgirl I sometimes feel people are way to attached to things, belongings, etc. Maybe I'm wrong, but it often seems that way,
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@sallypup (63128)
• Centralia, Washington
28 Jan
The older I get the more I wonder about this- do what with my French, Bavarian and English treasures?? My china Swag lamp? And on I go....
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
I know, I have a Bavarian tea pot that is so pretty, it was my aunt's. When I'm gone, it's doubtful any of my kids will want it.
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@sallypup (63128)
• Centralia, Washington
28 Jan
@MarieCoyle Just like me, enjoy it now!
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
@sallypup I do enjoy it, it was something she treasured and she was very dear to me. Thank you!
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@kareng (69322)
• United States
28 Jan
I was given a set of ironstone from one grandmother and a set of China from my other grandmother. I have cherished them along the years and taken very good care of them. We are now using both sets and I have to say that I think we have all the pieces to both sets at present. I also have a set of China given to us as wedding presents. I have only used it a couple of times for anniversary dinners cooked at home before kids came along. And because I love all of the old patterns and delicate designs, I have a complete set of over 100 pieces of Homer Laughlin's Virginia Rose pattern. All of those will be split for my 3 daughters or maybe oldest granddaughter will get one. She's 12 now, so she will be old enough to get in on the mix here soon and add to her Hope Chest.
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@kareng (69322)
• United States
28 Jan
@MarieCoyle Yes!! Storage room for them is needed and a problem! My husband knows my love for them and when I say saw a pattern that I've never seen before today, he knows he is lucky that I didn't bring it home!
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love the old China patterns and they are so beautiful. I no longer have the room to keep so many different sets of dishes so I had to pass them on. I won’t say it wasn’t hard, it truly was.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
@kareng A good friend wanted to give me a huge, beautiful set of china a few years ago (she had the same problem I had) and I told her I just couldn't find a space, I live in a small townhouse, not a house anymore. She ended up putting them in a fund-raising auction that her church held for hurricane victims. I was glad to see they sold for a great price and the money was donated, so it all worked.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
28 Jan
I have not inherited anything from my family or my husbands family. So everything I own is all bought by me. There are a lot of things which I know my kids will not value but since they are important and you could say hold sentimental value to me I will not get rid of them. After I go let the kids decide what they want to keep and what they will dispose off.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
5 Feb
@MarieCoyle True we should not stress ourselves over this matter too much.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
I know what you mean, I let the kids decide, too. None of what I have purged has a lot of value now, just sentiment involved and that's it. And in the end, they are just things, so I try not to stress over them.
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@FourWalls (71879)
• United States
28 Jan
I didn’t ask, I just kept.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
And that’s more than ok!! I imagine you use and enjoy whatever the items are.
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@wolfgirl569 (112414)
• Marion, Ohio
28 Jan
My family never really had that kind of stuff. I do have afghans from my grandmother.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
I do have quilts from one grandmother, and two lovely crocheted tablecloths from my other grandmother. I have a velvet patchwork quilt that one of them made, it weighs a ton, and every one of my kids want that blanket. I told them they would have to work it out someday and not to fight about it!
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@rakski (133764)
• Philippines
28 Jan
It’s fascinating how the sentiment around heirlooms has shifted over the generations. What was once cherished as a family history tradition has become a burden of care or a source of clutter. When I got married, my sister and I got stuff we liked from our family house to take. And some that we do not like we gave it away.
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@rakski (133764)
• Philippines
28 Jan
@MarieCoyle that is true. and as I matured and had my own house, not all the things I could keep to keep my house tidy and clean. Some things hold memories, I took a picture of them and put the photo in documents then wrote the memories
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
Even though there are things most of us have that we enjoy or treasure or both, in the end, they are just...things. Not as important as people, although they are indeed special and bring back memories for many of us.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
@rakski That is a very good idea!
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@JudyEv (347485)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Jan
I read the article and it's all a bit depressing. We are getting rid of stuff but there is very little our two sons want even if we could get it to Ireland and Melbourne (our Melbourne, not yours!) We're finding homes elsewhere or donating/selling if we can.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
For me, it's not so much the stuff as it is the memories I have tied to it. One of the reasons I kept the old china brought from Ireland was memories of my grandmother, those were her ''Sunday'' dishes. I can shut my eyes and see those beautiful plates at the table, and see and smell the wonderful dishes she served to us, and the laughter around her table. My kids have heard me speak of them, but they didn't live long enough to see me grow up and have children, so of course, we don't have the same memories. Yes, it can certainly be a bit depressing, I totally understand that, Judy.
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@andriaperry (118393)
• Anniston, Alabama
28 Jan
I don't have children so my stuff will be sold or donated, or probably threw away.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
28 Jan
If you want to, you can always leave instructions on where you want your personal belongings to go. I know that some people do this.
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@porwest (96812)
• United States
29 Jan
It is sort of an odd irony of sorts when you really think about it. Our society is so materialistic and so consumer driven. We buy things. We buy tons of things. We buy lots and lots of things. Like George Carlin once famously joked, "We like STUFF." We buy bigger houses with more rooms to put it in. When our hoses are busting at the seams, we get storage units to keep it all. And some people have more than one storage unit rented. Just to put all of it in. The thing is the value is not in the items we buy or keep. The value is in simply having them. Most of it, frankly, anymore is just really junk. You think about all the containers you have stored wherever they are stored, and if you had to write down what was in any of them, you MIGHT be able to think of 10 things. When it comes to everything ese, no one has a clue. What part of the irony is, is that most of what we already own is just useless junk. But so are a lot of those "heirlooms." Furniture that's out of date. Jewelry that you can tell only Grandma would have worn but would never be as elegant today. And who uses China anymore? When company comes over you don't break out "the good stuff." You break out paper plates and Solo cups. I think we're just into consuming. The act of buying things is what drives us and what interests us. It's the thrill of the hunt, so to speak. Inheriting things has no challenge. It releases no endorphins. It's unexciting and boring. I'd say the question be posed, "Is there anything you want?" Outside of that, maybe converting this "stuff" into money that can be passed on is a good idea. Just sell it and let them inherit the cash. Or just go on a spree yourself and replace it all with newer junk and let them figure out what to do with all your junk when it is no longer your problem to deal with. lol
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@porwest (96812)
• United States
1 Feb
@MarieCoyle I am much the same way. Things have to be things I need and have to have a purpose. Sure, I do have some sentimental things. But not sure any of them are particularly valuable.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
2 Feb
@porwest And as long as we enjoy and appreciate the items we cherish, the monetary value is not the important thing, it's about what makes the heart happy.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
29 Jan
Many people cannot seem to differentiate between what is a want, and what is a need. They shop mindlessly, picking up this and that because it's cute, or their favorite color, or they just like it or want it, but they really don't know what they are going to do with it. So they buy it, and take it home. I have never been in to excessive purchases. For quite some time, I pretty much purchase just needs, not wants. I am a fan of using things for their full life, or if I cannot use them, to see to it that in some way, they get used by someone. I don't buy paper plates and Solo cups and many throw away items. I use regular dishes that I either wash in the sink, or in the dishwasher. I was taught not to buy what I didn't need, and that wants are purchased AFTER needs are met. So that's how I try to do this. My most valuable things (not people, they aren't things) are sentimental-to-me things. Silly things to others, but special to me--some pictures, both of my grandmother's Bibles, things my children have made for me or purchased for me, artwork from the little grands. There isn't that many things left to pass on to others as I have downsized several times and done that already.
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@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
29 Jan
Yeah, the antiques many of us treasure don't seem to mean the same thing to the younger crowd. I have had to sell many of the things I was given to help raise my daughter and her kids. I have none of it left but they were all worth the sacrifice.
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@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
30 Jan
@MarieCoyle .......Indeed.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
29 Jan
You are so right, they are indeed worth the sacrifice.
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@BelleStarr (61338)
• United States
8 Feb
I do have lots of things that I have saved. I have started to de-clutter and give away a lot of the things that are not real family heirlooms. It is hard to get rid of things that have memories attached but I take a picture and put it in my cloud and I can see it if I need to.
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@BelleStarr (61338)
• United States
9 Feb
@MarieCoyle At a certain point we sort of have to or we are sticking our kids with the job later. Hmmm might be repayment for all those teenage worries lol
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
9 Feb
@BelleStarr Two of my children went through a phase of liking rap music. I hate it so much, I told my oldest son one day that when I leave this world, if I have stuff they have to sort and it seems excessive, it’s payback for those terrible rap sessions they used to blast from their room!
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
9 Feb
I know how this is...some things just touch our memories and our hearts, and it's hard to part with them. It never helps that I am the sentimental sort...but I have been sucking it up and passing things on, to simplify and share with the kids and with others.
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@akalinus (44122)
• United States
8 Feb
I had stuff at one time to pass on to the kids. Mostly, it was stuff to set up housekeeping. I moved and I don't know what happened to that stuff. They want their own things and did not care about my old dishes. I moved several times and have nothing to give them but they will always take cash if offered.
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@akalinus (44122)
• United States
9 Feb
@MarieCoyle It is good to have alternate plans even if you never use them.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
9 Feb
Of course they will take cash...pretty much anyone would nowadays! I don't want to move anymore...I have a plan in place in case I have to someday, but I hope I can stay here for a long time still.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
10 Feb
@akalinus It is good. Some people make no plans at all, so I hope if I ever need mine, I've covered all the bases.
• Torrington, Connecticut
30 Jan
Yeah my cars lol
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• Torrington, Connecticut
31 Jan
@MarieCoyle No, I have 3 vehicles two which are personal to me since I invested lots of time in money prepping them for car shows etc, Id take them to grave with me if I could lol
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
31 Jan
You have kids that don't want cars? Are they being too picky, or?
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
1 Feb
@BACONSTRIPSXXX Yes, one of my sons loves classic cars, too. He would love to have one some day. Time will tell.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Jan
My son told me there is only one dish he wants out of everything I have. The rest will go. It's a shame, but it is what it is. My brother was going to get rid of Mom's China. I told him I would take it. I love that set.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
29 Jan
@MarieCoyle He's not sentimental. Not in the nostalgic category. Otherwise, when it really matters, yes, he is.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
29 Jan
@just4him I have to admit to being sentimental.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
29 Jan
Well, if that's all he're right, that's a shame, but as has been said, some people are not sentimental.
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@lilacskies (8158)
• United States
9 Feb
I don't have kids, but I have a niece and a nephew because my childish brother decided to finally settle down 12 years ago! I don't have any nice belongings to pass down to my niece and nephew, but if I did and they didn't want them, I would hold on to them.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
10 Feb
I have always wanted children, and am so thankful for mine. I am proud of the good people they turned out to be.
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@MarieCoyle (41412)
10 Feb
@lilacskies You have to do what's right for you.
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• United States
10 Feb
@MarieCoyle I never wanted kids because I doubt I will ever make a good mother. Too many issues. Lol!
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