Do You Prefer Cooking on a Gas Stove or An Electric Stove?

United States
March 8, 2025 2:15pm CST
Growing up we had an electric stove. For one brief time when I was 12-14 years old my mom and I (after my parents' divorce) lived in a filthy cockroach infested city apartment with a gas stove that you had to use a match to light the burners because they wouldn't come on automatically. I was scared to death of that stove!!!! Fast forward and I've always owned an electric stove. I've heard my sister-in-law who is an excellent cook say she would only ever own and use a gas stove/gas oven. I've heard people say that heat is more evenly distributed over gas. I still have that fear of that gas stove from my early teenage years, so I will never have a gas stove. What do you prefer to cook on, gas or electric?
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13 responses
@kaylachan (75758)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Mar
We have a ceramic stove top no visable coils. It's eletric. We're or I should say, I'm very happy with it. I would be afraid the gas was on or something or not off. I don't want that risk so no gas for me.
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• United States
8 Mar
That's one of my fears about a gas stove as well.
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@kaylachan (75758)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Mar
@LooeyVille Yeah. You can see if a flame is on or off, but the gas itself is colorless and oderless. If there was a leak or something you might never know.
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@porwest (96791)
• United States
@kaylachan Not actually true. In every gas company across the U.S., and I think even by law, an odor is added to all natural gas that smells like rotten eggs. Trust me, you can smell it. It's very distinct and you get a whiff of it every time you fire up the stove that quickly goes away. But if you've left a burner on, trust know.
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@grenery8 (14520)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
well, gas is cheaper but, yes, it is faster but also, it can destroy some dishes due to being fast or it was my lacking experience in cooking. first one gas stoves were with matches but later, you jsut press the button. i bought a stove with mainly gas circles but i also have one elctrical circle if gas stops listenign to me.
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@Juliaacv (52485)
• Canada
I was raised in a house without gas, so we always had an electric stove. That was what I learned to cook on, we also had those in the home economics classroom in school. My hubby and I have always had electric, although our home in the rural village we had hook ups for both. Our daughter-in-law prefers gas, as it is hot as soon as you turn it on, and you don't have to wait for the burner to gradually heat up. But it cooks too hot for me.
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@Deepizzaguy (107379)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
I prefer to use a gas stove since it is easier on my bills.
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@pitsipeahie (5094)
Cooking with gas just hits different, at least for us. It has always been gas for us ever since but we do have an induction and electric stove that we use once in a while.
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@porwest (96791)
• United States
Definitely gas for me all the way even though I had electric stoves for decades. I now have gas which we switched back to a few years ago and I will never go back to electric ever again.
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@snowy22315 (186228)
• United States
I like electric. It just feels safer to me
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@LeaPea2417 (37593)
• Toccoa, Georgia
8 Mar
We have always used electric.
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@Tampa_girl7 (51966)
• United States
8 Mar
I have cooked on both. I think gas does cook better, but I had a bad experience with gas and they scare me too. I have to make a big decision for my kitchen in West Virginia. There was a gas stove when I was a child. There still could be. We have gas there. Someone between my family owning it put an electric stove in. Uncertain of what we’ll do.
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@wolfgirl569 (112621)
• Marion, Ohio
I prefer gas. But have electric
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@RasmaSandra (82958)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Mar
In Latvia I enjoyed my gas stove. Here I have no real kitchen only a hot plate, toaster oven, slow cooker, and electric skillet.
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@Dena91 (16859)
• United States
I grew up with a gas stove and know what you mean about having to light it. As an adult I have always had electric. I agree with your sis in law that a gas stove does distribute the heat more evenly. But like you, I won't own one.
@Ronrybs (20152)
• London, England
I have never used an electric cooker, but i have heard that an electric oven is superior to gas