Today's shopping trip to the big Tesco again. (12/3/2025)
By Sharon Elton
@sharonelton (30258)
Lichfield, England
March 12, 2025 2:32pm CST
I went to the big Tesco again this afternoon. I went on my own again, and my Mum stayed at home to phone my brother and tell him we had some In Sympathy cards for them.
When Syd dropped me off at the shop I got a trolley that was by the window so I didn't have to walk all the way to the trolley bay to get one. Fortunately, it didn't have a wonkey wheel!
I got rid of the soft recycle as usual, and went up on the lift. When I got into the main shop, the first thing I got was two bunches of flowers. Then I went and got 3 magazines, an Artists and Illustrators magazine which has a free booklet on portrait painting, a Vegan Food and Living magazine, which has some recipes for Easter, and another stamping box magazine.
After that I got 2 bottles of water, then I treated myself to another one of those MASSIVE areos. Mum didn't need any pads today, so I went straight to the fruit and veg section. I got some edamame beans in their pods again, then I got some green grapes and 2 lots of strawberries for my Mum. It was only later when I saw she hadn't put strawberries on her shopping list, but I got them automatically! I got my blueberries, but I couldn't get a small pot so I had to get a larger one, and my spring onions. Then I got myself some flat leaf parsley. Mum wanted lettuce and tomatoes, so I got those. Then I went into the next fruit and veg isle and I got some easy peelers for my Mum, and a grapefruit and a lime for me. My Mum didn't want any bananas today because I got some yesterday from the little Tesco, and just because we didn't want any there were loads there! Then I went to the third isle of the fruit and veg section, and I looked for some sweet potato wedges, but just because I wanted them, they were out of stock!
I had to get a whole sweet potato instead! I tried to find the smallest one that I could, but then it still looked massive!
Then I went and got 2 bottles of milk for my Mum. I got my vegan yoghurts, and I managed to get some lemon flavoured puddings for Mum and Syd for Sunday.
Next I went to the cheese isle and got some Danish blue cheese for Syd. Then I went to the vegan and ready meals isle. I managed to get a vegan pizza today!
Then I got 4 packets of meat free bites, and some Tempeh. I got some beef dinners for my Mum and Syd for Sunday.
After that I went to the ingredients isle. I got some ground cinnamon and some ground coriander in the little orange pots, then I got some sumac, although I still don't know what exactly it is!
I also got some extra virgin olive oil for me and some pickled sliced beetroot for my Mum.
Then I went to the end of the isle and I got some broccoli cheese for my Mum. Then I went to the canned isle and got a tin of spring veg soup, and an original curry and a beef and tomato flavoured pot noodles for Syd. After that I went to the bread isle and got 6 sliced buns for my Mum.
Next I went to the cakes. I got my Mum and Syd some strawberry cream scones for their supper tonight. Then I looked for some lemon or lime flavoured Viennese Whirls, but I couldn't find any Viennese Whirls, of any flavour whatsoever! So instead I got some lemon slices. I also got some party cakes.
After that I went and got some crisps, and then I went to the teas and coffees isle. I got myself some Pukka camomile T-bags, but I couldn't get any Pukka Matcha Green tea T-bags so I had to get some Tetley green tea T-bags instead. Then I got a packet of kit kats for Syd.
Then I went to the frozen section, and I got some ice lollies for my Mum and Syd. I wanted to get some vegan magnum ice lollies for me, but at first I couldn't find them. They'd moved them again, hadn't they? Anyway, I found them eventually. Then I got some frozen sweetcorn.
Round the other frozen isle I got some McCain chips for my Mum, but I couldn't get the crinkle ones (my Mum likes the crinkle ones), so I had to get straight ones instead, then I got myself some frozen prawns.
Lastly I got some toilet paper for Syd and some washing up liquid, and then I went to pay. There was a lady at one of the tills, but she hadn't got much, and there was a lad behind her who had about 3 things, so the conveyor was practically empty and I was scared that someone would come up behind me and start putting their stuff on before I'd finished. And, low and behold, a woman came up behind me and plonked her great big pillow on the conveyor! I said, excuse me! Then the lady said, Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see! I thought, You didn't see me here with a great big trolley full of stuff putting it on? I doubt it! But I didn't say that! Anyway, she moved the pillow to the end of the conveyor so that I could put the rest of the stuff on! When I started packing I thought, Right, now I'm going to make her WAIT!
It all came to about £143 something.
After I'd payed I went and swapped my book at the Tesco book swap, and I went and sat on a bench and read some of the Vegan Food and Living magazine. I'd sat on the bench at about 3:55pm, so I still had over half an hour to wait for Syd to come and pick me up. At about 4:25pm, I began to make my way back to the lift and on the way I picked up a Tesco magazine for my Mum, then I went down on the lift to the undercover car park. A lady was sitting on the bench when I got there, but after a few minutes a taxi came and she got in it, so then I went and sat on the bench and waited for Syd to come. It wasn't long before he came, then we put the groceries in the boot of the car and went home.
It had started raining when I was in the shop. It was spitting a bit when we took the bags from the car into the house, but it wasn't too much.
I unpacked the groceries and put them away. Then I had my dinner and watched some telly. And I've just realised I still haven't given my Mum her change and stuff, so I'll have to go and do that soon!
What have you lot been getting up to today?
I hope you are all well.
Have a great night.
Nos da.
(Or if it's earlier where you are, have a nice day!

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3 responses
@xFiacre (13289)
• Ireland
@sharonelton Some sweet potatoes can be enormous. I like them like that so I can cut them into wedges and roast in the oven.
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@RasmaSandra (83026)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
You sure got a lot done. Glad while I read this my groceries arrived on Saturday and I have a full fridge.
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@lilacskies (10004)
• United States
You got a lot done. I am getting some rest now. I have work later.
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