People claiming diseases are "made up" diseases
By LovingIt
@LovingIt (5396)
United States
December 2, 2006 6:38pm CST
I've seen several discussion on here where people are claiming that diseases are simply "made up" diseases rather than true diseases for one reason than another. These people of course do not have the disease of disorder and do not have children that do, either. They of course, are "experts" and seem to know all the reasons that there can't be such a thing regardless of all the research that has been done that proves otherwise. Some of these disorders are ADD, ADHD, Restless leg syndrome, Depression, Post Part-em Depression and Anxiety, just to name a few.
These people and those that support me really disturb me. These disorders are very real! People really do suffer from them and are not making it up. To claim such is just plain cruel.
Is there anyone else that feels the same way I do? Why do people claim such things? Why would they even want to suggest such a thing? What is it to them?
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88 responses
@vickilee (136)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I can really relate to what your are feeling. I have suffered with Fibromyalgia for many years, and the most painful part of it is the people who think it isn't real.
Someday, I believe we will find cures for Fibro, ADHD, Depression, etc. Now if we could only find a cure for ignorance!
I will not be holding my breath. :-)
@vickilee (136)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Marleysha, thank goodness you found a good doctor who took you seriously! I am glad you are feeling better. I have also found that regular meditation and light exercise helps me a lot! That, and proper nutrition.
Feel free to put me on your friends list if you'd ever like to chat with someone else who can relate!
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I can't believe such people claiming these things either. Believe me, these are real disorders!
Part of it is too though, that some disorders aren't covered by insurance or anything. I've been struggling with dyslexia and can't afford to get the proper documentation so that I can receive help in college (like audiobooks). I've offered to just pay for audiobooks, but they are not available (something else I think is ridiculous, maybe I'll start a post on that). Instead, I have to pay $800 for more testing. And even if I had insurance, it wouldn't be covered. So I could see why people might think that perhaps these aren't viewed as real disorders (ADD also isn't generally covered).
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@chweetie (431)
• India
3 Dec 06
nowadays people are ready to do anything for that big M-MONEY.they post anything and everything just to get responses.i dont think so many who claim to be suffering from
such dreadful diseases are just making it up.they know that these dieses will get a lot of sympathy and therefore lot of responses.they are taking advantage of the feelings of others.there will be few of them who is actually suffering and others are taking avantage of them.its really cruel.they think money is important .they dont know that there are many things which money cant buy
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
3 Dec 06
Yes I support you all the way as I know myself they exist
They are not made up and I hope these People never have to suffeer with them
I was diagnosed 5 years ago with some Illnesses I am not able to work anymore at the age of 45 because of them I have anxiety attacks now and also at times depressions because I can't deal with this properly yet I have always worked and been active
Ignore those People and hope they never get anything like it
@bonnielass (484)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I suffer fibro and depression and ebstein barr. It took years to figure out the fibro and to realize to take blood for ebstein barr. It debilitating and it painful and they are quite real. I really cant stand when people say these or any disease do not exist and that all people need to do is pull it together.
The people who say it isn't real usually never suffered it. So they have no idea. I would like them to take a walk one day in my shoes and see how "fake" it really is then come back and tell me how you feel.

@agungnugroho (622)
• Indonesia
3 Dec 06
i think many people do that because they don't really understand about the disease. when we don't understand something, it's always easier to dub it 'fake' isn.t it?
we just need to explain more details to those people.
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@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
3 Dec 06
Well I had Post Partum Depression and it was VERY real, no one took it seriously at the time and it was just one of the worst times of my life. I give Brooke Shields a kudos for making it known and made it more as if it should be taken seriously. I have heard of Restless Leg Syndome but not sure what it is. I will do a search on it :)
@joshdale08 (2320)
• Philippines
3 Dec 06
when i gave birth to my three kids, for a whole month afterwards, i was swept wih feelings of anxiety and hopelessness and fear. i was so emotional that even when the baby cried coz he/she was wet, i cried with her/him. i didn't want my husband to leave me at home, at the same time, i didn't want him around. i imagined all sorts of worse things to happen to my kids from infancy till they've grown. all unfounded, i know now but i couldn't help it. that was how i felt. now, if that isn't postpartum depression, what was it? i sure did not imagine that phase .

@totolotto (711)
• Singapore
3 Dec 06
i think its because these diseases are "mental" in nature and many people (even now) still don't regard mental illnesses like stress and depression as "real" diseases because they cant "see" the disease on the physical body.

@beautifulceiling (1300)
• United States
3 Dec 06
True. The "mentally ill" have always had to deal with the stigma and the disbelief in addition to the struggles they have to go through every day.
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@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
3 Dec 06
I for once could testify that it's real diseases because i have experienced one and that is anxiety and depression. It's not that easy to go through that mental illness that some of us here experienced. We have lots of problems to face the world today that makes us depressed in some way.I was diagnosed two years ago of anxiety disorder and well i have to resigned from job because of this medical illness i'm having. And I was depressed at the same what could my future be if this would still happen to me. I keep locking myself in my room for a long time and at that time I was thinking of killing myself because i feel that i'm a useless person. But nevertheless my mother had been very helpful with her words of wisdom that there is still hope for you and you don't have the reason to take your life because it's not yours it's borrowed so I guess I end up here writing my true experience of what's like to have a depression.
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Hi Emerald. I can really identify for you. It sounds like your mom didn't understand the difference between sadness and depression. I think that's the problem with a lot of these people claiming these illnesses are made-up, they just can't comprehend how awful they really are. I hope you improve and can get back to the point where you can work again.
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
3 Dec 06
You have experienced and as you said, it's very real. What these people don't realize I think, is how much it really hurts when people have these illnesses and people don't even believe they exist! That only hurts us even more! I'm sure if they realized this they wouldn't do it, or I'd like to think they wouldn't anyway.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I'm so glad your mother has been helpful for you. My sister and I both suffer from manic/depression. My mother is just the opposite of yours. For years my mom's solution was to tell us "Well I was depressed once. I took a hot bath and it went away." She is only just now starting to realize that depression and just having a bad day are very different.
I feel for you with having to quit your job. Due to mine along with agoraphobia I am unable to find a job I can manage to do. Of course not being able to work often makes the depression worse. Depression feeds upon itself making it grow. It can be a very viscious cycle I know. I've had those feelings of wanting to die more then I'd like to admit. The only thing I can offer for not doing it is that we all effect others, even if we don't realize it at the time. Our lives touch many more lives in the world. What we do will effect them.
Hope things get better
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@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
3 Dec 06
They may not have the disorder they claim but they could have another disorder, such as a personality disorder...
It is too bad that there are people who's need for attention is so great that they must fantasize a disease to get attention.
Some don't really realize they are hurting anyone else, others don't even understand they are lying...because for them the fantasy is their 'real life'.
If you do a search for personality disorders you will find there are several which this kind of thing is part of the condition.
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
3 Dec 06
That's not what we are talking about here. Yes, I understand there are people that claim they have diseases that they don't, just to get attention.
What we are discussing here, are people that claim that valid disorders do not exist, that they are just made-up for various reasons. That the medical community, perhaps, has made them up.
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@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
4 Dec 06
This is for Inyspmvit. Your profile says you are 19 and from India. Stop copying other people's responses. You have been reported.
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@lilmissy (481)
• United States
3 Dec 06
unfortunately also you will find thousands of peolple who have nothing wrong with them more than they are lonely and need attention and will make up stories of illnesses andother things to get attention and "friends" on the internet and people who have spent a long time on the forums get tired of these attention seeking tactics and so after awhile tend to not want to hear or believe people with life threatening illnesses but who have plenty of time to post on mylot.......not all are liers just alot have been big time story tellers i have ran into more than i want to remember wasteing my time on only to find they are perfectly fine
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I completely agree! I'm so sick of seeing that all over the place.
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@beautifulceiling (1300)
• United States
3 Dec 06
My ex used to scream at me and run me down because of my disabilities that he didn't believe in. When I would tell him I can't help it, he would call me a liar. I would try so hard to be like other people and when I just couldn't do it, I would be told how worthless I was and how it wasn't hard for him to (fill in the blank) so obviously it was easy and I just wasn't trying. I even suffered physical abuse when I failed to live up to his "healthy" standards.
I could never understand how someone could think that their personal strengths and weaknesses were universal and that if something was easy for them, it should be easy for everyone. I tried to explain to my ex that I wasn't him, but he never got it.
I have to think that most people don't know how hurtful it is to accuse someone who is already carrying an extra burden of faking it, because otherwise I would have to assume that they are just deliberately cruel.
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@Ambur25 (1006)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I agree. These ARE "real conditions." They aren't, however, "diseases."But they are very real to the people that suffer from them. The people that are saying otherwise should step back and take a look at their medical degree. Oops. Guess they'd need one of those to make a proper arguement on the validity of these conditions.

@killailla (1301)
• Canada
3 Dec 06
you also dont need to have a medical degree to watch case studies being conducted on the news! Ha
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@killailla (1301)
• Canada
3 Dec 06
What is it to them? look at all the children out there in the world on meds that they dont really need, putting them in a zombie stat, when the money used on that medication can be used to help someone with a real problem, everyone has the right to an opinion and I have read your posts in other threads, get off your high horse, stop thinking you are better then anyone and being so closed minded, news flash... 20/20 BCTV news CTV alsways post stories about how many children are on meds that shouldnt be, god use your head, open your eyes and see the world as it truly is
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
3 Dec 06
There are always exceptions. I myself have been in the schools in my area and I can say that at least here, I have yet to see a child in a zombie state. I do know that, that it's not easy here to have a child diagnosed ADD or ADHD. Their are complicated tests that have to be taken and they have to be diagnosed by a psychiatrist, not just an MD. Also not all ADD and ADHD kids are medicated, only the ones that the doctors feel it's absolutely necessary for.
I do have training in these area and do know what I'm talking about. I have suffered from some of these disorders (although not ADD or ADHD). I do know 100% for a fact that all of the disorders I named in this duscussion are true disorders and are not "made-up".
Perhaps you are the one that needs to open your eyes and see the world as it truly is. Not everyone can cope without help of one kind or another. It would be wonderful if we lived in a perfect world, but sadly we don't.
@magdollars23 (1684)
• United States
3 Dec 06
These diseases are definately real and I do think it is rude to suggest to someone who has it or whose family member has it that it is unreal. However, there are some people who will try to get diagnosed with some of the mentioned diseases for one reason or another. I know of people who have gone to try to get diagnosed with ADD and ADHD for school reasons when they really didnt have it. So that contributes to people thinking they are "unreal". But they definately are real.
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@marcindox (74)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I know what you mean. I have several health issues, most of which could be life threatening. This is the way I look at it. I suffer from a very painful disease known as neuropathy. It can be very debilitating at times. Some of the people I see on a daily basis stare at me and wonder why I use a handicap placard since this spot is reserved for "handicap persons" and I can almost read their thoughts. "This person isn't handicap so why do they get to park there?" The reason I know these thoughts is because I used to think the same thing when I would see someone with a "non-visiable" handicap. The people who post that these disease are made up are people who are lucky enough not to have to suffer through it. Too bad they aren't lucky enough to appreciate that fact and show mercy and compassion on those who do suffer.
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@iAlicia (758)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I agree with you 100%. I am about a month away from being 21 years old. My younger brother is about 16 years old. We have both been diagnosed with ADHD with Bipolar. I think it's funny what some people are blogging on here. Honestly, I mentioned this in one of the posts. The difference between a child who is just hyper and one who is ADHD is that the one who is just hyper will soon grow out of it. The one who is ADHD lives with it forever. It's more than just being hyper, it's an actual chemical inbalance in the child's brain. It's called a child disorder, only because it is diagnosed when they are children. The problem why people think this way is because now days the disorder is over diagnosed and in some cases not even diagnosed at all.
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@krankies (811)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Your are correct. Some of the statements took alot of research, if anythinmg the are becoming educated through their lies. There is a saying becareful what you wish for, it may come true. So for all liers find something better to do with your time. thank you for your post. I waste alot of time reading each response when it is something serious. It can only help me coupe with raising a very active 5 year old.
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@Akkhima (21)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I suffer from depression, and both my mother and my boyfriend's parents seem to have the opion of it that it is something I can just "get over" and overcome with willpower. Now that I'm being treated for it, my mother seems to understand a little better, but my boyfriend's parents certainly don't. I know for sure that I suffer, and that some of the is relieved wehn I'm properly medicated for it, but not all of it, and it is harder for me to do certain things than it is for them, but they just don't get that. It hurts to think of people who are very important in my life thinking that I'm just not trying hard enough.
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