No Kids! I Mean It!
By misskatonic
@misskatonic (3723)
United States
December 2, 2006 9:37pm CST
Fact: Some people do not want children. We will not change our minds. We aren't 'denying our nature'. We aren't just waiting for the right time. We do not want children and never will have children. And no amount of other people telling us how wonderful it is and how we'll really love it will change our minds.
I don't understand why people assume anyone who decides against children will change their mind. We have our reasons and they're ours. For some of us it's medical, for some financial, for some psychological. We shouldn't even have to defend ourselves or justify our choices anyway.
Not every woman wants to pop out a baby. Not every man wants to father a child. And you know what? That's okay.
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25 responses
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Hear hear! I'm one that doesn't want kids and I'm so sick of hearing, "Oh, you'll change your mind." Um... NO! I won't! Or the "Oh, but it's different when they're your own." I don't care and I'm not about to have kids just to find out if it's really different. In fact, I'd probably be worse with my own kids. I don't understand why people can't just accept the fact that there are some people in the world who just don't want kids. Deal with it! Urgh! Sorry...
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
19 Dec 06
Oh I love the "It's different when it's your own" comment. This one makes me laugh non-stop. I would say "You are so right. It would be different if it were mine. I wouldn't be able to give it back." I hate the child worship stuff that seems to go on alot. People tend to think that everything the kid does is oh so adorable and special.... I can not see myself having a kid and hearing people go on and on about how it's spit up was so adorable.
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@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Exactly what you said! Why does it make it any more special just because it came out of me? And the fact that I can't give it back to it's mother is another thing. I don't like children. I don't HATE them, I just don't like them. I can only tolerate them in small amounts and look forward to the time they either go to sleep or GO AWAY!
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@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Oh man, I hate the 'it's different when it's your own!' attack. Why? Why does the fact that it leeched off of my nutrients and popped out of my body make it special? It's still a child. I don't like children. I have no patience for them. The only difference would be that I couldn't give it back to its mother.
Don't be sorry! Share your frustration! I never really understood that there were actually people out there who shoved their 'U HAV TO BREEEED!' views on other people until I started being active on forums. Now I am eager to vent!
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@rosebug23 (1906)
• Australia
5 Dec 06
as far as i am concerned that is your choice just as it was my choice to have children.I cannot understand not wanting kids but i suppose for others it is not understanding why we want them.We should all be able to live our life how we want without pressures from others to live how they want us to live
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I can understand why someone would want kids. My sister has a daughter, and plenty of my friends have kids. Me? I don't want that sort of responsibility. Kids are expensive, time consuming and draining. I've got a lot of health problems as it is, and having/looking after a kid would do me in. Besides all that, I don't like kids and have no patience for them. I'd make a horrible mother - no kid should have to be raised by a mother who can't stand them. :D
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@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
I understand that some people are afraid and don't want the responsibility of having kids, after all it's their choice. And I agree with what you said that "no kids should have to be raised by a mother who can't stand them"
@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
i agree!
i have had trouble with a couple of 'supposed life partners' because even though they understood my reasons, they themselves couldn't handle it, thinking they;d never have kids if they stayed with me.
in my case, my reasons are numerous.
one is that since i was a child i always dreamt of adopting...there are so many unwanted kids, why produce more when there are that many that already need homes/parents?
another reason is my genetics...if i were to create a child that ended up being sick, etc, that would suck for the child and for me. i have a high potential of producing little freaks ;) so why do that when i could already adopt a sick child, or even, a healthy one if that were the case?
another reason is medical, i am horrified of carrying and giving birth due to some physical problems i have...i might not survive the birthing process...i may not carry to term, i would have to be bed-ridden for most of the pregnancy etc....and then no guarantees that a child would be born, or born healthy.
so, for me, it's not that i don't like kids, it would be nice to have some one day, but not created by ME :)
adopting is hard and a long process, but if ever i decided i really DID want children, and that i could afford the expense and the wait to adopt...that's how i would do it.
but until that point, none for me, thanks :)
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Too many people seem to have this belief of 'a woman's not a real woman unless she gives birth' and 'it's a woman's natural duty to have children!' and all that rubbish.
You have so many good reasons for not wanting to carry a child of your own, and I can't understand anyone arguing those points.
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@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
Just one question though..
If your mom didn't want kids back then, would you be here in this world now?
I understand why you don't want kids, they can be quite a handful when they want something, you will certainly lose time for yourself and the responsibility is never ending.
But for me seeing our son grow up happy is worth all the sacrifices we made.
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@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Nope, I wouldn't. And I wouldn't care since I never would have existed.
That's great for you. It's not worth it for me.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I really don't get it, either. Breeders make me sick. In my case, I actually do hate children. And with an ever-growing passion everytime someone tells me "You'll change your mind". Children p!ss me off, babies make me want to barf and pregnancy quite frankly, terrifies me. The whole thing just annoys me.
What makes matters worse is that my fiance's family are TOTAL breeders. HIs 16 year-old brother got his rude, snarky, conniving, theiving, high school drop-out girlfriend knocked up last year and they were HAPPY about it! They're rediculous.
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@kadybug (87)
• United States
11 Dec 06
i myself personally wanted kids wsince i could remember, i know have a beautiful 4 month old daughter....but i do understand hwy ppl wouldnt wat dont have much of a life and they cost money and are a major some ppl it isnt worth it and some ppl just shouldnt have kids....but it is totally thier dission....i support ppl either way but if someone i know says they want thme i dont try to talk thme out or anything but i do tell them the reality of isnt always fun but to me in the end when she looks up at me and smiles it makes it worth it...some ppl dont waant that and i think that that is fine...the world is over populated anyways lol
@lissaj (532)
• United States
12 Dec 06
People need to learn to let others live their lives. If they don't want kids, they don't. Ok, lets convince them to have kids that they don't want, then what? The kids are the ones who suffer in the end, because they are often neglected. It is fine not to want to have kids. At least you are responsible enough to know that you don't. Just tell them it's your choice and change the subject.
@14missy (3183)
• Australia
11 Dec 06
I applaud you making a decision like that and it is your business not anyone elses to judge you.. There are a lot of people that should never have had children, but do it for whatever reason. I have 3 and wouldn't not have them now. But that is my decision (although sometimes I do dream of a day without someone always saying mum,mum,mum!) They are very time consuming, expensive little darlings and not just a puppy that you can give away when it has grown out of the cute stage and is not wanted. Good on you.
@dementia88 (900)
• United States
12 Dec 06
you or no one should have to justify why you dont want children. It's really no one elses business anyways. i have two kids i would never try to talk my friends or anybody into having them. it's not that you hate kids its just that some people dont want there own.
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@lucsct (261)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I absolutely agree. I don't want kids of my own, and even if I did, I would adopt (that's a different discussion though).
I hate when people look at you like you're a lesser person because you don't want to be a mother. I love my nephews, and I think kids are cute, but that doesn't mean I would want to have kids.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Feb 07
*claps* You can say that again!
My best friend, who's always wanted a kid but can't have them likes to tell me I'll change my mind about not wanting to have kids.
Loads other people as well.
I don't know why it's such a big deal. I mean the world is overpopulated anyway! There are millions of children in the world who have no parents. I'd rather adopt than try to have one myself. It just makes me queesy..the thought of me trying to have a kid. I'm tiny! It'd hurt me worse than the people (the vast majority of the population) who tower over me!
Besides, my life's chaotic. I wouldn't wanna bring a child into wouldn't be fair to the little dude or dudette.
It's not that I don't like children..I love them, get along better with them than adults..I just have my reasons.
Hopefully people'll deal with those facts you mentioned up there someday.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Yes, that is okay. What is good for one, may not be for another. Again I say to you, we are not suppose to judge one another. It is your life, and you do what you feel fit to do with it. You do not have to explain it to anyone.
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@udhayaharidas (310)
• India
7 Dec 06
I feel each couple feel different about kids. It depends upon the couple. There is no hard and fast rule and each and every couple must have kids. a personal question, will you both not get bored with each other as years pass? Children are a great responsibility, but they are a thing of joy.Each stage of growing up is a joy to watch. but as I said, it is all one's deep feelings.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
Very well said!!! I have no interest at all in having children, or raising someone else's for that matter. People keep telling me I'll change my mind. Yah right!!! You're right that we shoudln't have to defend ourselves. The very people who accuse ME of "not listening" are the ones who themselves don't listen.

@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
16 Apr 07
Yup! There's so much I'd rather do with my life than raise children!
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Some people just don't do the kid thing. And you're very right about people just not listening - some folks have blinders on!
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@juliocstryfe (2019)
• Brazil
5 Dec 06
I wouldnt mind having them, Ive got 3 kids with girlfriends over in the past, and Ive done more diaper change than the average american male, but the biggest problem for me isnot financial or psychological, but the simple question.
Do I really want tobring someone into this world? Wars, famine,pollution, etc... makes me scared to have a kid.
Have a nice day!
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@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I agree with you. I personally want kids (I want to be a stay-at-home mom) but I know that it's not for everyone! My aunt, who is now too old to have kids, never had any despite having married at a normal age. She and my uncle just weren't interested.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
19 Jun 07
I think its perfectly fine not to want kids. I think that a lot of people who have kids shouldn't because they are horrid parents. I don't think anyone should feel pressured or obligated to have a child, expecially when they know in their hearts they don't want one. Kudos to you for standing your ground and knowing what you want and don't want in life.