Why do Muslims get so anal and extremely offended about Mohammad?
By Sweety76
@Sweety76 (1594)
54 responses
@humming25 (26)
• Pakistan
16 Sep 06
Why do muslims get offended?????strange question.If someone say something offensive to someone you love how would you feel?And this is a miracle of God that each and every muslim in this world loves Muhammad(P.B.U.H)more than his father,mother and anyother person.We don't not worship him or idolize him,He is a true prophet of God thats all we worship God or Allah who is the same God of Moses,Jesus and prophets before them.
Now comming to the main topic why do you people want to malign someones character who has lived 1500 yrs ago,who has true followers more than any religion in this world,whose religion has the highest conversion rate in whole world.This the west should ask themselves.It is the same West who put peole in jails for not aknowledging the holoucast due to the mental injury caused to the Jewish community.I respect this law but then laws should be equal for everyone whether it be muslim,jew,christian,hindu we should learn to respect one another feelings and must not make comments which are painful for others.
@amiksinha (1960)
• India
15 Sep 06
Because all religion is a communal mental illness that provides a schema to it's advocates, and the idealisation and worship of Mohammad is at the center of a Muslim's illness. By attacking Mohammad you attack the identity of that mentally ill person. People get anal and extremely offended when you attack their identity.

@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
16 Oct 06
a little off topic of the Muslims. I just watch a documentary on the CIA secret prisons. They do exist that is a fact. They do employ torture to get info, that is ilegal. They do kiddnap, torture, and extract false info from prisoners (anyone will lie to make the torture stop.) There are american and foreign people in prison for nothing more then an opinon on american soil and in the foreign secret prisons. This info leads me to think that your government is just as bad as most of the "bad guys" their fighting. This is no way just the current government that I am talking about. Bush is a burr under my saddle but he isn't the only cause of all these things. I am very aware that the Canadian government is mostly just as corrupt but we on the most part don't seem to get our hands as dirty. We are more the bed partner for the US then anything else. I just think that before americans start slamming peoples religions and beliefs that they should look internally and fix their own problems and when thats done thats when you deal with the others and I am all for the ending of terrorism. I tried 10 years ago to join the military but I have health problems that prevents that. I would have gladly gone to war for a real and good reason. I have kids now and that view has changed for reasons I am sure you understand.
@sssunnn (3)
• Egypt
18 Sep 06
Kaygol, u asked why Muslims are terrosrists.
First you must differentiate between terrsorism and resistance.
every day u hear about muslim martyrs who kill themselves in what is called israel. haven't u asked yourself WHY ?.
50 years ago there was nothing called israel, palestine was under the invasion of britain. Britain gave jews the right to have a home in palestine (britain gave what it doesn't possess to those who don't deserve). palestinians were discarded off there lands to be replaced by zionests (i say zionests not jews, i respect jewish as a religion, but not the zionest conqurers). many wars happened after this to try to get rid of zionests from palestines. But israel was supported by Britain and now by USA.
When someone kills himself for the sake of his homeland then this is not terrorism, this is resistance.
Why does USA support Israel to the extent that it says VETO to every security council decree against Israel?
Kaygol, When muslims fight, they do this to get back their lands or to stop potential invasions to their lands.
the majority of muslims were against the 11th september because they killed civilians (which is highly condemned in Islam). But USA gave the opportunity to those who did it by being the army of israel (without Britain and USA help t israel there wouldn't be israel and all our sufferings in the middle east would have been solved).
Finally doing any thing inside israel is not terrorism, it is resistance to the conqurers.
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@thoughtprocess (2209)
• United States
15 Sep 06
It is troubling that some are overly sensitive, isn't it? I think it's something about no idolic images allowed.
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@michael666 (613)
• China
16 Sep 06
All religious zealots get offended if something near to their heart is attacked. All people get offended by something. The human body, when it's in good condition is beautiful -- try taking your clothes off in public sometime, you won't need to wait long for a response.
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@reprah (29)
• Ireland
17 Sep 06
They feel inferior to the rest of the world. They don't know the difference between the head of a hammer and the handle. They would rather live on a dirt floor than build a decent home for their wife and children.
Like BenLaden they would rather live in a cave or a spiderhole like the ex-president (dictator) of Iraq.
AND THEN, it gives them ample opportunity to blame the rest of the world for their laziness; just get on the pity-pot and blame the Americans or the Christians, even the Pope, for the blight of the society, which they created for themselves.
and THEN
@noorasie (686)
• Pakistan
18 Sep 06
Because the muslims ... the true muslims.... love the Muhammad ( peace be upon him).... more than than mother... more than their children... more than the wealth ... and more than any thing els....
they can sacrifice their lives for Muhammad ( peace be upon him)....
If you love Muhammad .... you will know that this love is the only and only assest of you life....
@humming25 (26)
• Pakistan
16 Sep 06
Hmmmm you seem to be quite ignorant about islam i am sorry to say.Muhammad(PBUH) never preached hatred you can read it in any book about him,i would refer book by "Martin Lings" he is a western writer so there is no fear of bias or prejudice.
You say that people convert due to fear of sowrd,who is forcing them in present times i think no one.Islam is the fastest growing religion of present time,300-400 people accept it every day in USA(average).
When you talk about sharia there are different parts of sharia.Those parts of sharia which are in Quran and sayings of Prophet can't be changed but the others can change by scholars.You talk about punishments,then again for an islamic punishment to be carried out there sholud be atleast 4(four) eye witnesses.For example if someone commits adultry yoy need 4 witnesses to convict him/her,and mind you no one do these things in open,but if still someone comits such crimes which destroy the whole fabric of society then there are punishments which may act as a detterent so the others should not do it.
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@wendysue44 (350)
• United States
19 Sep 06
Actually, I do not blame them. Becasue the terriorists are Muslims, it is easy to place blame on all Muslims, and that is just not fair. It is not right to catorgize all Muslims for the mistake of a few.
@BELMCstar (1341)
• Australia
2 Oct 06
The Pope was just repeating something which was said in 1400 or something like that.
What has changed? - NOTHING.
Have not seen the Dutch cartoon, but why do they get so upset?
There religion is being insulted. Their God is being insulted.
Would you like it if you were insulted like that?
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@sanafatima27 (158)
• India
1 Oct 06
WELL, if we want to LIVE in this WORLD.. we better learn to respect each n every person's view ... now dont tell me that YOU would'NT have gone n protested if something was said bout your religion ... no one would .. every one has their own beliefs which have to be respected... what YOU sow IS WHAT YOU GET !
@drilyas (843)
• Pakistan
16 Sep 06
Muhammad (P.B.U.H)is the last prophet of Allah.and He is our most beloved prophet.we beleive that He is the greatest and most honerable personality on this earth.what will you do when someone insults your father,and He is dear to us more than our parents and anything else.so how can we accept insulting Muhammad(p.b.u.h).I garrentee if you read the life of Muammad(P.B.U.H)how He has struggled to save humanity from the evil society,you will definitly admire him.One thing everyone here in this world should accept that He was send to this world for the whole Universe not just for the muslims.you people who are not muslims but are the part of his umma.that we believe is truth without any doubt.so please dont post any question that is againt our and your bestwisher,Muhammad(p.b.u.h)no body has a right to hurt anyone like these people has done to the muslims.making a cartoon in your opinion might not be a big issue but we cant accept insulting our prophet in the form of making cartoons.
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
16 Oct 06
I look at it this way, most Christians would get offended if someone said something bad about their religion and had political cartoons about it.
@Bugsey (775)
• United States
20 Oct 06
It's the manner they are taught as kids, they have no view of real "TOLERANCE". They are brainwashed people who actually would die for some vague maidenheads (EHEM) and certainly they are extremely FAR from JESUS THE Christ who was mad at Peter when all Peter tried to do was cut an ear off -- that is "petty" sin compared to beheading!!!
@aliyusule (46)
• Nigeria
16 Oct 06
it`s all about respect for each other`s religion.a christian will fill same way if jesus christ is blasphamed.i think people sholud learn not to make comments that they know offends others.by so doing the you will discover that islam is the most peasful religion on earth.