What were you doing on 911?
By emagyne
@emagyne (664)
United States
December 3, 2006 9:50pm CST
At the time that the planes hit the worldtrade center, where were you and what were you doing? And how did you feel? Did you feel a sense of panic etc? I was just waking up and got a call. I turned on the news and a plane was going into the building. I immediately jumped up and went and got my kids and went to the grocery store and got candles and water and weapons....I really thought the world was under attack and I live in SC. Share your thoughts!
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30 responses
@rvbolisay (62)
• Philippines
4 Dec 06
i was in the middle east. i was in a friend's flat and we were having a meeting; we were about 10 or 15 then. one who was just arrived told us of the news, but we didn't thougth the incidence was that so serious until the next day. we feel so bad bout it, but certain arabs were so joyful while watching it on CNN the next day. they were even applauding while the trade center was ablaze and people falling from its window.
@LittleStars (318)
• United States
4 Dec 06
Great discussion!
I was sleeping and got a phone call from my husband, he told me something hit the World Trade Center - I had no idea what he was talking about and he kept yelling at me to turn on the news. So I turned it on, minutes later the 2nd plane flew into the 2nd building. I was in shock as to what I saw and started panicking. I cried for a week straight, watched the news reports daily. My daughter was only 8 months old at the time. I was so scared after all that. I live in Florida and I remember I would panic everytime I saw a plane, I was afraid to get the mail because of all the Anthrax scares that happened afterwards. I feel a little safer now...just very cautious. 9-11 was a horrible day that will forever remain in my memory, as it should.
@emagyne (664)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I know. I was afraid for my kids thinking to myself, "what kind of world did I bring them into." I didnt want to go out of the house and I had forgot about the anthrax scare. And I felt so sorry for all of those people. I cried too. I had a friend who lived in NY and he worked downtown and saw the whole thing. It took me like a week to get ahold of him but thankgod he was ok. I was so scared for him. He had to go get counseling after that because he actually saw those people jumping out of the buildings holding hands. He said it was the saddest thing he ever saw in his life.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
5 Dec 06
i was sleeping...i honestly didn't know what was going on. my sister and i were in the middle of a move to a new appartment and we didn't have the cable hooked up so i found out whem my bf called me franticlly asking me if i was alright...i was like 'uh??' because i didn't know so he told me and i was really shocked. he was worried about me because the plane they highjacked was headed for LA and i lived in Orange County not too far from Disneyland, which was a possible target. so i just listend to the radio to hear what went on. i didn't see the footage till about 3-4 months later
@nascar8fan (742)
• United States
5 Dec 06
Well, for me on 911 I was at home. My oldest son was in the 1st grade and my youngest son was in pre-k. I was sitting in the kitchen watching the Today show. I saw the second plain hit the second tower live like a lot of others. I think I was first in shock. Especially when the first tower fell. I was scared for all those people in NY and didn't really know what to think of what I was watching.
@dhicks30 (1948)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I was at a friends house we were both pregnant. We went to the store and to get the mail. When we got back, we sat down turn on the tv. And saw it. I could believe it. Then I came home and called my mom and tolder that I loved her. And I cried, I felt so bad for those people and there families.
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I was at work when they hit.Noone told us. They did not want us to stop working.I was walking out work doors and heard the morning people talking about something that happend.Well, on my way home I heard what happend on the radio. When I got home Hubby was up and the tv was on. It was horrible.It is still very hard to think about it today.
@bsabers (668)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I was a senior in high school and I remember that I was in our library at the time and the librarian came out balling her eyes out and turned on the TV. It was quite the day to say the least. What was really wierd was going to football practice that day after school. Very strange feeling about being out there.
@judy_lozon (143)
• United States
5 Dec 06
i was sitting in my living room the day of 911 and i could feel the after shake. then i had got a phone call; my body just started to shake; then i had a cold chill go down my back and all i could do was think of those poor people that had lost loved ones.
• United States
5 Dec 06
WOW funny you should ask ....i was at Terminal 6 LAX , i think it was gate 68 a...I was doing what I did everyday preparing my flights to meet and my flights to board..I worked for United Airlines and I met the beloved plane from Boston everyday , let the people off and made sure the plane was cleaned and serviced , ready to reboard and send it back to Boston...It was exactly like it now, surreal.when my supervisor phoned the gate I really didnt believe it .I was going to have to make such announcement about some plane crashing and all flights nationwide were grounded at that moment .It couldnt have been a joke I thought to myself , when all of a sudden he said on the phone 'my god they just hit the Pentagon"I was in shock now that i look back , we had went downstairs to the mechanics breakroom to watch the tv when the towers collapsed,we didnt know yet it was one of our planes. i didnt know what was in store for Los Angeles,moments later a mechanic said 'phuchtk ' flight 93 just disappeared from the radar. now i was scared 3 planes 3 bldgs ..The airport had already begun to evacuate but we stayed in the breakroom until there was no one left in the terminal..for the next several days we got dressed went to work and sat in the empty terminal for 8 hours, never knowing when it would open again to the public ..not everyone had to report to work but i was a lead agent then and I was there ..This day marked a new time for me in my life as my days worsened and stress took over. For weeks I watched as Captains took the final walk down the aisle before closing the door pointing to those he wanted off the plane before he would fly ..there were no questions asked .Needless to say anyone the captain felt looked, well ,you know, middle eastern , dark and mostly male .not to mention the number of flight attendants who showed up for work, just to run off the plane at the last minute crying in a shakey , nervous tantrum scared for their life ....I think that answers that question.By the way after 16 years in 2002 , my career with United ended, but my heart is always with my fallen crew, thanks for letting me share r
@greengal (4286)
• United States
5 Dec 06
Hmm..good question! I was back in india at home, when a cousin called and told me to watch the news!! (one of things I hardly watched back then..hehe!) I switched on the tv just in time to see the towers collapsing..was an awful sight..so many questions running thorugh my mind..is this really happening! Was definitely tensing, and wish it hadn't happened. We were half way across the world, but still felt for the people here.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I was working at Wal-Mart at the time in the toy dept. and I was walking by the jewelry dept and the associate there said look at the tv and I remember seeing the plane hitting the trade center. To say of the day not much work was done we were all standing around watching the tv's through out the store. Wal-Mart was showing CNN on them.
@sororravn (448)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I was taking my husband to work that morning and when I got home my phone was ringing. (we lived about a 5 minute drive from his job) It was my husband telling me to turn on the news. I turned on the news in time to see that the plane had hit the second tower. I called my mother several times before she actually answered the phone and told her the same thing. I let my children sleep and sat on the couch and watched the news until about 11am. (I was in AZ at the time)
@angel_manders (912)
• Canada
4 Dec 06
At the time that the planes hit the world trade center. i was sitting in my grade 8 class room in ontario canada listening to the radio. We were supposed to be doing an art project but the music stopped and we heard that a plane hit the first tower. all i could feel was sadness i just couldnt believe something like that could possibly happen. i felt horrible becaue i knew my best friends parents were working in them but i did not knoe where. So when i got home from school i called her. but unfortunately she was not home. a few days later i got an email saying that her mom was killed and that had not found her body. she was so upset she didnt knoe what to do. especially when her dad wanted to join the army that year becasue it would pay for him to go back to school.
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I was just walking out of my house to take my daughter to college, I had the day off to stay home watch soap operas and be lazy ... instead I had a full day of phone calls, watching television and finding love ones to come together