How many times have you watched this movies, the 6th Sense!!!

December 4, 2006 7:47am CST
I havbe seen it hundreds of times and try to see the little signals that tell thet Bruce willis is dead in it beefore he figures it out but each time I can't seem to find anything wrong with it!!! Can you???
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9 responses
@bluej20 (113)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I watch it over and over and I just notice he is wearing the same clothes all the time.
30 Dec 06
Thanks for responding, funny thing is that I watched so many times and noticed that I he was wearing the same clothes but never thought anything of it!!! Funny how you always see what you want to isn't it!!!! Thanks, happy new year!!!!!
• India
30 Dec 06
I just saw once and i am not able to remember.
2 Jan 07
Well, it's such a great movies I would say go on and find a copy and watch it again, it's brilliant!!!! I think it's one of the best movies ever made, atleast the direction is superd!!! Thanks for responding!!!
@ahalapia (942)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I have watched the movie at least a dozen times, if you have the special cut version it explains at the end of the movie the differents hints and signs throughout the movie. It is a excellent movie by the way.
6 Dec 06
Oh thanks for sharing about the special cut version, i should shop around for that because i really want to know what the clues where, it drives me mad not to know what they were, becsaue I know they were some!! Thanks for sharing again, great movie i agree!!!
• India
6 Dec 06
i have watched it twice
6 Dec 06
good for you, it is great isn't it? thanks for replying
@JashleyB (1441)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I love this movie too. I have seen it many times. I alwyas watch for the clues too. I love the part when he's sitting at the table with his wife and you know that she isn't avoidinghim because she's mad but because she cannot see him. It's an awesome movie. A classic for sure.
7 Dec 06
I so agree with you, oh you got me all exciited now, that part is a great part because the way they both act it doesn't give it away and we just think she is angry with him about missing their dinner!!! What about the part where he is in the little boy's house and the mom is talking to her son and she is sitting infront of the ghost m an, Bruce Willis, but it almost seems like she is talking to him but she doesn't even know he is there!!! Brilliant film making and excellent acting!!! Thanks for repsonding, and sharing in probably one of the best movies around!!! have a great day!!!
@Profiss (219)
• Poland
9 Dec 06
i watch it 4 times
• India
4 Dec 06
i think i saw it once
4 Dec 06
didn't you just love it? I thought it was great!! Thanks for answering
@sierdij (853)
• Philippines
4 Dec 06
I think i watched it thrice.
4 Dec 06
good to see there is someone who loves it as much as I do, isn't it on eof the best movies ever!!! Thanks for responding
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
8 Aug 10
Well i watched it twice.