Christmas gift Stress! HELP!

United States
December 4, 2006 12:00pm CST
My boyfriend comes from a wealthy family. Last year he got me an expensive ring, and necklace set, a dozen roses, and a bottle of purfume and matching body lotion. I only got him a teddy bear. I don't have the money to lavish him with fine gifts. I am sure he understands, but I feel embarrassed. What can I get him this year and still be within my budget? I don't have lots of money. He likes to exchange gifts in front of his family. I feel like I am on the spot.
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162 responses
• United States
4 Dec 06
Well first of all, its the thought that counts. You can maybe get him a bottle of colonge or something within your budget of course. But dont feel embarrassed.
3 people like this
• United States
4 Dec 06
I will try not to feel embarrassed, but it is hard.
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@magnet (2087)
• United States
4 Dec 06
Just because he comes from a wealthy family does not mean he expects his gift to be very expensive. Just try to find something within your budget that you think fits his personality. I think that he will appreciate it.
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• United States
4 Dec 06
Check out 4 up. Is that a person pasting? I commented about it to them. They are from India.
• United States
4 Dec 06
They got caught, it's gone.
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
5 Dec 06
if he understands your situation, then you shouldnt really worried about it. but there are ways to give gifts without spending a lot of money. im not sure if you should "give" him these gifts in front of your family, but you could make a romantic bubble bath or cook him a nice dinner or give him a massage or something like that. something romantic but only something that you could give him. if you wanna give him something more solid, you could maybe make a memory book with all your pictures and memories...or, if you know how to sew or knit, you can make him some kind of article of clothing. you could write him a poem or a song. what im planning on doing for my family members this year is getting special pics printed and put into nice frames..then maybe put a poem or something along with it, either that i wrote or that i found online. cheap but nice and special.
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5 Dec 06
My boyfriend's family also like to exchange gifts infront of one another and last year I didn't do too badly. I know how it feels though to know they spent more on you than you did them and that can be embarassing. This year I'm on a bit of a budget myself so I've been making sure to save some money by going to cheaper places for college lunch. It is the thought that counts but if you start saving a month or so in advance then it can really help you out when it comes to buying presents for them. Look around different shops, get a rough idea of what you want to buy, then look around again to see who has it cheaper and go to the cheaper shop to help save you money and give you more to spend on another gift.
@britney69 (316)
• United States
4 Dec 06
well i had this problem once... I made a card wirh vouchers for many things like a massage, going to the movies... I don't thib they would think bad about you if they see that you made a lot of afford
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Dec 06
That is a really nice idea.
@suedarr (2382)
• Canada
4 Dec 06
How about something unique. Are you crafty? My daughters BF is from modest income and he made her a beautiful jewelery box last year. It was hand inscribed. We were all impressed. It's not always the money spent that is important and if they are good people they will know this. Good luck!
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• United States
4 Dec 06
I am not so crafty but I will see what I can come up with.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
5 Dec 06
Well, you should not let something like this bother you. If you can only afford something small for your boyfriend and/or his family, I am sure they will be Glad you were thoughtful enough to even get them something. Sometimes too much emphasis is places on Money and not thought anymore, and to me who cares what the Jones have, per sey. If your boyfriend or his family thinks this is not good enough maybe you need to re-evaluate the situation anyways.
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
4 Dec 06
in my books a gift from the heart is worth more than the most expensive gift it`s the tought that counts i was going to suggest what i did for my husband one year but seeing that it was to be opened in front of his family not a good idea ( i wrapped myself up in wrapping paper it was a year we couldn`t afford presents we both got a good laugh out of it also another child hehehe)i`m sure what ever you decide he will love
@tjmoola (1859)
• United States
4 Dec 06
Christmas Gift Ideas Christmas is the most wonderful an exciting time of the year. However, finding the perfect gifts for those hard to please people can put a damper on your holiday spirit. Infants Gift ideas for infants can include anything from clothing, toys or memorable items. A few suggestions include: Brush/Comb Set Bronzed Shoe Christmas Ornament with Baby’s First Christmas Outfit from a cool store Cool-weather wear (coat, mittens, toboggan) Toys Bibs, bottles, etc. Toddlers Gift ideas for toddlers include about the same for as infants, toys, clothing, etc. However, be sure to select toys that are made for the specific age ranges. Girls from age 3-5 really enjoy dolls, puzzles, games. etc. Barbie Movies (cartoons, any Disney movie will do) Teens This is a hard age group to buy for. A few suggestions would be Teen magazines, music (CD’s or tapes), clothing, gift certificates, movies, etc. If the teenage is a female, then you can buy hair accessories, make-up Adults (Female) Your friends, family members, co workers, etc. would probably fit into this category. If you do not know what to buy, a few suggestions are listed. Tea pot for One (include a box of herbal/fruit tea) Basket of Bath Products Buy an inexpensive basket and fill with Bath Products. You may also include a candle and a tape or CD of relaxing music. Try stores such as BATH AND BODY WORKS or other stores including Target, Wal-Mart or K-mart. AVON has bath products also. Angel Pins Angel pins are great. You can find these in catalogs, at stores or Christian bookstores. They are available in many materials such as fabric or metal. Books If you have a book lover, find out what they like to read. Books are something that they can keep for a long time. Cookbooks are especially helpful and are kept for a long time. Gift Certificates Maybe the person has everything and you do not know what to buy. Get that special person a gift certificate from a favorite store. A few suggestions may include a Blockbuster gift card, Mall gift certificates, department store gift cards, etc. Magazines Believe it or not, some people love magazines. If you know of a special interest that a person has, get them a subscription for a year. During the holidays, most catalogs will send a gift card in your name. Seniors Okay, here is the tough part. What do you buy your grandma who has everything that she needs. Here are a few suggestions: Flowers Some seniors plant flowers during the spring and fall. Buy a flat of pansies during the fall or winter to give. You can also buy gardening tools such as clogs, gloves, a hat, lip balm, sunglasses, etc. Wildlife Treat If the senior loves animals and regularly feeds birds, squirrels, etc., then buy something for them that would include feeding and taking care of their wildlife. You may buy a bag of seed or corn, a birdbath, bird feeder, Beauty Treatments Grandma’s always use the same products. You may find out what she uses such as face powder (compact), knee hi’s or pantyhose, facial cream, lipstick and other things that she uses. You can put it in a basket and make it look really fancy. Bedtime Seniors always dress for bedtime. Buy them a nice pair of warm pajamas for the winter. Slippers are also a great way to top of the outfit.
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@caraj444 (1075)
• Canada
4 Dec 06
Obviously you want to give him something nice and it seems as if he has lots of money and you dont then go for a different angle. Im a huge scrapbooker and people (yes even men) love to receive something that shows you really love and care for them whether its a gift with high monetary value or not. I would do a scrapbook with pictures you have and any ticket stubs from movies or places youve gone together and make it from the heart, write him a letter in it that lets him know how you feel about him and while i know it seems cheesy in a way its nice when someone takes that much time making something for you and its nice to have a reminder of the time youve spent together, if thats way to cheesy than im not sure but if i think of anything then ill post again, good luck i hope somebody can post giving you a great idea:)
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
4 Dec 06
The coupon book for gifts, services, special meals, etc was my first thought. It is good. Another gift would involve more time, but is also personal. Think about special places you have been, favorite dates, etc. Make a journal/scrapbook about where you went, why you liked it, what you did. Add photos, copies of menues, or anything you saved. You could call the book "what I like about you," or something better, or more sentimental. Mix it up with coupons included perhaps. My daughter did a terrific scrapbook for her big brother one year. You could do one small gift a week, or a day, with a little to catch up--then the most of it will be opened before you share in front of his familly. Like the others, I say have a good talk about how he is embarrassing you, or how much more special it would be to share gifts together without the family.
• United States
4 Dec 06
It's nice that he dotes on you so much, but it's easy to dote when you have money! When my husband and I got married we gave all of the men in our wedding party an engraved pocket watch with their name on the front. They weren't expensive - about $25 each and for $5 more a nice wooden gift box. You can find alot of places online that sell different varieties, you can find one that suits him best. Everyone was really impressed with the gift and they were beautiful! Perhaps a pocket watch like that for his nice gift and then something fun like and a romantic gift basket to share with him later? Like a movie night basket - Some cookies and treats, cocoa/coffee, coffee mugs, candles, movie rental coupon or a DVD of a movie he wants, coupon for a free back massage from you, maybe a soft fleece blanket to snuggle under. :O) YOu could go to the dollar store to get some cute filler items and make him a great gift basket for less than $50/$60 if you hit sales and make your dollar stretch. Good luck!! :O)
@kyle930 (763)
• United States
4 Dec 06
Give him something personal with sentimental value instead of actual value. Or do something togethor that he will remember for a long time.
@dip_cool (411)
• India
4 Dec 06
well first of all it is very natural to feel embarassed in such cases. i guess you should have a talk with him regarding this matter and also ask him to stop giving you such expensive gifts and tell him to stick to normal gifts the budget of which equals your budget for his gift.if you are not greedy for the gifts from him(which i guess you are not) you should really talk this matter out with sure he will understand your problem and cpmply with you.
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@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
I would have to suggest that you bake cookies to add a personal touch.He doen't have that I think. I think wealthy families have already what they have.Just give him something he don't have.It could me handmade from the kitchen.
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
And the most important thing during Christmas is Jesus Christ. He is the reason for the season and it's good to have spend your time with each other.
• United States
4 Dec 06
Honey, he excepts you as you are. Don't get so stressed out. He knows your situation. If you would like to try something new and creative, why don't you get a nice looking small box, and put in an IOU for him. List a few things that you can afford, or that don't cost money, and put it on a card or paper and put it into the box. (A massage from you, or a paid professional, a pair of tickets to a movie, a kiss, and so forth.) Have a happy holiday.
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@MrsAdvice (623)
• United States
4 Dec 06
Something personal like a favorite photograph blown up and beautifully framed? You could enlist the parents help in secretly obtaining his favorite photos or borrowing some of theirs that he would like, getting copies made and then putting together a beautiful photo/scrapbook for him. Putting a lot of thought and time into something shows you care and is far more valuable than simply spending money one can easily afford to spend anyway.
@leese29 (340)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I think this is a great idea too. You could even get someone to take a photo of you. Dress nice maybe find a nice garden somewhere. You can get photos developed pretty cheap at places like Walmart.Then find a nice frame.
• United States
4 Dec 06
there you go! That's an *awesome* idea!
@hm1177 (1222)
4 Dec 06
you could always make something for him? a CD of your fav songs or a scrapbook of your time together or something like that? I got my boyfriend a book that he "starred" in (meant for kids I think) about his fav football team and how he scored the winning goal. Just tell him you want to exchange your gift in private because its personal
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@fffdile (421)
• Italy
5 Dec 06
Don't feel embarassed, if he really loves you he would accept your gift and appreciate it indipendently from its value!
• United States
12 Dec 06
Thanks, I will try and remember this.
• United States
4 Dec 06
Haven't you heard? It's the thought that counts. Instead of an expensive gift, how about a wish list? Write out what you believe are things he wishes for and grant them. At least the ones you are able to. Make a calander for the entire coming year, highlite certain days and plan an event for that day. It could be hiking, or just watching movies, time is more precious than anything else one has to give. Love colors that time with gold. Some things can never have a value placed upon them, yet they are valued above all else.
• United States
5 Dec 06
Well dont feel bad. Atleast you can afford something. I cant. I cant afford a $1.00 thing. I know it the thought that counts but it hurts like heck when you cant even give a 1 cent item little own a teddy bear. I cry all the time cause of crap. I am just lucky & happy to have my family with me as I can.Those are precious moments to be shared.
• United States
5 Dec 06
• India
5 Dec 06
There's a saying, "do not look a gift horse in its mouth". It is the intention that counts and not the value of the gift. Even a beautiful card which says how much you love him should be enough to please him and make him happy.