What have you done wrong as a parent?

United States
December 4, 2006 10:06pm CST
Does it seem to you that the biggest critics of you as a parent is other parents? There are so many things that people have pointed out that I have done "wrong" with my children. I breastfed one, but not the other two. I had a lady from my church call me to plead with me that I might change my mind with the last one. (Note: I did pump, but bottle fed). I also let my middle child sleep on her tummy during the day when I could watch her. And all of our children had blankets and "bumpers" in their cribs. Why do people think that they are experts on other peoples children?
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23 responses
• Romania
6 Dec 06
hy.. in this days every body thinks that is smart then the other one.everybody is intrested in other ppls life not on theyr life...they like to see whats new in the neighbours life and try to go and ttalk to them and give them advices and things like this.ppl form this days love very much,i mean very much to say to others...you know this is not good,that is not good,your kid is like that,your not learning him well,you should do that and that,why wont they just look first on theyr life? they like to say this things about other ppl life or other ppl children becouse thery children wont do the things that thouse ppl are telling them to do...and they are trying to teach other children to do thouse things....
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• United States
5 Dec 06
You know, I have no problem with other parents coming up to me and sharing what worked for THEM. But when they start bickering about something that you're doing that THEY didn't do....then it becomes a problem. I'm to the point in my life though, that when I don't agree with someone I just smile and move on. But yeah, I understand what you're saying. Every parent is unique...just like every child is unique. I have 4 children and I did everything different each time. It was whatever worked for that particular child.
@kishchun (497)
• Oman
19 Dec 06
when i look back, i do feel i should have done so many things better than i did. like i should have been more patient with my little son, not shouted at him at times, been a little more understanding when he was reluctant to get started with his homework and so on, but i did shower him with a lot of love and care. it doesn't suffice to lessen my guilt somehow - now that he is away in a boarding school, i miss him like anything and am reminded of all the things i could have done better! if only i could turn back the clock! ahh! i can't even enjoy any delicacy now because i miss my little one sooo... much. hey, all you moms over there, indulge with your children - give them all the love you can, and they can't go wrong in life. shower them with love and show them the right path.
• United States
6 Dec 06
I've only been a mom for 9 months, but I know I've made plenty of mistakes (as all parents do one time or another!). Just last month my son fell off the bed and I literally felt like the worst parent in the world. He was fine... it definitely scared me more than it scared him! But as time went on, I continued to tell myself that I'm a good mother and it was just an accident!
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• United States
9 Dec 06
I remember my first born falling off the bed too. I was devastated. She's three now and has no signs of trauma or harmful side effects! The fact that it bothered you so much that he might have been hurt worse, shows that you love him very much and that you're a great mom.
• Philippines
15 Dec 06
i can say that im not a perfect mom to my 2 sons but still i'm trying to be quite or even just a little. Sometimes when i teach my son to his homework or exam, i shout at him, but later on when my anger past i feel really sorry about what i did so i just hug him and explain why i shout at him
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@kona94 (3)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I have really tried to be a good parent. However, no one is perfect. I believe the thing I wish I had done better is to listen more to my dd instead of interrupting her. I do that and she tells me it makes her feel badly. I'm definitely working on it!
• United States
6 Dec 06
I think you are 100% right. I have 6 children and I did those things as well. Yeah there are some things I have thought about and said I should've done this or should've done that but I wouldn't say I've done wrong and if anyone tells me that, you better believe I will say something because who is to say what's right and what's wrong? Not them.
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@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I seems to me no matter what I do someone is going to say it is the wrong thing so I just consult with my kids father and we decide what we think is best. If other people don't like it then they shouldn't raise their children that way. Unless I ask for someone's opinion I really wish they would just butt out. :)
@kawillow74 (1416)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I think every parent has to live and learn. Like here is my mother-in-law when those boys are 18 they are doing to run wild. I do let them do certain thing with certain people I want to know there every move I was 17 when I had my first child. And no he is not a mistake I just wish I would have been a little older and it was with her son who was thought was angle. so it just goes to show I will raaise my kids the way I want and if people don't like it that is there problem not mine or your do what you feel is right!
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@boeyong (256)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 06
Well, I would say, don't even be bothered with what other people think. Just because you don't "go with the flow" in the mainstream does not give others the right to criticize you. Continue with what you are doing because in the end, how we bring up our children is going to reflect on how our children views us as parents. And GOD, if you believe in him.
• United States
6 Dec 06
My sisters mother in law can't stand the way I raise my kids. She complains to my sister all the time. I late them sleep in to late, stay up to late, play with their toys in the living room and I let them take to long of a shower. I told my sister that I am glad she isn't my mother in law because I would have hurt her by now. I can't stand to be told how to raise my kids. They had their chance now it is mine. My kids seem to do just fine. My own mother in law finally figured that one out. You sound like such a horrible mom, NOT!!! I am sure you are doing just fine. Your kids are surviving just fine and your baby is so cute!!! Makes me want another one.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
There is no right or wrong as far as parenting goes (unless there is an issue of abuse of course) and parenting is all trial and error. We make mistakes but we can learn from them. I have babied my kids too much and it's no wonder they are immature but I know this so I am working on making them more independant :)
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
6 Dec 06
Kids don't come with manuals, but they do come with their own personalities and inherited genetics. As I told my mother once, she raised five children but we all turned out differently. She didn't raise any of us differently. We are all individuals and sometimes what works for one kid will not work for another. My daughters are total opposites. My 13yo slept through the light after 3 months. My 10yo slept through the night after 3 YEARS!! It was nothing I was doing. It was just the nature of the child. You are the mother. You have your own intuition about your children. Yeah, take the advice and use it or lose it. It's your choice, your children.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I have yet to figure out why people do that. I helped raise my niece who is now 12 but it didn't seem to matter what we did we always had someone jump in and say "Well you should have..." and sometimes get very conflicting comments. Sometimes it is nice to get others opinions but some really need to keep their noses out of other people's business. It always amazes me how some will jump in with critizism about how a child should be raised, especially from ones who never raised any. My one brother used to do that, he backed off after he had a kid and realized that maybe things weren't as he thought it was.
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@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
5 Dec 06
As long as a person isn't abusing their children, I can't understand why anyone would ever make someone else's parenting decisions their business. I think these people like to tell themselves that they're well meaning, but they take a certain amount of pleasure in telling others that they're wrong. I think it's an especially horrible thing to do with new parents. Just as they're starting to figure out what they're doing, a stranger feels it's his or her place to come along and undermine their confidence in their decisions. I remember how I'd walk down the street with my baby, and get conflicting comments from everyone I met. The baby is too hot; too cold; shouldn't be in a stroller; should be in a sling; is going to suffocate in a sling; shouldn't be dressed in gender neutral clothes. It was ridiculous.
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@elixir (1455)
• Guam
6 Dec 06
It is a general human psycology.Everyone will try to tell something to others.So dont bother about that.U try to see whether u are making any diff or not.Thats it.If u feel u look after ur children with utmost care,the n probs..
@lilmissy (481)
• United States
5 Dec 06
i wouldnt mind other parents being critics but its the 30 something bachelors and bachelorettes that get all uptight about kids when they never raised one that bug me.
• United States
5 Dec 06
Ewwww, this is so true. I hate that too. I think some people just have no clue what being a parent is like until they actually are one. I also think that some people forget after time how hard being a parent is, like people who's kids are out of the house.
@kamalcpc (704)
• India
6 Dec 06
i dont think u had done wrong, u did what mother can do a child
@Etharon (217)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 06
I should have potty trained my elder son as soon as he could sit up. Now at 2.5 yrs old he still want to stand up while poo ing and still wears a diaper. He is already aware of when he need sto go. The worst thing is dealing with him when he is constipated and want to do it in his diaper. Now with my 2 month old, I will definately let him get use to the potty from 5 mths on.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
6 Dec 06
My first daughter constipated herself too. She refused to poop in the toilet and woke up in the middle of the night screaming. I had to hold her down on the potty. My second daughter was lazy as all get-out. She wore a diaper to bed until she was 6. I would put the diaper (pull-ups) on her an hour before she went to bed and even though she could pull the diaper down to go to the bathroom, she would wet her diaper before going to bed. It made me crazy. And I don't remember how she ever got over it. Hhhmmmm....
• India
19 Dec 06
i think i have been a very good father for my children....i have never done any things wrong...i support them well and i do things according to their interest