Did you enjoy your pregnancy?

@HerShe (2383)
September 16, 2006 1:55pm CST
or was it a miserable time with morning sickness for most of it? Got any remedies for morning sickness?
5 responses
• United States
19 Sep 06
My pregnancy's where a complete mix of constant vommitting and hospitalizations during the first 3 months to feeling GREAT during the 2nd trimester, then to misery my last trimester! I completely enjoy being pregnant despite the morning sickness and other issues...as far as morning sickness, My last pregnancy i found out about a liquid all natural syrup for morning sickness called Morning Sickness Magic. I also found that Ginger helped tremedously! rather you get fresh ginger and make a tea (works great) or you snack on ginger snaps and ginger ale...they all worked great for all my pregnancy's.
@sanell (2112)
• United States
19 Sep 06
yes but it was because it took me so long to get pregnant with my first kid I loved every minute of it other than the first trimester, best thing that worked was ginger ale, and for some reason eating helped me out....it was wierd. Second time also loved it and it was so much better the second time around, I did not gain as much weight. good luck to you
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
17 Sep 06
I didn't have morning sickness. I was just misreable the entire time. Almost my whole pregnancy I was tired. I must have slept more in those 10 months than in my entire life!
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
16 Sep 06
I've been pregnant four times. I enjoyed all the pregnancies, and never expereinced morning sickenss. The fourth one gave me a little bit of trouble, though - especially atthe last few months. I had lots of heartburn, some backache, very swollen ankles and feet, and the summer was just too hot.
• United States
16 Sep 06
I loved my pregnancy. the only thing i hated was walking around in 100 degree weather at 8 months prego. THat was the part that sucked