FAQ on Islam
By Furrukh
@Furrukh (701)
December 5, 2006 6:45am CST
In conveying the message of Islam to a non-Muslim, it is usually not sufficient to highlight only the positive nature of Islam. Most non-Muslims are not convinced about the truth of Islam because there are a few questions about Islam at the back of their minds that remain unanswered.
They may agree with your contentions about the positive nature of Islam. But, in the same breath, they will say - "Ah! But you are the same Muslims who marry more than one woman. You are the same people who subjugate women by keeping them behind the veil. You are fundamentalists, etc."
So here is a list of most common questions asked by nonmuslims abt the religion of Islam and there answers are also given
Q1. Why is a man allowed to have more than one wife in Islam? i.e. why is polygamy allowed in Islam?
Q2. If a man is allowed to have more than one wife, then why does Islam prohibit a woman from having more than one husband?
Q3. Why does Islam degrade women by keeping them behind the veil?
Q4. How can Islam be called the religion of peace when it was spread by the sword?
Q5. Why are most of the Muslims fundamentalists and terrorists?
Q6. Killing an animal is a ruthless act. Why then do Muslims consume non-vegetarian food?
Q7. Why do Muslims slaughter the animal in a ruthless manner by torturing it and slowly and painfully killing it?
Q8. Science tell us that whatever one eats, it has an effect on one’s behaviour. Why then, does Islam allow Muslims to eat non-vegetarian food, since eating of animals could make a person violent and ferocious?
Q9. When Islam is against idol worship why do the Muslims worship, and bow down to the Kaaba in their prayer?
Q10. Why are non-Muslims not allowed in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah?
Q11. Why is the eating of pork forbidden in Islam?
Q12. Why is the consumption of alcohol prohibited in Islam?
Q13. Why are two witnesses who are women, equivalent to only one witness who is a man ?
Q14. Under Islamic law, why is a woman’s share of the inherited wealth only half that of a man?
Q16. How can you prove the existence of hereafter, i.e. life after death?
Q17. When all the Muslim follow one and the same Qur’an then why are there so many sects and different schools of thoughts among Muslims?
Q18. All religions basically teach followers to do good deeds. Why should a person only follow Islam? Can he not follow any of the religions?
Q19. If Islam is the best religion, why are many of the Muslims dishonest, unreliable, and involved in activities such as cheating, bribing, dealing in drugs, etc.?
Q20. Why do Muslims abuse non-Muslims by calling them ‘Kafirs’?
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56 responses
@juliocstryfe (2019)
• Brazil
6 Dec 06
Good questions. Im aMuslim convert who has been in Islamiccollee for 5 years (thankfully, a western one), and will try and clear your questions.
Q1. He is not allowed. God said its ok only if he can be 100% fair to all (impossible),and that the severest fire of hell is reserved for thsoe who arent. Sadly, arabs just read teh first sentence, saying "yes you can"
Q2. Read above
Q3. Arab custom. Which is ratcised by mainly the wahabis. 75% of Islam doesnt force women tocover their heads nor use vils
Q4. Muslims were being killed for 20 years before the first non-muslim was kkilled.Muhammed onlyconquered one city, the rest of the Arab world joined him peacefully. Centuries later? Yes people killed in Islam's name centuries later, so did Chrsitians, jews, buddhists, etc
Q5. here are Muslim countries-
Bosnia and Herzegovina *
Burkina Faso *
Chad *
Côte d'Ivoire *
Eritrea *
Kazakhstan *
Libya Maldives
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
United Arab Emirates
How many of them have been at war or declared Jihad recently? I understand why you feel many are terrorists. BUt the arabs dont make 25% of the Muslim world.
Q6. Why do Christians eat meat.Buddhists? Jews? Same question applies.
Q7. They slit the throat. Any hitman/assasin will tell you thats the easiest and most painless way, as blood doent flow to the brain, numbing the senses.
Q8. I'd like to see which research paper, as I found nothing onthematter on the "American science" journals
Q9. There's no Idol in Kiblat, its to makesure all pray the same way and direction.
Q10. Theyre allowed in Medinah, but the arabs forbid non-Muslims into mekka. Once again, its arab tradition, not a Muslim custom as laid in the Koran.
Q11. The same reasons why its also forbidden in the Bible and the Torah (its there, "you shalt not eat swine"), because its a carrier of many diseases. You can throughtly cook pork meat,and still many parasites will be there.
Q12. Because it does more harm than good. Count teh cases ofpeople being killed by drunkdrivers, husbands beating wives, etc.
Q13. The whole "two witnesses who are women, equivalent to only one witness who is a man" are a sayings of a prophet, not part of the Koran. The woman in quastion was thinkng that her husband had bertrayed her, and te saying applied toonly that situation. Sadly, many Muslims takethe prophet's sayings out of conext.
Q14. Because she has noleal obligation to pay taxes, child support or tithes.
Q16. Nobody can.
Q17. Very good question. I (along with most western Muslims) basically ignore the sects. The whole Shiite and Sunni quarrel? Started out as a fight after the caliph alis assasination. The sects are outdated,and follow more Arabic tradition than the Koran itself. Islam, as laid down by theKoran is a beautiful religion, sadly, I wont defend the Arab wahabis and their backwards interpretation.
Q18. Actually, in the Koran god says "Only god may tell if someone isgoing to heaven" A good man, not believing in god could go to heaven, and abad Muslim cango tohell. Islam (and religions) only exists to help.
Q19. Sadly, it has been foretold. The sun of SIlam will rise in the West. While the Eastern Muslims are becoming degenerate,a wholenew scholarhip of western Muslims is on the rise.
Q20. Unbelievers actually, and its not supposed to be used against them. Sadly,as Isadi before, the Eastern Muslims dont follow the Koranmuch,instead follow religious leaders.
Many of the questions you pose apply much to only Arab Muslims, which only make a small part of the 1.476 billion-strong Muslim world, sadly they are very loud indeed.
Good questions, if you want to follow them up or need more clarifications, my email is juliocstryfe1@gmail.com

@dandungsugiharto (883)
• Greece
6 Dec 06
wow....good answer bro! i'm agree with that. i'm moslem too
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@juliocstryfe (2019)
• Brazil
6 Dec 06
Apologies for all the typos above, its 1 am and Im kinda sleepy.
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@gaylordfocker615 (389)
• Philippines
6 Dec 06
yeah, where are the answers? I for one am looking forward to some answers of those questions.
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@Furrukh (701)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 06
im extremely sorry for not posting the answers for these question,i didnt wanted others to answer what my aim was to answer these common questions asked abt islam by the non muslims
but i forgot to post them but i've posted them now i suggest u have a look at themm in this thread
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@TDonald (1421)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Not to defend any religion... Islam does not have a monopoly on the treatment of women as second class people.
Here's some examples from 1 Timothy Chapter 2
9 Similarly, (too,) women should adorn themselves with proper conduct, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hairstyles and gold ornaments, or pearls, or expensive clothes,
10 but rather, as befits women who profess reverence for God, with good deeds.
11 A woman must receive instruction silently and under complete control.
12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must be quiet.
13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
14 Further, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and transgressed.
So, Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...
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@Furrukh (701)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 06
im extremely sorry for not posting the answers for these question,i didnt wanted others to answer what my aim was to answer these common questions asked abt islam by the non muslims
but i forgot to post them but i've posted them now i suggest u have a look at themm in this thread
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@TDonald (1421)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I agree whole-heartedly. The Bible and the Koran are not written by god.
If you want to read some of the early books that didn't make it into the Bible check out this site.
And as for a book, I would recommend "The Jesus Mysteries" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy.
@chikkadee (372)
• Australia
6 Dec 06
See, i find peoples dependance on the written word of the bible, koran etc disturbing. These texts were written by men and so are subject to the corruption, the deflected detail etc of man.
If you want an example that everyone would probably get, how about the da vinci code and where they said that the bible was created in constantine by everyone arguing which books to get in or not. The bible may have been a very different story should the books of magdeline or judas or even mary/joseph (if any of these guys actually wrote them) were included.
The bible is a creation of man to describe a divine event. As long as you adhere to the spirit of the bibles (be kind to others and be happy with what you have) then you should be groovy :)
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@msqtech (15073)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I dont believe you are being fair to the Muslim world. There are many people of other faiths that have the same problems. There are many faiths that have allowed multiple wives and subjugated women. I think we need to learn from the faults of the past and make headway into a future where we understand one another and find a way to allow for each persons beliefs and not subjugate others to accomplish it.

@djbtol (5493)
• United States
6 Dec 06
It makes a HUGE difference what you believe. There is only one truth = Jesus Christ. A person can believe what they want, and believe it sincerely, but if they are wrong and believing a lie, then there is no hope for them. Truth makes all the difference. It is the truth that will decide where a persons spends etermity. Is that not a big deal?
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
5 Dec 06
I really don't that that it makes any difference what one religion or another believe. It is more important what the individual believes is right for him/her. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other. As children we are usually brought up in the religion/beliefs of our parents. As we grow older we have the right to choose that which is pertinent to us. Why should the beliefs of religions concern us if we do not agree. That certainly has nothing to do with which is wrong and which is right.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
5 Dec 06
oops scrued up. Hit paste for another discussion. I agree with you mqstech. We tend to blast off before we have all the facts straight. With the Islam religion so much in the news these days I find that people jump to conclusions without studying the facts. It's a shame.
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@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
5 Dec 06
Who has asked for this message of Islam?
I have stepped up and defended Islam and other religions those who may post pro-Christain posts to the exclusion of others, now I find I must step up to this post and do the same.
Once again. Who asked for this message?
You can only convert those who wish to be converted. And you can only anger those who do not wish to be.
While I find witnessing for your own religion I find it distasteful when that witnessing is done to those who have no wish to hear, being firm in their own beliefs.
If your intent was to offer education upon the Islamic religion, it should have been written as a treatise offering information rather than a grouping of questions without answers.
Oh and by the way, bring the word Kafirs into English which is spoken by what appears to be the majority of posters here. What is the insult when one does not understand the word?
I guess then since it appears to be ok to trade insult for insult a Muslim should not be upset when he/she is reffered to by one of the (what I consider insulting) many names I have heard over the years.
Witness or missionary to those who wish it. Let God (Allah) sort the rest out.
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@totomon78 (393)
• Philippines
6 Dec 06
i agree with you...why is it when its comes to islam its always negative and one sided...there are christian terrorist too.. there are christians with more than one wife.. there are non-muslims who calls names...there are christians and non muslims that turture and eat animals too..omg...
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
this is from a non-muslim, muslim veiws are obviouslt different, i have answered the questions as well on the next page, i am muslim so my take on it is very different, although i have always respected sndcain and this is not an attack on her at all!
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@soFh123 (355)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 06
The word "Kafir" is insult for a Muslim,not for a Non-Muslim.
Its an Arabic word meaning "one who disobey the presence of God"
So its not an ABUSE or insult,its simply a term used for a specific group of people having Faith that there is no God,Or God has partners or God has a FAMILY.
for example Hindus worship idols and have so many gods,hence we can say that they don't agree with 1 God,so they are Kafirs.Its not their insult its simply a term used in old Arabic language to describe the disobeyer.
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@hassei_takano (1411)
• Indonesia
6 Dec 06
I see so many nice respose for this question
i just want to answer 1 question. About my hijab.
?Q3. Why does Islam degrade women by keeping them behind the veil
NO AT ALL.... Islam really raise woman by PROTECT them behind this hijab. NO one can see our body and thought unpolite things in their mind. Allah give this rules for that.
ISLAM really protect woman. When Rasulullah best friends ask "Who is your most important person in the world?" Muhamman SAW answer "My mother". He ask again, "Who is the next person, "My mother". And he ask again, "Who is the next?" and he answer again, "My mother." And after that he said my father
That clearely ISLAM doen;t degrade woman.
I proud being muslim and wear this hijab.
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@Furrukh (701)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 06
im extremely sorry for not posting the answers for these question,what my aim was to answer these common questions asked abt islam by the non muslims
but i forgot to post them but i've posted them now i suggest u have a look at them in this thread.All the answers are given on the first page so please read them before posting anything and i really appreciate the help provided with my muslim brothers and sisters within the topic,I think its time we clear some misunderstandings of non muslims which they have abt Islam.Peace be upon every one

@rizwan09 (743)
• India
6 Dec 06
the questions asked by you are not a one word answer ...hours and hours wud make u sit to get the correct solution for this..
i wil prefer you this link which wud provide you complete knowledge to ur query..
by browsing this links u will get correct knowledge abt ISLAM...
@soFh123 (355)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 06
you are absolutely right man,and I think farrukh was also willing to put the answer with IRF reference as these questions are collected by Dr.Zakir Naik after a long research and time.
Hope here are guys who seek knowledge and truth and they will read the links carefully.
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@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
6 Dec 06
i have just some question regaring prophet mohammad here.
1. Why he married a girl of 9 years at the age of 54 any muslims has a answer to these.
2. Why does he says that Kafirs head should be beheaded.
3. Why he married his step sons wife?
Any answer to these questions, don't say thing didn't happened.
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@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
6 Dec 06
So the prophet didn't had the guts to oppose the view of the creater to marry his adopted son. This is what call blind following. This is what followers of islam are doing right now.
Have you ever seen a god ordering to marry his own daughter-in-law even if the son is adopted one.
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@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 06
I want to ask you want thing. What is the meaning of believing in God, if you dare to fight him? For example, if I am a Muslim, I dare to fight my own Creator Allah the Almighty, isn't that there's no meaning for me to become a Muslim? Same as you, right? I don't need to ask your religion, but if you dare to fight your own God/Creator, what is the meaning of you to be a follower of your religion? Be it Christian, Judaism or Hinduism, do you dare to fight your own God? Unless you are an unbeliever, that is a different case.
And I think you still don't understand the reason of the third answer. Back in the past, the Arabs always thought that adopted son is "biologically" the same with real son. That means some things are not allowed such as marriage between siblings (although they're adopted). So, the command from Allah is to clear things up.
Please, if you are asking for the purpose of knowledge and curiosity, I believe many will be glad to explain so that all can understand each other. But if you only asking to provoke or teasing Islam, there would be no point asking, because whatever answer given, it will never satisfy you.
@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 06
This isn't the first time I heard these questions, even some of my real life friends asking me the same long time ago. I always hope there is a way to spread the explaination further regarding this matter. It won't be short. My answer is according to what I've researches, I read books and discuss, with the guideline of experts.
1. The source of prophet Muhammad really married a 9 years old girl isn't actually clear. This issue has brought controversy because the real age of her is not clearly stated. Many Muslim scholars has already debated this issue. The part saying she's 9 years old, is just according to one source, while there are other sources saying she's actually, either 15 (it's normal to get married at 15 at that time) or 19. Most people probably highlight the "9 years old" issue, because that's what make things interesting, human nature loves hot controversial news. These are some of the probabilities. The other probability is, if she did get married at 9, that's because she's already reached puberty.
2. The word "Kafir" here only refers to non-Muslim or blasphemers/converters that OPPOSED the religion. Opposed here including trying to destroy Islam, directly or indirectly. The statement here applied to the enemy of Islam only. If you don't have anything against Islam, Islam also doesn't have anything against you. As many would say, there's no force in Islam.
3. This is also a misunderstanding. It's not "stepson", it is his "adopted son". First of all, it's not the prophet's decision, it's a command from the Creator, and it is stated in Quran. Even the prophet himself felt embarassed to carry out this command. The purpose for this was to nullify a pre-Islamic norm that the adopted sons were to be treated like natural sons. Allah wanted to teach His servants that adoption is prohibited in Islam. So, those formerly adopted sons are but strangers to their former adopting fathers. In order to stress this message Allah commanded His Prophet to marry noble Lady Zainab, the divorcee of his former adopted son.
I hope these answers clear things up.
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@killailla (1301)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
lol yeah i made him smash his keyboard a cry, i feel bad for him lol
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
lol yeah i made him smash his keyboard a cry, i feel bad for him lol
@uzairalvi (4)
• India
6 Dec 06
only just one statement is possible to prove islam is the best religion.
the word of allah-QURAN(there is not even a single mistake present in it).best and the purest religion to follow

@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I'd be interested in reading the author's answers to his questions, though some other people have provided some answers already.
A couple of people have said, "Read the Koran." The problem is it can be very difficult to ask someone from another faith to just read the Koran or Bible. You also have to understand the circumstances under which it was written, how to interpret the symbolism, etc.
There are many adults--Christian, Muslim, and Jewish-- who take part in study groups to help understand the their holy book's passages and their meanings, even though they've grown up with it. So it's even harder for someone from another faith to try to read another faith's scripture with no background.
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@soFh123 (355)
• Pakistan
5 Dec 06
You raised a very important and serious topic.
Cheers dude,but where are your answers ?
I can't find them,So it would be better to answer them as well, or if you say i can also reply them all.
WE had few answers and you can see what its saying so it is quit important to reply here:)
what say ?
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@Furrukh (701)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 06
im extremely sorry for not posting the answers for these question,what my aim was to answer these common questions asked abt islam by the non muslims
but i forgot to post them but i've posted them now i suggest u have a look at them in this thread
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@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 06
Q1. In the modern Islamic world, polygamy is mainly found in traditionalist Arab cultures, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for instance, whereas in secular Arab states like Lebanon and non-Arab Muslim countries, Turkey for example, it is banned or rare, respectively. However, polygamy is still practiced in Malaysia, a non-Arab Muslim country, but there're restrictions as to how it can be practiced. In traditionalist cultures where polygamy is still commonplace and legal, Muslim polygamists do not separate themselves from the society at large, since there would be no need as each spouse leads a separate life from the others.
Islam allows any man who has the means to provide for more than one wife (food, clothing, and shelter) with ease to marry up to four women.
And, if a man does not have the means to provide for the needs of more than one wife, he is obliged to restrict his self to one. So, you see, polygamy is not easy. It's a HUGE responsibility.
That's the answer for Q1.
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@killailla (1301)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
i have answered all questions to the best i can on page 2 since the topic included no answers
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@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 06
Before I start answering Q2, you need to fully understand the answer of Q1, that is because the two of it is connected and to prevent misunderstanding. More elaboration on Q1.
In the Quran, Surah An-Nisa:
“If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.” (Quran 4:3)
This verse was revealed after the Battle of Uhud. If you didn't know, in this battle almost half the Muslim population was wiped out. Hence Allah told Muslims to:
1. First opt for adopting an orphan. If injustice was feared,
2. Then if you can be just, opt for marrying up to four women. If injustice was feared,
3. Then marry only ONE.
Polygamy was not and never the first choice. The purpose of this was to give protection to the orphans and to increase the Muslim population primarily by adopting and giving protection to the orphans.
Then again, polygamy isn't easy, and Islam is not all about polygamy.
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@kukukaki (2)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 06
Every husband is expected to be a very responsible person. But luck is not always on his side. Sometimes he gets a very sick wife or one who is unable to give him a child. So, instead of divorcing her, just keep her as his wife, and get married to a second one. It's fair isn't it? rather than keeping mistresses and committing adultery everywhere.
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@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 06
Don't worry, it's nothing bad. It is hoped that discussion like this can bring mutual understanding, regarding the difference in religion and belief. Not to convert anyone or anything like that, rather to explain so everyone will understand each other.
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@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
i am sorry for what i said earlier. as i just saw your own answers on these questions. you r doing well keep it up.
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@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
well sorry i just post very bad words for you as i ddint saw your own answers own such questions. I feel relieved. you are doing an excellent job. keep it up.
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@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
mr. farrukh i read your questions once again and m very sorry to say you don hav a little bit respect for your religion. if do then you should answer them by urself rather putting thread or open discussion to all non-muslims. you can consult one site to get all answers www.askimam.com or www.quran-o-sunnah.com if any body has querries then he/she might visit these site too to get all answers. Thanx may Allah bless us all. ameen.
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@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
Alhumdulliah i am a muslim woman. if u're a true muslim then you should not put such questions over here as there're 99% non-muslims who're reading all this and probbaly will laugh at us. kindly not make fun of ur religion if some body has such questions then read Quran first and he/she will get all answers. first study ur own religion then ur own lotta querries would be resolved. here is not enough space in answer section to answer your all 20 questions. Think first what ru doing and where..??

@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
7 Dec 06
sj_chaudhry This discussion is FAQ frequently asked questions which Furrukh posted some of the FAQ that people ask and then proceeded to answer them for the benefit of the non muslims. He is not asking the questions himself, he is answering them for the rest of us.
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