Why i stay at home versus putting kids in daycare

@CORDALE (866)
United States
September 16, 2006 6:44pm CST
hello i dont care for daycares. I dont like my kids around other kids who may not be raised like i raise my kids. kids tend to catch colds and infections from daycares not to mention they pick up other kids habits whether it be swearing kicking or throwing a tantrum. i know i cant sheild them forever but why pay extra money weekly and risk my kids being exposed to all that.I homeschool my kids until they are old enough for pre k so they are learning and i dont judge anyones choice in placing their kids in daycare this is solely my opinion. how do you viewers feel about putting your kids in daycare? do tell.
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30 responses
@nannacroc (4049)
24 Oct 06
Well done,the job you are doing, although unpaid, is the most rewarding job in the world. You chose to have the children and only you know how you want them to be brought up. I was a stay at home mum and although my children had to do without a lot of material things they always knew I was there for them. I never had to set aside a time slot for my children and I think all the time I spent with them was quality time. They are now grown up and have become really nice people and that was my aim.
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@CORDALE (866)
• United States
24 Oct 06
You are truly the ideal mom I am striving everyday to be.
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@nannacroc (4049)
24 Oct 06
No the ideal mum, just one who loved her children and valued the time spent with them. My eldest has now become my best friend as well as a cherished daughter. Keep up the good work.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
17 Sep 06
You are lucky that you can stay home. For some families require the additional income and putting hte kids in daycare out weighs the amount of money that they would bring in every month. I think daycare is good b/c it allows kids to get use to being in the school environment, allows them to build social behavior. I didn't find that my son got more sick in daycare then when he was not in daycare. As for bad habits, they have the same risk as picking up bad habits in school.
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• United States
4 Oct 06
I agree with you
@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
17 Sep 06
i agree with you i tried daycare one time when my kids was younger,and it was the little boy who use the restroom on himself he was crying saying hes wet change me and the daycare worker told him no, she said he shouldnt use the restroom on himself..that was the day i took my kids out of there and never returned. that made me so angry.
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@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
25 Oct 06
We chose to have my wife stay at home with our daughter simply because any money she would have made at a job would have gone to day care anyway.
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@happygal68 (3275)
• United States
25 Oct 06
I had to use daycare for a little while when my boys were very little. They did tend to get sick more often and I hated it. I was relieved once I was able to stay home with them and not use daycare.
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@malcido (422)
• United States
26 Oct 06
My husband and I have also chosen not to use daycares when our children are small. We have made lots of sacrifices so that I can be home with them and I recognize that we are very fortunate to able to do this; in spite of the sacrifices! Some families couldn't make it work no matter how much they tried. For me it came down to this; if I wanted to learn something (anything; piano, a foreign language...) would I choose to do so with one teacher and lots of students or one teacher and one student. For me, the answer was one teacher/one student. This is what I have chosen for my children as well. I make sure that they get time with lots of people outside of our family (children of all ages and adults as that is much closer to real world experience than a classroom environment gives) for entertainment, learning, and volunteering experiences.
@skittlez353 (1402)
• United States
30 Sep 06
I am holding my foot down when I say I'm not putting my daughter in daycare. I live in Florida and there`s always stories on the news about children being kidnapped or abused. They becoming missing and at the very least coming home sick all the time. it`s just much safer to stay at home and take care of her. I`m a stay at home mom. I've seen classifieds in the papers where stay-at-home moms babysit one other baby in their home for extra money and their baby would have someone else to play with. I`ve been considering it.
@CORDALE (866)
• United States
24 Oct 06
I agree so much with you.Florida does have alot of horror stories but Alabama has had some too.they love keeping it on a hush hush but we know better. We as mothers have to keep our children safe and now days daycares need to be screened before trusted. I am not badmouthing those who put their kids in daycare i am merely stating my take on it. thanks for reading.
• United States
2 Oct 06
My husband and I both work, but we work different shifts so as not to need daycare when the kids were younger. Of course this makes family time a little hard to manage but it can be done. This allowed my husband to be fully involved with raising his children, and my children the time with their father. While it would be nice to be a stay at home mother be sure that you do not isolate yourself or your children too much. If kids are not exposed to a few germs when they are young, they will not build up immunity.
• United States
24 Oct 06
My husband and I did the same when I was working. We never saw each other, but one of us was always with the kids. Sure we missed each other, but I'd do it all over again.
• United States
24 Oct 06
I tried daycare, I pulled my son out. He was sick alot because parents send their sick kids there, and there are a lot of kids whose parent's haven't taught them to behave and I didn't like the way they acted. There are a lot of kids who have biting problems, not simple ones, this one kid bit ME when I went to get my son! Then there is the fighter who was always trying to fight with all the other kids, he popped my kid in the eye with a wooden building block, had a black eye for days. I will send him to public school next year though. I don't believe in homeschooling. Kids need interaction, competition and to learn how to deal with real life. But there are more rules and whatnot in school than daycare, so I think it will be better.
@CORDALE (866)
• United States
24 Oct 06
well said I agree with you. I hope your son meets nicer kids next year
• India
24 Oct 06
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
24 Oct 06
I wouldn't put my kids in day care but for different reasons from yours. I mean, kids will catch colds, etc. anyway, even just playing in the park with other kids. And bad habits, well, some might pick them up anyway but whether they keep them or not is up to the parent. Anyway, I think kids are always better off at home before they have to go to school, or at least nursery/kindergarten. Kids need their parents. You know where they are and how they are being looked after when you've got them. I really don;t understand why people have kids if they are going to out them in daycare anyway. Paying for daycare can't give children all they need. Yes, you might be able to have a bit more money coming in but the children need love more than anything. They aren't getting that from daycare and I don't believe children achieve as highly in the long term if they have been in daycare since a very young age. I have always stayed home with my children and I am very proud of them. I doubt very much if they would be either as bright or as loving as they are had I left them with someone else.
• United States
24 Oct 06
Sometimes daycare is needed. When it is needed I hope parents take the time to reserch them. If you are gonna pay for it might as well make it good. I agree that a wife should stay home if she can. I love staying home I have my days like everyone but at the end of the day I am glad that my kids are the way they are because of me and they way I have taught them not because someone else has. My friend use to work in a day care she had to potty, train, cut bottle, cut binkis and all kinds of stuff. To me those are the moments of a mothers life. What an accomplishment it was to potty train my daughter or taking her off the binki and how easy it was. Made me feel my job as a mom was well worth it.
• United States
24 Oct 06
I am a stay at home mom part by choice. We really can't afaird to pay childcare. It would rang between 3 and 400 a week (i have three kids). I could work nights but I am a fraid that I would be to stressed working all night then being up all day and that would not be good for any of us. I love the fact that I have been there to see there every milestone. But I have to amitted that there are times when I wish that I could drop them off at daycare and get a little brake. Don't get me wrong I love my kids more than life it self but some times I just need mommy time. My oldest son has a speach delay and I wonder if he was in daycare around other kids if it would help with his speach. But I also worry if he word learn the bad words. So we are debateing now on just going on with the theropy that we are doing for him. Or do we put him in daycare and hope that he does not pick up any bad words. The theropy is doing really good right now. I am not really worry to much about them getting sick more often, My daughter that has never been in daycare gets sick more than my two boys combined.
@CORDALE (866)
• United States
24 Oct 06
I know where you are coming from and thanks for responding.
@msbyte (219)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Some people think they HAVE to put kids in daycare, and really it is just that their priorties are out of whack. I used to make 30K per year, and was able to travel. At first it was a necessity, as my husband did not have a job, but later it was just for a lot of wants and not needs. Now I work in the school system, when I am out of work, the kids are also off. The work I do for extra money is from my home, I even limit that because my kids won't be kids forever, soon they will be grown and gone. I am not giving up this time with them. Single women have no choice, they have to work, but sometimes they could move back home and not work so much. America is one of the only countries where people live all separate everywhere. It is one of the reasons our society has so many problems and people are so self-centered. Good for you for staying home with your kids. Also, watch out for the schools, more and more the government run schools are deteriorating and teaching our children lies. Liberal lies, political lies and anti-God lies. The teachers don't even realize they are doing it, it's not a conspiracy, it's just the way the world is. Take care and keep lovin' them kids! They are the greatest gift!
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
24 Oct 06
The social interacion of putting your kids in daycare would be important I'd imagine, but there are other ways of getting your kids involved too I suppose. I hope that when I'm a mom, I will be staying home with my kids as well, that's my goal and I feel that it's important.
@smuggeridge (2148)
24 Oct 06
I can understand your reasoning, however i think it is advantageous for kids to be around other children, especially at a young age because it is proven to help improve their communication skills and confidence for when they go to school. I would recommend sending them to some sort of daycare, even if its only for 1 day a week. It will probably do them more good than bad
@HallE2386 (341)
• United States
24 Oct 06
i agree with you as well! i have a three year old daughter that has never been put in day care, and i dont plan on her going there either. I feel us woman have child to be the ones to raise them. not have somebody else do it! i understand though if money is tight...the mother has to work its understandable...but if you have the oppurtunity to stay home with your children...then why now stay with them? Nobody is going to watch your child as good as you will! I dont know how im going to react to her going to kindergarden here in a couple of years...but once she starts school and i am pregnant with another child...and once that child starts kindergarden is when i will go to work while thye are at school...
• United States
24 Oct 06
I never really had my kids in daycare. When I was working out of the home, my mother-in-law watched them. I'm glad that I'm home with them now.
• United States
24 Oct 06
i totally agree and your kids will be smarter and not sick all the time if they stay home
@stezieb (2182)
• United States
24 Oct 06
I was never in daycare as a child but I think it is a good idea for the childs social development. most likely when i have children I will put them in daycare. I do not want to daycare to see my kids more then i do though.