Teaching children RESPECT!!!
By Stephanie5
@Stephanie5 (2946)
United States
December 5, 2006 7:44pm CST
Ever noticed that now-a-days children are SOOOOOOO disrespectful????
And I'm not very old either, but when I was a child if I would of spoke to my mother the way my kids speak to me, I would of gotten a couple teeth knocked out. In todays world if you punish your kid, you have to fear the welfare department might come and take your kids. And my older ones remind me of that when I spank them.
I believe in spanking and I think that if I could do it the way it was done to me when I was a child that it would teach my children that they will respect me and they will listen to me. I don't want to beat the holy living crap out of them but I do want to get my point across.
Does anyone else feel like they are fighting a losing battle when it comes to your kids? Do you think it's wrong to make your kids "fear" you in order to get them to listen. I know that when I was a kid, I thought twice about doing the same thing twice, because I knew the consequences, and my consequences weren't taking my toys or tv, because we didn't have many...we were spanked and made to do chores till we fell over, and then we didn't do it again...
I don't want to resort to such drastic measures but I don't want my kids to end up in trouble all the time or in juvinile hall. Not to mention that when kids get into trouble these days, the parents pay more of the consequences than the kids.
What do you suggest?
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138 responses
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
6 Dec 06
When I disciplined my children I would warn them first with a question, "do you really want to say/do that?" If they continued, they would get a swat on the butt or if they were mouthy and in my face, I would silence them quickly with a little pop on the mouth when it was wide open and ready to pour out the disrespectful words that they knew shouldn't be spoken. They knew that when that happened I had enough and they had gone too far. The tears would come quickly, but they learned a lesson from it.
This was at a time when the kids were taught that abuse was when a parent struck you. My daughter was running her mouth one day after I told her to do a chore. I swatted her on the shoulder (if a fly had been on the spot where I struck it would have shrugged it off and flew away!). She boldly told me that what I did was abuse. My work in the school system required me to call the department of social services quite often regarding children within the school, so I had memorized the number. I told her to call ***-****. She called the number and when they said "SRS", she froze and slammed down the phone. MOM, I thought you gave me the weather phone number. I said, well, you said I abused you, so I gave you the number to call them if you really felt you needed to report me. She laughed and said that she knows I don't abuse her or her siblings.
A spank never hurt anything more than one's pride in knowing that you disappointed your parents. It made you try harder not to repeat the act that got you the swat in the first place.
@jeffaim (215)
• United States
6 Dec 06
This is a great comment. Having worked in the public schools myself, I have seen too many parents who refuse to believe that their child could do anything wrong, and who do not know how to discipline their children. Discipline is important, and many times when children claim that something like a spanking is abuse, they are simply testing their boundaries and engaging in a power struggle (that they really don't want to win). By calling your daughter's bluff, she was forced to admit that she knew that there was a difference between the discipline that you were providing and actual abuse.
It is important to be firm and fair in providing discipline. I know now that many of the times that my mother raised her voice to discipline me, she was actually not as angry as she seemed. She used her tone of voice as a tool, rather than her letting her anger control her actions.
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@richelle19_80 (133)
• United States
6 Dec 06
ITS NOT JUST KIDS! WHERE IN THE WORLD DO YOU THINK THEY LEARN TO BEHAVE THE WAY THEY DO?????? THEIR PARENTS! I see rude people everywhere. If parents modeled respectful behavior, then their kids would naturally follow and display respectful behavior. As for consequences, I believe that nowadays parents fail to give any consequence. Parents don't take away any privileges (ie. TV, cellphone, video games, sports activities, driving, toys, computer) and they don't spank. They are weak!
@richelle19_80 (133)
• United States
6 Dec 06
BTW, the word discipline comes from DISCIPLE: Follower. Model the behavior that you wish to see in your children.
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@Tanushree4444 (1275)
• India
6 Dec 06
well i would always go by the proverb "charity begins at home". so if you want your child to learn how to respect others you have to create such a surrounding around your child, that is at home. children learn from what they see....so of they see you giving respect to others including them they would alos give you back the same kind of respect! now i hope you understood what i meant!
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@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I so agree with that. My children are far from perfect, but I give them time outs, to the room, or priveleges taken away.
@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I so agree with that. My children are far from perfect, but I give them time outs, to the room, or priveleges taken away.
@Willowanderer (37)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I'm not sure I can agree with that. Just the other day, I took a freind's child to task for being overly dismissive of her mother. She was downright nasty, and my freinddidn't say anything, probably because there were sevral people over other than myself. But I'd barely finished when one of them shot back 'Well you're not showing -her- any respect, why should she show her mother respect?'
While you need to teach behavior, I feel that a certain level of respect should be earned. And part of that is that you have to give to get; if they don't give respect, they won't get any.
Also, it doens't matter what's going on in the home- if the rest of the world shows that disrespecting people is alright.

@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
6 Dec 06
When I was a child I had a nice healthy fear of my mother. I got spankings when I was bad. I would have never dreamed of talking to my mother the way I hear kids talking to their parents these days. I would have been thrown through the wall or as you said had a few teeth knocked out. I had my mouth washed out with soap before. I am a pretty well adjusted adult. The problem is that parents are pushovers. They are fearful. They don't spank their kids because they are afraid of being called abusive. I will spank my kids - I don't care what Dr. Spock says. He is an idiot. There is a difference between spanking your kid and beating them. You have to show a child who is boss. You can't negotiate with them. And what good is sending them to their room when all their toys are in there? Not every offense is spankable... but come on! Be the adult and take control of the situation. Carlos Mencia was just talking about this same issue. He said take the little brats to the Cuban or Latino neighborhoods and spank your kids. Those people aren't afraid to spank your kids! They will have your back. IT was a really funny sketch... you should check it out.
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@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
6 Dec 06
well...whatever you many think of Dr. spock, there are many many many people who will try and do call dcfs on you , just because they can and do! There are many many people who want to ruin peoples lives. I am not for spanking, but there are studies that show that an occ spanking doesn't hurt. All I'm saying is be careful how you are to people...and especially with children. Of course the people that should be reported,....never are! I've never been hit by my parents..nor my sister and brother...and my brother was very disrespectful to my parents!
My kids toys are not in their bedroom...they have a separate toy room for that.
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@StasiaJ26 (37)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I have a friend who has had cps called on her several time but they never found anything. One day they came because someone called again and they took the kids because of the number of times cps has been called.
@lissaj (532)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I don't believe in spanking. I agree that kids are very disrespectful these days, but that is due a lot to their parents not paying attention to them, or letting them do what they want with no consequences. They don't learn that what they are doing is wrong. There are other ways of discipline that work a lot better than spanking. The one thing to do is always have a consequence for the action and make sure the child knows what it is. Also, always, always follow through. If the child thinks they might be able to get away with it this time, they won't learn. Don't let younger children get away with stuff just because "they don't know any better". That is the best time for them to learn.

@buffetwoman (623)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I was spanked as a child, and I was fearful.... this told me that if I did it again(was bad) I was going to get hit again. My parents always followed through on whatever it was they said. In the beginning, they did talk to me, and it just didn't work. So, spanking me was the only way to get me to listen. I was also sent to my room(which I guess would've been considered time out back then) and that didn't work either.. I guess it all depends on the child.
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@nonconformingmommy (49)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Bravo Lisa!!
I'd like to add too that kids are dealing with a lot more stress than we did when we were kids. It seems kids are more ruthless and mean, schools do a horrible job at basically everything, and families are running around a mile a minute. By the time everyone gets home at night, Mom and Dad are exhausted and I truly believe it's reflected in the actions of our children.
@kasswitsass (18)
• United States
6 Dec 06
i totally agree with you. my mom did day care out of the home, i'va done day care for many years and i also have two kids of my own. spanking is just teaching them that it is ok to hit. and then they fear you. i have taken many classes on how to talk to kids. they dont respond to yelling. you have to be firm, but get down to their level and talk to them, not at them. dont say, do you want a timeout? you say you will get a time out..... and so on. i stay calm with my kids. if i find myself yelling he just starts acting out. its all in how you talk to your kids. more parents should try some of these tactics...

@kaspyv (1011)
• United States
6 Dec 06
things were a lot different when I was a kid...I never disrespected my parents or I felt the consequences of my actions. when my kids were small they were treated the same way as my parents did me but my grandkids...now thats a different story. at this point in time its gotten to where if you touch a child in any way to discipline them, its considered child abuse. I don't agree with this!! you can spank a child without beating them! you can teach them without hurting them! we grew up with values and knowing it was wrong to disrespect others so I don't think all the spankings I got when I was a kid have hurt me at all, in fact I'm pretty sure they made me a better adult!
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@elzenren (192)
• Philippines
6 Dec 06
i believe that spanking is the best way in teaching a child what respect is and desciplining too... i do spank my child sometimes i use belt in spanking him if he really commits big mistake... in our place we allow it... in some places there is this welfare department that protects chidren thought here in us we have also welfare department that protects children but they just comes out when the child is really in danger or being hit by a baseball bat or whatever.... then after spanking my child i talk to him and ask him why i spanked him and that i did that because i love him and i want him to learn what is right and what is wrong...
@pumpkinjam (8860)
• United Kingdom
6 Dec 06
I total agree with that. Both of my children were taught to say please and thank you as soon as they could talk. Sadly, I am not surprised when other people mention about how polite my children are and that it's not expected. There is no need for children not to have respect. My oldest started saying "you're welcome" when people say thank you to him! My 18 months old says thank you (he can't say please yet but he does something which means the same and he will try to say it).
There is absolutely no reason why a child can not be taught good manners, only parents who don't set a good example.
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@toonatoons (3737)
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
oh, yes. i think, though, that this is largely due to the tv shows that we allow them to watch, and maybe, too, the seemingly lack of parental guidance with working parents.
@nuraliamin (43)
• Indonesia
7 Dec 06
I agree with you. Almost tv shows bad programs for children with bad show time too. Parent must guide the children when watching television.
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@mkup30 (494)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I dont think your children should fear you hitting them. They should fear what you will take away from them or not give them, i.e. christmas toys, no tv, no friends for a week etc. My mom spanked me and I hated it and dont forgive her for it. Im 26 now and know i will never spank my kids. discipline them? ABSOLUTELY but not by hitting them
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@ambkeb (782)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Only if that worked with my two year old. He doesnt care when I take away his favorite toy, or wont let him watch tv. He will just find another favorite toy as he watches the trash truck take his old favorite toy away. My parents spanked me when I was young, and now adays I am thankful that they did. I was a brat!!I never feared my mother. We have a great relationship today. And I am thankful for how I was raised.
@teufelskind (813)
• United States
6 Dec 06
well we have always spanked in our famliy their is a diffrence between punishing and beating the child. I dont think there is anything wronge with spanking. oh by the way you should watch your lang on here some one might report you for the part about beating the blank out of them people take that talk personal on here.
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@teufelskind (813)
• United States
8 Dec 06
it didnt me but others might somepeople report for the smalest things

@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
I always make sure my kids say "please" and "thank you". I always teach them from right from wrong. If I mean business, I mean business. So many parents over indulge their kids and I have been guilty of it to a degree but its changing now. The over indulged kids are disrespectful.
@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I have over indulged and so does my hubby, but my girls always say thank you. and please, and if not, we remind them.
@Ambur25 (1006)
• United States
6 Dec 06
A brilliant idea that I had a couple weeks ago, and it's worked AWESOME for my boys. They're 8 and 4, btw. oO
I used to spank them. I used to take their TV away. That didnt' work, because they're too good at occupying themselves otherwise.
My brilliant idea:
I bought a dry erase board, and drew a line down the center. I put their names on top of each "Column" that I made.
Then I taped 5 $1 bills under each name. Each time they got in trouble, they lost a dollar. If they did a chore without having to be told, or only being asked to do it once, then they got a dollar returned.
Whatever they had left, was what they got to take to Wal-Mart on Friday. This also includes getting in trouble at school. After school they know if they've gotten in trouble at school, they get a dollar taken.
The first week, neither of my boys had any money left. However, we still went to Wal-Mart as planned, and they knew the entire trip that they weren't allowed to buy anything because they were broke!!
This week.. it's Wednesday. My oldest has all $5 left. My youngest has $3 left. A HUGE improvement over last week.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I think that is a very good idea. Sometimes money can be a powerful motivator. Not only that but it can teach them the value of money to boot. I hope it continues to work for you.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
7 Dec 06
OHHHHHHHH!!! I've got to try that!!!!!! My boys are just crazy over money too, so this should work wonders!!! THANKS!!!
@ALBeaujean (11)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Yes, it drives me insane. I'm only 25 and I would never talk to other adults the way I see kids talk. For example... cussing, talking back, rolling eyes, yelling, telling them what to do. What ever happen to just respect and common courtesy. I sure do hope my child grows up with a lot more respect for others then what I see. Just the other day my cousin (13) made a smart remark to me. I didn't tolerate it. I think if more people called kids on their bad behavior and didn't let them get away with it then maybe that could be a start to reversing this horrible trend starting.
@toonatoons (3737)
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
i think so, too. i see many parents turning a deaf ear, however, as if their children's bad behavior is just a daily thing.
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@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
i believe in discipline...and i also believe that it should start at home...i was spanked when i was child whenever i'd do something wrong...and i believe it helped me to become who i am now...i totally agree to allowing parents to occasionally spank their children...as the bible says, "spare the rod,spoil the child."
@sanumuri (145)
• India
7 Dec 06
good morning,
i am still youg and that i respect my parents.in india we don;t have welfare separtments working so strictly like .still we are having child labour.most of the parents are encoraging the child labour for the rinning of the family.here every one respect to theirs elders and they should
@Celestialvie (679)
• United States
6 Dec 06
There's really a big difference between spanking and abusing kids. You cn spank your kids just so they'd pay attention to you and what you're trying to say. But I'd rather do time-out.. I believe that the best time to instill disciple and respect is when they're still kids.
But I grew up being spanked and I really hated it. I'd rather that my parents talk to me and if I do such a thing again, then maybe I am better with another punishment. I was also not allowed to talk back to my parents which really frustrates me because I feel like I am deprived to express myself.
I'd rather that the kids are giving a chance to explain themselves. In a respectful way of course. Not just reasoning out. Like parwnts give them a minute or two to explain.. then that's it. So long as they're heard. At least parents would know what there kids are thinking as well...
@lucysgj (92)
• China
7 Dec 06
When I was still a little girl,my mother seldom spanked me or beat me.And instead,she would have a talk with me,which made me clear about my ever action.Sometimes,when I Did did something seriously wrong,she would spank me,but after doing that,she herself would cry,which made me felt much sorry for my doing.So I would not do that again.When I was educated,my mother would write to me to teach me how to behave myself.Whenever Mom found me doing something unrespectful,she would remind me of this and asked me to behave myself.So I do think Mom is a very wonderful mom. But nowadays,as more and more parents went out of their hometown to make a living,leaving their young babies to be brought up by their grandparents,who pets these children so much and always neglects to discipline them,which make them grow up to be quite unbehave and unrespectful to other persons,even to their own parents or grandparents.I am really very sorry for these children.(:
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@edelweiss (1929)
• India
7 Dec 06
Yes, I know what you mean. Children are becoming rude day by day and I blame it to the television. But its our fault too that we let them sit unsupervised.
It is our responsibility to teach them how to differentiate between right and wrong.
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