
United States
December 5, 2006 9:19pm CST
What really causes acne? Is it diet? Is it hereditary? How can u really get rid of it. I have had acne for as long as I can remember. It is not terrible or anything...but it is still a pain. I got on accutane a few years back and my skin was gorgeous! I want to get back on it...but I am afraid but everytime I touch my face and feel these pimples...I want to RUN to the derm. Please tell me there is something out there that works as well. I am SOOO tired of acne. I just want healthy clear skin. Can anyone help?
4 people like this
50 responses
@greengal (4286)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Acne is based mostly on waht you eat and your hormones. Every person at some stage faces this problem (lucky ones don't! :)) I would suggest u watch what u eat..avoid fatty foods and cleanse your face with cold water, use a good astringent and top off with a oil-free moisturiser..the Cleanse,Tone, Moisturise (CTM) routine helps a lot and if followed regularly could rid you of your acne. I'm currently using Neutrogena acne control products and I'm happy with it. I have fewer break-outs and my skin is clearing up. I use the cleanser, astringent, day and night time moisturisers and also acne control compact powder. And about Pro-activ, I read a few reviews on the net, that it does work but acne comes right back when you you have to be kinda addicted to it. Try Neutrogena, it works. Stick to a good routine and you will get results. Don't try everything everybody suggests. Wait for results to show when you start using any product. Hope this was helpful!
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Dec 06
Try this has loads of information.... Have you tried proactiv??
• United States
6 Dec 06
Thanks...I will check it out. My best friend tried proactiv and it did not work for I have been reluctant. Maybe I should g
• United States
6 Dec 06
i used pro-activ and it worked and fast!! but once i stopped using it and turned to regualr face wash, it all came back! i'm using Cetaphil, which is a sensitive cleanser and i love it! you can buy it at any grocery store and its cheap. i spent $500+ last year on dermatoligists and the last one i went to told me to try cetaphil...
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
6 Dec 06
My opinion is that it comes from the food a person consumes.I know if I drink sodas they will break me out.A friend of mine has tried proactive and it helped her out.Do you eat alot of fruits and veggies that should help.I think vitamin e and vitamin a is good for your skin.I try to stay away from fried foods to. I try but Im not good at it.
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
6 Dec 06
oh and drink plenty of water
• Indonesia
8 Jan 13
I think acne is caused by stress. Cause I feel the same. But someone tell me a natural remedies by using lemon before sleeping it feels smarting but I haven't tried it till now
@Shavkat (140309)
• Philippines
6 Jan 13
I just have regular washing my face with clean water and hypo allergenic soap. I do thing it is effective. You can try it, so simple and no need expensive treatment for acne vulgaris. They said, it is in the genes or hormonal imbalance.
• India
16 Mar 13
I too had these problems years agö i had tried so many tricks to avoid them but when i consulted to doctor he told me that it happens at that age and told me to avoid junk food .... and now it has almost gone....
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Actually acne is called by bacteria getting into your pores and becoming infected. You will have to get something to help kill the bacteria and my niece went to the doctor and he prescribed some medication it was starting to clear up but she quit taking the pills. She hates taking pills. But Her friend got proactive and it worked so she is wanting some of that for christmas and it is 19.95 right now not a bad deal, but it cleared her friends acne up and she had it bad. So maybe you'll wanna give it a try or you could try washing your face in a antibacteria face cleanser or soap. And try to maxamize the time you have makup on. Because there is bacteria on our hands and then we touch our faces and put makeup on and it mixes in with the makeup and starts breakouts that way to..well I hope you all the luck I hated acne I had it all through school and the first few years of my marriage but after I quit wearing the makeup all the time and started washing my face more often it went away. try to get facial sponges to apply makeup so you don't get bacteria in your makup while applying.
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
here, try this site.. it helps..:)
@finders (56)
• Indonesia
7 Dec 06
You can get more acne , if you're stress . Just forget it and try washing your face after dinner or before sleep . You know that face without acnes like a sky without stars ....
• China
7 Dec 06
I think diet should be one of the most important causes. My brother had the same problem when he was around 20. He had seen many doctors and ate many different kinds of medicine, and use lots of anti-acne cream, but the result is not satisfied. later, he change his diet habbit, and eat more fruits and vegetables, and it really helps. I suggest you should do so.
@Sikh_Boy (230)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Let's start at the beginning. There are three major organs in the human body that are responsible for the elimination of waste and toxins: the liver, the kidneys and the skin. We take for granted that the skin is an organ involved in the excretory process. Many of us treat our skin like we might a vinyl floor, scrubbing, overcleaning, overdrying and applying harsh chemicals to it. Not only is this type of treatment unnecessary, but it can cause longterm harm to the skin, and will probably not improve the situation much. If the liver and the kidneys are overwhelmed by the number of substances to be cleared and eliminated from the system, the skin takes over. The liver will clear caffeine, hormones, allergens or sources of sensitivities, chemicals, including food additives and coloring agents, as well as a host of other substances to which you are exposed on a daily basis. It is no small wonder why many of our livers are crying out for a little support. The skin, in an effort to back up the liver and the kidneys in the removal of unnecessary substances from the body, will become overwhelmed and affected by the amount of waste that is forced out through its pores. This process disrupts the skin's integrity and affects its appearance. Sometimes the appropriate topical treatments are enough to help the skin cope with the overload. By keeping pores open, by absorbing excess oil and keeping the proliferation of bacteria in check, the correct product may work to clear the skin. However, if the problem is more extreme, or of a deeper underlying nature, more may be required. Serious medications such as accutane have serious side effects. They correct the problem, at a cost. In some respect this type of medical treatment simply kills the symptom (the acne) without addressing the underlying cause. In some cases, acne recurs, albeit in time. If your objective is the preservation of longterm and comprehensive health as well as beauty, the key is to lighten the load on your other excretory organs, and watch the skin begin to clear. This sounds easy, but is in fact no small task. Hormones Anyone who survived adolescence knows that hormones begin to rage during the teenage years. This is usually the time when acne makes its first appearance. Later in life, we may experience it again with hormonal changes, including premenstrual and perimenopausal episodes. While any hormonal excess can promote acne, the male hormones (which are present in both males and females, only in differing amounts) are particularly notorious for stimulating the cells in the hair follicle to produce more keratin (a hard protein that forms hair, skin and nails). Additionally, male hormones such as testosterone cause the oil glands to enlarge and produce more oil. This traffic jam of substances trying to escape the pore can cause a blockage. The blockage of the hair canal can in turn promote the overgrowth of bacteria, which will promote inflammation. This is the redness that you see when a pimple becomes infected. Not all pimples, however, become infected. If the bacterium grows out of control, the hair canal can rupture. If it does so on the surface of the skin, the result is a pustule. If it does so more deeply into the skin, the result may be a cyst, which requires a doctor’s intervention to successfully treat. Cysts can result in significant damage and possibly scar formation, so it is well worth the doctor’s visit. Interestingly, blood levels of testosterone are not always indicative of a hormonal overload. The problem appears to lie in the skin’s ability to metabolize the hormone. Acne patients show a greater activity of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosterone into a more potent form, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The conversion into DHT seems to be the more direct cause of the acne, and is also the primary cause of unwanted facial hair in women. MINERALS CAN HELP Certain minerals such as Zinc and Sulfur are fabulous skin healers and builders. Make sure your diet is rich in fresh produce to ensure proper mineral content, and supplement with a high quality multi-vitamin that will guarantee you a dose daily. Extra zinc in supplement form does wonders for many people suffering from this type of acne. Some herbs, such as saw palmetto and pygeum, have been found to curb the conversion of testosterone into DHT. This can be especially helpful for stubborn acne cases where DHT is a factor. In some cases, Saw Palmetto has had the welcome side effect of minimizing unwanted facial hair in women. SUGAR If you love chocolate half as much as I do, you despise the notion of sugar having anything to do with acne breakouts. This is a fairly contraversial subject, and most researchers agree that the connection between sugar and acne is at best indirect, and certainly not universal (phew!). However, the skin cells of acne patients have in many cases demonstrated the inability to metabolize sugar correctly . Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that promotes the uptake of sugar by the body cells. In many acne patients, there seems to be an impaired uptake of blood sugar by the skin cells, due to insensitivity to insulin. Some researchers believe this is a factor contributing to acne breakouts. Sugar is not the only culprit. Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white pasta and white rice, are converted quickly into sugar in the system. At the very least, this bogs down the system by requiring much effort on the part of the pancreas. Further, many researchers believe this reduces immunity considerably. Reduced immunity becomes a factor in acne, because acne involves infection. You want to keep your immunity strong to fight off acne infections, so I suggest you seriously reduce or eliminate all refined carbs, sugary foods included. STRESS Few of us can claim to be unaffected by stress. Stress comes in many forms, among them psychological, physical and environmental. The body secretes anti-inflammatory hormones in response to stress and trauma. If, however, you are operating under long-term stressful or traumatic conditions, these hormones can cause side effects, including the hormonal toxicity that can result in acne. Try to take some time for yourself every day to unwind and relax. Meditation, a hot bath, soft music, candles and recreational reading can all help relax tightly strung nerves. WEAPONS YOU CAN USE TO FIGHT ACNE: 1. Stressing out over stressful situations never helps matters, so focus on getting past it and don't let the situation frazzle your nerves. 2.Calcium and Magnesium do more than strengthen bones, they help to soothe the nerves and reduce sugar cravings. Make sure you supplement with these essential nutrients, as part of your high qualtiy multi-vitamin and mineral formula, although extra calcium will probably be needed, since calcium is too bulky to be sufficiently contained in a multi. 3.Vitamin C and a good Bioflavonoid complex will help to strengthen connective tissue, which includes, among other things, the lower skin layers (the dermis). These nutrients also act as natural anti-inflammatory agents. 4. Detoxification is a fail-safe method of cleansing the body of internal build-up and overloads of ALL kinds, and works really well for acne sufferers. By detoxification, I am speaking of an internal cleansing diet that should be carried out under the guidance of a licensed professional. When the cleansing period is over, the tissues of your body will have eliminated a good deal of stored toxins that you have been carrying around most likely for many years, and the result is vibrant energy, increased metabolism and clearer skin. 5. Exercise accelerates circulation, which in turn speed up the excretion of waste. Try 20-30 minutes of activity every day, at least. 6.Drink water and plenty of it. The purest forms are purifed via a process known as reverse osmosis, or distilled. I am not a fan of Spring water. Call me a skeptic, but I sincerely question whether there is a single "pure spring" left on the planet. 7.Eat as much fresh foods as possible. Basically, buy food that is in a state as close as nature provided it as possible. That means fewer boxed, jarred, canned and bagged foods, and more fresh fruits and veggies. If you were a child and you were coloring a picture of your diet, would it be a rainbow of vibrant colors, or a pasty, pale range of tans, browns and whites? The more colors, the more phyto (or plant) nutrients, and these will keep the intestines clean and build greater vitality. 8.Milk Thistle is an herb that is venerated for it's powerful ability to purify the liver. I have personally seen several people overcome serious skin disorders like eczema with milk thistle and flax seed oil alone. However, not all milk thistles are created equal. Teas are largely ineffective, and many capsules are not properly absorbed by the body. A high quality liquid extract is your best bet. 9.If your diet is lacking in Fiber, then take Fiber Supplements. Of course, it is far better to eat plenty of fruits and salads, because in addition to fiber these foods contain a wide variety of nutrients. However, when your diet has been less than ideal, these can help. They not only speed up the elimination of food in the digestive tract, but they may help bind toxins as they go. Constipation fosters the development of acne, and can worsen an already existing condition. 10. Last, but definitely not least, increase the essential fatty acids in your diet, Specifically the Omega-3's. These fats are so vital for health and critical to building outstanding skin that I can't sum it all up here, but you can read more in my article The Fats that Heal. 11. Look for certain product ingredients that will help boost your skin's capacity to deal with the excess oil secretions. Fruit acid gels are excellent for exfoliating the skin
@gtfteam (140)
• Malaysia
7 Dec 06
keep ur face clean and dont sweat too much..dont touch ur acne..dont think too much about it..soon it will disapear.thats my experience.
@Genie123 (59)
• India
7 Dec 06
Drink plenty of water and keep dabbing your face as many times as u can with cold water! Sure will help and if u feel none of this sounds very effective, then u may as w ell go in for mild glycolic acid peels at a good dermatologist's clinic. Cheers!
@kerbausama (1335)
• Malaysia
7 Dec 06
avoid eat prawn and sea food except fish. always clean your face if you feel uncomfortable. wash you face with warm water after wake up on the morning. for me it works.
• United States
7 Dec 06
I believe that acne can be both, hereitary, and caused by your diet. My fiance has a problem with acne, and has discovered a product called Acne Free. It is like a discounted version of Proactiv, but he believes it works better. It can be purchased at Walmart or Target and is really worth the $20. His skin looks so much better after using the product.
@ellemayra (284)
• Indonesia
7 Dec 06
Acne is the term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. Acne affects most teenagers to some extent. However, the disease is not restricted to any age group; adults in their 20s - even into their 40s - can get acne. While not a life threatening condition, acne can be upsetting and disfiguring. When severe, acne can lead to serious and permanent scarring. Even less severe cases can lead to scarring. In fact acne is more serious. In most cases, acne starts between the ages of ten and thirteen and usually lasts for five to ten years. It normally goes away on its own sometime in the early twenties. However, acne can persist into the late twenties or thirties or even beyond. Some people get acne for the first time as adults. Acne affects young men and young women about equally, but there are differences. Young men are more likely than young women to have more severe, longer lasting forms of acne. Despite this fact, young men are less likely than young women to visit a dermatologist for their acne. In contrast, young women are more likely to have intermittent acne due to hormonal changes associated with their menstrual cycle and acne caused by cosmetics. These kinds of acne may afflict young women well into adulthood. Acne lesions are most common on the face, but they can also occur on the neck, chest, back, shoulders, scalp, and upper arms and legs.
• United States
7 Dec 06
Acne is caused by bacteria, so get rid of the bacteria, you get rid of acne. easier said then done. I tried Proactiv, Stridex, Clearasil, and jsut about anything else, and i am going to say Proactive worked the best if i used Stridex pads once a day with it. mind you i was 16 at the time, so this is 3 years ago, but i am sure they are still in the same order.
@can555 (1)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Acne is caused by several, heredity, stress, and so on. If you've tried everything including acutane, it must be pretty serious. I went on acutane and have been off for about a year now. Skin still looks pretty good but I occassionally get a flare. I think acutane is the closet there is to a cure. Best thing to do is to consult with your dermatologist again and see if it's safe to start it back up again. Otherwise, you'll just find yourself in a sea of infomercials convincing you they have the miracle yourself the late nite pity parties and talk to a professional.
• India
7 Dec 06
Acne is based mostly on waht you eat and your hormones. Every person at some stage faces this problem (lucky ones don't!:)) I would suggest u watch what u eat..avoid fatty foods and cleanse your face with cold water, use a good astringent and top off with a oil- free moisturiser..the Cleanse,Tone, Moisturise (CTM) routine helps a lot and if followed regularly could rid you of your acne. I'm currently using Neutrogena acne control products and I'm happy with it. I have fewer break-outs and my skin is clearing up. I use the cleanser, astringent, day and night time moisturisers and also acne control compact powder. And about Pro-activ, I read a few reviews on the net, that it does work but acne comes right back when you you have to be kinda addicted to it. Try Neutrogena, it works. Stick to a good routine and you will get results. Don't try everything everybody suggests. Wait for results to show when you start using any product. Hope this was helpful!
@pacaveli (153)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Benzaclin worked wonders on my face i used to have pimples all the time but then after about one week of using it two times daily i had literally NO acne whatsoever just go to your doctor and ask for samples and theyll give you a months supply if they like you otherwise if your not cheap like me then get a prescription