should parenting be 'licenced' - are some people unfit to have children?
By rhinoboy
@rhinoboy (2129)
December 6, 2006 4:11am CST
There is a huge problem in my country (UK) with teenage pregnancies. Beyond that, there are thousands of people who live off state benefits and continue to have many many children. Many of these children ignore their education and fall into petty crime and gang behaviour, only to become teenage parents themselves and repeat the cycle.
Some right-wing people suggest that this is not fair, as the working population usually cannot afford to have more than 2 or 3 children due to childcare costs (most families cannot live from one salary so both parents must work).
What do you think should be done to combat this problem? Should some people be disallowed from having babies? Let me know your opinions on this.
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114 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 Dec 06
Yes I believe it does specially in these Days
I find a lot of People just have Kids now for the Benefits they can get
I am from the UK like you so we both know what they get here and it is terrible as far as I am concerned
A pregnant Teenager can get a house a lot faster to me who has worked,payed her taxes and is now disabled
So yes I think somehow here they should stop this
@rainbow (6761)
6 Dec 06
I agree that benefits should not make life so easy, when I left school most of my friends went to college in the hope of meeting a nice boy and having babys.
I'm 34 and my boys are 7 and 2. When I was a single mum I worked full time 16 miles from home and paid a mortgage, my friends got their homes paid for, money to live on and to spend all day with their baby.
I do not work now as my older son has special needs and the little one only just started playschool. As soon as I am able to I will probably go back to work,depending on Bongs problems.
My cousin has 7 children with 4 different dads and has never worked since she was 16 and got sacked from her YTS. Not even all of her kids live with her, her boyfriend is 14 years younger and was her sons best mate and lives with her three little girls who are all in school while they sit at home drinking our tax bill away. She's a year older than me.
Benefits seem to make life too easy if you don't want much. I'm sure they struggle but still all the young girls in my area seem to want that future.
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
6 Dec 06
It's sad that this impression is given out. I had to live on benefits a few years ago. It was certainly not easy. I always wondered where some people got the stuff they got. I knew a lot of people who would be on benefits just because they couldn't be bothered to work and I couldn't work it out because while I was spending the little money I had on bills and things I actually needed, there were other people in similar situations who spent most nights in the pub. I don't know how easy it is for teenagers to get houses now but I know they used to give preference to couples if there were children involved.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Dec 06
I know what you are saying there I am now classed as Disabled I have worked all my Adult Life up to 2 years ago now I am on disability and I am trying to make ends meet all the time and I wonder how other People around me are going on Holidays out drinking all the time and all that
I don't go out and I am struggling at the moment to get Christmas going
I get upset as I will never be able to work again and I loved working now I am reduced to this but whenever I see other People on Benefits they are able to afford everything HOW???????
As for the young Girls they are silly I am so glad my Daughter is not like that
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@aleshialovesmcr (8)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
To say that because someone has a daughter who ends up pregnant young makes them a bad parent just doesn't seem right to me. The most you can do is teach them and hope they listen.
Now the ones who live on unemployment checks and have like 4 kids are not smart people. It ideally goes education-career-house-kids for a reason.
@HaitianButterfly (102)
• United States
7 Dec 06
No one should have the right to say, "you can't have a child." People who can't have children take a child who someone may not take of as there own. Its all in the way the child was raised.
@fionaramsell (13)
6 Dec 06
The right to reproduce is as unalienable as the right to eat or breathe. How much a society supports one another in doing so is a measure of their civilisation. I agree that many parents have limited skills, and I think this is partly a result of the disintegration of the extended family. A substitute for learning these skills from one's own parents would seem to be necessary. I believe that life skills like this and like managing money could be a part of the school National Curriculum. (Although this is already overloaded) Of course, getting young people with the worst parent models to come to school in the first place is another problem.....

@lissaj (532)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I agree that some people are not fit to be parents. Look at all the abuse going on in this world? And who suffers? The kids, because the parents don't care. I think everyone should have to go through parenting classes though, especially with all the teenagers having kids these days. I also think though, that if the parents were more open and their children have more information, some of the teenage pregnancies could be avoided.
@beautyoperater (1890)
• United States
6 Dec 06
well in the states the government is trying to do away with welfare. Parents on welfare have to actively look for a job and have to get one I thing within 6 months or they have to reapply.
Teenage pregenacy is on the rise. You would think with all the issuses on Aids that they would becareful.
You can't stop people from having baby's it would be taking away their rights. I wish I knew what could be done.
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@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
6 Dec 06
no i do not believe anyone shoulnt be able to have children unless their unfit or do something to their child.i was 19 when i had my first.teenagers dont necessarily make bad parents.people shouldnt be able to stay on walfare if they are not attempting to find work.
@Glenn2007 (235)
• United States
7 Dec 06
well then what type Law you got in UK ?
then you lost your first right to have babies there
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@iluvujoy (311)
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
I am still single and hopefully I will become a mother someday by God's grace. I guess God really wills the couple to become a parent. If God entrusted you with children, you are really deserving to become a parent. Parenting requires commitment and guidance from God not license.
@nicola82 (478)
• Italy
7 Dec 06
In my opinion I think disallowing someone to have children is impossible and overall it's very disgusting.. Who are we to decide who can be a good parents and who not? how can we decide? on what basis? you can find a bad parent only after he/she had a child so the problem has not a solution on this way.. however it is a problem and we have to find a solution even if I don't know if a solution is possible because it's a too difficult problem for what now I can't find an alternative solution
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Well, first, you would have to figure out the criteria for being an "unfit" parent. There are so many different ways to raise children, that who can really say which ways are "unfit," if any? Plus, you can't predict that a parent will beat their children to neglect them. Also, you can't STOP people from conceiving. The only way to stop them from having the children is to have them all on a master list of unfit parents and force them to get an abortion...which is against many peoples religions or moral standing. You'd (government in general) be getting yourself in over head to try to identify every person you think is an unfit parent and forcing them to abort children that belong to them. Plus, a lot of people think that parents who spank are "unfit," but I grew up in a home where I was spanked and it was not was discipline. I was not negatively affected by it and I certainly don't think my parents were unfit. They were fantastic parents, and they still are.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
7 Dec 06
You're correct on there being different opinions on what is "unfit".
In the UK social services see a huge range of circumstances and only take away children who are in danger or are being neglected etc. If some already 'bad' parents have children taken into care, shouldn't they be stopped from having any more?
@sheraldea (263)
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
I am from a different country and I am not quite sure of the situation there. However, if the teenagers are really the source and from your post I would say that teenagers should undergo counselling and support. This should be assisted with livelihood programs to make them self sufficient. I don't think restricting to have babies is plausible. I think it would be stepping a bit on our freedom.
@marmalaide (470)
6 Dec 06
Last time I checked we weren't a police state (not yet, anyway!) so how on earth would you implement this? Mandatory sterilisation for everyone on benefits? Compulsory abortions for all fifteen year olds who turn up at the doctors pregnant? Dawn raids on people having unlicenced babies? What would you do with the unlicenced babies to prevent them being a burden on the state? Kill them?
I agree that inadequate parenting is the cause of a lot of social problems, but you can't alter the fact that procreation is the most natural thing in the world. It happens. The state can't regulate or control it on people's behalf without seriously violating their human rights.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
6 Dec 06
Well said. Thinking about what you said about being a "burden on the state", that's a really good point. If the child is being brought up on benefits, it would be considered a "burden on the state" but then if there were these unlicensed babies, they would have to be taken away and become... a burden on tghe state.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
7 Dec 06
I absolutely agree. We could never screen the population for 'unacceptables' but why should everyone else pay for people who refuse to work and have more children simply to increase benefit payments?
I didn't suggest snips for giro's!!
i do think that in extreme cases some people should be sterilised. On TV the other day there was a woman who had SIX children (from one-night-stands) taken into care.
In reality things need to be pretty bad before social services take kids away. Should she have been allowed to have the last four or five after neglecting / abusing the first ones?
@mavis0815 (167)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
There's no such thing as a bad parent just that's never there so remember it's the action we take that shapes our children's lives and being a good parent depends on how much love and attention you give your child
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@sexysilver (928)
• United States
6 Dec 06
My husband has a "good, steady job" at a warehouse & I started working as a dancer. We had to get a babysitter for our son b/c we both worked nights. Our daughter is still in the hospital (4 months old) because she has some complications still. And I'm 6 weeks pregnant. My husband and I are both 21 & we do get some help from the state. And I feel it is only right that the state help us since the state gave the doctors who refused to tie my tubes when I requested it their medical licence.
My mom had me at 17, my brother at 19 and my sister at 21. And I never joined a gang or anything. I had my son at 20, my daughter at 21, and I'm due again before my 22nd birthday. I used TWO forms of birth control, so I would apprciate it if nobody start the "if you only used protection ..." speech.
Personally, I feel people like me (who WANT to have their tubes tied) should have that option open when they ask for it. I do not believe in abortion, but I do believe in birth control.
As for disallowing people to have babies. I think that should be applied to murderers, phedophiles, and rapists. Because I don't think those people will ever change. As for addicts, there is rehab & implantations that are a form of birth control, because they suffer from a condition called addiction & I believe that with help those people CAN change.

@sexysilver (928)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Thank you for the best response. :)
And yes, you brought up a good point about the sperm & egg banking.
@rhinoboy (2129)
7 Dec 06
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, and i hope she gets well and comes home with you soon. I agree that sterilisation should be a choice available to anyone. I too have a daughter conceived despite use of birth control (luckily she was planned, just came a couple years early!!)
Generally, you have a very balanced view (in my opinion) and I agree with what you say. Some people should be outright banned, and some people are capable of reform (addicts etc). With the miraculous advances in IVF and fertility medicine. I think that these peoplpe should have eggs/sperm frozen, then be sterilised. If they want a baby and can pass a test of some sort later, then de-frost and impregnate! I just hate to think of all the poor children brought into awful lives because their 'parents' are irresponsible.

@chikkadee (372)
• Australia
7 Dec 06
licensing for parenting would be a logistical nightmare so I dont think it could actually be done (well, at least now). I do however, agree with the idea.
I think there should be training for every new mother in terms of child development and such just so people are prepared. We require it of people who look after our children so why should the actual parent be excepted?
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@chikkadee (372)
• Australia
7 Dec 06
Also, on another note, people who adopt children have to go through rigourous testing of income and personality and living conditions yet some hick who shoots heroin can just pop them out.
I think its a bit double standard.
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@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
6 Dec 06
I've often wondered the same thing myself! There are so many people out there who can't take care of themselves, never mind a child!
Of course if you tried to stop some people having children there would be uproar, how would you decide?
There are many poor people who would be great parents, and rich people who wouldn't be able to give their child what they require emotionally.
Keeping kids in education is so important, I think the government should look into ways to stop kids dropping out.
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@sllyrbtvw (94)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I work at a crisis center for children, and let me tell you, some parents should not be able to have children. We seen so many children that have continuously been put through so much. Childhood should be a time of innocence, and more and more children are having this removed. It makes me sick to think of all the children that have been hurt!
@blakky (137)
• Australia
7 Dec 06
this is a huge problem in developed countries (i'm in Aust) because of all the welfare they receive and I think some (not all) think it's a great idea to have kids and pull in the dollars. When you have a baby here now you get an automatic $4000 handout from the govt to help you and some young girls (again, not all) even admit they are just doing it for the money. then they can get welfare to help support the kids. some suburbs are just turning in ghettos because of the huge rates of unemployment and the contuining practice amont communities to propagate this
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@rhinoboy (2129)
7 Dec 06
That's exactly what i'm describing in the UK. I live in/near a medium sized city with a history of unemployment and many people can't see any further than life on benefits. Education is the key to get out of this, but what is the point of education when there are no jobs when you qualify?
We are now into generations who were brought up on benefits and will continue to do the same.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
7 Dec 06
This is a vicious circle which will go on and on, and it should be put to a stop. I disagree with marriage at young age, worse still, young parents. It's really tough for young parents to handle their baby, coz they already are having problems taking care of themselves. I think education play a very important role in this. The young generation should be taught of the responsibility of being a parent & reason/way to avoid pregnancy. Let them aware that it is not easy to become a parent. Then they will be more careful in their relationship. Besides, law enforcement could help passively, to penalized those irresponsible parents.