Why don't Muslims offend Jesus as the Christians offend Mohammad?
By delawer
@delawer (96)
65 responses
@thoughtprocess (2209)
• United States
17 Sep 06
Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that
the offense cannot reach it. -Rene Descartes
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@restlessguy (812)
• India
19 Sep 06
Well i dont think christiams have ever offended anyone.Leave alone muslims.Christianity is the most peaceful religion of todays world.
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@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 06
first YOU say jesus is son of god and now you says JESUS is GOD himself?? what is this?? Saviour? what? That's all lie! Jesus is another prophet of Allah that being sent to lost house of Israel so they will worship the true God, ALLAH. Jesus bring with him the teaching of Islam in Injeel just like Prophet Muhammad (saws) who bring the last revelation from Allah, QURAN!.
@delawer (96)
• Kuwait
21 Oct 06
Doaa17 (243) 1 month ago
Where did get that idea that Mohammed (PBUH) LIKE is Isa (or Jesus)...wise up man and study well Allah words. MOHAMMED (PBUH) is and till the end ALLAH's best Messanger and prophet who ever sent to all mankind just to convey Allah's Mercy on lost people...who made A man their GOD.!!!

@Doaa17 (242)
• Jordan
18 Sep 06
Well, i'm a Muslim, and i can assure you that in our religion we belive that Jesus is one of God's messengers just like Muhammad (peace be upon him), so we respect him and do not offend him. What we differ at (i mean Muslims and Christians) are the beilfs.. while we believe that Mohammad is the last messenger of God sent after Jesus, Christians dissagree. On the other hand, in Islam, we are orderd to respect other religions and cultures, and if we are to debate, we do not use bad language.. we use facts and other civilized methods. Anyway.. not all christians offend our profit Mohammad(peace be upon him), some treat us back with the respect we treat them.. like here where i live, we both live in peace and understanding.
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 06
i dont understand the NUMBER! where is the "surah" like al-fatihah or al-baqarah?? how come i make reference in Quran with this number?? what 4:48?? what what!? i dont understand!? if you want to make a slander sndcain atleast try to make something like this :
"...If anyone killed a person not in retaliation for murder or to spread mischief in the land, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind. And (likewise) if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole of mankind"
(Surah Al-Maaida 5:32)
p/s: there more you post something like that you post up there the more i stand firm behind my faith! haha!
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 06
25:52, So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them herewith with a great endeavour. --- christian evil translation.
"So obey not the disbelievers, but make a great jihad (effort) against them (by preaching) with it (the Qur'an)"
(Surah Al-Furqan 25:52) --- true word from ALLAH!

@paraclete (40)
• Australia
20 Sep 06
Because Christianity is a religion of forgiveness, a concept foriegn to Islam. Jesus said every word spoken against him would be forgiven, how then could Christians react as the Muslims do, when their words are already forgiven by Christ Himself
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@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
28 Oct 06
I think you'd have to give it to the Moslems for having no sense of humour. Say anything that upsets anyone and there will be a streat protest that beats anything you've seen before. It's something the Islamic world has to deal with.
Look at this way, the Danish cartoons were pretty offensive. So were a few of Salman Rushdie's comments in Satantic versus. But you don't go making a big deal about this - I mean shouldn't you just say that it says more about the guys who think such cartoons are funny than it does about you?
While I do defend Islam against Western Naivity and misguided views, I do think that Muslims need to develop a sense of humour to deal with people who offend them !

@noorasie (686)
• Pakistan
18 Sep 06
This is really a very thought provoking discussion....I am thankful to delawar from hong kong for posting this thread.....
Basically the Islam.... follow the sharia of Muhammad (PBUH)... the prophet of Allah.... He , Muhammad (PBUH)... no only acknowledged the Jesus and other prophets...but ... alos acknowledged that their sharia were the blessing of Allah. However... with the arrival of Islam... all the human being were asked to follow the sharia of Muhammad... One of the great scholar of Chriscianity of that times.... Warqa bin Nofel.... also ... recognized Muhammad as a prophet of allah....
Now coming to discussion....
The Muslim... respect all the prophets.... right from Adam to David , Jesus ,Moses to the last Prophet Muhammad.
It is part of our Iman( Belief without which no one is muslim) to ackowledge all the prophets including Jesus and Moses as true as Muhammad(pbuh)......
Our Iman will be incomplete if we dont ackowledge the Jesus and Moses as true prophets of Allah....
So how one can expect from Muslim.... to say even a single word against..any prophet... if some one says... he is not the muslim... just may be muslim by name...
On the other hand.... the Christians and jews and other non-muslims.... continuously opposing the Muhammad....
Here is the point.... Muslim never offended jesus... and Moses..... the others always offended the Muhammad....
this is the difference.....
We respect other religions.... their prophets and sacred personalities...
Cant we expect from others not to make adverse comments about Muhammad (PBUH)....

@delawer (96)
• Kuwait
20 Oct 06
don't be afraid be brave and listen to the truth. you will listen only once in your life time to THE TRUTH, after which there would be no EXCUSES before Allah, SINCE you have been told by the living Muslims, the one that you regretably hate. CORRECT you BEFORE you LOSE you.
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@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
16 Oct 06
because muslims respect other religion and by the way JESUS is a prophet for islam, Muhammad didnt steer off jesus follower, jews steer off jesus follower from Islam. Bible is a lie, it's have been tampered by jews, the real holy book brought by Jesus is Injeel, Jesus was sent by Allah to lost sheep house of israel, he wasnt a prophet for all mankind but only to house of israel! Muhammad (saws) was the last prophet, bringing the last revelation Quran. so stop arguing, believe what you will, if you want money then go get some work, ok?

@coral999 (140)
• Australia
21 Oct 06
The Jews and Arabs are both descendants of Abraham's children. Ishmael, ancestor of Arabs was illegitimate to Abraham's handmaiden Hagar. Isaac ancestor of the Jews was his legitimate son to his wife Sarah. God made His covenant with Isaac, so the Jews are the true people of God.
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@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
22 Oct 06
So, I assume that the reason why we tend to turn a blind eye to Israeli violations of human rights is because they are the true chosen people of God. I wonder if its a version of racism where we allow one people to slaughter another without batting an eye lid because - they are the true chosen people of God.
@Bulafj (109)
• United States
22 Oct 06
Amen to that.That is the reason why Islam will not recognise them as the promised people of God.So the whole idea of Mohammed makes it justifiable in their sight.But all Muslims do acknowledge Mohammed as their Propphet except for the Christian Muslims.

@paraclete (40)
• Australia
24 Oct 06
Let me make it plain. Muslims offend Jesus by denying Him. Muhamud offends Jesus by denying him. Muhammud will not be among those Jesus acknowledges at the Judgement. Does this offend you, though you whited tomb. Jesus knew he would be profaned and so he said that those who speak against him woill be forgiven. His forgiveness is greater than Muhammud who can not forgive any offense, Ask yourself why? Jesus is God, Muhammud is man. Man is full of pride while God is full of love.
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@mightor (69)
• Netherlands
19 Sep 06
why dont you read this... this is from CNN:
The Mujahedeen Shura Council, an umbrella organization of Sunni Arab extremist groups that includes al Qaeda in Iraq, issued a statement on a Web forum vowing to continue its holy war against the West. The authenticity of the statement could not be independently verified.
The group said Muslims would be victorious and addressed the pope as "the worshipper of the cross" saying "you and the West are doomed as you can see from the defeat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and elsewhere. ... We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose head tax, then the only thing acceptable is a conversion (to Islam) or (killed by) the sword."
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
20 Oct 06
Osama and Al-Qaeda are as Muslim as John Hagee and Jerry Falwell are Christian
@delawer (96)
• Kuwait
20 Oct 06
YOU two are away from CNN reporters so find elsewhere to spread your dirty reports....HERE we are answering a very CLEAR and CLEAN question: MUSLIMS can never OFFEND JESUS, why: try to research if you two are interested...otherwise don't copy dirty REPORTS here on my white paper. period.

@jalmohd (66)
• India
18 Sep 06
thats because jesus is believed to be a prophet of the people by the Muslims.. so, we give respect to him, but not as a GOD, but as a messenger of Allah.. and we know very well that what chrisitans are doing are not what jesus preached..
@delawer (96)
• Kuwait
22 Oct 06
thoughtprocess (1720) 1 month ago:
I just realized how in the hell you reached that No. of (1720) responses on this site... everyone can say that noesense and then just submit his response............sandness comes from those who excel you afterwards though. pethitic indeed.
@vengeance (262)
• India
23 Oct 06
thats because ....... christians dont kill muslims ....... like the muslims kill the christians........
@Bulafj (109)
• United States
20 Oct 06
I know for sure that Christians have done more of their serves of killings in the name of Christianity. Hitler himself was a Catholic. the Crusaders even those who were killing Joan of Arc, thought she was demon possess.
Now Islam do their killings too in the name of Islam but who do we individually serve, Islam...Mohammed...Christians...Christ.....Take your share and just stand where you stand.Muslims and Christians have enough killings on their hands to take them to HELLL....but if it wasn't for the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.He came to die for you and me...as a sacrifice, we would not be seeing Heaven.That is why we Christians believe that Jesus came to die for our sins. Not Mohammed.I know Mohammed is a prophet to the Muslims.He is only a prophet.Christians believe that Jesus is not only a prophet .He is the son of the Living God.He came to set the captives free, to heal the broken heart, all you need to do is ask him into your Heart.
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@karwan (232)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Oct 06
Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "He is Allâh, (the) One.
The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).
He begets not, nor was He begotten;
And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him."
@coral999 (140)
• Australia
22 Oct 06
This discussion is very sad. There is so much anger and sarcasm and childish behaviour. The truth will all be known in the end when Our precious Saviour Lord Jesus returns. And no "suitsme", I do not type with marbles in my mouth and I find some of your responses rather non-Christian considering you say you are a Christian. I say peace and God's Love to you all as we are all God's children.
@Godschild (56)
• Kenya
23 Oct 06
@heartonfire (4119)
• Denmark
24 Oct 06
hey,i am a christian and i don't offend other religion believers,after all we all have the same god no matter how we name it,we all have hopes and believes,and we must respect eachothers ..i just can't stand people who offend my religion and that is when i react because i never asked anybody to believe in my religion,but if he doesn't ,at least he should have the decency not to offend me for believing

@Godschild (56)
• Kenya
25 Oct 06
hindus have a cow as a god??do we still have the same GOD??
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@Godschild (56)
• Kenya
24 Oct 06
welcome home zia this is where u run mad completely before you think of bo....

@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
8 Nov 06
And so we have it. The Land, which the US of A holds up as it's buddy in the Middle East is as bad in the restriction of freedom of religion as many of its so called evil Muslim neighbours.
Actually being an antheist is probably the sensible thing to be - you don't get into so many fights of silly little things!

@rafeeqclicks (274)
• United States
23 Oct 06
Jesus is accepted as a prophet by muslims. as such muslims have nothing against the christians or the christ. jesus' message was misinterpreted and people started to worship him as god. Prophet mohammed was the last prophet sent to the earth to send the last message to all masses by god

@Godschild (56)
• Kenya
23 Oct 06
for you r information Jesus was not prophet moses was but jesus was the son of God,that the lord had forsaken HIM on the cross for the sins you and me were carrying,yet he was without sin,stricken for our transgressions,the chastiment of our peacve was upon Him .even your own mum cannot give out his son to die for your sins,THINK ABOT IT ???!!!!
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@tarachand (3895)
• India
25 Oct 06
Jesus is considered holy too by the muslims, while Mohammed who came much after the rise of Christainity is considered heathen and pagan by the Christians.
I am not a Christian or Muslim
@delawer (96)
• Kuwait
26 Oct 06
Sure Messiah (PBUH) is holy to Muslims, but have ever aksed yourself why it is so...because Mohammed(PBUH) told the Muslims that! so how come Mohammed is considered "heathen" and "pagan"...in fact he came to destroy pagans, would that make a "pagan" of him then?, he came to fight and educate people not to kill their newly born daughters, how come he is "heathen" then?
@tarachand (3895)
• India
26 Oct 06
I am not Jewish, but if I recall correctly, Mohammed said that people of the book shold not be harmed. Why is there a struggle between the Jews & the Muslims? Don't tell me that it's because of Palestine, the Jews too have originated fromm there.
The other thing is that becasue of the Industrial Revolution the Chritians became economically and militarily strogner and felt that the Muslims were slowly gathering more influence and power - Turkey in the middle ages for example, so to rally the Christians against them, the church raised a cry against the infidels.
Note: I am not a Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist. I am first & foremost human and would like to take the bst from each religion to improve my life, and live a good and clean life.