Islam encourages Terrorism?
By vengeance
@vengeance (262)
157 responses
@blessonje (1651)
• India
16 Oct 06
me too agree with ur findings the best example is my friend afsal the extrimist
@vengeance (262)
• India
16 Oct 06
com on guys... i'm recieving pretty long emails. and i dont think i'm earnign any stuff from these posts... so wont u guys plz zip it? plz!LOL
@Indrajeet (39)
• India
18 Dec 06
Deepestblue if Islam is the most peaceful religion, what is Buddhism?? The truth about a religion is not what it preached but what is practiced by its followers. The most unfortunate thing is that people like u refuse to accept whats wrong with Islam.

@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
All is lie, you want me to produce the real Quran in here? wake up man, you wont even understand it because it's in ARAB! this are just translation, it can be tampered at will, if you want the truth read the Quran yourself. because Quran is in Arab and most non-muslim wont be able to read it so lie like this is easy to produce :P , dont listen to one sided story, go to islamic center, ask them, listen when they recite the true Quran. that is just something people wrote in web or paper, do you want me to believe it? if i ask them what Surah is that, not what page or even still which verse, i think they will be unable to answer. so stop this lie! Islam dont wrote or quote something from bible or other religion because we respect their belief, we are not comparing them with us, it's the method that are use in my country not to make comparison between religion or race that make we muslim and non-muslim can life happily side by side! learn from us :P oh by the way im from malaysia

@i_agree_but (1183)
• United Arab Emirates
17 Sep 06
No, never. No religion in the world teaches brotherhood, peace with neighbour than Islam. Islamists were framed as terrorists by western media by corrupted news.

@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
ohh if Islam really is a religion of oppression and freedom hater then why did it keeps on growing and growing? we all united in the same faith not like christian who has so many church with different follower, it's because it's not the religion from god but rather it's a man made, if he think that some of the rule in religion suits him then he accept it, if not then he creat another type of Christian, take king henry for example, haha created the protestant :P, christian can be change at will, so what good is that religion???
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
ohh if Islam really is a religion of oppression and freedom hater then why did it keeps on growing and growing? we all united in the same faith not like christian who has so many church with different follower, it's because it's not the religion from god but rather it's a man made, if he think that some of the rule in religion suits him then he accept it, if not then he creat another type of Christian, take king henry for example, haha created the protestant :P, christian can be change at will, so what good is that religion???

@wendysue44 (350)
• United States
17 Sep 06
No I do not believe that. All religions have radicals who preceive things differently. It is just easy for people to blame one religion instead of taking the time to investigate for them selves. A good example is the USA, because some people believe Bush is bad, so must be ALL Americans are bad. It just does not work that way.
@anyanta (139)
• Indonesia
5 Oct 06
I think there's no terorism for the sole reason of religion only. All of terorism always have political reasons. The problem is most of the countries have been destroyed by invasion and annexation are islam countries. and please be fair, when USA destroyed the whole country of iraq and afghanistan, these called liberation, when some of both victims citizens fight back, these called terorism.
@alon28miami (540)
• United States
17 Sep 06
radical islam that beleive in killing people
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@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
8 Oct 06
That's funny - didn't think the Irish Republican Army were Muslim - whoops -sorry in the USA they are known as freedom fighters

@Jong_Java (11)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 06
I never understand why does Islam is always be the black sheep for the word we called terorism ?
What about the US and their comrade invading Iraq for the reason nuclear production, that never benn proven ?
What about Israel attacking their neighbour country ?
What happened in guantanamo prison ?
I'm not justifying muslim for terorism, but let's think with our head, mind and heart clearly...
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
13 Oct 06
ohh so much economy arr? ok ok donate some to me, i got egold account, you can transfer your money to me. i didnt ask for much, maybe 1 or 2MIL USD is enough? with that i can have those thingy thing and or even get myself a nice vacation in a nice spa, it's been long since my body got pampered

@snuffy (2)
• United States
17 Sep 06
you have radical cleruics who teach radical islam, they should all be rounded up and jailed they are the root cause,i guess in those nations they have nothing better to do than preach killing christians.and islam is based on mohammad who was a warrior. so yes it feeds terrorism.
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@Bugsey (775)
• United States
20 Oct 06
I agree guys! Meaowhmed was a soldier ( a bad one at that) and that certainly affects their religious perception and their sense of reality too... heck, most think they're livin in the 1st century!!! SUITSME.. glad t be able to reply to yah! Let's rock! LETS ROLLLLLLLL........

@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
13 Oct 06
yes, u shouldnt have generalize everyone on their religion, if a priest caught for molesting, that doesnt mean all the religion are bad. when will you learn that people are different? even when in state of emergency before Malaysian only resort to violence to defend it's people, and when it's over we do accept all the communist back, not just kill all of them in comunist insurgence.

@lesterdsa (1638)
• India
21 Oct 06
Yes islam encourages terrorism , thats why you will find 95 % terrorists Muslim .
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
23 Oct 06
I do not think that Islam encourages terrorism. I think that the terrorists use Islam.
Islam is a religeon like any other and very similar to Christianity as the prophet was born of a virgin mother and the creator told the prophet of himself.... Sounds like Jesus, Mary and the Holy Ghost doesn't it? The teachings and morality that surrounds Islam is supposed to be of peace, love and harmony with the fellow man.
Just like any fanatic of any religeon, things are taken out of text and blown out of proportion to suit their interest. I am not islamic but I have studied world religeons.

@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 06
ohh only islam encourages terrorism? why not interference by western power in middle east led to terrorism? wake up! if it's not because of that accursed oil all of this will not happen. Your leader sell the life of your soldier so that he can get what he want
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
no they gave their life so that your leader can have what he want, i respected the veteran in WW2 who gave their life when fighting the nazi but now seeing that nazi and you are not so different my point of views change, had if the chinese who had the oil maybe now west will be fighting with buddha, or maybe still with islam because in chinese islam thrive there also :P
@dulheraja (436)
• United States
13 Oct 06
Also Hindu does encourage terrorism in india against muslim
• India
6 Oct 06
personally i dont think so. it is just a few maniacs who indulge in mass terrorism in the name of Islam. The Holy Quran at no part says that a reign of terror shud be started against those believing in other religions... in fact it teaches tolerance...the terrorists take parts of Quran and twist the meanings to fit their objectives...their wishes...

@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
6 Oct 06
how could you say that when quran says
"Slay the unbelievers, who don't believe in me (Allah)".