Parents: What do you think about Britney’s Parenting???
By emarie
@emarie (5441)
United States
December 6, 2006 12:57pm CST
I recently started watching the news again and I was surprised to see all the things going on with Britney Spears and her babies. After her first one, I thought her parenting would get slightly better, I mean, kids made Madonna step up and mature a whole lot faster because she realized (especially since her child was a girl) that she needed to be a positive role model for her children. Now, with Britney’s new ‘Party Girl’ image, who’s taking care of her children? This is an interesting article that I found online.
Child Services To Crack Down On Britney?
A source close to the singer told the newspaper: "The department has been calling Britney trying to set up a meeting with her, so they can check on (Spears' baby boys, Sean Preston and Jaden James). The calls started after this recent bout of bizarre public behavior."
The Post reports that Spears' family is also worried about her new party lifestyle — and antics with the paparazzi (i.e. being caught in photos sans underwear).
A source told the Post that Spears' mother, Lynne, "is very disturbed and has been trying to get a hold of Britney, but she can't. Lynne, Britney's brother, Brian, and her dad, Jamie, are very upset and are trying to stage an intervention with (Spears' manager) Larry Rudolph's help."
The Post says that Spears has checked into hotels three different times, instead of going home to be with her sons.
-for the whole article visit this site
Britney Spears Nude Crotch Shot Moves Prompt Visit by Authorities?
Britney Spears made waves and sparked all kinds of interest with her wild nights of Los Angeles partying flashing her nude wares for any and all to see. Many were shocked to see the two time mom with one small boy and another infant at home out with Paris Hilton for seemingly nights on end.
This would not be the first time Britney was paid a visit from the authorities. In February Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy visited her home after she was photographed behind the wheel of a black SUV with infant son Sean Preston in her lap.
Authorities said at the time that she was not under any investigation but that children and family services merely asked the sheriff's department "to obtain her contact information."
-for the whole article visit
Now after reading this I kind of laughed because it proves her immaturity. I’m younger then her, and I have 2 boys myself.
Should she be acting this way? I might not have everyone watching my every move, but I couldn’t leave my kids like that.
Do you excuse her because she’s famous and is going through a divorce?
What advice would you give her about parenting and partying?
Should Child Services take away Britney’s babies?
And will she ever clean up her act or is she always going to be like this?
….more Britney News Stories
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86 responses
@money_maker01 (1097)
• Malaysia
7 Dec 06
wut a crazy git of britney. she's a mom of 2.she supposes to be resposible enough....anybody cld be a mama ....but not everybody cld hold the respons. hw poor the babies r...i hope she'll be changed 4 the sake of her kids
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@xxclairexxj (590)
7 Dec 06
The trouble is, you don't ever see her being a good mother do you. She is probably fine at home but if she makes any little mistake it gets put straight into the papers and on the news. Are all the mothers out there saying they've never done something stupid with their child that they regret afterwards? They probably have but ther different is that it doesn't get shown to the world when these people do it. You never see Britney and her child at home enjoying family life and all the good things happening, all you ever see is when she slips up. She's only young and only human like the rest of us so give her a break. It can't be easy being in the spotlight like that all the time.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
7 Dec 06
and what i'm say, when people KNOW they are in the spotlight, they shounldn't be MORE reckless...yes everyone has their mistakes. i had a police officer come to by door because my child cried for 2 hours straight because of teething. like someone said in and ealier post, having a child means you devote your life to them, any parent would know that. especially at this young age children NEED their mother, not some nanny looking after them...they're going to think the nanny is the mommy. She knows she's been a role model for young girls, if i had a girl who looked up to Britney i would be extreamly dissapointed in her. you put yourself out in the limelight, you depend on the fans to keep you in your home, and then you portray yourself and irresponsible. if she were smart, and wanted to show the GOOD side of her, she would invite the media into her home for a day to show them...other celebs have...other celebs handle the media with grace...whats so special about her? because she's a former pop princess? because she's younger???
@caseynelicia (323)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I do not agree with alot of her parental decisions. But what I am to say? Everyone is not a perfect parent and if there is a perfect parent out there I would love to met them. Everyone makes mistakes and they learn by their mistakes. I wish that the media would leave her alone and let her make the mistakes. Does America really and honestly care about Britney parents her 2 boys. Everyone talking about and everything is just more publicity for her and keeps the media going.
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@babylizzie86 (342)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I don't think Britney should have custody for her children. Before I thought it was okay, but once she started hanging with Lindsey Lohan and Paris its bad news for her being a mother. Britney has been shown in photos showing her private parts. That will be embarrassing for the children when they grow up. Britney I believe has lost it as a mother and a person in society. She is going off the deep end....
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@chrisie (207)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Granted, I'm not condoning Britneys parenting skills by any means... BUT. Are you a parent? How many times have you been around a child when you've done something NOT so intelligent, NOT so safe.. etc. The only difference is that she's being watched like a hawk because of who she is.. I'm not saying that partying like crazy is the best for a parent ... but she is still young... and I'm not saying that driving with your child on your lap is safe or smart... theres no excuse for that. HOWEVER.. keep in mind that she is being taped/photographed all of the time and all of her mistakes WILL be captured.
have you thought about what mistakes of YOURS would be captured if you were in her shoes?
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
7 Dec 06
if i were in her shoes i would know how to handle the press since she's been in the spotlight (by choice) since she was young. most people who have been like that know they have people looking up to them, so they would be more mature about the situation. there are a lot of celebraty mothers...and most of them don't so the things britney has done. most keep their family and selfs discreet. reese witherspoon is one example, she was an it girl around the time she had her children and i don't recal the media ever catching her doing something wrong. mostly just walking her children. people who are famous know what that popularity comes with...i understand the media normally exaggerates the headlines, but they always come from a glimmer of truth...somewhere.
and yes i do have children. and unless i was being held at gunpoint, i don't think i would care if people were taking pictures of me putting my child into a car seat. i think britney craves attention, and wants her carrer to last. most celebs who want the media to leave them alone, know how to work them so they do have their own time.
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I think she is being extremely irresponsible, immature and just downright stupid to be doing these kind of things in the middle of a divorce. Her husband can use all of this against her and she could easily lose custody of her children to him. I feel bad for her kids. She needs to grow up and start being a mother!!..Im not saying that moms cant go out and have fun once in awhile, but she has gone way overboard with it!
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
6 Dec 06
thats right, the everyone is saying poor britney..but the true victums of this are her 2 little young to understand whats really going on, but they just know they don't see mommy that much...i feel so bad for her. i do hope she shapes up. i'm not a perfect parent, but i know what it means just to be there for your children, especially at that young of an age.
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@aprilsue00 (1991)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Britney Spears is definately a different kind of person. I am also younger than she is and I have four kids. I would never dream of doing the kinds of things that she does. I will admit that I do go out occasionally and try to forget about the kids for awhile. But I am never gone for more than four hours and I know my kids are being well taken care of while I am gone. I don't believe that she is going to get any better either. The divorce is just going to make it worse.
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@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
7 Dec 06
You know, you can't believe everything you see or read in the news. Especially when it comes to celebrities. I've personally seen how a news agency will pick and choose what to air. They don't care about the facts, just what's going to generate a good rating-and not just with celebrity news-any kind of news. No mother out there including myself is the perfect mom, that's never made mistakes when it comes to their children. We've all done it, all made poor decisions at one time or another. That's life. I could just imagine Children Services going to every house were a parent didn't wear underwear, a child fell and hit their head, wasn't strapped in their car seat properly(I don't agree with the child on the lap situation, but you know, anyone born before 1980 I guarantee their mothers held them on their laps while driving/passenger at some point)and the partying? If was able to afford a nanny, I'd be going out having a good time-especially after losing a loser husband-now and then as well.
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@LackThereOf (571)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I think that she's made alot of poor choices period. Even before she had her sons, she hooked up with and eventually married a back up dancer who was obviously so broke he couldn't afford a bar of soap and a razor. (This was after she married and then lightening fast divorced a childhood friend who was left standing in her dust after the fact) She knowingly fooled around with a man who was attached and had a little one and a baby on the way. Finally he left Shar to be with Britney...and her money...and turned his back on his young family. Snaps to Shar for holding her head up high and doing what needed to be done to take care of her children after being dumped like that. Shame on Brit and KFed for acting like a**holes.
Britney rushed into having a family quickly to keep KFed's attention, possibly hoping he would grow up and step up to the plate and be a man. Whatever her intentions, they didn't work...having kids didn't grasp his attention before or force him to grow up, different mothers doesn't mean a thing to a man like that. She should know better than that. It's like her children are accessories to her, items that come in handy when they are needed and the rest of the time she can stow them away for a rainy day. She doesn't treat them properly - how many times has she been photographed with no seatbelts/on the lap/backward baby seat, etc. Now that the kids aren't holding her marriage together, what does that mean for them?? She fosters them off on nannies and family and she's off and running with Paris Hilton (another fine example of how excessive hair bleach and spray tan can pickle a person's brain) to be a kid again...
If Brit and KFed want to F*ck up their lives, kudos...but a true parent, a loving parent stops living for themselves when they have a child. They put the child's needs first in every situation. I just hope those kids will be ok...
@emarie (5441)
• United States
7 Dec 06
VERY well said...BRAVO...
"a true parent, a loving parent stops living for themselves when they have a child. They put the child's needs first in every situation."......this is a great comment
"Paris Hilton (another fine example of how excessive hair bleach and spray tan can pickle a person's brain)" that one...made me laught =)
@hm1177 (1222)
7 Dec 06
i feel really sorry for her. She's going through a nasty very public divorce and she's letting her hair down. lots of women with kids do this but because they aren't famous its not reported. Why shouldnt she go out and have fun while she tries to get him out her system. Its not like she has left the kids home unattended or has them with her while she gets drunk. Before she split, every picture of her she had her babies with her. She seems to be a good caring mum so the press should focus on that rather than her recent partying
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@akshaymardia (383)
• India
7 Dec 06
i think its all just an high profile drama she is just triying to get publicity nothing else. to draw media attention she is doing all this nonsence
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@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
well i think this is all the part of all celebreties and i am not much interested such things they get what they deserve.
@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I don't know if any of that stuff is really true or not. If she really is out all the time instead of with her kids, she will pay a huge price for it. Kids are only little once, and if you miss it you can't get it back.
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
she's always out, her one kid fell out of a highchair, look at the man she had involved in her life, she put theones car seat facing front in the convertible where he then doubled over in back seat, when she is nto out with paris she is at home dropping her kids on her head, i am alot younger then her and my son would never be treated like that
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@kawillow74 (1416)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I believe it is unreal the way she has been acting considering she know her moron of a husband is going to try and get custudy. My view is what is the different if he get them and they are alway with a nanny or she gets them and they are alway with a nanny I think they both look like rotten parents. I feel sorry for those 2 boys.
@cutiepie28 (472)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I do not agree to her parental behaviour. I mean if she can't be a role model for her kids then atleast don't screw up their lifes.
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@smith_velocity (1488)
• India
7 Dec 06
well no1 is bad parent, and britney is well, not the best parent but in noways a bad parent, she is just a little stunned by all the work she has to handle, i guess she didn't know that having kids actually meant nursing them, she might have thought the babysitter's would do the job for her, oh britney, i am afraid it does'nt work dat way, well i guess she is gettin used to it, but i dont think no parent would want britney to take care of their kids!!!
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@vetsmom_rgv (1083)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I really don't care how celeberties raise their children! I just worry about me! And I think you should do the same thing. If they don't live within 5 miles of you and doesn't impact your life personally, then I don't really care! Sorry.
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