Is Religion the root of all evil?

December 6, 2006 11:12pm CST
I watched this really interesting episode of the Big Picture on CBC Newsworld, that had an author showing his documentary and his new book about Religion and how it is the root of all evil. It was an incredible show, and for someone like me who doesn't believe in god, really made me think... was it in fact true that Religion is the root of all evil? He showed wars as one example of evil, and how even to this day, Religions are righting all over the world... fighting for.. well their Religion. They are thousands of years past whatever the initial conflict was (probably Religious), but they still war over it. The wars between Religious areas in the Middle East are well documented and I don't need to go into those here... Here in North America, you have Religions which are maybe not at war with guns and bullets, but at political and social war. You have Christians and Catholics who think they are better than everyone and saying that this is bad and that is bad... stirring up all sorts of trouble for what could be a very peaceful society. So what do you think? I personally think that yes... Religion gives people this overwhelming urge it seems to be all in everyone Else's business.. then cause noise should that business not be in line with their beliefs...
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44 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Dec 06
When did people give up the idea that there's good and bad in all groups? Rather than some groups are good and others are bad? Isn't this just another bigotry? Christians seem overbearing because they're taught if someone doesn't believe in, or accept Jesus, before they die, they will perish, or worse! (This is because of one or two misunderstandings and mistranslations, for example "hell" should read "grave".) Most wars have been wars of conquest. And it's all differences, look at the Hutus and the Tutus. If it wasn't race, class, nationality OR religion, it'd be hair color, or something. The blame game is the oldest thing in the books and human nature falls for it over and over and over. It's not me and my group, we have no responsibility for the shape the world's in, not my group or people. It's not human nature. It's thAt group over there. Same old, same old, and this is just more of the same exact thing. What always comes next? People always fall for hitler's line that he was christian. He wasn't, he was deepLy into the occult, which, for a large part, so was germany in pre-hitler days. If you think the adult fairy tale of frog becoming man through the kiss of time, is anything more than another faith and belief... a state enforced one at that... well, then I guess dinosaurs really did become the tiny birds we have today. If you can't say "all Islam is violent" how can you judge all the world religions by the radical jihadists? -[I'll tell ya one more secret, democracy grew out of christianity (was chrisitianity perfect, of course not, it's been handed down through many human hands, and it's made up of people). We're throwing over the foundations of western civilization.. Once christianity's gone, democracy will soon follow. How old are you I wonder. I'll say this, "mark my words". If you're young enough, you'll see #1-the downfall and disappearing of democracy #2-the genocide of religious people, especilly those who believe in the Judeo/Christian God. Don't think so? Remember me when it happens... and good luck...
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• United States
8 Dec 06
Christians don't care what you do. They are concerned about where society is going :))
• Canada
8 Dec 06
Thanks for the response. I am thirty-years-old, and I live in Canada.. so I am part of the Western Civilization. I'm not sure I can follow how democracy came from the christian faith. I can see how our laws and way of life has been modelled after the christian values, choosing a leader based on elections (democracy) doesn't follow that... do you vote for you pastor at a church? Is the pope a voted position.. maybe so, I really don't know. I'm very doubtful of any genocide based on religion in North America. I can see indiscriminate genocide based on our wasteful lifestyle, in which we kill ourselves off with greed and over indulgence. Once the resources are gone, what will we do? Will we be able to share when the other 5 million people on the Earth want some of the pot? I have a feeling we'll take ourselves out long before religion does...
@emarie (5441)
• United States
7 Dec 06
anyone who believes in something so strongly can make it're right, most wars were/are 'holy wars' when people insisting the other is right...these religeous people mostly have it wrong because you should never force your ideas and thoughts on someone else...that is what causes person thinking they should be the only one that is right and another on contridicting them...then war... i think one of the roots of evil is Money...because greed can make a man do evil things as well....just look at all the cheaters on myLot..perfect example =)
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• Canada
8 Dec 06
Hmm, I go like the idea of Greed too... Money is one thing people can be greedy about, but perhaps power is just as strong. I think there is power in religion... perhaps that's what drives people?
@maddog108 (3435)
• Australia
7 Dec 06
it seems to be that way.some many people have been killed by others trying to forse there religious veiw on them i think its all a bit stupid
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
7 Dec 06
Evil can not be attributed to a single source, and quite often evil is the main driving force behind itself. The 2 major factors behind most wars have been either religion or the hunger for land, but it is the implementation by the people that generates the ultimate conflict. I would imagine that the program you saw was very convincing, because religion has been flown as a banner in many wars. However, this does not mean that without religion the wars would not have taken place. The Roman Empire waged war on the world and grew very powerful, while outlawing Christianity. Later on they adopted Christanity and took the title of Holy Roman Empire. This did not change their desire for power or war either way.
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• Canada
7 Dec 06
That is a great answer... I do believe that hunger does drive people in the same way religion does. However with respect to the wars, it really doesn't matter which religion it is.. it seems as though they are all the same when it comes to potential for evil. So whether a war is waged in the name of a Catholic god or a Christian one (I realize they are the same) it's it's still a war waged in the name of a religion... Perhaps the wars would not have taken place without religion, but then the question is... what would they be fighting over without it?
@treblem (316)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
it's the love of money the root of all evil. not religion.
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@liviucrl (25)
• Romania
7 Dec 06
I didn't see that episode but, relying only on your description and statements, I dare to contradict you. I cannot agree to your opinion. Maybe, because I believe in God. But that's not the issue in here. I think your examples ca't be taken into account. I believe that those people who use Religion in order to achieve their political or financial goals are not true believers. I am convinced that, in those cases, Religion is only a false pretext. If you need more reasons I'll come back later.
• Canada
7 Dec 06
Thank you for your answer! I respect your beliefs and thank you for your ability to separate emotion... Looking at the documentary, there is nothing to say that the people who commit acts of evil in the name of a religion are anything more than using the religion... I guess there is no real way to see if someone is a true believer, or just using the religion for their own agenda... Maybe it's more accurate to say that Religion is open for people who are already evil to do evil acts under the 'protection' of religion?
@amitavroy (4819)
• India
8 Dec 06
yes most of the problems are created due to religion specially in india there are lot of disputes on basis of religion. i think its made just for some people to dominate other people
• Canada
8 Dec 06
Do you have some examples of that for us over in the West... personally, I am ignorant to India's religions...
• India
8 Dec 06
Religion is not the root of all evil. No religion preaches that one should go to war in the name of religion. All religion preaches love, again it doesnt mean that one has to spread love among his own religion and kill / hate / discriminate those who are outside his religion. Although this is precisely what is happenning.People who carry these acts in name of religion are the root of evil.
• Canada
8 Dec 06
But what if spreading love meant that you had to eliminate all those who would not accept the love from your society... that seems to be the issue... the fact that not all people want to hear what's being told, and conflicts arise!
@blueman (16509)
• India
8 Dec 06
i do not think so, though i think religion is the root of all good. and those who do evil in the name of religion, i do not think they truly believe in their religion, they are just using relgion as a shield for thier wrong doings, and i do not think any god would want that.
• Canada
8 Dec 06
You're echoing some others here... looks like a logical explaination too... people do what people do, using what they can to forward their agenda. Sounds logical that people would exploit religion just like the exploit everything else!
@rakinitin (685)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
I believe that there are different religions because everyone is at a different level of spirituality. I also believe that no ONE religion is right. People should concentrate on spirituality not religion. Religion only serves people who need guidance to their lives. That's why there are labeled 'followers'. They need someone else to tell them what they should believe in and why. Take control of your life and grow spiritually. This would eliminate any more arguments, violence, war, etc... What would there be left to fight about?
• Canada
8 Dec 06
That's a cool thought... not sure that all people will agree, but you sounds right. People follow... there needs to be a leader... however, what happens when the leader is corrupt? Are all the followers too? Spirituality I think I am reading from you post is independent from religion...
@lilly22 (35)
• Australia
8 Dec 06
Religion is not the root of all evil. It is the people who are evil and use religion as an excuse to do evil. A person who is a christian and follows the teachings of the bible will do no evil but only good.
• Canada
8 Dec 06
How do you explain the actions of so many Christians who are in jail in the USA? Looking at past posts, perhaps they are not 'real' christians.. which is fair, they probably aren't.
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
I don't know if religion is the root of all evil, or if it's people ABUSING THE IDEA of religion that is. I would say it certainly causes a lot of tension in the world - now if people would just accept other people and not try to interfere with their beliefs, or persecute them for them, the world would be a much happier place. As John Lennon said: "Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace..."
• Canada
9 Dec 06
Peace is a noble thought... It's funny how those who don't believe in a god can get along with everyone, and those who believe in a god can only think they are right and everyone else is wrong.
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
God does not compel anybody to believe and obey Him. The Holy Bible is complete, believe and follow it or not. He is our Creator, the potter, and we are the clay. Whatever the potter wants to do with the clay, the clay is helpless. Money answers everything (Ecclesiastes 10:19) and the love of money is the root of all evil as quoted earlier. If we obey God, there would be no problem. We are His creation and He loves us. His Spirit which He blew into the face of the image He molded from soil who is Adam from whom we all came yearns to be with Him and even atheists could not escape from that longing that they keep on asking and doubting seeking for they don't understand what. God teaches us to keep peace with all men. I, as a servant of God, do not at all want to be in war with anybody. Thank you very much and may God bless you. SEN
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Religion is not the root of all evil. It is the love of money as said in 1 Tim. 6:10 - "For the love of money is the root of all of the evil things..." Greed for power is just the offshoot of that love of money... lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life also result to evil. God already told us what are good but many people seem to be better than God. Anyway God doesn't compel anyone to obey Him and He has already prepared the right place for people who obey Him and those who disobey Him and each of us will be in his own place in the last day. The Holy Bible is clear - believe it or not. But I do hope that people would believe and obey God. PLS study the Holy Bible. May God bless all of us. SEN
• Canada
8 Dec 06
Umm, I wasn't asking if christian was the root of all evil. I was talking about all religion in general. Your quote from your bible only addresses your religion. Take a look over in the middle-east right now. There are wars between Israel and Palestine... are those wars over money? I don't think they are directly. I think they are over the control of ancestral land... I suppose that could be considered as money (wealth). God might not compel anyone to obey him, but why must his followers do the opposite? You ask me to study the bible, you hope I would believe in your god, and make reference that if I don't I'll be going some place. I think that might be one of the main points of contention... repeated and constant 'nagging' to join (believe) a particular religion. Perfect example, does anyone answer the door for JW's anymore?
@innechen (1318)
• Indonesia
8 Dec 06
regarding evil - regarding evil
sorry but i disgaree with you.religions teach us to do good deeds to eachother, but most people dont understand it completely so they only understand words inside the religions not the meaning and the full sentences.its your right to not belive in God (which i think its wrong), but its completely wrong saying that religion is the root of evil, most crime also done by people who dont believe in God or we cant blame it on the religion but blame it on the people it self coz evil is part of human and religion to test how deep humans heart to God.because God is fair:)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
I don't call you wrong, please respect my beliefs. When it comes to crime... Is crime really Evil? The very definition of crime is different from country to country. Evil seems to be pretty universal.
@ddnj2006 (652)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
I don't think religion is the root. Actually at first, there is only one religion existing, one faith and one belief. But then after, because of it's mislead, (as the case the tower of babel), God meant us to be in different. Although He sent prophets to guide those kind hearted ones. And so, i think even there's too many religion or not, still evil will exist. So it's not the religion itself, but of the carrier.
• Canada
8 Dec 06
What is the one religion? Christianity only came about around 2000 years ago.. many Eastern religions are much older...
@dan1107 (339)
• India
8 Dec 06
Not exctaly. But yes, religion is one of the main factors which dominates the life of the people. One gentleman philosopher also termed the religion works as the opium for the people. Religious people dont see beyond their nose and also not ready to accept the facts.
• Canada
8 Dec 06
I have seen that first-hand. I find that many people of any belief (if it is strong enough) will not listen to other sides of the story. Doesn't have to be religion either.. Perfect example, I am a huge Sens fan... I won't even consider a Leafs player for merit, even if they deserve it... that's just me not seeing past my nose though...
@janet069 (663)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I strongly disagree, the love of money is the root of all evil. Notice I did not say money, but the love of money. Religion is a name applied to a person's belief. If you do not believe in God I am truly sorry for you. Only through God do we have any chance at real peace.
• Canada
8 Dec 06
That's your opinion. I'm not trying to change you, or guilt you into thinking the way I do, I would appreciate the same respect for my beliefs.
@shogun49 (437)
• United States
8 Dec 06
"Any religion will assert the absolute correctness of its teachings. For precisely this reason , religion can easily lead people astray. A fully developed religion is completely balanced, harmoniously incorporating the religion's fundamental characteristics Without Bias or Distortion." Anyway this is my two-cents worth.
• Canada
8 Dec 06
I like that idea.. has a very zen sounds to it.
• India
7 Dec 06
No myfriend religion is not the root of all evil.Its the people who are the reason for all evil.Every religion teaches good things.People should follow such good things and also should respect other religion.if they did so then there wont be any evil.
• Canada
7 Dec 06
That might be true... but what penality is there when you 'in the name of your religion' act in violence?