Childbirth and Painkillers?
By megs85
@megs85 (3142)
December 7, 2006 4:10pm CST
Did you have any painkillers during the birth of your children? Why/ Why not? If you did: Which? What effect did they have on you? Would you have the same next time? Or more or less?
I had a pethidine shot during the birth of my son, and it made me as high as a kite. really took the edge off, most people find it does nothing for them, but it sure effected me. Next time I would probably try to not even have that. I also had that happy gas but that did nothing, except make me bloat and vomit...ew...
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21 responses
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I didn't have a chance to get painkillers. My daughter didn't take that long to get here. My water broke at 2 AM and gave birth to her at 6:15 AM. The pain didn't kick in until around 5 and by the time we got to the hospital, she was ready. I even asked for them because it was getting to the point where I couldn't take it anymore, but that wasn't necessary. The doctor said it was the fastest deliever ever.
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@rebelmom13 (151)
• United States
10 Dec 06
My water broke at about 2am and I had my son at 2:35am. I had no time to get any pain medication and barely made it to the hospital in time.
@alicia6068 (547)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Yes I did. I had an epidoral. It was alright it took away the pain def. I didnt feel anything but then again I couldnt even feel my legs either! They were complety numb.
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@kids91911 (4363)
• United States
10 Dec 06
The doctor wouldn't give it to you if it would harm the baby or you.
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
I don't have anything against painkillers per se. The person going through labor is the best judge of how much pain she is in, and how much she can handle.
That said, I didn't use anything at all during my births. I have a minor needle phobia, and the thought of anyone coming at me with a needle when I was already in pain, seemed extremely unappealing, no matter what relief might lie at the other end.
I also didn't feel like being touched at all during labor and turned down the offer to use gas. I felt like I needed all my concentration to stay on top of the contractions.
I found that by simply concentrating and keeping everyone at a distance, that labor was manageable for me, and not as really as painful as I had expected.
@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
8 Dec 06
For the first 8 hours of labor all the gave me was Demerol which had NO effect on me. I ended up needing a csection and was completely knocked out for that because they didn't have time to give me an epidural (she was in distress). Next time I don't know what I'd do..
@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
7 Dec 06
with my daughter yes I did I was in labor for over 36 hrs i tried not to get one but after 16 hrs of pain I could not handle it anymore
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@SimplyMe (373)
• United States
8 Dec 06
For my first two children, I didn't have any painkillers. For my third one, I said I didn't want any, but they induced labor, and I changed my mind and had an epidural. For my four child, I didn't even hesitate, I had the epidural, and the birth was a snap. I do not like the feeling of being out of control mentally, so I really didn't want anything that was going to make me loopy. The epidural is a little risky for some, and it took awile for my left leg to get feeling back into it, but it made for a much more pleasant birth experience for all involved!
@kesfylstra (1868)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I had an epidural, which kept wearing off. I believe the doc said I had the dosage of a 300 pound man (I was about 160 with the baby weight). Next time I would like to try to not have any, because it did funky things to my bladder. I had to be induced last time, which hurts even more, so hopefully I won't be induced next time so maybe I will be able to manage the pain better.
@spangles94 (546)
• United States
8 Dec 06
well with my first i was only 19 and even tho i was married for a yr already with hubby the hosp kept putting pain killers i guess to make sure i dont have kids so young again :P so nothing with the fisrt , LOL they even sent me home with a leaflet about teen pregnancy !! i was like hello ill be 20 next month LOL ... but any who with my 2nd they gave me demoral but that didnt to nothing except make me pass out and then wake me up every 2 min from the pain of contractions so that didnt work and with 3 and 4 i got staydol , OMG that is the BEST stuff i highly recomend it during birth, the pain is gone and your not so stoned that you dont remeber anything , they offered an epidural but im way too scared of needles to get one i always thought that with my luck ill jump at the last min and paralize myself LOL then what would be the point huh ??
oh yea and for such a young mom way back then me and hubby are still together we will be celebrating our 13 ann this sat !
@Fallingleaves (229)
• United States
8 Dec 06
With my first two kids, I didnt have any pain medication, by choice. I think my efforts in trying to control the pain during labor made complications for me after the birth. My third, and last labor, I asked for pain medicine. When I was given demerol, I was in a haze and couldnt remember everything that went on during the labor - tho, the labor was much quicker than the first two!
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
yeah i also have had that happy gas thats it didnot take any painkillers. because i was scared of there side effects.
@mommy9699 (85)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I have 2 children, and my first daughter was when I was 16...yes I was young...I was also engaged to be married with parents approval...before I got pregnant...anyway my first one I had an epidural after the first 9hrs of labor and then labor continued for another 8 worked, but I could still feel to push. My other daughter was born when I was 20...(yes same daddy) And with her, well I had planned to have an epidural, but I found out that my hospital didn't do epidurals..they only did the spinal tap! I wasn't about to get that..I had it 6wks prior when I had to have emergency kidney surgery while I was 34 wks pregnant...and it took way too long to get the feeling back in my legs! So I said no and proceeded to be in labor for 5 days and dialated to 4.5 for 5 days...Finally she came, and I had no pain medication and honestly if I ever have anymore I would do it all over again. I think you get more out of the birthing experience when its I will admit if they would have had the epidural I would have taken it...but if possible I will do the all natural thing again.
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I had 2 kids, and opted for an epidural with both. With the first child, I was laying on my side, and it was definitely painful. They tell you not to move, and of course you can't help but move because it hurts. But IMO, after it starts to take effect, its worth it because then you can forget about the pain and just enjoy the experience. But afterwards, I felt really woozy when it started to wear off. And for quite some time afterwards, I would experience jolts in my spine if I sat a weird way in a chair. With my second child, I was more scared of having the epidural, because I knew it would hurt. But they did it while I was sitting (while hunched over a pillow). It was a more pleasant (though still somewhat painful) experience, and I seemed to recover faster- was able to get up quicker after I went back to my room. I did have the same weird jolts/electric shocks in my spine afterward.
If I were to have another child (which is not an option as my husband is now "fixed"), I think I would probably have another epidural. I would rather relax during childbirth than worry about pain. As long as my child is generally safe.
@hinaomar (1425)
• Pakistan
8 Dec 06
i always wanted to have some pain killer.the only pain good killer available in my country was apdueral.i decided to use that .but at the time of delivery due to abnormal heart beat of baby doctors operated me.C-section WAS DONE.AND I THINK THAT WAS BEST.AFTER THAT i had to bear so much pain but after some time t became noral.and i am also planning for this again next time.
@jmp824 (741)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
I gave birth twice already, and both are normal deliveries. I can't remember that my OB-GYNE gave me any painkillers during childbirth. She only gave me when shes doing the 'repair' thing, right after the delivery.
@nicky2802 (14)
8 Dec 06
I had pethidine which I thought was great. Not sure if it worked as a painkiller but I was certainly not as stressed out as I thought I would be. I also had Gas and Air which just made me feel drunk but it all helped I think. Difficult to say as don't really remember that much about it which is probably a good thing. Won't be doing it again though. Love having my little boy but never going through that again.
@edras_2 (299)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I was only in labor 4 and a half hours,and I did't take anything for pain.I had completely natural chidbirth.I wanted to be awake the first time I saw my son.If I had to do it again I would it the same way.