Raising family on One Income

United States
December 7, 2006 5:41pm CST
In today's world, everyone talks about how it is practically necessary for both parents to work in order to afford to raise a family. I think that's hogwash. It is difficult--sometimes very difficult. But it is definitely possible to raise a happy, healthy family on one income (and I don't mean a six-figure income)! My husband is a high school teacher in the Ozarks. We have two children--a first grader and a preschooler. I have stayed at home since right before the birth of my second child. We own our home, we own two vehicles that are paid for, and we have zero credit card debt. We have done this by keeping our eyes open for supplemental income opportunities, making frugal decisions, and remembering that it is our priority to have a parent home with our kids--not enough money to buy them everything they think they need. I don't mean to sound holier-than-thou, but I get tired of hearing how it just is so hard. Yes, we struggle now and then. And, yes, we sometimes get frustrated when we can't afford things that we don't really need. But it will be worth it when our kids look back and see that there was always a parent available for them. I'd like to hear others' experiences with this. Why you were or were not able to do this? What things have helped you along the way?
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69 responses
@Cortney (3980)
• United States
7 Dec 06
My husband and I just sat down and discussed this. We weighted out the option of me going back to work full time because it would be nice to have a 2nd vehicle. we just paid off the one we have, but struggled the past year that I have not worked. We drew up the budget now.. and drew up the budget figuring after school care, new truck payment, insurance. It is the same amt of money left over that we have now..... we decided it wasn't worth having a 2nd veh right now for me to be working and not home with our daughter. Not to mention because of all my medical problems and hers, I would end up getting fired in a few months.. so we would be stuck again.
3 people like this
• United States
7 Dec 06
We've had that discussion, too. I get a little antsy right now and want more adult interaction. That's why I'm here! For the amount of money I could make after childcare, clothing, and other work expenses, it just doesn't pay. I'm not sure I could handle only having one car, though. It drives me crazy to be stuck in the house, even if I wasn't planning to go anywhere. It's just knowing that now I can't if something comes up!
3 people like this
• United States
7 Dec 06
That was supposed to be "I get a little antsy now and then". Guess I need to edit better!
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@lissaj (532)
• United States
8 Dec 06
We did the same thing. It just wasn't worth it for me to go back to work.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
8 Dec 06
i agree. its hard but possible...my family isn't the sucess story yet...but hopfully we can make it to where you're at. we decided early on that i would stay home. with only a HS degree and little work experiance, i wouldn't be able to make much. so my husband is the one who works...when we first moved in together, neither of us had a job. i was looking and so was he, we had no car and we were living with my sister. i was also pregnant and found it hard because not much people wanted to hire someone who was pregnant because they would have to leave when having the baby. i did manage to get a holiday job at a department store, but after the holidays, it was over. my husband struggled as a door to door salesman for a while, he didn't bring in any income and we were living off my college fund that my mother had set up for me. we could have made better decisions, but my husband liked to go out a lot. after our 1st son was born he lost his job. so we had to get a used car so he could go looking for another job. thats when he began installing...which he's still doing now. now we're renting our own place, we have 2 children and we still strugging...my husband had a lot of debt coming into the relationship, so that all caught up with us. every time we caught up, something else happend that would take us into more debt...my husband needed a dental opperation, the car brakes down...stuff like that. we managed to keep our kids fead, although not always the healthest things. right now we can't get any government help because my husband makes a lot, but we have a lot of bills to pay. which is why places like this are a blessing to me because i can earn something...i mean, from the money i make online with these type of things i could probably buy groceries for my family...that would help alot because my husband can consentrate on paying the bills with his paycheck. i know we haven't made the best desisions, but i think we'll be able to pull ahead someday...soon i hope =)
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• United States
8 Dec 06
I certainly know that feeling of never getting ahead. Though we have no huge outstanding debt now, we certainly used to. And those unexpected expenses still throw my budget out of whack. I'd love to be able to set a little aside each month "just in case", but there's never enough for that. Most months I'm even dipping into our savings a little. Fortunately for us, some little thing usually happens to give us a windfall we can add to our savings to build it back up--tax refund, Christmas gift, insurance check, etc. My husband also does some supplemental teaching on the side and I always put that into savings. I actually figure out how much income it would provide monthly if he got paid only that amount but was working year-round. Then I pay myself that small amount each month. It gives me a little extra each month and, in the case of a major emergency, the rest is available for us to access. It's system that works for us. Good luck in your journey. I think it takes a long time for one to truly get ahead.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
16 Aug 10
I want to be a stay at home mother myself. We've got a lot to think about right now, my husband and I are just starting out and are in many ways still a child. We pay our bills and then we spend our money on things we want, all in all I don't think it's necessarily bad as we also spend our money on things we need, and bills always come first. We have a plan on how to save, and I am thinking up a plan on how to save so that I can stay at home when we have children. One thing I am thinking on is saving as much as I can on my online earnings, which means I need to make a decent amount. I need to get a job now though so that we can save some more money. I think that if I could find a job on the same shift as my husband and close to where he works we won't have need for another car, so that will help us save in the long run. If we ever have need for another car, we will have the money to pay for it. I was at a friend's house, and talking about the cost of having a baby. I was not aware of how much money it took to just give the hospital out of pocket. I'm not sure if this will be as much as we'll have to pay, but $1000 is a lot of money and is what I've heard is the rate for admittance and all that into the hospital for a baby, a lot of money, and I imagine with no insurance at all a big big big hassle. Well I'm rambling on, I could keep going on but have lost my train of thought.
• United States
8 Dec 06
I agree it can be done but many people don't want to give up the luxuries they have and many people actually see those luxuries as necessities. I have been a stay at home mom since before my oldest was born (I quit working when I was 4 months pregnant with her). It has been hard. We lived with family the first 5 years of her life. Now we rent an apartment and are on our own. We only have one car and it is a beater. We can't afford to go on vacations or do fun stuff around town. We can only do free things, like going to the park or for walks in the woods. We do have a lot of debt because my husband barely makes enough to pay our already crazy credit card bills. But we have to eat. We could never afford for me to work. The cost of 3 kids in day care full time and one in after school care would probably eat all of my earnings. The one major sacrifice we had to make was moving out of Chicago. We couldn't even afford rent for a 2 bedroom apartment there and we had 3 kids at the time. We now live in a cheaper city but we are 500 miles from my family and 800 miles from my husband's family. It is hard but we make it through somehow.
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• United States
8 Dec 06
It really is hard sometimes, I agree. But I think someday you're kids will thank you for giving the gift of knowing they can have fun even without money. There are so many experiences you can share without spending money. Many companies will give you a tour if you just ask. Nature is wonderful--you always see something different. I applaud your efforts and also offer my sincere hope that it does get easier for you at some point. Also, (I know you didn't ask for help so please don't be offended)have you heard of Angel Food Ministries. I'm not sure if they have it where you are or not, but they seem to be in many states. It's a program where you pay $25 for a large box of food that will really cut down your food costs. There's no income eligibility requirements. You can learn more at www.AngelFoodMinistries.com
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@SimplyMe (373)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I agree with you. We also have had the discussion, and if I went back to work, we would probably be in negative figures. I have four children and have stayed at home since our oldest (turned 14 on Tuesday) was born. I don't think I would even consider going to work even when the kids are in high school. That is when they really need to come home to Mom or Dad, not an empty, unsupervised house. I don't plan to work for many more years even though sometimes we struggle a little with money. We will make do if it means our girls are happy and healthy.
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@elle84 (173)
• Australia
8 Dec 06
it wouldnt necessarily mean they'd come home to an empty house. When I go back to work I plan on it being part time so I would only work during school hours :)
2 people like this
• United States
8 Dec 06
That would be ideal if you can find a job that has those hours and is off on the same days as the kids. Unfortunately, those jobs are few and far between unless you work in the school district. I'm hoping that a school secretarial position or something might open up when my kids are older.
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@elle84 (173)
• Australia
8 Dec 06
Yep we're still alive with 2 kids on only one income lol however when the kids start school I will be going back to work, it will definetly make things alot easier and ontop of that I'd get so bored sittig at home all day by myself hahaha
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• United States
8 Dec 06
I think that you are probably wise to prioritize the way that you do. Additional money won't buy time with the kids and they will be grown before you can blink any eye
• United States
8 Dec 06
I, too, am looking forward to when both kids are in school. However, I'm looking forward to the chance to work on the many projects I've been wanting to start for years but haven't because I can never have enough time to get finished before they get into it! I also can't wait to get active in some community service work and maybe join some civic organizations.
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• United States
8 Dec 06
My mother stayed at home, and my father worked. Sure they had to go without some fancy things to be able to do so - but they did it. I can't thank them enough for it! I want to stay home with my children when I have them. It definately can be done!
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
16 Aug 10
I too want to stat at home with our children we have them, careful planning and preparation is a must though.
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
8 Dec 06
My wife and I managed it for about 3 years. However, when we decided to buy a house, we realized we would never be able to budget it on my income alone and she started working part-time.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
15 Aug 10
I am very hopeful that when my husband and I do have children, I can stay at home, however it will take a lot of preparation and saving, and perhaps a lot of hand me downs and arounds as well to get by with just one income. As I said, I am hopeful we can do it, and that is one reason why I am here online, to help us save.
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
8 Dec 06
I think living on one income is possible, but like you say you have to be able to make discissions and know what to buy and what not, and keep your eyes open for supplemental income opportunities. I live at home at the time being, and me and my boyfriend are starting to look for a home of ourselves. I have a higher education than my boyfriend has, and so I am paid more than he gets. If we ever have children we decided my boyfriend would stay home with the kids (he would like that and judging on income it would be better) and I would like to make a carreer. We can make it with my income, but as we are still both young and not into having kids we will work both for the time being and safe up some money :)
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
15 Aug 10
I think that saving up money prior to having children is a must. It will definitely help when it comes to having the child, from before it's birth, until it's a teenager and able to have a job of it's own. There is so much to consider. My husband and I both have the same level of education, as we both graduated high school but did not go on to college. I've read somewhere that a college degree isn't amounting to much now anyway with the economy the way it is, no one can find a job.
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I agree with you. I think it's completely possible for MOST (maybe not ALL) families to be raised in single income homes. I think most people are just too greedy and want this and that and want it NOW, so both parents end up working so that they can do that. My older sister's a fine example. If they stayed in their first house, I think they would've been fine with just one income. As long as they didn't buy two brand new cars within the span of two years or so. I think my sister's just greedy and wants all these nice things. They're ALWAYS buying something new and I've gotten so sick of her complaining about having no money.
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• United States
8 Dec 06
Your comment about the sister moving to a nicer house and needing new cars is exactly the crux of the issue. So many of our friends are "house poor". They have nice houses, but huge mortgages and, therefore, huge monthly payments. This is our 3rd home we have purchased in about 4 years (my husband changed jobs). We've been able to do some cosmetic fixing up in each home and turn about a $10,000 profit each time. However, instead of getting bigger and better houses each time, we have actually downsized. We live in a decent 3 bedroom ranch house from the 60's. It's well taken care of and in a family-friendly neighborhood. We have fixed up the inside to make it into our style. All this with a house payment of less than $500 a month. Sure, we sometimes wish for new storage or dream about extra space or cathedral ceilings. But, really, what's more important? The look of our home or the experiences we share while in it. Our friends sometimes look down their nose at us, but I truly feel we are making the better long-term choice.
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@Kscott (634)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I have been a stay at home mom for 5 years now, and have 4 children, who receive daily.....LOVE,CARING,RESPECT, AND MY TIME. I used to work before I was married and then on and off when the kids were littlier, but not having a parent at home was an issue. My children are very well behaved (LOL..most of the time!!), and because I cant buy them and I-pod, or a computer, or even the latest trendy clothes or shoes......they aren't suffering....the ultimate goal is I dont want a daycare or someone else raising my kids, so I can spoil them with things they dont really need! My kids complain all the time that so and so has a Nintendo Ds, or an XBOX 360...blah blah blah...but when that so and so gets home from school....(or they dont go home and go to daycare).....who is there to help them with their homework, listen to their troubles, and teach them things as I do? My children are always learning new things that I teach them...(i.e.), cooking, baking, crafts, inventive games, various things on a daily basis.....I wouldn't have the proper time to spend with them if I worked....although me working would help our financial situation which is way below what you and your husband have accomplished thus far....we aren't able to pay bills on time most of the time.....dont have a new car....(have an old broke down mini-van), we accept hand-me down clothes from friends/family....and have even used a food bank or too along the way.......but my kids are better people I believe because I am there for them, and I think that is more important than all the frilly stuff...... I think when children reach the age of teenagers then both parents working could be worked out more easily........babies and children need attention, that I dont think they receive in daycare (atleast not any of the ones I've been to), and that attention can only come from a parent or maybe another close family member such as a grandparent,aunt/uncle who love them undonditionally. When I did work full time M-f and every other Saturday.....my mother watched them and that was the 3rd best beside their father for their care and raising them. My oldest is 14 and why he could babysit while I work.....why should he be made to grow up faster with responsibilities that are mine and my husbands in my view to tend to. It is hard and a struggle for us, but neither of us have a college education (BIG MISTAKE ON OUR PART IN MY EYES) and therefore dont make as much as others, and we struggle daily because of this.......but again I think that raising my children is the job GOD gave me and thats what I'm going to do until it's time for them to branch out and allow me to work...DAY CARE IS SO OVERPRICED.....I WOULD NEVER CHARGE WHAT THEY DO....AND THEY DONT GIVE NEER ENOUGH TIME AND ATTENTION THAT CHILDREN SO NEED GROWING UP. My two younger children are so better off because I am home with them, as opposed to my two older ones who didn't have me at home because we both worked. My mom was a stay at home mom, because my father made enough that she never had to work.....we never received frivolous things...BUT OUR BASIC NEEDS WERE ALWAYS MET....granted I have to tell my kids "No" alot because we cant afford it.....but I stand firm that one parent at home is a better situation for kids in the long run. We as a family have helped each other out, by learning to conserve, instead of renting movies, we get them "free" from the library, and we dont pay for overpriced cable....we have regular antenna tv.....which we turn off and read a book together, play cards, play a board game, make a craft, or we all pitch in and make dinner, lunch, we garden together, do outside activities, etc. and we spend time together, which someday I will be so thankful that I was able to spend time with them....when I'm old and they dont have the time to spend with me because they are working.
• United States
9 Dec 06
Your family sounds lovely. It's so nice to hear of others who enjoy those family activities as much as I do. We have friends who pay roughly $100 a month on cable TV! This just seems insane to me. However, there family activity consists of sitting in front of the TV eating take-out. We don't have cable either and rarely watch real TV. We mainly just use it for movies. Our family reads books and just plays together. It's so much fun. It will be interesting to see what my kids think about the lack of TV when they get a little older. I imagine when they start feeling out of the loop about not knowing the latest shows, there may be a little tension. But I still think being able to find other ways to enjoy themselves will serve them better as adults.
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@medooley (1873)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Good for you! You should be really proud for doing what you are doing. My wife says home and raises the kids and I think that is worth much more than what she could bring in with a full time job. I wish that I had your frugleness for unescessary spending. Good job, keep up the good work.
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• United States
8 Dec 06
Thank you for your encouragement and for the support of your wife. I know that if my husband wasn't totally for the decision of me staying home, then I couldn't do it. I often have times of guilt like I'm not contributing enough and he's working so hard. But he reminds me that taking care of our kids is the most important job we have and that my staying home is a crucial part of our task.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
Well it's tough in this world to live on one income unless one of you is making tonnes of money which most dont. But I will only work part time and supplemental income.. I refuse to work full time as a mother, my job as a mother is hard enough and there is only so much I can do. I guess you can live on one income but be prepared to not have too many luxuries. It all depends on what you want. If you don't want to scrape by, then you need to have 2 incomes.
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• United States
8 Dec 06
I agree it is tough and we certainly don't have all the luxuries. However, I don't feel like our family is really missing out on the important things. We went to the beach for vacation last year and are planning another vacation this summer. We visit the lake now and then. We see movies (though often rented). We even eat out now and then. It's just a matter of deciding which things are important and saving for them. If I wasn't able to have a few "luxury" things now and then, I probably would feel a lot more like I was missing out. As it is, it makes those "luxuries" even more special.
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@Iamh4b1t (121)
• United States
8 Dec 06
My wife and I are in this boat right now. We own a home that we can't afford on my income alone. She's 3 months pregnant and we're looking for ways to supplement our income. She's resigned that we're going to need to sell our house and buy a smaller cheaper place. My thinking is that we should sell only as a last resort. If we found a way to bring in 1/3 of my wifes current income then we'd make it. I'll keep looking, I have 6 months!
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• United States
9 Dec 06
I hope you find a way to supplement the income. However, keep in mind that you don't want to wait until the last minute to sell. You've got 6 months to shop around and see what homes are available and then get your sold. We've sold both of homes without a realtor by not being in a huge hurry and we cleared a good profit on each. And because we didn't have a set deadline to move we had time to shop around until we found a house we were really happy with. We actually got lucky in that our last two houses were being sold in a divorce and the owners just wanted it done quick so we got a good price. By downsizing, you have a larger down payment and, thus, automatically more equity in your home and a smaller house payment. Both very good things. I'm not saying I think you should sell. Just giving ideas to think about.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
15 Aug 10
My husband and I decided that if we can we're going to find a place to rent in a year. We will live in this rented house for as long as the house is live in able, or until such time that the rent just gets to be too much. We'll probably out right look for a home with atleast two bedrooms so that when we do have children we can have an extra bedroom, and if we have two, until they are too old to stay in the same room together (Depending on their gender as well) we will stay in that house. My husband and I also have to consider that we will be taking care of two sets of parents. My mother and father are split up, and I am not sure if my sister will want to have anything to do with mama, and well I am my father's only child.
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I have been a SAHM for almost 8 years now. We have 2 daughters who are in 2nd grade & Kindergarten. We will have baby #3 any day now. We do own a house. We have some credit card debt, that is because DH is a diabetic & has had health problems. Me being home has saved the money it would have cost us to send them to day care.
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
I agree with you...it is possible. My boyfriend and I have done it for many years. It has been difficult at times...and we have not always had what we wanted...but we have always paid our bills and had food on the table. I felt it was better that I stay home with my son...now he is teenager...and I am able to focus on my writing...and I am actually making a little money...my boyfriend now has a higher paying job..and my son even has found a little work..so things are looking up...but it can be a struggle....but you have to work together and do the best you can....
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@rebelann (113419)
• El Paso, Texas
12 Jul 21
I agree with you.
• United States
8 Dec 06
I am a stay at home mom too, it is a decision my hubby and I made together. I did go back to work for a short time after my son was born, but we didn't feel comfortable with daycare and I came back home to be with him. I agree with you, it isn't always easy, sometimes you just can't afford to do everything you want, but with careful planning and a good budget, you can always do what you need to do and save up for the extra things you want on the side. I also agree, it is more worth it in te long run to make such an important decision.
@rebelann (113419)
• El Paso, Texas
12 Jul 21
I agree with you
@Meljep (1666)
• United States
8 Dec 06
You are absolutely right. It is entirely possible to live on one income. You may have to cut corners and budget your money, but in the end it is totally worth it. Being frugal with clothing and food and housing never hurt anyone. It would be nice to get this message out, so that the adults of tomorrow will be well rounded and not think that everything should be handed to them on a silver platter.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
15 Aug 10
I hate that it seems everyone has to buy buy buy, and wants wants wants. I know we've not much room to talk however because my husband and I both like to spend money, but I believe there are people worse then us when it comes to spending. It's okay to spend within your means, which is what we do, but to spend and have to pay for it later (as in go into debt) is just bad judgement. I did have debt, and I regret it, but it's behind me and I am striving every day to save, and be more frugal.
@FiredUp (270)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I have done it both ways. I used to work outside the home and my husband and I made a good income. However, I got sick and had to quit my job, then when I got better and went back to work, my custodial grandson got sick and I had to quit to stay home with him and homeschool him. It is definitely easier with two incomes, but very doable on just one. The rewards of being a stay home Mom more than compensate for the extra income. I do supplement our income on what I make online from home, but it is not a lot.
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@rebelann (113419)
• El Paso, Texas
12 Jul 21
Wow, you're raised your grandson, that's really awesome.
@kawillow74 (1416)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I total agree with you I am a stay at home mom we have 2 boys 15 and 13 My husband is a boss for a contruction company we have our own home 2 vehicles and in the winter when we get snow he will get laid off which mean he get only 1/2 of want he normally makes and yes times are tough but we get though it. So I total agree with you if you want to live a life style that you need to be better or want more, more and more then yes both might have to work.But when my kids look back they can stay my mom was always there when I needed here. There dad does work allot of hour so he is not home allot that is why we feel the need for me to be here.I wish my mom would have been home she alway worked allot but she still was a great mom.
@rebelann (113419)
• El Paso, Texas
12 Jul 21
It's so much better for kids to have their mom at home when they're growing up.
• Malaysia
8 Dec 06
It is somehow neccessary for both husband and wife working to maintance the standard of living in most family nowaday. Whether you like it or not, many have no choice! Well, if you still stick to one income, you shall be more knowledgeable than others. Why? Because you need to be very well in family finance control.
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@rebelann (113419)
• El Paso, Texas
12 Jul 21
Just never buy the toys and other silly things your kids want, those are not important.