By lilmeowsy
@lilmeowsy (685)
December 8, 2006 4:26am CST
Did we really come from apes? Are they really our ancestors? These questions keep on popping in my head. Of course, people will not accept this theory because man has always been the highest level of animals. We have considered and given ourselves with higher importance that we can’t see the similarities that we have with these creatures. I would be a traitor to the human race if I said we did come from these creatures but if you look at them closely and compare them to us, people get really confused. According to TIME magazine, Chimps and humans share almost 99 percent of their DNA. New discoveries reveal how we can be so alike and yet so different. Yeah, right, Chimps have more body hair, have a more wrinkled and protruded face and they have a very bad posture because they use their hands and feet for walking and the like but did you know that Chimps are also man’s closest relative? Yes, they are! They also use tools and have a complex social structure. Oh well, it’s still your opinion. What do you think? Did we really originate from apes? I sure don’t want to think about it because it just makes me shiver to realize the truth. Anyway, I sure don’t want to be like the humans in the PLANET OF THE APES movie.^^
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93 responses
@mslena75 (561)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I took a class on Evolution in undergrad. I wish I could remember all of the points that convinced me. If I remember correctly our DNA only differ by 2 pairs. There is overwhelming evidence that we are linked genetically. I for one do not understand why that notion offends people so much. You cannot debate scientific evidence.

@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Yeah, I guess you are right. I just read about this on TIME magazine. That's why I posted this discussion topic here to know what other people think about it. Scientific evidence is really hard to debate on or question. They always have proofs. Anyway, thanks for the response! ^^

@samkkaran (25)
• India
8 Dec 06
looking at the behaviour of people shifting(jumping) from one job to another..i firmly beleive his theory is true...and for that matter his theory is the most acceptable of all.

@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
Oh my! Those are very deep thoughts. I'm glad you got to share it with everyone here in mylot. Anyway, thanks and keep on posting! ^^
@infinityplus1 (206)
• United States
8 Dec 06
The complex structuring of our body is definitely due to the gradual natural programming, as described by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Charles Darwin himself never said that there is no god. He never stated the absoluteness of his theory. Trying to describe what he observed in the environment, his genuis was able to explain those in the form of the theory of evolution. There is no question about it.
However, it is possible that we may have a more comprehensible theory to describe our development as human beings in the future, that will include the ideas of Darwin's theory. Sciene works in this way.
It is also to be noted that Darwin's theory does not describe our existence and origin, which is, of course, beyond its scope. Considering this, I believe in Darwin's theory.

@forfein (2507)
8 Dec 06
The Earth is supposed to be 4.5 BILLION Years old!!!!
They found rocks that proves this!
In 1994 a discovery was made at Chichester ENGLAND when archaeologists discovered a shinbone which was dated as 500,000 years old!
How about this theory..........
4 Million years ago, Aliens landed on earth, their Planet was dying!
They found the Apes, which were as close a match to their Intelligence as they could find in the Universe.
They drew straws and the "Lucky" ones got the chance to make love to a few apes!!!
We have Neolithic Man!!
Now he can stand up, knows how to "fend for himself" and we "Evolve"
We are getting more and more Intelligent as the Earth progresses, so why not believe that we came from apes and we are permanently growing up??
@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
I HHHmmmmm back at yah! Yeah, why not? It's so hard to prove if a theory like this does exist or not. I sure hope, we find the answer soon to this mind boggling mystery. Anyway, thanks for the response! ^^
@rick_2047 (185)
• India
8 Dec 06
despit having a whole chapter dedicaed to this subject in my textbook i still cant diside
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@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Yes, I can't decide too. Same here! Anyway, thanks for the response. ^^
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Lottsa 'different' info!
@TheApparition (337)
• India
8 Dec 06
It may not be true but to establish the fact could be difficult!!
Though we may share the DNA with the chimps, the difference is in the IQ. .
@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
Yup, I guess you are right with the IQ thing. Thanks for the response! ^^
@gtfteam (140)
• Malaysia
8 Dec 06
There are lots of prove to whether evolution exist. Evolution hs left numerous records dat reveal the history of different species. Fossils and the comparative anatomy of present-day plants and animals, establish the morphological record. Comparing the anatomies of both modern and extinct species helps paleontologists to infer the lineages of those species. Important fossil evidence includes the connection of distinct classes of organisms by so-called "transitional" species, such as the Archaeopteryx, which provided early evidence for intermediate species between dinosaurs and birds, and the recently-discovered Tiktaalik, which clarifies the development from fish to animals with four limbs. The development of molecular genetics, and particularly of DNA sequencing, has allowed biologists to study the record of evolution left in organisms' genetic structures. The degrees of similarity and difference in the DNA sequences of modern species allows geneticists to reconstruct their lineages. It is from DNA sequence comparisons that figures such as the 95% genotypic similarity between humans and chimpanzees are obtained. Additional evidence of ancestry includes idiosyncratic structures present in certain organisms, such as the panda's "thumb", which indicate how an organism's evolutionary lineage constrains its adaptive development. Vestigial structures such as the vestigial limbs on pythons or the degenerate eyes of blind cave-dwelling fish are also evidences of evolutionary development. Other evidence used to demonstrate evolutionary lineages includes the geographical distribution of species. For instance, monotremes, such as platypus, and most marsupials, like kangaroos or koalas, are found only in Australia showing that their common ancestor with placental mammals lived before the submerging of the ancient land bridge between Australia and Asia. Scientists correlate all of the above evidence, drawn from paleontology, anatomy, genetics, and geography, with other information about the history of Earth. For instance, paleoclimatology attests to periodic ice ages during which the world's climate was much cooler, and these are often found to match up with the spread of species which are better-equipped to deal with the cold, such as the woolly mammoth.
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@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
Yes, I get your point here. The proof? It's everywhere! It's so obvious why people will believe Darwin's theory. Anyway, thanks for the response! ^^
@TDonald (1421)
• United States
8 Dec 06
It doesn't really matter if you believe a theory or not. Science is the process of discovering the truth based on facts. According to the facts, evolution seems to be the way thing work.
We did NOT come from apes. Humans and apes had a common ancestor somewhere in the distant past.
And who's to say the Creator doesn't use the evolutionary process to do the work of creation.
@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Hmm, I guess you're right on some point. Anyway, this is really an interesting discussion topic. I'm glad people are finally alloting some time for this. Thanks for the response anyway! ^^
@ErrollLeVant (4353)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Micro evolution is a reality, but there is no evidence of macro evolution anywhere, in fact it is impossible
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@milagre (1272)
• Portugal
8 Dec 06
Men evelution comes from the same ancien tree, and at a certain point are gens start "splitting" and evoluing in another way, it took million of years and we share this very ancien past with chimps, the same being, but its so far away.... think it as a tree and men are not far away from the brench chimps are, theres not a sharing anymore, because even before men started been called as men, another being came in the middle the "Australopithecus", that it was not a men, not a chimp, and after this one another, until 3500 years we become to be more like we are. Anyway, its a long story... and if you keep going back you will discover that we all came from the same animal, for exemple, chimps and men came from "lemur" and this one has sharings with another one.... and so on, just go back in time..
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@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Oh, okay. Thanks for sharing that to everyone here in mylot. Keep on posting! ^^
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
8 Dec 06
you know, im kinda in a dilemma here. im not really sure what to believe. as a christian, i'd have to say that it's not true. but his theory just seems so logical that its hard for me to discredit it. i really dont know what to think, and i try not to think about this issue very much because of the contradictions between my religion and science. maybe there's a happy medium between the two that i just havent discovered yet.
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@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Wow! Yeah, I'm a bit lost and confused too. I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm a Christian. I still believe in the creation theory but I'm still wondering whether this theory is possible or not. Anyway, I hope we find out the answer soon. Thanks for the response!^^
@dexterous21 (1180)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
I don't like to believe. Science can easily give proofs for that. But it is still a theory. Theory must become fact inorder to make it a law and in that case I will accept it.
@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Haha, Yes, I know, dear. We talked about this earlier right? Anyway, thanks for the response! ^^
@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Yup, You have a point. I agree with you. That is what's based on the bible itself but this is according to the scientific world. Anyway, thanks for the response! ^^
@xsle84 (99)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
feel very sorry for biologists, they cling to the theory of evolution as if it were set in the tablets of stone which Moses brought down from Mt Siani! It is not. Scientific theories never are and never should be. Ever. I do not claim to have put in the work to be able to present any kind of attack on the theory as a whole, however, certain inadequacies within the theory as it stands, have lead me to understand that, any theory, left almost untouched for 100 years, is in great, if not critical, need of revision and additions. Secondly, I worry greatly about just how much of biology as a whole is based on such a simplistic starting theory. I worry that Biology might even go the way of psychoanalysis, based upon Freud, and turn into little more than an 'alternative belief system' or religion. Nature is fundamentally beautiful yes, intrinsically simple no. No way. How many more times must I hear the same old questions, questions which are supposed to probe the inner nature of subjects, but instead, cause intelligent scientists to go back around in circles. "What is the survival advantage of that?", an interesting question, and since I am not here to blow the entire theory to shreds, I am sure you might learn something from the asking, however, when asked time and time again, about every single feature, without ever posing a different question, the exercise soon becomes a job for a mere computer, and not a thinking, reasoning human being. So what is my opinion of the current state of the theory of evolution? Recently, attempts have been made to justify everything in the simple terms of the original theory. I have been impressed by them, in that the intellectual loops were flown with great skill and dexterity, however, I have in no way been convinced by them, and so ultimately they have failed. (Or maybe, in the opinion of the author, it is I who has failed, failed to be turned from my 'beliefs', I treat my brain with more respect than to do that so easily). Well, putting it simply, does the theory of evolution answer all the questions? In my opinion the short answer is no. This, to me, suggests that we should be actively looking to enhance the current theory or throw it out. However, no-one seems to have the desire, the intelligence, or maybe just the nerve to question Darwin, as the whole answer, and so evolution as a theory has been left to stagnate. The most obvious way I can think of to revive the now stinking corpse of natural selection, is to inject new ideas from other disciplines. Natural selection, implies a titanic struggle within nature, however it is my belief, that as with the titanic, such a struggle for existence would be doomed to failure. Just as Capitalism is unsustainable, so, such a ruthless drive to win, above all others, would eventually, lead to destruction, a destruction which would have occurred long before our creation, and would have in fact occurred, every time, thus barring the creation of highly complex living forms. The reason that when asked if they see 'intelligence' in nature, that people generally do see the hand of God, is not, a religious one, or as the scientists would have us believe, a simplistic, superstitious, even primitive belief system due to the fact that they do not understand science...
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@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Whoa! That was long. Anyway, I really appreciate you writing your point of view regarding this topic. I'm glad a lot of people replied to this. Thanks for the response!^^
@DarkD3m0n (321)
• Romania
9 Dec 06
One of the fundamental laws of science is Principle Of Increasing Entropy which states that all matter tends toward disorder - dissolution - and decay Everything we organize, will tend to disorganize! If we neglect our car, it rusts. If we neglect our home (or body!) it falls apart.
Either life was created and has purpose. Or it came about through chance and time. But if all matter is moving toward 'falling apart', how can time and the natural properties of matter, result in the universe and life?
@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
Yes, it is not biblical but it is scientific. We can't say whether this is simply a theory or it is really true. There are proofs and some are most certainly convincing but there are still possibilities that man originated from apes is just a mere hoax. I, for one, do not know what to believe in. It's just so confusing. Anyway, thanks for all your reactions and responses! I really appreciate it. ^^ Keep on posting!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 Dec 06
No, I believe in the word of God as in the Bible, and the Garden of Eden as in Adam and Eve as to how man came about. I have never even questioned this ever, and find Darwin's theory just a man made up version from someone who was confused and not wanting to accept the real reasoning behind things, so he had to make up something that someone who thought like him might believe.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Dec 06
'Evolution' is a fairy tale for adults. Frog turns into prince, by the kiss of time.
....and the inherent tendencies of matter. The trouble is the 2nd most held law of science declares all matter is falling apart. Not improving, but dissoluting into less effieciency. So how did matter 'evolve' from pond scum, into all the varieties of miraculous and efficient life forms of planet earth? Well, they try to say sunlight made it 'evolve'. Well how does sunlight act on matter? Fine as long as it's living matter, like the leaf on a tree. But once said leaf, or branch, falls and is not living, the sun heats it, and it is disintegrating just like the law of science says. Just like the compost heap heats up. We build upon the knowledge of the generations before us. If we look around us, at the world, it's quite obvious, the human race is not 'evolving'!
@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
Is it really a fairytale? I don't know. Anyway, you all have deep thoughts regarding this matter and I respect that. I'm glad you are all interacting and sharing your thoughts throught this discussion. I'm hoping to hear more soon. Keep on posting and thanks a lot! ^^
@honoriuc (27)
• Romania
8 Dec 06
Yes, I think we do really come from apes, but there was the God who created us (and of course all the living beings on Earth and other planets, if there is one) by developing the organisms from simple to complex, so He only implemented the language in the apes to make the man (the language was only an instrument leading to, among others, the conscience of the self and of God), and then the man created his own history.
@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Yup, I believe that God created all of us. Darwin's theory may just have been another theory or it can be real. That's up to modern science to find out. It's possible that we came from apes but I find it hard for other people to accept that easily. Anyway, thanks for the response! ^^

@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
Yeah, it's still a theory. If it is proven already then it won't be considered a theory anymore.Thanks for that wonderful insight. Keep on posting! ^^
@volschenkh (1043)
• South Africa
8 Dec 06
The whole scientific underpinning of evolotion is that by pure chance some genetic changes happend in our predecessors causing human being to outcompete and develop at a much faster rate than any of the other species. The theory makes provision for this point, so I do not agree with you!

@zarden (107)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
i dont believe in that so called theory of evolution, if all thing are evoluting like humans, why there are still monkey, and chimpz? they should be human if the evolution is true, there must be changes in all if they believe that some things are changes as well.
@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
It's very hard to identify what to believe and not to believe. We all must be cautious and know the facts first before assuming and concluding anything. Anyway, thanks for the responses! ^^
@matt608 (843)
11 Dec 06
Zarden there are still chimps because we evolved from them, but we didnt dominate their environment (the canopy). Gradually a new morph of chimp was created (ones that walked on all fours, by a genetic mutation). Because of this we didnt not dominate the chimps, as they lived in a different environment to us (they stayed in the tress) while we we on the ground, enlarging our brains.
@mtrclaudiu (46)
• Romania
9 Dec 06
it's posible.but i don't belive.if people is become from animals and this evolution was a milions year'ago way nobody creation is become from people?a?way?because people isn'become from animals and our'evolution is stil a mistery.maybe good is the answer.maybe another is the answer.but i don't belive in the darwin's theory.maybe his theory is god in the animals evolution but people is not included.