Conversations with God!

@Kylalynn (1771)
South Africa
December 8, 2006 9:09am CST
I recently posted a discussion on the expression Oh my God used in all American reality shows. I was informed that it is slang and taking the lords name in vain. I read the book Conversations with God, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It says in the book, while God is not partial to bad language he does not like it when his name is taken in vain and yet this expression is used by so many people. I have family members who can curse and swear, and I believe everyone is entitled to live his own life, but I just don't like to hear swear words containg Gods name.
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41 responses
@janet069 (663)
• United States
8 Dec 06
The term Oh My God is used so often it seems to come naturally. Yes the bible does say not to use the Lord's name in vain but I don't really think of that phrase when I read it. When someone says that phrase they are usually expressing surprise, not anger or bad language. It probably would be best if we not say it but I don't necessairly feel guilty when I say it. On the other hand if I say or hear God ____ I immediately cringe.
• United States
9 Dec 06
OMG doesnt bother me as bad as the curse word with God's name in it. I cant stand to hear any "damn" the name of God. That is a BIG pet peeve as well. I also tell my kids not to swear on anything and to never say OMG
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
9 Dec 06
im guilty og using the woprds "oh my God" myself!! im gonna have to lessen and totally eliminate
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
9 Dec 06
Thanks for your response.
• United States
8 Dec 06
In an age where religion is so taboo in the world, you are so right that matters such as things are taken so lightly. Personally, to hear "Oh my God," over and over again is never fun for me. Like so many others have said I do cringe when I hear it as well. Why not "oh my gosh?," or "oh my goodness?," but nicely enough there's not enough shock value in that. Sigh...
• Philippines
9 Dec 06
I have to agree with you.It much better that they drop God in their expressions. I don't like hearing those things more often.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
Thanks for responding.
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
first of all, i am not christian but my mom is and she loves this book! She has gone through many copied, because she will give them away to friends! But I dont think the phraise "Oh my god" is that bad, it is just an expression it is not using gods name in vain, alot of people say oh my gosh, i dont see the difference
@massaj03 (4367)
• United States
9 Dec 06
There is a big difference in the words gosh and God.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
9 Dec 06
It is a great gift to give to your friends. Thats how I got mine.
• United States
9 Dec 06
i have to admit, i say Oh My God all the time, its no big deal to me..... however i could really not care less what other people think of me when i say that....
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
Each to his own!
• India
9 Dec 06
these days, we are making mockery of everything , whther it is life , parents or anything , we don't care for other sentiments or ethical values. the god to which pray in difficult , laugh at other times, is that good? think for youself.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
Please make yourself a little more clear.
@bingbing (24)
• Philippines
9 Dec 06
FITH. People just put their trust in Him who they believe helps them through life's dramas. You just believe, it doesn't have to be rational, and you don't have to see it to believe it. We just believe... like a nonbeliever trusts the good in life and things around him, just not necessarily God.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
A higher Supreme Being!
• United States
8 Dec 06
Gosh, Golly and Gee are also forms of taking God's name in vain. I don't hear too many people use these words anymore... but it's something to think about. I noticed that someone said that it just seems to come naturally... even if it's not something bad they are Oh my godding... but even if it's not something bad they are saying the phrase too, don't you think it should be reserved to things that we are really grateful for? Like if your partner gives you something good and you say oh, my love etc... Does anyone get my meaning or is this not coming out right?
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
I get your meaning! And thankyou for responding1
@Maeica (169)
• New Zealand
9 Dec 06
I agree, I think His name shouldn't be used in vain. Hey, I loved the book!
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
The book is good. I have nothing to read at the moment, so will read that one again. I found it a bit heavy in places! Thanks for response.
@123mosco (629)
• Nigeria
9 Dec 06
i like that keep on.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
Thankyou. and thankyou for response.
@oxximitzu (413)
• Romania
9 Dec 06
well , hmmz lol ... god doesn`t like his name to be taken in vain .... if you read a little more , the Bible , it is one of the 10 (commands) i do not recall the exact word ... and it says Do not thake God`s name in vain .... but i guess that if you say OH MY GOD , it`s not a syn .... and it`s not a swearing , please document yourself a little more .... Thank you
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
If you say 'Oh my God' it should be in prayer, not in shock or surprise. People say, Jesus, and mean it as a swear word. But when it is used in prayer it is not a swear word. Does this make it easier for you to understand!
@volschenkh (1043)
• South Africa
8 Dec 06
In the United States, the First Amendment guarantees a relatively unlimited right of free speech, although some US states still have blasphemy laws on the books. Chapter 272 of the Massachusetts General Laws states, for example: Section 36. Whoever wilfully blasphemes the holy name of God by denying, cursing or contumeliously reproaching God, His creation, government or final judging of the world, or by cursing or contumeliously reproaching Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost, or by cursing or contumeliously reproaching or exposing to contempt and ridicule, the holy word of God contained in the holy scriptures shall be punished by imprisonment in jail for not more than one year or by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars, and may also be bound to good behavior. So in some states in the USA its against the law, I am surprised then that so many americans say these words as their first reaction!
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
Thanks for an interesting post.
@raghwagh (1527)
• India
9 Dec 06
Be Happy - A small teddy bare toy.
God means your inner voice.So if you can respond to your own inner voice then it is as goog as speaking with god.God is within you me and all of us.Just by sitting in fromt of some idol and praying does not make a communication with god.God is spread within this nature and all living and non living things around us.Thus if we do some thing good for this nature it is similar to conversation with god.This is what I think so...
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
Nice response. Thankyou!
• Brunei Darussalam
9 Dec 06
Christmas Shopping - 
Christmas shopping is an exciting task. This is my Christmas nice shot. I shopped alone looking for the best Christmas lanters and decorations. The bells are full of colors. The socks of Santa Claus have different sizes. I guess I look cute in this picture. Have you started your Christmas shopping?
I feel guilty of using the expression "Oh my God" all the time. For me, saying this expression is not a sin. Infact, calling God's name is a prayer. It means that it depends on how people use this expression. For instance, I saw a car accident, I'll surely says "Oh my God" which simply means I need God's help.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
Thanks for responding.
• United States
9 Dec 06
I have read this book and its a great book for everyone and anyone to read. As for using the term Oh my God, I dont have a problem hearing it or using it. I dont think that I have ever heard swear words with gods name in them. I take that back maybe oh my f__king god!! Back to the book, its actually on my page for one of the books that I have read. If you have not picked up up yet, what are you waiting for?
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
I have read the book. What do you think started the discussion!? If you read the book again it states God does not like it when we take his name in vain. I think your response is disgusting.
• United States
8 Dec 06
I agree with you, I dont' say or want to hear God's name matched with a swear word, it is so wrong. I don't understand how so many people can do it all the time and not have a problem with it. It baffles me. I too have noticed the use of the term Oh My God quite commonly on television and books, it seems to just be part of our language now, just rolls right off peoples tounges.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
Thanks for responding.
• Romania
8 Dec 06
yes, I have conversations with GOD daily...many times a day actually..and HE does answer back...there are times that HE actually initiates.. I was washing dishes the other week complaining to myself in my mind about all the difficulties I was having and how I didn't want to fool with any of it anymore...thinking to myself now...then HE spoke to me...HE told me that I was put here on this earth to do HIS will, and if I didn't want to do HIS will, then my purpose for being here was done, and I could be removed...
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
9 Dec 06
When doing dishes ( which I also don't like) Thank God for the dishes, lots of dishes mean plenty of good food.
@sarkar1 (336)
• India
8 Dec 06
I definitely agree ,,,,,,, there must be some sensitivity when we are dealing with the almighty GOD........................
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
Thanks for responding.
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
yes i am totally agree with. People just forget the God sayings and just concentrate on using his name in everyday life as a slangs.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
Thanks for response.
@Acts238girl (2087)
• United States
8 Dec 06
You are absolutely right.I don't like to hear swear words with God's name in it either.I know alot of people will just be in a line of talking will oh my god!I mean I don't know if theres anything wrong with that but even that don't sound good.His name should be revrenced or honored.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
9 Dec 06
Thanks for your response.
@mrozpani (40)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Okay.. I don't know if I am the only one here, but when I think of 'taking the Lord's name in vain' I don't think of cursing. It makes me think of when people call themselves Christians and say they do things in the name of the Lord.. things that do not represent christianity or doing what is right. I am not a Christian myself, but I have read the bible a couple of times, and I don't think that God is as offended by someone using bad language as he is if someone were to do something such as hurting someone else in his name. Does that make sense? Anyway, just my opinion.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
9 Dec 06
Yes, I am sure he does not want people hurting others in his name. Thanks for your response.