The Environment
By nancygibson
@nancygibson (3736)
December 9, 2006 1:20pm CST
How seriously do you take your responsibility to respect the environemnt? Do you do your best to use only what resources you need, not damage nature and actively do things to compensate for what you do use (like planting trees to help offset your paper use for example). Or do you feel its not your problem or that you just don't care?
I'd like to think that we are all responsible citizens of the planet, but I was saddenned today to see someone throwing litter out of a car windew. What do you feel when you see this?
61 responses
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
10 Dec 06
My home is solar and wind powered and while it cost a bit up front it has paid for itself very well..we use gray water in the garden, recycle ever can we can find, grow our own food, feed the birds and use no chemicals on our property..plant rather cut down trees and if we burn wood we get the pallets and wood other people would through away..unless we use it for another purpose. We try to buy all our food that we do buy in recyclable materials to reduce what is send to a landfill..we could do more however it is a proces and we hope to keep going. people obviously do not appreciate their world when the toss out trash like that
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
11 Dec 06
thats fantastic to hear, I'd love to have a properly eco- designed home
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
13 Dec 06
I spend a lot of time lurking over at reading up on what others are trying, its really inspiring, and I have such dreams and plans...
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
13 Dec 06
There are a handful of books at the library, even inter library loan.. magazines and a wealth of info on the net. If you have money to invest from modest to a large sum..check it out and see how you can add to your life and help the environment.

@norteh (615)
• Netherlands
9 Dec 06
People should be more environmentally minded. There is a limit concerning the use of oil and gas. And our children will suffer if we spoil to much of it. But the people who know this are in small numbers. I plant trees in my garden and i take the bicycle in the summer, to go to work. I can do more, but i have to invest in an heating system which uses the temperature of the earth and some solarcells to provide it with electricity. I want to buy it in a couple of years. But it is expensive.
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
10 Dec 06
Photovoltaics are expensive arent they. Passive water heating systems are a good start though and can be made at home if you feel inclined :)
@camaroz28 (326)
• Italy
15 Dec 06
I try to waste as little as I can, for instance I switch off lights when I don't need them, I switch off my monitor when I have lunch.
In my area municipalities citizen must separate dry and wet litter, and there are bins for plastics or glass or paper, and I use them.
I have a little garden and I planted there a small pine when I was 7; now I am 29 and I am happy when I look ar it and see how much it grew. It remembers me my childhood. I suggest to all the people who have a garden and a child to gift a little tree to their child and plant it with him.
I don't use a diesel car: diesel emissions are dangerous especially for people health. I recommend using a motorbike: it pollutes much less. And to all the people who want to buy a low emission vehicle, I would like to suggest to keep their old car because producing a new vehicle pollutes much more than going around with the old car. Increase the life of current cars to reduce industries pollution.
In Italy a governor decided to forbid old cars to travel but I think it's a non-sense law. Here is my position:
I think governments can take many concrete actions to reduce pollution:
- make particulate filters mandatory to all the new cars sold in Europe and USA
- reduce taxes or give economic contributions to building companies who use pollution eating materials or mount solar panels or high efficient heating systems
- reduce taxes to who plant trees in the garden
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
15 Dec 06
I love planting trees with children, they are so quick to grasp the symbolism and importance of it
@unisis (1673)
• Indonesia
14 Dec 06
we need to keep the plantation around us not to damage nature keep our environment clean not to throw anything anywhere,and if we see someone throwing litter out of a car window,you should like to talk to them, think that we are all responsible for this citizens of the planet.
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
15 Dec 06
How easy do you find it to talk to soemone thropwing litter out of a car? Often they are very abusive when I try
@gkrisiyer (393)
• India
15 Dec 06
i take my environment pretty seriously.i dont litter.i recycle waste material.i also walk short distances instead of taking my car out.
so i do my bit to keep the air clean
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
15 Dec 06
I think walking is a really important thing that most of us dont do often enough, thats a good tip you've raised there for everyone
@cyberhacker665 (92)
• Greece
9 Dec 06
America is the main co2 emitor globally. we should fix America first of all....
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
10 Dec 06
Good point. How best to do it though? SI it more govenment legislation tat is needed or just a greater awareness amongst the population?
@imranwajid (741)
• Germany
13 Dec 06
Yes there are other countries who care about environment but at the moment America is not following it. If US follows it then it can pressurize others as well.
@kakuemmom (859)
• Canada
10 Dec 06
I take the enviroment very serious if we don't take care of it we are leaving nothing to our children or grandchildren and so on and so on. I use the energy efficient lights. even our xmas lights this year are all led. we turned our water heater down. we recycle everything what will not recycle we composte. So i think i am doing my part hopfully so is everyone else
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
11 Dec 06
the new style lights are so much better arent they. I used to find the light quality wasnt as good, but now hey seem just fine and the difference it makes to your electricity bill alone should be enough to convince people to use them
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
12 Dec 06
How seriously do you take your responsibility to respect the environemnt?
I take it very serious, respecting the Earth is as serious as respecting G-d to me. The Earth has cared for me, comforted me, and nurtured me, and always been there for me with the rest of nature, when no one else or nothing else had been.
Do you do your best to use only what resources you need, not damage nature and actively do things to compensate for what you do use (like planting trees to help offset your paper use for example). Or do you feel its not your problem or that you just don't care?
I definately care. I am a regular member of ... I cared before the major earth day movements caught on as fad... I used to get harassed beat and spit on for caring. I had the nickname "Mother Nature" for my ability to work with the animals and the weather, I remember when their was no recycling programs. I pushed the cause to everyone I knew...and three years later, everyone was recycling, and had recycling trucks coming, I loved it....
I'd like to think that we are all responsible citizens of the planet, but I was saddenned today to see someone throwing litter out of a car windew. What do you feel when you see this?
I will be outright viscious. There is times if someone throws litter out, and I am standing in the weeds. I will duck into the weeds and throw it right back into the car!..... A the person sees no one freaks and leaves :) ...
If you are friend or family member.. I will call you Litter Bug over and over and say it as loud as I can until you or I pick up the litter :D .... and then every 15 minutes for the rest of the day if they ask me what I think I'd say I think You're a litter bug!.. that is why no one litters around me anymore, and usually this caught on and all my friends would gather around and chant litterbug too lol... :D ... We had our ways of getting people who did not care, to care.... and since we point at the litter when saying it one day an officer walked by and asked us if we could get fined for harassment, and he said they are all pointing at the litter on the ground, and he responded no, but you could get finded for littering lol.... I all giggled.. :) ... as they picked up their littler and put it into the trash.
In the Fall I gather seeds of endangered species, and I spread them all over the woods and marsh, and I tear up the invasive species plants, and dry them out or make them into stuff if they are something I can use like burdock plants.. I know how to prepare the roots......... So I turned wild weeds into my crops... and I gather the seeds of invasive species and keep them in containers and then only grow them to harvest, but I do not allow the seeds to spread.......
I want to get solar power and heating for me home, and rainwater filtering system... but sometimes I gather rain water in buckets, and then use that to flush the toilets pouring it into the back of the toilet... sometimes... I do not do this practice often though....
I plant trees, and keep close watch on my cats so they leave the song birds alone...
And I can not forget all those 100s of petitions I sign every month sighs...
- DNatureofDTrain
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
12 Dec 06
Sounds like you are doing great. Do you think the petitions actually help? I'm never sure if they really do any good or just make us feel as if we are doing something!
@volschenkh (1043)
• South Africa
10 Dec 06
I am really aware of protecting the biodiversity on earth. I try to save in every respect. I am saving up for a fully electric car to save one car emissions.
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
11 Dec 06
how reliable are the fuly electric cars these days? I always thought dual fuel was still better, but I havent looked into them recently.
@BellRose (31)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I myself try to do my best with respecting the environment. But sometimes I find myself realising I could do more. I do agree though, it makes me wonder when I see people dumping things, or throwing garbage out the window as their driving down the street.
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
11 Dec 06
I'm sure we could all do more if we are completely honest with ourselves
@raghwagh (1527)
• India
10 Dec 06
I love environment and try to protect it by my way whenever possible.There are people who preach about protectiong and loving our environment and themselves they are destroying the environment.Thus i think that love for environment should be spontinaous and not forcefull.People should understand that if environmant remains man kind will remain.
@madcox (26)
• Romania
10 Dec 06
The human race as a whole generates over 350 million metric tons of hazardous waste each year. Through our industry and consumption, we are destroying the rainforest and its ecosystems. We are polluting the Earth's air, rivers and seas. The soil beneath us is suffering from industrial mis-use and chemicals, while the ozone above us is whithering away, exposing us to dangerous rays from outer space.
The Earth has provided for and nourished us for millions of years. Yet, with the destruction of the environment from our consumption and industry, we are not only endangering ourselves, but the future of our posterity. The environment must be protected - for ourselves, for our children.
at least keep it clean, if you can't do nothing to help.this is a help too.
i always plant trees, flowers..and everything that means life.i never throw waste in nature.never do it too.
@nithintheone (88)
• India
10 Dec 06
i work for acap so i think i have done enough help to protect the environ
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
11 Dec 06
I don't know what acap is (I'm in the UK, do we have it over here?) You'll have to explain to me how working for them means you have fulfilled all yoru environmental resonsibilities :)
@imranwajid (741)
• Germany
13 Dec 06
Another reason for this problem is the financial condition of the people. I think if the financial condition is better than they can be made to think on such things. e.g. if i dont have enough money then i will buy a cheap plastic bag compared to a costly cloth one.
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
13 Dec 06
but a plastig bag rips in seconds, whearas a simple cloth one lasts donkeys years
@vivek2006 (1418)
• India
10 Dec 06
I think every person should be concerned about the environment, atleast in the least possible way we can plant trees, keep places around us hygienic, keep our cars and other such things in check with enviromental friendliness. I've done planting trees along with lots of friends ever since from school to college.
People throwing things on roads without caring, there's law to prohibit such acts in some countries, i've heard they fine you heavily for such acts. I think most of us realize the danger only when the water has gone above the head but its important that people realize it before that in this case because we might not have a chance to rectify our mistake later.
@thirdperson (54)
• India
10 Dec 06
i used to curse when i was small, an innocent kid. while growing up with the hard realities of greater torture experienced by our environment, i knew i had to initiate something to do justice to our environment. i now understand it has been the fault of us to recognize our selfishness and greediness that has left our environment in such dire straits. i now use bicycle in all my practical needs of transport. i feel great pride when i see myself riding amongst other smoke-engines on roads. i advise my friends to use the same as far as possible to lead the world by an example.
@metal333 (251)
• India
10 Dec 06
i kno that people should be more responsible towards the environment...i dont like it when people throw rubbish out of the window...but the people must start loking after the environment...they cannt leave the place as it is...something must be done about this
@dramole (5)
• India
10 Dec 06
we should use only orgaincs because chemicals which are man made may be toxic to the nature.the communties which use internally and exteranally natural products and avoid man made so called scientific items are not facing diseases and metabolic disorders like cancer,sugar,blood pressure etc.
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
10 Dec 06
Organica re not always the answer, but I agree the broader organic approach has a lot to recommend it