Pit Bulls - your opinion?
By JashleyB
@JashleyB (1441)
United States
December 9, 2006 2:33pm CST
First off, I have two Pit Bulls living in the house with me and they are the sweetest things!:)
I was just curious about your opinions of them as a breed. So many bad things are said about them all the time and most of the time if I even mention having one it makes a person look at me like i'm insane...
I know some bad stuff has happened that involved Pit Bull dogs but do you think it is the breeds fault or the owner?
Let me know.
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79 responses
@shuz697 (1043)
• United States
10 Dec 06
well I love them, I think they are so loyal but they need alot of love.. I owned one for a few years but sadly I had to get rid of him when I had my first child. I loved my big boy sooooo much, nobody made me feel safer then that dog he was my best friend. He loved me so much it was amazing if my husband or anyone would raise their voice he'd jump up and stand in front of me growl at them and try protect me. He'd get so upset if someone touched me, at the time that was fantastic cause I had control. He hated my husband and everyone else so the time had to come from me which back then was fine. When I fell pregnant I was very sick and didn't spend enough time with him anymore and he started to get bored and naughty.. He was starting to get scary because he wasn't listening to me anymore.. He was so big by then and he LOVED to jump we couldn't keep him in any fence and one day he had our neighbor bailed up against his fence and when I tried to bring him home he tried to bite me so that scared me abit specially with his size. Time went by and I got more pregnant and he got less attention. When I finally had my baby he'd changed into a hypo scary dog that just jumped all over you every time you went near him. He hated that baby I could see it in his eyes.. He'd smell my son on me after Id been holding him and he'd push me around to smell me and rough me up. He would only pull my son's clothes off the line and he'd rip them up and anything of my son's he'd just destroy.. One day when my son was about 8 months old the dog got out,, he ran straight inside to my son grab hold of his shirt ( only his shirt thankfully ) and tried to run away with him. It was soooo scary the dog could have really hurt him but he chose not to it was almost like he was going to take my son somewhere not hurt him the way he tried to pick him up and carry him away.. Luckily I was sitting right next to my son but it happened so fast he'd grabbed him before I even knew he was there. It could have all been so much worse so that day I had no choice I had to get rid of him my kids come first, He hated that baby cause to him it had taken me away. VERY VERY SAD day in my life but he did go to a fantastic home where he could get all the love he needed. Sorry about my boring story but it just proves its not the breed its the owner. The only reason he turned bad was because I wasn't giving him the time he needed. Pit Bulls are fantastic dogs but need responsible owners its unfair to blame the Pitty there is just as many dog attacks from other breeds so I believe that no dog is ever to blame its always the owner ..
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@shuz697 (1043)
• United States
11 Dec 06
well he DID socialize with anyone and everyone. The first 12 months he went to puppy school then after that he went to a professional trainer so he was always around other people and dogs and was always perfect unless he thought someone was threatening me and ONLY then he would become aggressive. SORRY I should have explained that better. The point of my story was the reason he became aggressive was because he lost contact with me then everyone else because I was the only one who took him to socialize. I know that it was my fault that he became that way and because I didn't do my part in being a responsible dog owner I lost my best friend. Owners are always to blame... I dont know that much about what the "BOOKS" say about how they are meant to behave I'm just going off my own personal experience with them.
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@ButtrflyDreams (1139)
• United States
10 Dec 06
There's a very good way to prevent all that...you MUST socialize Pit Bulls with anyone & everyone when they are little & continue with that their whole life. Also, a properly bred Pit Bull is not supposed to be human agressive. It's against the breed standards.
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@JashleyB (1441)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Thanks so much for posting your story. It was so helpful. I think one of my two, Zombie, would get like that if we didn't pay enough attention to her.
Anyway, I'm so glad he didn't hurt the baby and I know it must have been hard to let him go. He was beautiful by the way!
@happyfeet (51)
• United States
2 Jan 07
The owners. Pets are just like kids, it's up to you to bring them up in a loving house. If they see no aggression, there will be no aggression.
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@lizabeth (666)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I have a Pit Bull that lives in the house along with a cat and a Chihuahua. I think it is all in the way you raise your dog. Pit Bulls are a lot of responsibility and I think some people don't really care for them as they should. My dog is such a sweetie and loves my Chihuahua.
@AmStaff (142)
• Romania
2 Jan 07
That's right. My opinion is that pitbulls are not for every person. You must know how to become the leader of the "gang". You must control the dog mentaly, not with brute force. It is a shame that most people think that the breed is bad. That's wrong. Any dog from any breed can be agresive as a pitbull. But people don't understand that the owner is the one to blaim not the breed.
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@Lifelight (130)
• Sweden
10 Dec 06
With no doubt what so ever it is always 100% the owner that is responsible for the bad stuff! Pit Bull's aren't any different from other breeds - you can turn ANY dog of any breed into a killing maniac! It's crazy to blame the dog and shows how ignorant a lot of people are!
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@Lifelight (130)
• Sweden
10 Dec 06
By the way - is it your dog in the pic? Looks incredible cute!
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@miryam (6505)
• Italy
2 Jan 07
I love animal, I have a little dog, look my photo, I dont afraid pitt bulls, I think that a man that trasform a dog in a dangerous, the education or dog and the caracter or man.....dog are good, if you bad whith it.there' are bad....I see a pitt bull, and rotwailler so good.......
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@blanksolid (1631)
• Spain
9 Dec 06
i think that pitbulls race is the most dangerous race dog so there are many accidents with they, have a great day!
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@ButtrflyDreams (1139)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I LOVE Pit Bulls! LOL I have 3 pure Pit Bulls & 1 Pit/Lab. They are all the SWEETEST dogs I have ever had. I've had different breeds of dogs in the past & I love these ones the most. :) I have pics of my Pit Bulls in my profile.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I think that they got a bad deal with people labeling them mean. I know that they can be quite loving and sweet. It is the people that own them and train them to be mean that should get the bad name, not the dogs.
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@Tweety2035 (662)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Whether it is a pit bull,german shepard,rotweiller it is how they are raised.Just the doberman pincher it had a bad rap also and now they are not even thought about,so give it some time there will be another animal to take the pit bulls place sooner or later.
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@mfrancq (1806)
• United States
22 Dec 06
It is all on the owner in my opinion. I have known lots of people with pit bull's and they were the most gentle things I had ever seen. The people took good care of them, trained them right. They just took the time to get the aggression out of the dog in another way. Playing, going for walks etc. However, I also know someone with a pitbull and she totally neglects it. So, it is mean and aggressive. It is like a child, if you don't take the time to nuture, love, and raise it right..then it will grow up to be completely out of hand. This isn't just for pitbull owners, it is for all dog owners.
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@sparklez331 (154)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I think it all depends on the owner...
I also think that some how some way Pit Bulls were given a bad reputation, So every little thing a pit bull does is in a news broadcast - why? because it draws attention.
Do you ever hear about a german shepard or a collie attacking anyone? no, but I was personally attacked by a german shepard and a neighbor of mine had the whole left side of his face tore up by a collie mix.
The reason people think badly of Pit Bulls is strictly because of what they see on the news. Other breed attacks just aren't "big" enough to make the news.
When my daughters were 4 and 3 we had a pit bull and let me tell you, those girls gave that dog a run for her money :) They would lay on him, pull his tail, rough house him - typical toddler behavior and that dog never ever once even growled at the girls!! She was always very tender with them and playful. While my mother in laws Doxin will snap thier little hands in a heart beat if they get to close to his face....
I think its all a bunch of bull *no pun intended*
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@daggi1712 (158)
• Germany
10 Dec 06
hi jashley,
i like pittbull's too; and i hate it absolutely if they are called "dangerous". the most dangerous of these dogs is a the other site of the line - the owner!!!
@punkett59420 (32)
10 Dec 06
I think pitbulls are adorable! But I dont have one, I have a Springer Spainial, a Cocker Spainial, and a kitty, but I dont know what kind of kitty he is. He is really puffy his nose is pushed upward an he is a cutie!
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@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
2 Jan 07
There is absolutely nothing wrong
or different about Pitbulls. It is
the breeders and trainers that are
inherently evil. Anything, animal or
human can be coaxed and trained to be
mean and vicious. The best way to avoid
any problems with any breed is to find
out about the breeder you intend to buy
or have bought from.
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@pookie92 (1714)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I think they have a bad rep, but I have three small children. I wouldn't have a pit bull, or a doberman, or several other breeds. I think some breeds of dogs are more unpredictable than others. I believe in prevention of accidents. Once a dog bites your face off, you can't go back, you'll always have the scars, physical and emotional. Unfortunately, kids are right at face level with dogs, unlike adults, do they get bit right in the face and head. All parents should keep an eye on any breed of dog when small children are around. Even a good tempered dog can bite if his food is touched, or if the kid yanks on his ears or tail. People don't keep a good enough watch sometimes and don't prevent dog attacks.
@kesfylstra (1868)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I have an American Staffordshire Terrier, a branch off of Pit Bull. She's still one, and a little agressive, but we are having a trainer come and help us. She gets along GREAT with my toddler, largely because the baby feeds fer from her high chair. I do sometimes worry how the dog will react when we have another baby. I don't know, I hear the bad rap and get nervous.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
10 Dec 06
i've never had a dog, but my husband loves them. i don't think negativly of put bulls, just the owners that mistreat them. they make these dogs like that. any dog that is beaten, neglected, and starved will lash out at anyone. people have to understand that its not the breed of the dog, but the people who own them that make the monster.
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@icecoolet (10)
• Philippines
10 Dec 06
it depends n how the master raised the dog..i had a pitbull but he passed away last nov26..i loved him so much..i cried a lot and all my friends got sdad when they heard about what happen..he's very sweet and loyal..i will not ever find a dog liek him..thjough i can have the same breed and same looks..but he has the best quality a dog can have..i missed you tiger..RIP
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