my family falling apart I need advices
@T_D_JOHNS (96)
United States
December 9, 2006 6:11pm CST
I have a 3 year old and a week old new baby. Their Father work on the road so he is not home often maybe at most a week a month. He can not handle the kids. With my 3 yrs old they fight. My 3 yrs old hits bites and throw stuffs at him all the time. So bad that by the time he leaves again he has a busted lip or black eye. He is so fed up that he either pushes him away or wants to spank him. I have no problem with my 3 yrs old he never does anything like that to me and if he does he tells me sorry and gives me a hug. I don't understand why this is happening and how to fix it. I really need help because no one is happy when he is home. And I can't take it anymore. Please help me.
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41 responses
@GrammaFood (716)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Your son might look at him as a stranger who si taking him mommy away. Your husband is getting some needed attention from you and your son is jealous. Your husband might need to spend some time alone with him when he is in. When he's on the road you need to let him talk ton the phone with him,talk about him with your son. Reasure your son that daddy does love him and mommy and the new baby. When your husband is in you both need to get away even for a couple of hours just to talk and try to recapture the spark that you one had.
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
10 Dec 06
This is great advice. I could not have said it better myself.

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Dec 06
Ok first of all you have to stop your 3 year old doing that start punishing him for it even when he does it to you and says sorry he has to be punished and it does not have to be hitting there are other ways
Also your Husband has to punish him when he does it to him
It is bad that he is getting black eyes and that from a 3 year old
As soon as your Son starts pick him up and put him in his room till he has calmed down then let him out when he is calm but make sure to warn him if he starts again it is back in the room
Also talk to him about his Dad while his Dad is away
It actually sounds like jealousy to me he is jealous of his Dad and you have to stop that now before it is to late
I hope this helps a bit

@Jensdodge1981 (30)
• United States
10 Dec 06
If the dad punishes him while he is home then the son is really going to rebel agaist him. He is going to think he is just some guy who shows up to dicipline!
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Not true. The dad has to work. It's not okay for a 3 yr old to hit their daddy. Doesn't matter if he hasn't seen him in a while. And I agree about one thing. The dad needs to do something when his kid starts acting up. It will actually give the kid more respect for his father down the line. He doesn't have to spank him or anything, because I don't think that is the answer, but a time out or a toy can be taken away and the father needs to do it if it is happening to him and mom should back it up.
Nanny 911 and Supernanny would agree..

@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
10 Dec 06
You have to sit down and talk to your son and your husband as well. Your son must understand that in order to have to eat and drink and have toys and clothes, the father must be away for some period of time. That doesn't mean that the father doesn't love him. And don't tell me that he is only 3, he doesn't understand. He understandds more than you can imagine.
On the other hand your husband must realize that with his line of work the alienation with his children. I can understand what he is going through, but the love and affection is built up and gained. Tell him to bring small presents (not of great value) only to him and take him for a walk, sit down to play with him and insist over and over again. The age of 3 is difficult. He is the adult and must be patient. The boy loves him too much and that's why he reacts like that. He feels abandoned. Try it and tell me how it went!
I wish you good luck. Families are not supposed to end like that.
@spangles94 (546)
• United States
10 Dec 06
well like the others have said your son probly dont feel that his father is part of the family , the only think i could suggest are the following ..... of course if its in your budget have him call him and you every night to tell him goodnight , also you could put a pic of him and his father in his room and kissing the pic goodnight could be part of the bedtime routine , he could also send him postcards from places he visits addressed just to him and make sure he signs them love daddy etc , but the best thing i culd suggest is that you plan a lil project or trip just for him and his father to go on while he is home , i think the biting thing is a reaction to the new baby personally but ya never know most 3 yr olds bite alot anyway , i always bit mine back and they never did it again LOL ... but anywho oh yea if ya know when he will be coming in why not plan a lil welcome home party type thing every month ?? every lil bit helps ! sorry you have to deal with such young ones all alone i know where you are coming from its hard but you will get thru this!! but just think i was always told the worse they are when toddlers the better they will be when they are teens LOL so it looks like ya have the makings of an honor student in high school ;)
ill keep ya in my prayers ! stay strong !
@rainmaker19 (88)
• Philippines
22 Dec 06
try to explain to your son that his father is working to provide the needs of the family. if dady is not working you can not buy them toys and food and specially the milk of the baby. try to explain to your 3 yrs. old child in a simple way that he should love his father because his dad is trying to provide you all with all the things that you need. i hope i had help you in a little way.
@Brooke3 (610)
10 Dec 06
I think it's probably because your partner does not see the children very often. I think you and your partner need to consider whether his job is the right one for you and your family. If it's possible he should probably look for a new job, it's not fair on your children. He needs to spend some quality time with your son and build up a relationship.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
10 Dec 06
The problem is the fact that daddy is away so much he didnt have a chance to bond with your 3yr old. Your 3 yr old may either see your husband as a stranger OR you son may have resentment twards your husband because he is not home much. It is not easy. You should talk to a counselor and get ideas to help your 3yr old and husband deal with eachother so that when your husband is home it can be a pleasant time.
@Metallion (2227)
• United States
10 Dec 06
You need to make it clear to your son since he respects you that you think what he does to his dad is WRONG. Don't laugh when saying it, don't act like you can't stop him, if you are the one that he listens to you need to make it clear what he is doing wrong. If he continues then you have to punish him, even if you don't believe in corporal punishment, at least take all his toys away for several hours or something. It's up to you at this point to get the message to him.
@vmoore709 (1101)
• United States
10 Dec 06
It sounds like your child is lashing out because he knows his father is gone so much and will be gone again. He may not feel the bond that he feels with you. Try and get them to spend quality time together when he is home. If they bond, perhaps life will seem a little better when you are all together.
@mandaj17 (19)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I think there may be two issues going on here, one, he needs some serious discipline - even if he is an angel for you he can not get away with this kind of behavior with his father, and he should understand that this behavior is not ok, and it will not be tolerated. Also, I think your son is really crying for attention. He is a little boy, and dad is usually the hero. Since he sees him so rarely, he hardly knows what do do to get the attention from him that he desires, so he does whatever will elicit the biggest response. Encourage the two of them to have more contact when he is on the road, and to set aside special time just for him when he is home. If your son can be confident that he can get the attention he craves in acceptable ways, he probably won't resort to such extreme measures. Hope this helps some, and good luck!
@mavis0815 (167)
• Canada
10 Dec 06
well i think your husband should reconsider his job i feel that his job is in conflicted with his family life your 3 yr old is just being 3 and he or she is just expressing his or her feeling the only way she or he knows how and if there's noway your husband can change or rearrange his schedule then maybe you can take sometime to teach your daughter or son the value of your husband's job
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Son's have a very unique relationship with their mothers and almost always have "issues" with their fathers because of it. Perhaps your husband needs to take a little more time to bond with him
@mcptf3 (14)
• United States
10 Dec 06
your husband needs to work less and be home more, or this kid is going to have issues when he gets older. if a kid doesnt know their father, they have an imbalanced lifestyle. with two young children, your husband needs to determine his priorities and be a part of his children's lives.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
10 Dec 06
It sounds like your son has abandonment issues. Not to worry sometimes it is time to do nothing. This may be one of them. Yes the others are right your son sees his father as a stranger because he is never there. As your son ages into age 4 and 5 he will have a longer short term memory and will recognize his father. Until then you can only discipline him and try to ease his seperation anxiety. Once he begins to recognize his dad when he comes home he won't want him to leave and you'll have a whole new set of issues to deal with!
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
10 Dec 06
Sounds like he is unfamilar to them, Do you talk about him to the children every night so they look forward to him coming home, does he take special care to make a fuss of them?
@saphire539 (1639)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Your 3 year old probably senses that your husband doesn't care about him and is angry with him your husband needs to take the time to show him that he cares about him.Also the spanking him constantly may have something to do with it to there are other forms of punishment other then hitting.You could give him time out in his room and explain to him that he is being punished for hitting and throwing stuff at daddy and that it's not good to do that.By hitting him you are telling him it is ok to hit people when you are upset with them.
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
10 Dec 06
your son is probably doing these things to your husband because he is never around and it is your 3 year olds way of letting out his feelings towards his dad because he is never around and it most likly bothers him so he is acting out towards your husband.
@rabrakhaa_36 (80)
• India
10 Dec 06
look sweety d kids r 2 young 2 undestand d fact dat their father needs 2 be out 4 a long time 4 his work their rectionis jus coz they need attention 4rm their dad n moreover they r takin out their frustation of him not spending time wid them!!!its 100% possible so dun worry jus ask their dad 2 spend sum time wid them n luv them ,cuddle n fondle
@taruha (559)
• United States
10 Dec 06
3year old needs to be cooly explained the importance of his father in the family,showing some other examples where children are giving a respect to their fathers.This will surely penetrate through the childs mind, maybe slowly but surely.the child has developed a dislike towards his father as he is not at home most of the time.