Child Support
By disvachic
@disvachic (10117)
United States
24 responses
@smiley20903 (495)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I think that it is very fare for a person who is deliquent on child support payments to be hit with a felony. People who are deliquent on child support should have their faces plastered on tv, and billboards to show what bad parents they are. With the line of work I do I've seen credit reports where then men are deliquent by at least 20,000..I even had a client who bought a home and put his business under hos wife name to advoid paying child support..
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
20 Jun 07
now thats trifling.whats so hard about taking care of their responsiblity? crazy i tell ya
@smiley20903 (495)
• United States
20 Jun 07
i the case of the guy who put everything in his wife
s name not to pay child ignorance...he just doesn't want to pay it...however, with most of the clients i do loans with that are deliquinant they have to be paid off before a bank would complete the i have them pay the it because if u own a home then the child support can be attachted to the deed of the house.
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@arrgophil (96)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Depending on the amount owed, I do not think that's too harsh. Some who have child suppirt arrears legitimately cannot keep up with support obligations. However, there are others who simply refuse to pay. Those folk should be prosecuted criminally.
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@ToriaT (102)
• Canada
13 Aug 07
everything needs to be taken into consideration...if One parent falls ill and cannot work {not just in their chosen field ,but not at all} it is still up to them then to seek help ...explain to social services {my ex is raising our children ...I usually pay x number of dollars for child support but until I get better and back to work for the sake of my children, I need help...} but to just let the other parent struggle alone be it the mom or the dad is not right and especially it is not right for the child to suffer under any conditions...
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
14 Jun 07
In the US it is up the the discression of the county you live in. But anything over $5,000 can be filed as a felon warrant for non payment of child support. Yes I support this. I just wrote on finally again catching up with my deadbeat ex. He owes over $25,000 in back support, he has never paid a dime and he also hids so he don't have to pay. A man can move to another state have warrants in another states, but not be arrested in the state he is in when he is stopped by the police, because the warrant is only good in that state it is issued in. That is why once they get $5,000 behind a federal warrant can be filed for there arrest.
In the state of Indiana unless you are an TANF then you are screwed if you want the federal warrant issued, you have to hire you own attorney. It is bull, been fighting with the support enforcement office here for a federal warrant.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
20 Jun 07
well my daughter's father owes me over $7000 and he recently started paying up.He a$$ so trifling he wont let his mother know where he lives so i guess they cant serve a warrant to him
@Stiffler07 (1356)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Without a doubt, it should be a felony. There are way too many men, & women for that matter not doing right by their children. In Florida, they appear to be on the ball with making these people pay & pay big. In NYC, I guess because there might be a lot more people that owe, it's a slower process to catch-up with everyone. Hmmmmmm, who knows! .... Have a great weekend:-)
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
24 Jul 07
thanks. lucky Florida.they need to speed the process up everywhere else.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
5 Jul 07
I do believe that it should be a felony indeed. It is really not fair for these fathers who have children and just run free like they have no responsibility whatsoever.
Then, not only does the mother have to be father and mother to them, but she also hast to find a way to provide for their needs too. I think it is sick.
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
5 Jul 07
Yep it really is terrible.Let me tell you my cousin's baby's father went for child support 2 months ago.He had $300 with him and that is why he did not get locked up.The judge said he wanted him to continue paying.Do you know this boy stopped paying again.He was only ordered to pay only $100 because he was not little $100 when there is people paying waaaaaaay more than that.He is going to jail and i have no pity for his a$$
@Melissa528 (744)
• United States
29 May 07
Yes, I think it should be a felony. I'm sick of parents (both men and women) laying down and having a child but not owning up to their responsibilty. If it became a felony then maybe people would take it more seriously. I'm a single mom and if I don't come up with the money to feed my child then it's consider neglect and I get locked up SOOOO if his father doesn't come up with the money to feed his kid then he gets to walk around a free man?! NOPE, it should be considered neglect too. Luckily my Ex pays up and I don't have to worry about it.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Exactly.I am a single mother also.Then some get locked up and then come right back out and do the same thing.Thats why i think it should be a felony also.
@missinghim (1339)
• United States
27 Dec 06
YES!!! YES!!! And YES again!!! I truly believe that it should be a felony with my whole heart. It's ridiculous that these (wo)men could just run around as if they have no responsibilities in life and not pay for their children's needs. My ex owes about $29,000 in arrears and counting. It's sickening! But God don't like ugly, that's why his life will never be right until he does right by his son.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
27 Dec 06
$29,000 lawdy he neeeds to be locked up. i know someone got a year for not paying and then came right back out doing the same thing and is going right back to jail
@happygal68 (3275)
• United States
11 Dec 06
If it were a felony, then many parents would end up paying what was owed to their children. They helped to create the child and should be forced to help take care of them. What makes me mad, is once they are caught and forced to pay, some of them quit their jobs to still get out of paying it. The child did not ask to be brought into this world, so I do feel they should be taking care of by both parents. If that means there is a divorce the parent required to pay support should be forced to do so no matter what.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
22 Dec 06
It should have been a felony a long time ago for people that owe back child support or for those who purposely avoid paying from the day the court ordered it. Deadbeat parents should be locked up for not helping with raising the child they helped bring into the world. I am glad that they are doing something about it.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
28 May 07
Oh heck no. It is isn't to harsh at all. I think back support should be a felony. Unless the parent is currently paying something. Something is better than nothing. But if a parent refuses to pay child support I do think they should be thrown in jail and pay a hefty fine til they start paying child support.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
6 Jun 07
My cousin have to pay only $60 a month and he wont even pay that i told him he is trifling.He said he know...OUT of control
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
10 Jan 07
The problem with throwing deadbeat dad's (or mom's) in jail, is that we (the taxpayer) end up paying for it out the wazoo. It make's no sense, unless they the deadbeat's post bond and get out of jail, and the bail money goes to the supporting parent. If they just sit their a$$ in jail, I would rather they put them to work cleaning the freeway's in exchange for child support money that is owed.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
10 Jan 07
you have a point,but i think they still need to be put in jail to teach their butts a lesson,so they will not want to go back,they get a year per child that they know sometimes that dont help,because they will say its only a year. my cousin is in that situation he got locked up for a year and it did not help his butt is still not paying and he has 4 kids,homeboy is a scrub!
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
11 Dec 06
maybe i need to call every day.Mine is court ordered
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@mamashane (1140)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I would hope that if they do make it a felony that they set it up to where it will only be a felony under certain situations. For example, if the payer has made no payments and is totally absent for a certain amount of time. In other situations, there are also alot of hard working non custodial parents out there who owe alot of child support and are paying what they can. I have a friend who had an illness and was off work for a whole year and couldn't make his payments so of course he got behind. There are reasons.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
22 Dec 06
thats a good point,there are some that are trying
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@Lunnazol (296)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I think it depends on the situation. I have too many guy friends who are great fathers yet their exes are bi****s and they did everything in their power to screw them up and stick them with really high child support payments. These poor men are trying so hard to keep up with the payments that sometimes they can't even eat and some have had to move back in with their parents. Sometimes a lot of women can be hateful and abusive toward their exes and they try to use their kids as a way to get revenge or they do it out of spite becaue they werent' able to hang on to their man. This is totally true and I am a female, but i would never try to be a bi*** like that.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
22 Dec 06
me either especially if the man is trying.i have a friend who was paying $900 a month for 2 kids but it wasn't court ordered.Naaaaaw his kids mother wanted to be greedy and wanted more.He told her NO so she got mad and took it to court so now he is court order to pay $1000 a month.Im like why did dat chic do that? That is terrible.
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
10 Dec 06
It's harsh, but if mommy can't take care of the kids, daddy has to help too.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
10 Dec 06
That is so darn true.It doesn't make any sense.I sure will be glad when mine pay up.So trifling.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
28 Sep 08
I will suggest an alternative. Forced labour for those who evade child support. They had fun in doing children than they should be able to support them.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
6 Oct 08
i think they should just pay making them a felony just going to make the situation worse.
@sassinqueen (710)
• United States
21 Jul 07
It's my understanding, that in Illinois, it is a felony.
@lavenderoselilies (17)
27 Jul 07
hi how are you doing? i'm ok i think that it should not be a felony because we all make mistakes . i know that there are alot of parents male and female that are put in situation that child support have got them jammed up. from a child that a male name is on a brith certifate and he not the father to female who child get taken away by whatever means and they have to pay the state . to many other situation that are out there . and believe me there are many i know. But people will not benfit by getting a felony because if they want to get a ajob most jobs that pay nice pay will turn you away because of that and the other party will or may not ever get the money they so are looking for.