Maid of Honor drama
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
United States
December 10, 2006 12:00pm CST
What do you do when the girl who is supposed to be your maid of honor is always too busy to be around? My maid of honor has only been out with me once and I didnt even get to stay long enough to get anything done because she had other things to do. One of my other bridesmaids has been the one to go out with me to pick out my dress, scout locations, and do other things. Would it be wrong of me to ask them to switch positions and allow the bridesmaid who is always around to be my maid of honor?
47 responses
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
11 Dec 06
girll..she doesnt sound like she is honor material at all!!! she sounds like she needs replaced and fast..i would call her tomorrow and say look..if you arent willing to be here for gonna have to replace you..maybe that will kick her bum into gear and it she doesnt..drop her and add that nice girl that has been theer for you!

@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
ookay miss. i use my boyfriend being away and poor marissa all the effing time. as far as the day i dyed my hair, i was working a 12 HOUR NIGHTSHIFT something you wouldnt know about. also docters dont watch the patients I DO. So yes I SAVE THE Lives, who the hell do u think cals the docters, God?
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
again I say youre not mother theresa, you dont save people doctors do. you sit there watching a screen. as for spending time with my family. please explain to me why its okay for you to pass on going out to stay home and... what was it... oh yeah dye your hair but its wrong for me to spend a few hours with my family. so what if it snowed its not like it was a freakin blizzard. lay off that overdramatics and take some responsibility. stop using your job to try to get people to feel sorry for you.
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
what she failed to explain was that when i tried to be their for her it wasnt convienient for her. and when we made plans shed never call, or shed be out ding things LIKE EATING with her family... if it was sooo important why did she spend the whole morning we planned together stuffing her face? Also I work full time at a HOSPITAL as an EKG CARDIAC HEART TECHNICIAN, would you want your family or anyone you know have the chance of dying all because the person making sure theyre heart doesnt die has to get a dress? well thats exactly what she wanted me to do.

@yannefranco (341)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
why not? just explain to her in a very nice way why they had to switch positions. this is you wedding we are talking about so the issue here is what you want for your wedding, you only get married once (i hope, *wink*) so you have to look out for the best and deserving bridesmaid.

@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
twice for him yes but he didnt get to have a wedding before. this is my first and will be my only wedding. You should have been a part of that but obviously I dont mean as much to you as I thought. another thing... you dont know a damn thing about his first marriage so you just need to leave that alone. Dont talk about something you dont know the first thing about. It is not nor was it your place to even mention that. but then again you have made a habit of saying and doing things that arent your place to say or do havent you...
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
hmmm shouldnt get involved i believe when you create a blog about me in slander i have every right too.
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Her fiance has been married before... so no it will be twice.

@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
10 Dec 06
yep. right. atleast, the bride to be should stand for what she believes will be better for the wedding.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
well I dont want to lose her as a friend. nothing is worth losing a close friend of almost 7 years.
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
your the one who decided to drop the friend... all because of a snow storm, and you screaming at me on the phone, i wasnt screaming at you why were you screaming at me for weather i CANT control?

@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
10 Dec 06
simple, tell your maid of honor straight that since she can't act as your maid of honor, she will be demoted to being a bridesmaid and your "always there for you" bridesmaid is the one taking her place. your bridesmaid deserves to get the maid of honor spot. it's gonna hurt your first choice maid of honor but she'll understand.

@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
what about when I told you a month in advance we were looking at trying to go with all of you girls but you could never tell me when youd have time. and please explain to me why your family is allowed to be a priority for you but not for me. My parents decided to do something nice for me and plans were made the night before with them. it was not pouring down snow it had just started. If you were risking your life driving to woodbridge to get fitted for your dress am i mistaken or is driving to fairfax which is further than woodbridge by the way not risking your life as well... hmm theres a concept. as far as you being at the doctor I called you THREE HOURS before hand and just asked if you could go. you could have said no but you didnt so dont even blame me for that and then you waited until 30minutes before i had to be there to tell me you couldnt go. oh yeah and the only times I have ever screamed at you on the phone were the two times when you were telling me what a bad person I am and how im making things difficult for you and whatever other rediculous stuff you were able to come up with. Sorry if being my best friend is so difficult for you, no one else has had any problems participating.
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
wait let me think about this..... WE MADE PLANS FOR THAT DAY A WEEK EARLY AND I TOLD YOU IT HAD TO BE IN THE MORNING. I waited until 1230, it started snowing, i toold you id leave then if you came back still because the snow wouldnt be too deep yet and not far from fairfax. I drive to fairfax so that if it does snow, yet we would still have school (WHICH WE DID) i wouldnt have todrive in WORSE conditions. duh.... im sure nerissa is laughing her butt off at you for that one... how did she die? thats right driving in snow!
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
when she was given days i could go, she would scream at me over the phone or tell me she would call and never did. and when she did decide to d things she would simply call me and want me to drop everything on the spot, including my job, is that fiar. Once i was in the docters office and she called telling me she made an appointment to be 40 miles away in 30 minutes so me and her had to go leave. I WAS AT THE DOCTERS? then the day we finally got to plan she decided to go have breakfast with her family and then after it started pouring down the snow wanted me to wait so we culd leave in HORRIBLE weather. I value my life waaaaay more than that.

@oxximitzu (413)
• Romania
11 Dec 06
hmmmm i guess it won`t be wrong , but it will shure be rude from you... try talking to her and resolve your problems.....
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
How is it rude of me when she is the one who never makes time, she cant come out with me to do anything wedding related and the one time she did it was a huge ordeal. She waited until we got to the store that was an hour away to tell my mother and I that she had to get back to have her little brother home in an hour to get him on the treadmill and make him dinner and stuff. Her little brother was at my house, my sister could have made him dinner and and he could have used our XL Glider. She didnt put in much of an opinion about anything unless it was something SHE wanted regardless of my wishes like she said I HAVE TO have a bachelorette party with strippers and things like that even though I specifically expressed that I do not want that kind of thing anywhere near my party and I dont even want a bachelorette party. Its like it wasnt even about me. She was very quiet minus the complaints about having to go home... I only got to try on ONE dress because we had to rush her home for things she knew about and said nothing of until we got there,and just sat there while my mother helped me. So at what point does any of that make me rude.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
clearly youre not the friend I thought you were because quite frankly you dont have a clue. really all I can say about that is for one thing my mother made the decision that since we both had some time it would be a good idea to go out. Just like you cant tell your mom no, I cant really do that either. as for coming over... you could have said no but you didnt. you could have said you couldnt go out to the mall... but you didnt. you could have said AJ had to go with us... but you didnt. You could have said no to a lot but you didnt so dont even think to blame me for that. You need to step up and take responsibilty for your own actions and stop trying to blame everyone else.
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Marissa my parents kept calling me telling me i HAD to get him home, WHY because I WAS THE ONE WATCHING HIM MY RESPONISIBILITY. i know you dont give a damn about your siblings but i care about mine, and he wasnt even at your house when i got their you guys had him at a STRANGERS house! we had also planned that you were coming to my house buuuuut noooooo you called late and said i had to go over their. and like a friend i did i didnt plan to stay 8 HOURS, i have a dog i needed to let out! he had been left alone for EIGHT hours!!!! Also when we did go out you said it wouldnt take that long and we would just run up their check some things out and come back.... HAHAHAHAHA! LIKE THAT HAPPEND! maybe if youd stop being bridezilla for a moment and actually open your eyes youd see the real picture.

@Random1 (212)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I think you should totally ask them to switch. It will give the flaky girl a wake up call and if it doesn't, then I guess you know where she stands on the friendship meter! Do it! make them switch, your the bride and things should be perfect! Plus a little added drama makes for excitement!
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
because clearly you are the only one who works in that hospital... As much as youd like to believe you are far from mother theresa. You dont save them, doctors do. you just watch the machine...
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Hun, im not flaky its called i work in a hospital, would you like to die because someones dress was more important? i gave her plenty opportunitys (which she failed to mention) in which SHE was the one with other plans. It spins both ways.

@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
10 Dec 06
I think you should find a new maid of honor. By not being there and helping you with the things she should be helping you with, she is disrespecting you and your wedding. I would promote the bridesmaid that has helped you out and demote the other girl to bridesmaid. If she didn't have time to help you, she should not have accepted the position.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I guess some people may think she means well by trying to do telling me things she thinks should be at the bachelorette party(even though i dont want one and she knows that but she says there will be one regardless) she wants strippers and other such related thing even though I have specifically expressed my dislike for them and that I do not want them. Her response to that was "well there has to be one because I want one" That is one reason I think she needs to be spoken to.
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
umm yeah marissa real nice... i was playing with you thats NOT what i had said, and i loooove how you use mylot to solve your problems.. Oh shame the virgin was joking about a stripper.... lets not even go into your personal life....
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
thats exactly what you said. you got pissed off because I wouldnt make my wedding all about you. When you get married your wedding can be all about you. Until then mine will continue to be all about Brandon and I.
@kcbabez14 (967)
• United States
11 Dec 06
i know exactly how you feel! I think its more now that she has a boyfriend than anything! i mean she's with this 18 year old when she's going to be 21 and never has any time for me! i can understand that yea i have a child and reponsiblitys but when it comes to hey lets do this for the wedding or hey lets go to lunch! she'll tell me yea and then blow me off! It's getting really annoying!

@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
um we planned one thing together and you were the one who bailed not me. dont blame me for you not doing something. i tried to plan in advance but that was too difficult for you because you had to make sure other plans didnt come up. thats not really how planning works. how many times did you go out with other people but you could never make time for me because you were so tired from work which makes sense until you say you went out with people after work...
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
she was the one blowing me off on our days we had planned in advance, all other days she called on the spot and expected me to jump.

@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
11 Dec 06
I think you need a new maid of honor maybe she has legit other things to do but she should be helping a little more I suppose.. You wouldn't want to risk something on the Big day maybe she's not that interested in being the maid of honor anyway...
I think you need to talk to her.... Good Luck
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
well she can never have time because shes either with her family(whos known me for years and would be quite understanding if she was doing MOH things), or shes hanging out with other people, or shes working(which i do understand). I just feel like she doesnt try to make time for my wedding stuff.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
well your mom should not have gotten involved after she told my mother two of them needed to stay out of it. Oh yeah and she also told my mom that she never told you that you had to ask her to go out. I believe it was that she didnt even know you needed to. SO you cant blame that on me. and if it wasnt snowing too bad at that point it clearly it wasnt snowing too bad in the beginning when you sent me a text message instead of having the decency to actually call me. one would think a friend deserves a little more than a text message.
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I was never hanging out with other people when you asked me on days, i hung out with people on days YOU were working. and my family were the ones who told me i couldnt in the snow, and i couldnt for the mall, so dont go there. Also, if you would have quit your yelling that whole time me and mom were telling you if you had come back then, we could have still gone because the snow wouldnt have been too bad yet, and i woouldnt be as far from campus, but you were too busy screaming.

@gknott (936)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I don't know enough to answer, is this girl the maid of honor married, have kids?? Does she work full time, has someone in her family been sick lately. If none of this is true, then I would just ask her right out about it and be done with it. You don't need to waste time worrying about this.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
shes 19, single, no kids, she works part time, and no one is sick...
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Well I work and am a full time student as well. My parents are very supportive as is Brandon and I dont regret that at all. Believe it or not I do understand priorities though. I used thought my wedding would be one of yours. Dont blame me for how my parents and my fiance take care of me. That shouldnt have anything to do with why being my maid of honor was so difficult and essentially impossible for you.
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I work full time at a hospital as an ekg heart technician, I also go to school full time AND have to pay for it. Unlike Marissa I dont have a fiance and parents to support everything i do.

@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
10 Dec 06
no,i do not think it would be wrong for them to switch positions especially when your bridesmaid is doing everything and your maid of honor is to busy.explain to her that she seems to be to busy and this is suppose to be your wedding the start of your life and you need more help than what she has been giving you.explain to her that your brides made has been doing the things she is suppose to do that is why you chose to switch their positions.

@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
well clearly trying to ruin my entire relationship didnt solve anything for you now did it... sorry love he didnt fall for any of your rediculous line of BS you tried to give him. He knows me better than that and did you forget he trusts me while you were trying to ruin that too?
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
thanks. Thats good advice. I really appreciate it and I intend to talk to her.
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
No... you didnt talk you SCREAMED, thats an awesome way of solving things.

@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
11 Dec 06
In my opinion I would be wrong to switch now.You picked her to be your maid of honor now deal with it. You must of known she was always busy with other comments. She just cant stop doing all the other comments because you are getting married.

@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
And she knew the responsibilities of being an MOH before she accepted. Shes never acted this way before. I have known her for 7 years and this isnt like her. If this is the way she was planning on acting she should have said no instead of telling me how much she wanted to be there for me as my MOH...

@LittleStars (318)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I honestly think you should talk to your Maid Of Honor and tell her your dilemma and see about maybe switching positions with your Bridesmaid whos been helping you with everything. Sounds like your Maid of Honor has better things to do and doesn't want to live up to the duties that a MOH has to do.
I would switch them...thats my personal opinion. =)

@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
You have no business talking about how my parents feel when you dont have a clue. Your assumptions are based off of the ONE and ONLY night you did come out with me. Things have changed dramatically since then. but youd know that if youd been around. Guess it was too much to miss coloring your hair to be a part of my wedding. but thats ok things moved on rather smoothly since then.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
right i get the feeling she is more interested in the title than the responsibilities. however the bridesmaid that is being so helpful says she doesnt care one way or the other and is glad to help either way.
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I never asked for it, and never bothered flinging the title around anyway. Everyone is tired of you being bridezilla including your parents. all yu do is complain and complain when things dnt go your way, we try to make other options but theyre never good enough, which is why i stoped caring about your wedding at all anyways. I was tired of you yelling and screaming all the time, wasnt fair to me. You couldnt drop things when i was free, i cant drop things when you call me at that moment. when u call out someone misses a hair appointment, i call out and peoples lives depend on it, what if your mom was in the hospital would u want the chance of her dying all for a dress?

@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I would first talk to her & see what is going on. Maybe the wedding is taking up more time than she thought. Maybe she did not realize how involved you expected her to be. I am sure she has a life outside of being in your wedding though. I would offer her a chance to step down. If she accepts it, then carry on with hopefully no hard feelings. If she declines it then let her know that you expect more help. If she can not do that then it may be time to make a change.

@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
4 Feb 07
You dont have half a clue what the other girls have on their plate so you have no business even mentioning that. They just dont have a problem making time for their friends is all. Jennie is a full time student and holds a job among other responsibilities. Amy has a full time job to which she devotes a great deal of her time and the rest pretty much goes to church.Bailey and Emily are out of state and therefor it is far more difficult to participate than for you. Its real mature of you to blame them for being to step up just because you wouldnt
@ForbiddenBeauty (209)
• United States
4 Feb 07
i told her numerous times that if she didnt feel i fit the "shoes" then to just pick someone else, because with everything i do i dont have time to devote every waking moment (which is what she expects) to do, the girl who does help her doesnt have half as much as i do on my plate, but each time she would get angry with me for telling her.

@ExoticEgyptian (299)
• United States
11 Dec 06
yes I do agree that your briadsmaid that has been helping you so much more should be moved up to your Maid of honor! She is doing everything that the maid of honor should be doing. just tell your maid of honor that since she doesnt have the time to spend with you to help out with the wedding than you think that the other girl should be the maid of honor, just be honest. and maybe she will even feel relieved that she doesnt have soo much stuff to do with your wedding since she is already busy with your own life. A planning a wedding is hard work and takes alot of time to get all the little details right, so you need someone that is always around and willing to help you out!! congrats on the engagment and the up coming wedding! =)
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Thank you I appreciate the response. I really need someone who wants to help me and support me ya know.
@richelle19_80 (133)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I think you need to get over yourself. Did you not know this person before you asked her to be your MOH? You should have known the type of person she was, or whether she was available to help you.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
i have known her for 7 years and she has never acted this way before. Its not me that needs to get over myself thank you. I dont think you quite understand this. Before my engagement she always promised to make time for planning.
@shoelover (896)
• Australia
10 Dec 06
My daughter had four bridesmaids chosen when she first started organising her wedding. She got all the dresses and paid for them and everything. Two of the bridesmaids have since put on so much weight they can no longer fit into the dresses. They told my daughter they did not care if they put on weight as they were not interested in the wedding any more anyway. So she is now down to 2 bridesmaids. These 2 are her sisters so she at least knows they are interested in her wedding.
I think your daughter would be better in using the bridesmaid who is always available. She sounds as if she cares for your daughter and is interested in the preparations for the wedding. It will probably be a relief for the one who is maid of honour anyway.
@shoelover (896)
• Australia
10 Dec 06
sorry it's you that is getting married not your daughter. I re read your post and realised I got it wrong.
@taruha (559)
• United States
10 Dec 06
yes, the only solution is to switch your maid of honour without delay so that you start getting active support from your new maid of honour which is the need of the day.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
11 Dec 06
yes. match the right person to what she does best. through that, she'll be more useful and she'll even feel better about it.
@pennycan2 (251)
• United States
11 Dec 06
My sister in law had the exact same problem. She simply asked the girl to step down from the wedding party so that the girl who was helping handle the wedding planning and arrangements could have the title and the honor that was due her for being such a help. it did cause a little drama for the other girl but they are all adults and got over it. I wouldn't write a letter to her though, i would talk to her face to face. a letter is impersonal in my opinion.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Its nice to know im not the only one. I definitely will talk to her. I need to figure out how to bring it up to her
@clod0327 (817)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
I also had a maid of honor drama during my wedding. She was my best friend so when my then husband to be proposed, I immediately told her that she will be my MOH. But just like you, she's always busy and have no time for my wedding. And just when it's almost 3 weeks before my wedding, I received a phone call from her requesting me that I should replace our Best Man. Our Best Man (my husband's best friend & is already married) is her ex bf and according to her, his current bf did not like the idea that his ex will be his partner. So she is requesting that we replace our Best Man. Rigth then & there, I decided that she does not deserve to be my MOH. So I decided that she & my cousin should switch roles. And besides my cousin is always the one who is with me during the entire wedding preps.
In your case, I suggest that you talk to your MOH first. If she can promise that she will give time for your wedding, then let her be the MOH. But if she can't make any commitment to you then it is just rigth that you replace her.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
3 Feb 07
unfortunatley she decided to move on to all out trying to ruin my relationship by telling my fiance im cheating on him and hanging out with all my exs and a bunch of other crap that is so not true and caused a few arguements that got resolved when my fiance realized she was behind it all and i had no idea she was doing all this. it was horrible at first but we got it taken care of. thank you for sharing your story.