How real do you think peoples problems are?
By medooley
@medooley (1873)
United States
December 10, 2006 4:01pm CST
I think that it is funny that you see so many people having the same problem as the popular discussion. I think that people are making up some of their problems just to get responses? I mean last week some time there was a discussion about telling a child who is biological father was, then the next few days there were more and more discussion about biological fathers, should I allow my babys father to be a part of his life.. .etc.
I repeat I think a lot of these are made up. What do you think?
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78 responses
@Metallion (2227)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I'd say about 90-95% of the "problems" listed here are made up. It's people discovering what discussions get the most responses and abusing the system. Like that idiot who said they had a friend who is 24 with 2 kids she had with her husband that are 10 and 12 years old. Get real people, we aren't that gullible!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Wait...then that would mean she had the children when she was 10 and 12 years old if her children were that age! Geez! Why would someone say that?
OK...I know it is possible, because I was pregnant at 14 years. But 10 years old is really stretching it!!!
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
11 Dec 06
A neighbor girl had a baby at age 11. I went to school with her and she rode the same bus. She was just starting Junior High. Her parents raised him. Her monthly started when she was nine. Not as impossible as you might think. More and more girls are starting younger.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I think I will have to put my girls under lock and key!
Man! I would never want my child to have a baby when she was still a baby herself!
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
11 Dec 06
i'm not very sure...i did started a few discussions with real problems, as i need advise..and when i know that i'm going to go jobless, i started a new discussion..and i can tell you that with those uplifting, inspiring and wonderful responses from the members of mylot, i felt so much better! maybe we should give some people the benefit of doubts...i mean, no point starting a discussions that are not true, just to get more response right? Thank you
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@locachica (18)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
you know what problems just come and go..sometimes you yourself make your own problem even it its no big deal..^_^
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
11 Dec 06
There are many people here who ask serious questions to get advice, I agree. I think it would be a mistake to assume that these posts are bogus.
I hope people wouldn't respond to these posts by criticizing them as if they're fake.
Some may be fake, but there are other ways to get responses, right? Just ask 'Coke or Pepsi?' LOL
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I will have to agree! If they see the posting is a hit, they just try to make a discussion close to it to try to have a hit also.
I try to avoid the repeat discussions.
Dare I say this is a repeat also? But I know you did not post it because you saw it!!! Alot of us do have similar thoughts and ask the same questions from time to time. It does not mean it is not a good discussion. But there is a difference between a real discussion and a made up discussion just because the previous received a large response.
I wish people would not make things up to get responses. It gets in the way of real discussions.
What about the discussions saying that they are going to kill themself?
You honestly think that if I decided to kill myself that I would post it on myLot? What for? A cry for help for people to stop me? What can you do? Respond? Like that is going to stop me if I already made that decision! Its not like you can run over to my house and say, "Hey Tia, I just saw you posting saying that you want to kill yourself and I am here to stop you!" Umm, no...that is not going to happen. But people still post to these discussions!
Within my first week of being on myLot, a man posted a discussion asking when would women realize that they are only put here for a man's pleasure. What??? You know that was made just to get a bunch of angry women to respond. And guess worked! I was so mad, I reported his discussion and it was removed the next day!
Basically, yes, you will see repeats. Some are good repeats because the discussion has been dormant and is good to bring back up...mainly because we have the same irritations here in myLot. But there will also be jerks that lie and repeat questions that they believe will get many hits. For those people, I don't contribute and hope their discussion will die.
Great discussion medooley!!! Thanks! I really needed to vent!
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@gknott (936)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I don't know if they are making up this or not, I know I can relate to this. There are probably more babies in this world that don't know about their fathers than we can imagine. I know my baby's dad left me before he was born. He didn't believe I was pregnant. I had the child all alone the day I had him he called the hospital to ask me for a divorce, fine man don't you think.

@Acts238girl (2087)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I think alot of the problems are made up to.Some people also ask some of the dumbest questions.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
11 Dec 06
oh yeah. you bet... so many made up problems.. and take note.. the problems posted are not unique.. obviously, ideas are just copied. plus a lot of the members give the dumb questions, too. and usually, the ones who do this give the dumbest answers,too.
@airbone (92)
• India
11 Dec 06
there's no immediate solution to this...
but here's how WE can do our bit!
visit my discussion page "KEEP-IT-REAL" for details..
its a discussion for ppl with GENUINE POSTS/DISCUSSIONS..
These are people,
who have come out against the BAD GUYS;)
So thers a PRETTY GOOD CHANCE u'll find them posting READ-WORTHY DISCUSSIONS!
so make them ur "FRIENDS"
and use the "NOTIFY IS ON" option...
and that'll not only SAVE US THE TROUBLE
of scanning pages and pages FOR GENUINE STUFF,
@ShadowHawk (81)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Well, that could be the fatal flaw of this site. They assume that giving money will motivate readers to make substantial posts. Money just motivates people to get more money... however they can. People that want a real community will get it. Those that want only cash... they'll get enough to buy their monthly pack of gum.

@wyrdsister (584)
• Canada
11 Dec 06
I think it's incredibly sad that people would feel the need to make up stories in order to a) get attention, and b) make a few cents off it.
That said, the problems people have posted that I have read have not seemed outlandish to me. Okay, so I missed the one about the guy sleeping with his sister. Chances are if he'd actually done that, then he wouldn't be flaunting it on myLot. ;)
It can be difficult to determine whether or not someone is telling the truth just based on a few lines of text on an Internet message board. But I can understand why it is frustrating - you don't want to wade through the crap to get to the real life stuff.
I can see lots of people posting very similar problems here as life experiences are rarely that unique to the individual. We all go through crazy relationship problems, problems with our families, problems with our jobs or with money, etc.
Well, that's my few cents worth. Hey, I suppose myLot is really giving us a few pennies for our thoughts, huh? ;)
@wyrdsister (584)
• Canada
11 Dec 06
Um, I have absolutely NO idea how that La Jetée poster became attatched to my comments. Sorry about that! *blush*
@courtlynne77 (4839)
• United States
11 Dec 06
It is funny, isn't it? I try to check out the person's other discussions to try to decide if they are the real deal or not. I really can't stand that some people would fake a personal problem just to get a lot of responses.
@epizzahut (2078)
• China
11 Dec 06
yes I agree with you,many problems here is made up...but how would mylot system cope with these problems?
@couplescafe (18)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Well, the "problems" may be made up... but c'mon, ya gotta admit... these stays it's certainly stuff people think about - or at least hear about in bizaare stories on tv shows or in the news.
Maybe they're doing it for the MyLot monies (which, if that's the case.. they're not gonna get rich doing it... LOL)... maybe it's just to get folks to think... maybe it's so folks can have a way to put their "stuff" in perspective... maybe it makes some folks say "gee, and I thought I had it rough"...
Whatever... it's not hurting anyone...
Which also makes me have to ask... why did you put "this" discussion out here? Hmmmmmm?????? LOLOL
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
12 Dec 06
Just like any other "problem" forum...beginning years ago with Dear Abby and Ann Landers to Jerry Springer and Maury Povich. I mean come on. How bad is it?? I will tell you. On Maury every single one of those supposed fathers and single mothers exhibit EXACTLY the same behaviours on finding out the answers to the paternity tests. How stupid is the TV viewing audience? Apparently very stupid because these programs continue to be popular.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Yes, most are made up. I search and search for "normal discussion", not fake stories. I am sick of it.
"Poor me drama" is number 1
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
21 Dec 06
whats worse is those of us posting real things and real problems/questions get NO responses. I apologize to the readers that my life isn't filled with horrible baby mama, my daddy slapped me, I'm 14 and pregnant drama. I'm normal, sorry. haha
@driscollini (174)
• United States
12 Dec 06
If people are making up problems ... isn't that in fact a problem in and of itself?
I think sometimes people post things that have been sparked by other people's discussions. My wife and I sometimes talk about the things that we've read on MyLot that spark similar questions, for instance, your biological father question. What do we believe is the right thing to do? In most instances we say tell the child the truth ... but what about this case or this case?
I think that there are times when people probably do make things up and then there are times when one good discussion sparks another. Those who are doing it for the money will probably get found out and be kicked off.
@tanyakapler (146)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I think some people make up problems do get attention. Your problems are only as big as you make them.
@samwilliams06 (946)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I think some people post problem just to get a response or reaction from the mylot community. Its not everyday that you have a problem that you really need halp with. Sometimes i post questions concerning health and beauty to see what others may think. I think everyone does it. i just done believe in making up horror stories to get responses.