How open are you with your loved one?

@emagyne (664)
United States
December 13, 2006 10:13am CST
I have read it at many places that why tell your beloved about your past? That may spoil your present relationship. Let me present my thoughts to this. If we are not totally honest and open with our beloved, that means we are not sure about our relationship. That means that we do not have confidence in each other. That means that the relationship is fragile. Do you think this is true?
3 responses
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I think you should always be truthful about your past. My husband and I were friends for like 10 years before we decided to try dating so we pretty much already knew about each other's pasts. I guess I think if you cannot handle the person's past then maybe you shouldn't be with that person. It is better to tell the truth because you know how sometime ten years later someone might mention something that you did in the past and your beloved didn't know about it and then it turns into a big deal. If you dealt with it first then it wouldn't matter. So I do agree with you, if you are confident with each other and have faith in the relationship then nothing in your past will matter.
• United States
13 Dec 06
My husband knows me inside and out. He knows every detail from my past, and I love that he knows so much about me. I truly feel like he is my other half. He was there for me during a rough time in my life, and knows how much is damaged me. Thankfully, he's been able to help me get through that "baggage" and our relationship is better because of it!
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
13 Dec 06
I think you're right. I would want anyone I was with to know anything they wanted about my past and vice versa. I think what we can imagine is usualy worse thah than the truth anyway.