If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

United States
December 13, 2006 2:40pm CST
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I like where I live now (Austin, TX), but if I could live somewhere else I would choose somewhere with a beach. Maybe Costa Rica. :)
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10 responses
@mfrancq (1806)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Home sweet home, how I miss you! - Home sweet home, how I miss you!
I would love to move back to Hawaii. I used to live in Kailua which is pretty close to Honolulu. It was so beautiful and peaceful. I used to go to the ocean and sit there in a quiet spot and do my studying or homework. Something about the atmosphere helped me clear my head enough to think straight. Plus, it is such a fun environment in Hawaii. It is always warm and people are always so kind. They definately know how to have fun and live life to the fullest there!
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• United States
14 Dec 06
Oooh, that sounds nice. I've never been to Hawaii. I'd love to go sometime.
• United States
13 Dec 06
Ive always wanted to live In Myrtle Beach, SC we vacation there every year and I love it!
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Jan 07
That sounds nice. I've never been. that is great that you can go every year.
@katprice (805)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I would live in Manhattan in a 5-story brownstone. Somewhere that's close to Central Park so I could take my dogs there and walk them.
• India
28 Jan 07
rachelcaron ,I want to live in your house if you want me to live in your house ,if your photo is real then you are the most descent lady on my lot woth a pretty smile.
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@raveena (1353)
• India
18 Jan 07
The place that I would love to stay in is Vishakhapatnam, the beaches there are beautiful and the water is not of the colour that I have seen earlier. I would love to have a house near the beach and watch the sunset every evening
• United States
18 Jan 07
where is that? what country?
• United States
25 Jan 07
I like where I am too but it would be kinda nice to live somewhere that has warmer winters. But I wouldn't want anything too hot either. I would like to be a "snowbird" and go back and forth between where I'm at in the summer and somewhere like Washinton or Oregon in the winter. It doesn't have to be anywhere exotic.
@ezzrssi (11188)
• Italy
13 Dec 06
I would be in maldive or south asia city but with a lot of money :)
@suedarr (2382)
• Canada
15 Dec 06
I enjoy living in Canada, but if I had to move somewhere else it would probably be England.
@ikinta (1236)
• Indonesia
14 Dec 06
rome italy.i like to live in a city.i will go to beach on my holidays..
@rudz11 (163)
• Philippines
14 Dec 06
im in the philippines now, but if i could given a chance i would like to live in Kailua Hawaii, they say its very nice place and near to the ocean.... it is very peaceful, maybe i like to spend the rest of my life there, before i die. hehe..