I have my grandsons because father is in jail and mother is remarried .
By eveningstar
@eveningstar (1)
United States
December 14, 2006 12:55am CST
Father is in jail.Mother is remarried two more times to abusive men.The second man hurt the kids and CPS got involved.Boys were staying with maternal grandmother until neglect and alcohol got in way.I got permission from mother for them to stay with me.She is still with man and kids are scared to go with her.She keeps saying 2 more weeks.13 year old is terrified and9 year old is acting out.They have changed schools 3 times this year and are failing.I want to keep them safe but am afraid mother will snatch them at anytime just because she knows she can.How do I help these boys when they are afraid she will show up anytime?
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34 responses
@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
14 Dec 06
You need to get an attorney, and go before the judge and "officially" get custody of those kids. You could try going through CPS as well, but I really don't have much faith in them, but may be worth a shot. The boys need to go in and tell the judge as well that they're scared of thier mom & her husband. They're old enough the judge will listen to their opinion. And the fact they've been bounced from school to school and are failing, doesn't look good either for mom. Once you get that order signed by a judge, you notify the schools that mom is not to take the kids, and if she shows up they're to call the police. Don't tell mom you're doing all that either. I'd start on that first thing in the morning if you're that scared she's going to take them. Make sure both boys know, I'm sure they do, to call 911 if something happens. Not just for minor stuff, like getting yelled at, but if any abuse goes on, tell them to call 911 immediately and tell the police they're scared and want to go somewhere else. If they can't call, tell them to tell a teacher at school the next day. The teacher is required by law to report it, and CPS will be contacted again. Again, they need to make it known they do not want to go home to those parents.
You said she keeps saying 2 more weeks. What's that mean? 2 more weeks till they have to go home with her, or 2 more weeks till she leaves him?
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@lilmissy (481)
• United States
14 Dec 06
yes signal gave you all the good information , 2 more weeks till she comes nd gets the kids ,well you need to hurry about getting protective gaurdianship and make them a stable home .she may not be all that interested in takeing them back either unles she knew you wanted them so have the kids tell thie side and tell them not to tell thier mama or she may appear and take them away and i think she is being selfish being with the wrong kinds of men over and oer again
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
14 Dec 06
Yes! This sounds like very sound advice. I would print this response and do it right away step by step.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
14 Dec 06
P.S. How very sad for these children! I thank God they have you! And your family.

@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
14 Dec 06
You need to contact CPS, and the case worker who handled this matter to begin with. Then you should seek an attorney who deals with matters involving family law and courts. Between CPS and your attorney, you should be able to petition the courts for full custody of these children. If you do any sort of visitation rights with the mother, you should petition the courts for supervised visitation with someone appointed by the courts to oversee the visitation, and a specified meeting area for the visitation. Make sure you have the children in counseling to help them deal with all they have been through. This will also show the courts who really does have the childrens best interest in mind. The sooner you petition the courts the better, and I think if you were to contact CPS they might even be able to help you obtain an order of protection in behalf of the children, by furnishing the police information that proves one is warranted. But, I would not waste anytime in this matter, because if you did not go to court to legal obtain permission to have these children stay with you, and it was just a verbal thing with the mom, you will have a hard time keeping them. Also, you can get the father involved even from jail he has father's rights and say in matters of his children's welfare despite the fact that he is in jail.
You need to act on this today, because the longer you wait chances are she will come to take the kids and you will have no means of legal preventing it.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
14 Dec 06
When the parents have screwed up lives, its no wonder the kids have a difficult time. There have been a lot of times in the current generation where the parents have bombed out, and the grandparents step up to the plate. Hope the mother wakes up and realizes that her children are a blessing and that she is hurting them.
@yorb24 (2179)
• United States
14 Dec 06
It sounds like you really need an attorney to see where your legal rights are. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with this. The poster above gave some great advice. I hope there is something that can be done. Just get in touch with a lawyer and go from there. Good luck.
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
14 Dec 06
Are you prepared to adopt or foster them? You need to decide if you are in it for the long term or if you just want to protect them short term. You need to accept that if the mother decides to clean up her act, unless you have adopted these children you will probably have to give them back to her custody.
Keep relations with this woman as amicable as possible for the sake of the two boys. If you both have their long term interests at heart, you and this woman will have a relationship together for many years to come! Good luck
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
14 Dec 06
I agree with this poster. I would keep it friendly for the boy's sake. But get custody through the court.
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@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Definately fight for custody. Maybe you can become their legal guardian? It sounds like they want nothing to do with their mother. It's great that you have taken them in.
@cuddiluk (1523)
• Philippines
14 Dec 06
Send the child to the custody of Social Welfares Development PRogram. I dunno if you have this in your country. The child must be protected for those who will ill them. If I were the mother I will make a serious decision for this. What will be her priority is it her children or her husband? Which one would she choose? if she really love her children make her decide what will be her top prior.
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@lucysgj (92)
• China
15 Dec 06
So sorry for these two boys! I know in your country you can handle this by the law,but maybe in our China here(I don't mean all our China:)),it will be much easier.For this mother,yes, you can get remarried,but either you should take these children(treat them well,and they are willing to be with you),either you should left them with their grandmother.It is most likely these two children will be with their grandmother as we think if a woman got remarried,the children will be left without doubt to the husband,or such person related to the husband.Because we by tradition still believe that children under most conditions belong to the husband,but not the wife.So just by custom(need not the law) will these two boys be protected well.:)
@vmoore709 (1101)
• United States
15 Dec 06
You need to get a court order to keep the kids. There is no reason they should continue to have to feel the way they do. Stability would probably make a huge difference.
@wolflvr (335)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Talk to an attorney. My mother in law went though the same thing with my husband's nephew. Only his mother was in jail so it was more of a long term situation. When she got out my mother in law was afraid she would just come and take her son. Which she had evry right to do. So my mother in law went to see a lawyer. There are thing to do but a lawyer would let you know your options better then anyone on this website.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
15 Dec 06
Maybe you could adopt the boys in time. Right now, see someone professional who will advise you what to do. Perhaps a restraining order can be put in place until you meet with the relevant people as to where the boys will live. She could put up a fight though. All the best.
@Aali311 (6112)
• United States
14 Dec 06
I think you need to go to court and get a restraining order against her, she's not stable enough to have kids muchless raise them, I would also file for custody of the children, I'm sure it won't be that difficult know the situatuion the kids are in, hope it works out for you.
@Beautiful_Nightmare (1337)
14 Dec 06
First of all you need to be willing to except full time care of your grandchildren, then you need to get official custody of them and not just her word. I can see why your concerned - maybe have a word with their teacher aswell so she knows the situation and can perhaps give them some extra/after school help :)
@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
14 Dec 06
In this case CPS could help you and those boys. Obviously she chooses the same type of man over and over again, men who may harm these boys. CPS records can aid you in a request for custody of the boys, at least until she can demonstrate an ability to care for them properly including keeping them safe from her choice of male companionship.
If you accept the help of CPS they boys will be eligble for counseling through some of the state programs, which it sounds like they may need.
The simple knowledge that you have legal custody may help them more than anything else at this point.
Talk to CPS, talk to the county attorney both can help you faster than a filing with an independent attorney will.
@surpluscars (315)
• Philippines
14 Dec 06
the children are lucky to have you eveningstar...they're much safer with you than their mother. i suggest that you get an attorney to get custody of the children