Does anyone visit the message boards on babycenter?
By jerseypink
@jerseypink (176)
United States
December 14, 2006 6:38pm CST
I love those boards, there are some women on there with some wonderful information and everyone is so friendly! Theres one board where everyone is helping other women all over the country find hard to get toys for their kids and shipping them around and not making any extra money for their efforts. Its a great group of women and I was curious if anyone else reads those boards.
9 responses
@starr4all (2863)
10 Jan 07
I started going their when I was pregnant with my first son. Now, I'm on all the time. I haven't checked out the boards you guys have mentioned, so I'll check them out. Right now I'm on the pregnancy boards.
@jerseypink (176)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Thats exactly when I started checking them out is when I had my son. There's so much info all together. Maybe I'll see you on there! Happy posting
@mizcheekz (178)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Yea, definitely check out the bargain hunting board, you will love it! So many great tips, deals and coupons for cheap or free things! You will wonder how you ever paid full price for anything.
@jolala (70)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I visit the bargain hunters board there many times a day! I love all the deals I've gotten in on. Last year I was able to get an iPod shuffle for free - gave that to my brother for Christmas. This year I've gotten a few gifts for great deals for the kids. And of course there's the drama! Love the off topic posts too.
@jerseypink (176)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Thats great with the free Ipod! This year my best on there were the 3 pairs of mens sketchers for my husband for $45 dollars shipped! I couldn't beleive that one, he's going to think I spent a fortune. Yeah, the off topic posts are graet too.
@bargainbetty (20)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I am always on the bargain hunting board too! I am st.patty's day baby on there! I am addicted to bargains!!! LOL
@meshellrose (286)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I love these boards too, I'm on 3 birth club boards( 2 kids, but one was due one month and born the next), my state's board and sometimes the bargain hunters board and the job board. It's great to go to babycenter and find the answers to your questions.
@jerseypink (176)
• United States
13 Jan 07
The birth boards are the next thing I want to take a look at over there at Babycenter. I am due may 4th with a little girl, but have a feeling I will go in late April (secretly hoping for that, a diamond is a great birth stone for a little princess!), so I lurk on the may and april 07 boards.. maybe once she is born I will actually start posting on a board.
@jfeets726 (775)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I have visited before, but I do not believe that I have checked out their website. It looks like I will have to give it a look though. I love reading stuff online, especially tips or helpful advice when it comes to parenting. You can never have too much of that!
Thanks for the suggesion.
@jerseypink (176)
• United States
1 Jan 07
You're welcome. Enjoy the site, it's packed with information about anything you can think of!
@jerseypink (176)
• United States
20 Dec 06
No I haven't seen the regional boards, but I will check them out today! Thanks for the tip there! I am addicted to the bargain one even though I dont't post very often, I got some great deals. I'm on my way to check out regional now, thanks again!
@ky2001ank (3)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I LOVE babycenter!! It is the best parenting website I've found, and an awesome group of women. I am a member of both of my children's birth clubs (where you go to chat with people who have kids born in the same month/year), and it's so easy to get on there and ask any type of question, and get an almost immediate response!! i could go on all day about that site...someone was thinking when it was created!
@jerseypink (176)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Yes, the birth clubs are great. It's such a blessing to have a 'go-to' for opinions from parents going through the same milestones with kids. And like you said, the responses are lightening fast!
Maybe I'll see you over there, lol, I'm on ALL THE TIME : )
@cdirock (289)
• United States
17 Dec 06
Yes I am on the message board for babycenter all the time. I love that board. I just love to read the discussions etc. Please note there is a job opportunity board too.
@jerseypink (176)
• United States
18 Dec 06
I'd never seen the job opp board! Thank you I will have to check that one out. My favorite is the board about shopping, there were so many deals on there for shopping for Christmas I was able to use to many of them for my husbands and sons presents, and saved boatloads of money!
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
Yes I often visit the babycenter board, it's fun to view posts from other mothers, they give great advices and suggestions.
@mizcheekz (178)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I'm big on the bargain board! Lots of great deals and interesting stories. It's a lot of fun and intuitive!