I'll bet you minorities thought you were going to get away! Didn't you?!
By chunkers
@chunkers (1050)
United States
December 15, 2006 2:31am CST
Well, I've covered all the other controversies, I might as well tackle this one!
To begin with, you minorities think you should own every bit of land you come into contact with. Even going so far as to kill off the legal owners of the lands you invade.
You cry and whine when you don't get your way! You start political pressure to make everyone else bow down to your will.
You can't stand it when you think another culture is superior to yours; it's just another challenge for you to conquer.
You have to be right about everything, and you consider the majority to be wrong.
This is a world made up of many different people! Just because you are a minority doesn't mean the rest of the world is against you. When you are invited into another's homeland, you should respect their culture and do as they do! Don't move in and right away start telling them to conform to your ideologies. They were here LONG before you got here! If anything, you should convert to their way of life! And, if you invite another culture into your society, you should treat them with dignity; not enslave and kill them!
I've about had it up to my eyeballs with the crap minoritys pull!
Does anyone else agree with me?
The "minorites" I speak of? The caucassions, of course! They invaded America, killed off or forced slavery on the American Indians, transorted Africans here to enslave, and now are trying to keep Hispanics out of the country by building a huge wall on our southern border! Not to mention the fact that Bush is even now trying to force American ideals on the Middle East!
Face it, caucassions ARE minorities! The ones who are commonly referred to as "minorities" are actually the MAJORITY! And to listen to my fiance's stories about how her family has been treated disgusts me! I am only part caucassion. I'm also Native American; a by-product of the minorities who invaded America and mingled with the Natives.
We are so entrenched with the thought that blacks, indians, hispanics, etc. are minorities, that even THEY believe they are "minorities". So, when most read this discussion, they will automatically assume I am speaking of those I just mentioned.
For my sake, I hope everyone reads the "entire" post!
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41 responses
@spcbrass (1190)
• United States
15 Dec 06
You've left a number of directions I can go with this one! And yes I did read the entire discussion, twice before drawing up my response. For the record I am part of the minority of which you speak. I can even trace my family all the way back to the first boat load of them that came to take over your country! In any event how about I give you my view on what we have become.
I am not a person to look down or up to people based on race, religeon, ethnic background, size, shape, or hair color. I look at people on an individual basis solely based on their wisdom, accomplishments, and contributions to this world.
I see two different racial issues here in your post. One is the internal racial issue within the US and the other is how we portray ourselves racially to the rest of the world. I'll tackle the internal then tell you what I think of the other.
Internally we have a lot of problems. What we do not have among all cultures is any kind of mutual respect at all. We are prejudged based on the actions of our ancestors and not on our actions as individuals when it comes to racial issues. I can't walk into a predominantly Mexican part of the city without getting dirty looks. The same is true if I walk into an African American section of the city. Why? Because I am a white guy. They don't know me, but because of something that happend hundreds of years ago I have to walk around with a label. In this world I am an individual. Discriminate against me, the individual, and I will let you know all about it. The race card needs to be thrown out the window and we all need to work together with a mutual respect for who we are as individuals. I don't impose my will or my beliefs on anybody. I tend to hang out with people who have similar beliefs and interests as I do, does that make me a racist or an oppressor? I repect peoples individuality, I repect choice, I respect others beliefs and do not criticize them until they criticize me first. I guess that makes my the monority of a minority. Personally I think everyone should learn a little more respect for the sake of not only yourselves, but for the sake of all the other HUMAN BEINGS living around you.
Now on to the political issue. What our government is trying to do to other countries by forcing democracy on other countries is no better then the dictatorships we are removing from office. Basically you are trading one man's rule for another. If the people decide they want democracy they will rise up and declare it. I have had enough of playing Team America World Police. That is what our govenment believes in and I think it is wrong. Clearly we have much larger issues here at home, but those have been long forgotten and buried in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. I bet there was almost a sigh of relief when our president had to go off and fight a war instead of run a nation. War is much easier then politics.
But as for me I want to get away from it all, and that is why I am moving to Canada! I better get there soon otherwise I might have to scale a 1500 foot wall to get in myself. And believe me to escape the world of BS I live in, I would!
2 people like this

@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
15 Dec 06
spcbrass, excellent response! I'm staying in the US, but I agree with your thinking.
@chunkers (1050)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Ever hear of the movie "Wag The Dog"? It was probably based on Clintons' term in office, but the same philosephy is true for Bush's term. I believe it was orchestrated on purpose, by our government.
Uh-oh, got to run. There are men at my door in black suits and dark glasses. Must be the Mormans again.
Just kidding.
But that is how I feel.
I concur with everything you said. Very good response. Thank you for posting.

@profclark (512)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I do agree with you on some levels, and gosh darn, you are angry! My thought is that the 5% if the people that benifit from the 90% of the economy, and though they have more money than they need own the media. They tell us what we need to be angy about, and then they ask us to fight amongst ourselves. The thing we need to get is that there are more of us. Lots of poor struggling people. If we would get our heads around it, we people, the struggling people are the majority. We could make real change. We often do, on a small scale, but imagine what we could do if we got our heads on the real problem, which is not caucasions. There are many of them struggling. All people need to understand that poverty is not always a race issue. Why are we not looking at the people who really control the money. Very good question!
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@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
15 Dec 06
You're not alone in feeling disgusted. I wish I could give you "best response"...instead I gave you a big "+".
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@chunkers (1050)
• United States
15 Dec 06
We do look at people who control the money. Well, at least some of the people who own the money! We see them every day on the big screen, playing professional sports, and creating software & real estate fortunes. We idolize them!
As for the super-rich and powerful, they keep pretty well concealed. We can't really see them. All we can do is feel the effects of their power. They call the shots, we suffer. Most of the current events were (are) orchestrated years in advance by the people in power. They have us hopping around like a dog with its foot on fire: fighting each other, paying high prices for food, gas, power, utilitites, etc., then locking up the ones who don't conform to their rules (or annialating them). Look at Iraq; do you think that was a simple plan to take Saddam out of power? Do you think simple terrorists conceived and employed such a grand attack on American soil without some type of assistance from someone in REAL POWER?
Uh-oh. Let me get down off my high-horse. Sorry. I got carried away. And, no. I am not mad...just disgusted!
Thanks for posting!
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@natelilly2 (90)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I do agree with you that white people or caucasions are the minorities in this world today but what has happened in the past IS IN THE PAST. We need to focus not on what we are but what we can do to make life liveable for all people. Yes I agree there are a few ignorant people who are racist and stereotypical. BUT! IT IS NOT JUST THE CAUCASIONS! Every country has it's rules, these rules are expected to be obeyed or severe penalties are given. If we left the Middle East now what do you think would happen to the people who have been oppressed and tortuted in their own country? The reason people come to America is BECAUSE OF OUR LAWS!!!!!!!!!!! They know that they can have a life here and a voice if they choose. I am part mexican and the majority of my family is either half or full. My Grandmother or "NANA" was from mexico and I still feel that if people need help or are being slaughtered in there own countries we should be there to help them. If another counntry is going to be bold enough to attack us we should seek out and destroy those who are powerful enough to do so. I am glad you started this discussion because it shows how many people are still ignorant and brainwashed into hating other people for the color of their skin. Also how many people are stuck on stupied and more interested in talking about the problem rather than coming up with and offering a solution. I believe if you have a problem with the way things are done then stop your complaining about the past or problem, etc. and do something about it. If you can not do this in a non-violent way. Guess what! You are probably part of the problem your so eager to complain about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@hotredblnd788 (224)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I give you a thumbs up on this one!!!! Best response I've heard so far.
@shamilton712 (99)
• United States
16 Dec 06
That was one of the most intelligent things I've heard in a long time. It's about time people recognize who the true minorities are in this world. Its sad but the world is run by this minority. I have to admit I thought you were a bigot when I started reading but now I applaud you.

@shamilton712 (99)
• United States
18 Dec 06
its not a double standard. For so long non-caucasians have been called the "minority". When you learn history in school this is also what you are taught. I have nothing against caucasians, I just agree that they are the true minority.
@CoralRain (41)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Oh, it wasn't ok and he was a bigot when you thought he was talking about hispanics, blacks, indians.. whatever. Then you find out it was about caucasians and its suddenly OK? Nice double standard.

@my2babes (88)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Did you know that the African's sold their people to the US as slaves? They should be questioned as well as to why they did this to their people.
I do believe American's invaded this country as well. You are right in some ways and wrong in others. I will just leave it at that. I am just glad that I live in the US. I just wish everyone would get over their prejudices which we all know will never happen.

@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
15 Dec 06
what a discussion my friend
and i'm not going to agree or disagree
but thanks for posting that.

@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
15 Dec 06
You are definitely on a roll today. ;)
I just wish everyone would read the whole post and not just the heading.
@mynameismine (771)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I'm reading it, not very impressed. Same story, same arguement, different yahoos doing the yelling....boring.
Bottom line I didn't do a darn thing to anyone. I didn't sell anyone or buy anyone so I'm not responsible for things that happened long before I got here. Even though I will always be blamed...yawn.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Ok here is my opnion. To a degree I agree with your point about our so called president he shouldent be trying to push our way of living on any other culture because they are diffrent. With that said, I am part American Indian, but Iam also part Canadian French and hold on to your seat.....English, yeas I said English. With that said I am a bit offended. My ancesistors must not have been all that bad since they got along with an American Indian well enough to copulate and have a child together.
@chunkers (1050)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Ever hear of rape?
Unfortunately, I am also German, Irish, Norwegian, and God knows what else!
Well, I guess I don't mean "unfortunateley". I am who I am and am proud of it. Like everyone else, I will not be responsible for what my ancestors did or did not do. All any of us can really do is be kind to everyone else around us, whether in our own neighborhoods, or globally.
I hope there are some Iraqi, Iranian, Pakistanis, and other middle-easterners (muslims) out there on MyLot who are paying attention and do not hold all Americans responsible for what our government is doing in their areas!
We Americans hold no arguement with you! Many of us pray for you on a daily basis!
@ShadowWalker (969)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I agree with you. White people(and I'm one) are bad about pushing their way of life o n everyone else. When these cultures were around long before ours was. I think it's a good thing we want to help people. But helping and forcing our way of life on people is two different things. I must say I would like to see democracy spread across the world but peacefully.
@hotredblnd788 (224)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I don't think you're being racist and I can't say that I don't agree with you a tad bit. You have to be more specific when calling out the "white people" you are refering to. I in no manner have ever discriminated against any other race, religion, or culture. I do however have to take some offense to what you are claiming. What my ancestors did back in the day has nothing to do with what type of person I am. If you want to point figures at anyone, it should be at the politicians who are causing this mess. Not the "white people" that live next door to you. Maybe if we'd stop seperating everyone's race in a way that we have to show majorities and minorities then we'd be able to choose those people that ran our country to fit everyone's needs. Actually, I don't take offense to what you've said. I know you don't know me and you don't know my ways or believes. I just hope someone who thinks the way you have discribed takes a look and comes to realize...everyone is equal.

@hotredblnd788 (224)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I'm gonna have to quote you on this one. "The "minorites" I speak of? The caucassions, of course! "
Caucasion by definition:
In the context of basic english usage, the term White people (also white race or whites) is used to denote "... a human group having light-coloured skin, especially of European ancestry."
All I'm saying is you need to be more specific if you're going to be pointing fingers. Not all WHITE PEOPLE are evil. So when I read a comment like that (being the caucasion that I am) I do take offense to it. For example, if you're speaking of 'white' politicians and only them then that's what you should put.
@chunkers (1050)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Nowhere in my initial discussion did I use the phrase "white people". There is actually no such thing. There are 3 classifications of people in the world: cuaccazoid (sic), negroid, and mongoloid.
I am speaking of the cuccazoid (sic) people.
Furthermore, I fully agree that it is not the "people" causing these problems; it is the POLITICIANS! However, we elect these politicians. They are suppose to represent OUR issues. If we tolerate their crap, we are saying that we support their crap. What we need is some good ol' fashion rails to run these people out of town on.
We have become complacent. We allow the politicians to do as they please, as long as their laws don't effect "us" too much.
Again, I agree. Everyone is equal, on paper. In reality, no one is treated as equals. If I was equal to you, we'd have the same opportunities as everyone else. I appear to be caucaission, so I don't experience the prejudice that others (who are evidently different race) do.
Anyway....let me get back down from my high-horse. Thanks for posting. You are not being blamed for what has happened in the past or going on still today. Unless your name is George Bush.

@mfrancq (1806)
• United States
15 Dec 06
You are right, I must say this took me completely off guard and my first reaction was anger and offense. However, I stopped for a minute, reread the post to see all of your points, and was able to calm down. I see what you are saying, and good for you for having enough heart to state what was on your mind. That is a wonderful quality to have. I am part caucassian..maninly, and hispanic, I also have some Polish in there somewhere. hehe I'm not angry with you about this topic. However, the part that angers me is that the WORLD..EVERYONE..seems to think that qualifiying people, such as using the word minority, is okay to do. I wish that everyone could realize that we are all equal, no matter what. That every nationality is beautiful all together, and the fact that we do not look the same, and that we are different is what makes us beautiful. What a boring world we would live in if we were all the same. Thanks for the topic, it really opened my eyes to some new ideas and a different way of thinking. Bless you and best wishes.
@emagyne (664)
• United States
16 Dec 06
On this one, I agree with you. Because I know my people werent in Africa buying cruise tickets to come over here. And thats real. Then we get treated like sh!t half of the time because our name isnt Polly or Paige. I know. I live it everyday. I am a webdesigner and I was actually told(around here) that they had no idea that "black" web designers existed. I was so hot and of course I let this person have it and this was a professional environment.
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
16 Dec 06
wow, i still can't believe people r treated like that, i'm hispanic and one day i was driving, these white supremists looking guys spit on my car, they took one look at me and spit on my car! they also had a confederate flag on their car! how dumb some people can be
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I didn't read the entire post you will proboly get 5.00 or a lot of neg.
I assume youre talking about all of the above, but you weren't. If people didn't read your whole discussion they would think you were A racist. But I don't think so, since I read most of it.
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I didn't know caucassions were consider minorities. I agree with you on this one, though.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
16 Dec 06
YEAH! DOWN with the WHITE MAN!!...wow...i actually agree with you on something. what is this world coming to. i have no white in me...i'm asian and from hawaii...so i got all the white man comming into our land and destroying things...so i understand how the indians felt when the missionaries came over...in hawaii we had lost most of our culture because they forced the hawaiians to read the bible and dress 'properly' acording to them. and it was the WHITE MAN who held the whips in the sugar cane fields...which is why pigin was invented...so the workers could talk among themselves so the white man would know what they were saying..
@NewHeart (528)
• Canada
16 Dec 06
god starting to hate you now chunkers come in thinking its going to be easy to answer your post and find i'm reading what a book on your discussions. but damn you sure know how to stir a pot and with some of the comments surprised its not burning. can't wait till you get started in on canada with our politics going down the toilet...lol
got to admit how right you can be. you seem to be very knowledgeable, but there's times you must be draging, cause you sure got the balls...lol
@terita (280)
• Pakistan
16 Dec 06
Dang old son, you'd think you'd have learned the lesson from your elders! We already played cowboys and Indians, cowboys and Mexicans, cowboys and Africans so we're off playing cowboys and terrorists. Leave well enough alone.
Now here you go, a member of a truly native and greatly oppressed segment of the American population who is by the way, a minority to every other race on the face of the planet except maybe Tasmanians, calling attention to yourself. Kinda like a black bear in a snow covered back yard!