would you disown a friend if you found out he/she was gay

United States
September 21, 2006 12:34pm CST
tell what you would do
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331 responses
@tishabest (602)
• Belgium
21 Sep 06
Imagine the scandal if my friend finds out I'm heterosexual!? No of course I wouldn't disown them and I would try to understand where they are coming from.
@denax1 (708)
• United States
25 Oct 06
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• United States
21 Sep 06
i wouldnt disown a freind if i found out they were gay because they are the same person in it doesnt matter what they do i would support my friend
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• United States
9 Oct 06
I wouldnt disown but that doesnt mean I would support everything they do!
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• India
10 Oct 06
nice comment
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@Ynefz0r (832)
• Finland
25 Oct 06
I wouldn't disown him/her. That would be just ignorant. I would help him/her "get out from the closet" :D
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@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
21 Sep 06
would i disown a friend if i found out they were gay. i would have to say no, i know a lot of gay people and i dont judge them, thats there business what they do in the bedroom.
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@MINDY0882 (2302)
• United States
25 Sep 06
no friends are family.I dont agree wouldnt agree with it but I would not disown them I would just ask they show respect around me and my family and not do anything around us that we would want to see or have our children see
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@Katy238 (1028)
• United States
25 Oct 06
I agree islander
3 people like this
• United States
25 Oct 06
Well you telling your friend not to be themself around you .. "not wanting to see it" how about if they told you not to be your self around them .. the best thing in the world is love how can you judge someone on who they love ?
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• United States
25 Oct 06
I agree. I wouldn't disown them but I don't want to see it all the time and feel uncomfortable. b/c im not like that. so I respect them and in return thay respect me.
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@kataztrophy (1836)
• United States
25 Sep 06
Ones sexuality doesnt change change the reason you consider them a friend.
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• India
25 Oct 06
it dosent matter at all... but howcome one can be gay... m not able to understand..
• United States
25 Sep 06
No! If someone would do that, they were never a friend to begin with.
@kstanley7 (1171)
26 Sep 06
anyone that is able to disown a friend just because of sexuality is not human by my books.
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• United States
26 Sep 06
no i would not disown a friend for that reason
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@Lillith (774)
• United States
26 Sep 06
Of course not! It would actually make a safer friendship because then we would not be competing for the same people LOL No seriously, I would not have a problem with it at all.
@Aali311 (6112)
• United States
26 Sep 06
No, that would be crazy.
• India
26 Sep 06
i wont disown i m straight and wont ever have any physical relationship
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@1alyssa (758)
• United States
26 Sep 06
no i don't care who my friends date they can do what ever they want you don't have to be gay with them u just have to be a good friend
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
26 Sep 06
Absolutely not! A friend is exactly that: a friend. And a true friend would support them in their decision, and would (hopefully) appreciate where they're coming from, even if it does not match their own beliefs about it. They did not choose to be gay, they were born that way, and we just have to love them for who they are and not pass judgement on them. If anyone disowned a friend who they found out was gay, they really weren't that strong a friend to begin with.
• Hong Kong
26 Oct 06
No,never, LOve Gay ppl,even though I'm not gay.
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• India
26 Oct 06
• United States
26 Oct 06
No...I would not do that..How I see it..That does not matter to me..As long as they are A really good friend to me...And why would I not be there friend,Just because I found that out? I am not that kind-of A person..I think everyone has there own option of what Religion,What clothes,If the wanna dye there hair,If they want to be Straight,Or like there own kind ,or whatever they believe in....It would not matter to me,Just as long as they were A really food friend to me...I don't think like that...Everyone has A right to believe in what she,or she wants.
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@lxrowe (372)
• Australia
5 Oct 06
I wouldn't really care, as i would have became friends with them befire i knew, it wouldn't change a thing...
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@Delakp (15)
• Australia
5 Oct 06
I wouldn't really care, as i would have became friends with them befire i knew, it wouldn't change a thing...
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• India
26 Oct 06
I won't disown him if he is a gay but if he tries to start a relationship with me i would rather stay away!
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• Canada
25 Oct 06
If I disowned all of my gay friends, I'd probably be left alone, standing in a room by myself. Now what fun would that be! By the way, if you're looking for "buddies", add me! I'm gay-friendly!
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• United Kingdom
25 Oct 06
I think I'd have the same problem! Yeah, I won't have gay friend or men friends. Hmm, that leaves 2 friends for me!
@Betty1956 (177)
• United States
26 Oct 06
No way, I'd make sure they knew how much I loved them and that I was happy they could come out and be true to themselves.
• Denmark
26 Oct 06
Not long ago one of my closest friends turned out to be gay. But i don't give a... so where still friends.
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