Athiests: What in the #&!! is wrong with you?
By chunkers
@chunkers (1050)
United States
December 16, 2006 10:35am CST
Look, I'm not trying to insult anyone here. I'd just like to know why some of you out there are so damned stubborn (not my first choice of words)??!!!!
Those who do not believe in God are always asking for some kind of PROOF that He exists! That amazes me!
For proof, all an intelligent person needs to do is look in the mirror; look at their children; look at the sun and the moon and the stars! Look at the animals, the orderliness of the world around us. Consider procreation...ecology...the perfect blending of nature...the air we breathe...
Your answer is right in front of your eyes! Open them. Open your heart.
I personally feel that athiests deny the existence of God, our Creator, because the alternative belief would force them to look at their lives in a different manner. If there is a God (which there is) then there would ultimately be consequences for all of our actions in this life. If there is no God, then we can do whatever we feel and not have to worry about paying for our actions when we die.
How could anyone, of sound mind, believe that we were simply evolved from some slime pool billions of years ago? Does it make sense to believe that gorillas and/or monkeys are our ancestors? Give me a break!!! Can you imagine tracing your family tree and finding a photo of your long lost uncle chimpanzee there?
There are so many unique creations in this world, which could not have survived the evolutionary stages they would have had to gone through, that one must accept the fact we were not evolved! WE WERE CREATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not the smartest man in the world (just barely learned how to use a computer), but it does not take a rocket scientist to know WITH CERTAINTY that we have a Creator. As such, we are responsible to our Creator. One of those responsibilities is to accept and confess Him as such.
If I am wrong, so be it. No consequences for that. But if I am right, and athiests are wrong...they will be in for a BIG SURPRISE come Judgement Day!
As I said earlier, I'm not trying to insult anyone, nor do I want to create any kind of controversy. Just trying to understand why there are so many people who deny the existance of God.
So, I hope I didn't stir up a hornets nest (you all know how badly I hate controversy)!
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97 responses
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
16 Dec 06
"For proof, all an intelligent person needs to do is look in the mirror; look at their children; look at the sun and the moon and the stars!"
That doesn't sound like a very intelligent person to me, because everyone of those things can be explained by science.
Why must you have to pay for your actions when you die? I can be a good person without thinking I have to go confess. Similarly, I know Christians that do whatever the hell they want during the week, but on Sundays they go confess and so it's okay because they are still going to heaven. What kind of religion is that that you can just keep asking for forgiveness?
It absolutely makes sense to believe we are related to other primates, because genetically, primates are so closely related to us, and humans are actually primates as well. Go to a zoo sometime and you'll be surprised how much the chimpanzees look like your relatives.
If we were created, explain fossils. And why some animals that are here now because of evolution, were not there before? If they were created, where were they back then? Religious texts don't say that God continuously added new beings to this earth. That's because the humans that wrote them weren't thinking that far ahead to try to explain something like that. They were more primitive and did not have any other way to explain things than to create religion.
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@chunkers (1050)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Well, if you're a graduate student in the field of archeology, use this forum to write a thesis on the validity of the existance of fossil evidenc to support evolution.
Just to make you think, why not pretend that you are on the other side of the debate when you write your thesis and argue for the existance of proof against the religion (oops...theory) of evolution.
We would all love to hear you debate this, beings you are the closest we have here to an expert!!
@chunkers (1050)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Pigglies. Calm down! I already admitted I'm not the sharpest tack in the barn.
However, the road to hell is paved with good deeds and good intentions. Just because someone claims to be a Christian does not MAKE them a Christian.
Anyone who sins willfully throughout the week, then goes to church on Sundays and thinks he/she is good with God is mocking God, and will receive his/her just rewards.
Don't base your opinions on Christians on the hypocrites! Base your opinions on the ones who live for Christ throughout the week and do/don't go to church on Sunday. Just going to church means absolutely NOTHING!
As for fossils explianing evolution, scientists have NEVER found proof of anything proving that bogus theory. Every published report claiming to do so has been disproven. When I was in school, there were published cases in the textbooks which supposedly were citing evolution....all of which have been proven to be hoaxes. Even Darwin confessed on his deathbed that there is a God and he did not believe his own theory of evolution. Still, he started a "religion" of believers.
This is a subject that bears deeper review than I am able to provide. Getting to the bottom of it is imperitive for ones own destiny. I would suggest you check out some web sites on Creationism...if you want. I'm not judging you or proseletyzing you. Just giving some unasked for advice.
By the way, Pigglies...I think you're a sweet girl. No matter our differences of opinion. We've had great discussions on another of my posts. So, please don't take this post personal! Ok?!!
Thank you for your well thought-out post! :)
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
16 Dec 06
I am really finding your logic too funny ! You are not ready to acept the fact that we can't evolve from the lower animals over the period of some million years but you can believe that a an individual in the form of God can create this big earth and its cratures all by himself single handedly !
In fact the thoughts tregarding the God and his creation is surprisingly restricted to earth and to the things voisibl from the earth. Do you realise there is my beyond than our earth, our soilar system, our galaxy space and universe ! Do you mean to say there is some other God for the other palnets and above all these Gods there is another God , somtthing like that ?
I personally can't accept the idea that God has creatyed this earth, you and Me !
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
16 Dec 06
There's a liitle known fact, namely that there is 70+ ways of dating the earth which suggests a far younger earth, and just a handful which suggest millions of years. Scientists (the evolutionary ones anyway) choose the one which provides the millions of years needed for their "theory". For example helium evaporates.rises very fast (like our voices do). If the universe is millions of years old, there would be no helium upon earth, and we would never ever have heard of it. This of course, along with many others, is ignored in the zeal for their theory/belief.
Also, there is an element deep in granite, called photons (if i'm remembering the name correctly) which is an extremely short lived element. It's sorta like alka seltzer, it fizzles out. Yet it is deep in the middle of granite rocks. If creation formed slowly over a long course of time, this photon could not be in the granite. God? He's Life itself, the life force.
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@Xeedar (255)
• Italy
18 Dec 06
Senseless as usually.
It's false that there are so many datation systems which says earth is young.
If "easy-going" minerals remained it's for their position. For example petrol remained 'cause it kept itself underground in anaerobic ambient. The same for helium if I'm not wrong.

@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I'm not an Athiest. I'm not an overly religious person either. I believe in God, Heaven, etc. But I don't choose to go to church every weekend, or make it a point to pray at night. I would never ask someone for proof God (Or whoever they choose to worship) exists. To each his own!
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@clifepepper (8)
16 Dec 06
I was believing in God for 20 years,and I offended people more
than I do now while I'm becoming doubt.
@Kackie3 (345)
• United States
16 Dec 06
That's exactly the way I feel about smoking. I believe in God, I believe we can believe, what we choose to believe in, it is part of our freedom, rights, and so on.
Non smokers are taking control of this smoking ban, to rule it over us smokers. It's a choice, just like believing and not believing in God, or worshipping however we choose. Life is one big controversy.
I choose to go with my beliefs. That is one thing that will never be taken away from me.
@chunkers (1050)
• United States
17 Dec 06
Sure, you won't offend many people if you go with the flow. You are no threat to anyone's conscience if you share their values....or lack of values in this case.
If you are timid, and don't stand up for what you KNOW is right, then you will never have to worry about offending anyone.
Good luck with your life of pleasing others and forfeiting your own destiny.
@Albone (1338)
• Italy
16 Dec 06
everyone is free to do what he wants to do. If i want to believe in God, i do... but it's a personal thing and you can't force me to believe in something i don't believe. I don't force anyone to be atheist... if my brother, my son, my wife believe in god, i'm glad for them! I can discuss with them about our beliefs... Anyway i think it's more responsible to think we are owners of ourselves, without someone to respond of our actions.
but i hope yours is only a provocation...
god wouldn't make you say those things!
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@chunkers (1050)
• United States
16 Dec 06
You're Right! God does not FORCE any of us to do anything. He only sent His Son, Jesus Christ, here to point us all in the right direction. It's up to each individual to accept that invitation. I hope you will accept yours because it has already been sent!
Bless you and thanks for posting!

@nishanity (1650)
• India
17 Dec 06
oh darn!! i saw ur discussion quite late... so here i am, a hardcore athist coming to fight for what i believe in...
but b4 tht... just one point Mr. chunkers... something abt yu tht i noticed is tht, ur mind isnt flexible.. u just refuse to accept any other point of view other than ur own... u just dont agree tht things are not just black and white.. they are greay as well... u got to accept tht way of thinking if u want to understand our point of view... thought u show u r kinda cool by posting such discussons, wat u dont realise is tht u agree the conventional and traditional methodologies..
now comig back to the point of atheists? wat is it abt athiesm tht u dont believe? i'l tell u wat i believe... the god tht iwas made to believe in the bible and by my parents and sunday school doesnt exists... thts my belief... if he does, he is a saddist and he is cruel..
coming to the scientific part.... u have been given the proof tht most of the material on earth have been more than 1 million yrs old!!! and yet ur bible says its been only 6000 yrs since the earth has been made!!!
and u shud realise the the early men 1st worshipped the sun and the mood and all the natural elements... y? its only coz man wants someone of high powers to be up ther to preside over his/her life..... it makes him feel better... the fact tht he is totally capable to live on his own, makes him kinda nervous...
i dont want proof tht god exists coz i know there aint any... but if u r trying to tell me to believe in ur god, u have to show me proof!! as simple as tht... is god so arrogant tht he cant spare me 5 mins of his great holy vision? most ppl who say they have seen or felt god, have done so under the influence of a disturbed mind and we all know tht mind is a very powerful thing... it can make u believe lotsa things..
thr are lost more tht i wanna type out here... but then it'l take me days... i have lots and lots of points!!
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@nishanity (1650)
• India
17 Dec 06
hey... i am back again!!! well so u say the earth aint a million years old? i just cross-checked wid the net and wid my history textbooks and guess wat? its actually 4.5 billion years old!! dont tell me now tht these sources are not reliable!!! i dont think the bible is a reliable source either!! i suggest u refer to this link abt the scinetific part abt the age of the earth.... i cant sit and copy paste it... lol
"Can God spare 5 minutes of His great holy vision". What is that all about?
How old are you? He has given you AT LEAST that much! You have sight, don't you?
He gave that to you so you could SEE the EVIDENCE of HIS EXISTENCE!!! Use it!
He also had your life planned out from the beginning of time!"
whr did that come from? i am 20 gonna be 21... does tht prove tht god exists? he has given atleast what dear? what is ur point? tht since i lived till 20, tht means god exists? just bcoz things go abt in the way they are supposed to, doesnt mean god exists... it cud just be science in action... its just tht man hasnt explored every aspect of science, bcoz of which there are many unanswered questions abt the beginning of time and other stuff.. one day we might be able to answer it all... and aint it convenient for the theists? they can always say "god decides everything and we dont ask any more questions..." this is a typical answer i get whenever i ask them questions which i know they cant answer
@chunkers (1050)
• United States
17 Dec 06
Hi, again!! Good to hear from you and see that you put some thought into your response!
Now, roll up your sleeves. Here we go!
I am color blind, literally. You are absolutely correct; I am inflexible and black and white. It is usually my way or the highway. Period. One of my downfalls on occaission.
The Earth IS NOT a million years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have GOT to be kidding me!! How can you even ask such a thing? "Can God spare 5 minutes of His great holy vision". What is that all about? How old are you? He has given you AT LEAST that much! You have sight, don't you? He gave that to you so you could SEE the EVIDENCE of HIS EXISTENCE!!! Use it! He also had your life planned out from the beginning of time!
Anyway. I'm not trying to convert you, or anyone else, to my point of view. Just trying to make people think!!!!
Thank you so VERY MUCH for responding with an intelligent arguement. It was very interesting....even if I don't agree with you!!!

@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
16 Dec 06
When I was in my 20s I wanted to say I was an atheist, but I was afraid I would go to hell if I said that!
Now, nearing my 60s, and having studied and participated in many different religions and religious practices/ceremonies, I have come to the conclusion that there is one Maker/God-Goddess/Creator/Universal Force or whatever the specific religion/practice you follow chooses to call the Higher Power (AA). Therefore, it is also my conclusion that I have the utmost respect and honor for anyone who chooses any path with belief and faith in their hearts.
I hope that you will understand what I am saying and not take this as offensive or as a slam against Christianity, as it certainly is not meant that way.

@golden_unicorn (442)
• India
16 Dec 06
"Those who do not believe in God are always asking for some kind of PROOF that He exists! That amazes me!For proof, all an intelligent person needs to do is look in the mirror; look at their children; look at the sun and the moon and the stars!"
i see genetics,evolution,astronomy....and no im not an atheist..i blv in wat u call apathetic agnosticism
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Here's a pretty good link!
One thing I've heard is, the second most held law of science, says that all matter is disintegrating. That's the path it's on and is always on, it is always falling apart (and I thought it was just my house!) So how did the improvement and complexity of life come forth through time and the natuarl inclination of matter? Well the evolutionists (about one third of the scientists) say sunlight shining upon it, changed its course and so it improved into more efficiency (instead of less). But just look at the branch of a tree, yes it absorbs the energy of the sun and increases its efficiency, but only so long as it is aLive, aka, life. Just take that branch off the tree. The sun then warms it up, and it is on its way to disintegration, just like a compost pile, heats up and disintegrates.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
16 Dec 06
I have been an atheist for as long as I can remember. You ask why I want proof, yet I do not ask for proof since I do not acknowledge anything that needs to be proven.
The vikings believed that thunder and lightning was caused by Thor throwing his hammer across the sky. Thunder and Lightning constituted proof of the event because there was no other possible explanation for it, just as you consider that nature constitutes a proof of your belief. I choose to believe neither of these.
It is very easy to quote things that I cannot explain, but a couple of centuries ago there was a great many more things that could not be explained.
I have no problem with you choosing to believe in God, so why should you be concerned with my choice of belief?
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@madmax2crazy (1569)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Jesus said, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do"...
If Jesus can tell his father to forgive those who brutally beat and crucified him don't you think you should follow his example and forgive the non-believers? For they know not who they do...
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@chunkers (1050)
• United States
17 Dec 06
There is nothing to forgive them for. I am not asking them to believe in ME. I am not asking anyone to believe in anything or any One. That is strictly a personal choice.
As a believer in Jesus Christ as the Creator, I am just pointing the Way to Him and Eternal Life in Jesus Christ.
Nothing to forgive.
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
16 Dec 06
my religion is church of christ(Iglesia Ni cristo)
and we believe the existence of God. im not athiest:)
he he he!, can i ask if you don't mind? what is
athiest? because not familiar to me. is it relegion or what?
thank's and merry christmass and advance happy new year:)
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
16 Dec 06
i see:) thank's to inform me what athiest is.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
16 Dec 06
hehehe here we go again, look im an athiest because i see no proof of anything else other than nature if you want to call that god then fare enough but to me its just nature nowt else
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Well you said it would be contraversial and you weren't kidding. Are you saying that Atheist are just trying to make themselves feel better about all the wrong things they do? If they feel like there is no ultimate consequence then they can do as they please. Maybe that makes them more of a believer than the average christian.
@sunshinecup (7871)
17 Dec 06
First, I am Christian, but I do try to see past my own nose and understand others. Therefore, with that said let me take a stab at this.
How stubborn are you to open your eyes to other religions and convert, like to Muslim or Jewish? I'm willing to bet, very. It's the same principle for Atheists, we all believe what we do & don’t and changing to another persons way of thinking is not that easy. Not even for you, I’m sure.
As for your proof, it holds less water than how science explains the existence of everything you claim as proof of God. In fact, you have no proof at all, but a book, written by the hand of man. Other words, Genesis has reasons for being doubted. IMO no, it does not make sense we came from monkeys, BUT I have to admit it makes less sense I, a woman, came from a rib. Especially when men have the same number of ribs as I do. How can you expect one to believe that? One more thing, Evolution states we evolved from slime, Genesis reads, you as a man came from mud. Do you not find that an odd coincidence?
The parts about, because they have no belief they can live a sinful life, did you know some of our founding fathers, were Atheists? Check it out. Yet you would have never known by the examples they sat for future Americans in their writings. In fact I bet you would never know an Atheist on the streets or in your work place, if they didn’t tell you. I can also point out to you the many self proclaimed Christians that have went right on a head with themselves and lived a VERY sinful life. Heck we all know a few popular preachers don’t we?
The fact of the matter is, if you really want to understand how an Atheist thinks, question yourself on why it is you’re a Christian, what convinces you, then question that until you are to the point you have to have some hard facts to support it. When you are backed into a corner with no proof, question how it is you can still believe? I have done that and the best I can come up with, it’s a feeling in my heart. If another person doesn’t have that feeling, I can’t force them to. It’s the same principle Jesus followed, if they didn’t get it, he moved on. He didn’t rant, he didn’t insult and he didn’t question, he “knocked the dust off his shoes” and went on.
I hoped this has helped answer some of your questions.
@tigrashadow (1086)
• Australia
17 Dec 06
well put sunshine.... you are right...ive never felt a faith as such which is the feeling you would have in your heart....
and it is also true that so many men of the cloth who are supposed to uphold the word of the Lord as such, are the ones committing the most horrible sins themselves...
thanks for a great response ....darn i wish i was more eloquent hehe
@sunshinecup (7871)
17 Dec 06
Thanks, I just hate it when people use God as a way of A) Hearing themselves talk B) To go on a righteous trip or C)in this guys case use it to make money from. If this guy really believes in hell, he has a darn good reason to fear it!
Anyway, just don't let these types represent what having faith is all about. Religion is having peace with your self and others because you see past earthly materials. You have no problems loving others and their differences because we have a creator that in turn loves us just the same and then some. Most of all loves those who do not believe in him. When the time comes, you may feel it. If you don’t, I’m not going to judge you over it.
Take care
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I am not a Athiest, I believe in god. and I am glad that you believe in god. these people that don't believe in god shame on them! God in Love. so if they don't believe in god they must be devils!

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
16 Dec 06
It's actually easier to believe there's a devil (or 1/3 of the angels having rebelled) I mean just look at the world! Plainly things are worked on from both and all sides of issues and disputes, and then they accelerate into crises and war, etc.. That's why so many people believe in a vast conspiracy behind world affairs, and they have it half right. But the conspiracy is spiritual, and not of humans who usually can't even plan out the next month, let alone generations of years :))
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@chunkers (1050)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Not to be contensive here, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that if they don't believe in God, they are the debil! I would, however, say that they MIGHT be influenced by the debil! I don't want people coming down on you for what you said...everyone, right or wrong, is entitled to their own opinion. God will do His work on them in His perfect timing!!
Bless you and thanks for another good thread!

@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
16 Dec 06
Hello, Well there is nothing wrong with asking for proof, and not all atheists are asking... for proof... Too. But many people who have others trying to testify them, would rather a person share a individual real experience instead of sharing Quoted words from the Bible, the Qu'ran, Vedas, etc. Most would rather hear a personal experience of why you believe in G-d...
Now, I believe. I have experience of G-d as one Being, and Many Being, as One form, as Energy, and even as the void...
Truth is, I could share my experiences, Belieable and Unbelievable, but many want to experience for themselves, If there is a G-d, they want their proof that he/she/em exists....
As no one wants to be worshipping a lie, or living a lie, and for those who believe they believe out or truth, and for those who do not believe. They either have never saw proof of the truth, or they have not expeienced, not searched, or really do not care, and are busy with other things, and morely care about living out of their principle values and purposes more then out of the living a way Cause G-d said so..:) ...
I went from Christianity, to Satanism. To Atheist to Devil Worship to Christian to Heinzist....
I have experined Good and Bad in ways that I did not even believe at first. I thought I had schizophrenia to be honest, until things happened that proved me this is real. Signs that I and others could not deny.
I live for Spirit, and I live for myself, and I live for others. Spirit is the word I choose for G-d.......
I do not believe you are stirring things up to much. But just as people want proof there is something, people want prove there is not something, but until you have truely experienced you will be living on faith, however no one wants to live on 100% blind faith, and Even the books people misunderstand G-d wants us to seek and Question, and live our lives as best as we can... doing what we believe is right, acting our own knowledge understanding and growth. Some People are Meant to live lives aware of G-d at all times, Others are not Meant to be aware, as for some just the thought of some Being they could never meet or understand watching them at all times, maybe a bit nerve wracking! ..... I know on my path with the spirits, Ghosts, Angels, Nature spirits, Demons, And things I can not define or describe being aware of them, and being so sensitive to it all can just be totally overwhelming, and to a person who has never been aware of experienced will be quick to throw the lable "Mentally ill" on those of us who do. Meanwhilse just as many people who have experienced quick to throw the lables "stubborn" on those who have never experienced. It is not that they are stubborn it is they have a right to question, and I learned people will shout "prove it" to you in all religions. I am ordained as a minister if I meet another minister they tend to want to quiz me to decide if I am a real minister or not, meet another psychic if they do not sense it right away may dismiss me as non psychic! lol ... Meet another Shaman who is not of the same tradition or culture as another Shaman will be quick to say the other Shaman is not one because they are not of their tradition... And all of these people will ask for some type of proof or validation.... and there is nothing wrong with people wanting their validation, their proof just as anyone who is confronted by police officers would like to see their badge or property authority...:) To bad that it is not that Simple. He G-d Show me your badge in the clouds? Please I would love to see it! lol... Don't worry if you are an Atheist and Truely want to believe, if you gone through life non believing. Don't worry G-d will not send you to tell like people say, G-d is willing to meet you at the end if you would like.:), or to allow you the permanent sleep you wish...
Things are so awesome it is hard to imagine and prove, until a person has experienced for themselves there will be doubt, and even me I been hit by lightning, I have seen Ghosts, Spirits, and Even Saw God form in the clouds, and men form out of lightning bolts, and have learned to work with the weather spirits, and done things that are unbelieavle even with all my wonderful experiences dramatically way out there.. I admit. I still at time myself yell Prove it! ... Prove that I am not imagining this! Doubt is part of human nature, does not matter there will be times we will have some doubt, and it is never wrong to question or ask for prove, and to anyone who believes.. There is nothing wrong with Saying I don't know. or I disagree. Knowing what you have experienced is something to treasure, People will experience and know when the time is right never be afraid to Share, person experiences with those truely seeking or prayer with them. I personally have prayed with many and invited them into my own personal circle, and I watched their eyes light up with amazement as the Spirits I worked with open their site to the unseen, It is an awesome experience. I however, vowed on my path to never force one to see who does not truely want to. For those who want to just raise your hands and Ask! ...:) It's not the same for all Some they see, others they feel, others they know, others they believe just cause it feels right. Others they do not see believe or know, and there is nothing wrong with this either.
Take Care, There is a place for both the believers and Unbelievers Unbelievers are good people too and should be treated with love care and respect, not treated with the Fear, Hatred, and prejudice that some will try to do. After all All paths Teach us to love eachother if that was not so. There would be No Golden Rule.
- DNatureofDTrain
@thisismyname (55)
• Australia
17 Dec 06
Everyone knows the Tooth Fairy, Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny aren’t real… or do they? You ask just about any western child if the believe in any of these and chances are the answer will be yes.
Why do children believe in these fanciful creations of humans… its pretty obvious when you think about it… it’s because it’s what their parents and the masses of adults out there tell their children. The reason children believe their parents and other adults is because they don’t know any better and a child sees their adults as authority figures.
As we get older, generally, we come to learn to accept that Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy are not real and in fact were lies spread my a majority adults. They don’t exist because they exist; they exist because the majority of adults tell their children they exist, completely made up.
The same is true about God, any God. It’s fair to say a majority of the adult population believes in a higher power of some form. I have no doubt a higher being exists, but not because they exist, but because its what we’ve been told for generation after generation, God is great, God did this, God did that. God created this Earth for benefit of man etc; this is completely untrue… God is a creation of man, just like Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny.
In much the same way a child sees their parents as authority figures, for centuries people have seen religion as a form of authority figure and as such people have blindly believed what ever the religion of the day has said to be infallible and follow what religion says to do. Surely now you can see the link between Father Christmas and God (any god)… its crystal clear… if you cant see the connection then you have been blinded by faith.
As a final point I would like to say if the Earth was created for the benefit of man… why do fish have bones
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@tigrashadow (1086)
• Australia
17 Dec 06
hahah i still find that so amusing and true...
wonder how many people will get it....
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I agree with you on this one, Chunkers. I really don't understand how the evolutionists come up with this theory. If we evolved from monkies, why are there still monkies out there. Why didn't they evolve? Slow learners? And why aren't we seeing other things evolve? I think maybe our ancestors may have looked different from us but I don't think they were anything but humans. I can't do anything or say anything to change their minds I'm sure but they can't change mine either. Besides if you have to have proof then your faith is worthless. You get your proof when you come to know God and develop a relationship with Him.

@waterdragon (13)
• United States
17 Dec 06
The good news is, even if a person does not believe in God, God always believes in all his children. God's existence is not dependent upon our belief, nor is God's ineffable love, forgiveness and compassion.
On the subject of evolution vs. creation -- I see no real conflict, as the "days" of creation could have been each a million years -- There is strong scientific proof that evolution did/does occur, but that does not contradict God's creation -- at least, that's my opinion.
The God I know is not one to be feared, not one who punishes people for ignorance, and not one who turns his back on his own creation -- that just makes no sense for a God who is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving and all-forgiving. I think people have anthropomorphosized God -- ascribing to God human values and mistakes -- God remains unchanged, nevertheless. If God is everywhere, everywhen, then God is truly All That Is -- we are part of All That Is, right now, and can NEVER be separated from it, no matter what we think.
Thanks for listening -- you don't have to agree. Again, thanks for listening. Peace!