Family pics with ex???

United States
December 16, 2006 11:00pm CST
Ok here's something thats really bothering me. The other day my honey called me and said he needed my opinion about something. His ex, the mother of his daughter, called him and asked him to go get family pics done with her and their daughter. He asked what I thought. I told him it was ok by me, but really, it bothered me a lot. I also did tell him that I would feel a little better if it was only pics of him with his daughter, and pics of his ex with their daughter. What do you think about this? Do you think that they should have family pics taken when they are no longer really a family? Or do you agree with me that they should each have pics with just their daughter?? Am I wrong for feeling like this?
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81 responses
@Logodae (31)
• United States
17 Dec 06
They're still both her parents, even if they no longer have a relationship with each other. And I don't think it's asking too much to stand together in a photograph, so she can have a photo of both of them with her.
@linepau1 (188)
• Canada
17 Dec 06
I agree with these two. He has the responsability of being there for his daughter. Be proud of him of living up to that responsability. Some men just don't. A photograph won't ruin your relationship, nor will it rekindle theirs. You are ok for feeling the way you do, I've been there in a different situation, but it's a photograph. Not a marriage for their daughters sake.
• Ireland
17 Dec 06
I have to agree with this comment. It would be nice for the child to have this photograph. The photograph wouldn't bother me. His relationship with the ex is over. The fact that there is a child involved could mean that he might often have to do things with the ex, for example parent teacher meetings in school. How will you feel then? You have to trust him and try to curb the jealous feelings you have. Even if this ex has "ulterior" motives for having the photo done, don't let her see that it gets to you. She will soon get fed up.
• United States
17 Dec 06
Its not the fact of him being a responsible parent. He is that already WITHOUT a photo of the three of them together.
@ozangel82 (753)
• Australia
17 Dec 06
I think that you are looking at it all wrong. I think that the daughter is the most important one here, maybe she would like the photo to have her family in it, not just her dad. If she is too young then perhaps the mum just wants her daughter to have some complete pictures to give her one day. If you trust your man then it shouldn't be an issue.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
17 Dec 06
You have every right to feel jealous or confused, I know that I would be! Does your "honey" and his ex still have a friendly kind of relationship, do they remain on good terms for the sake of their daughter? I don't see anything wrong with them having their photo taken with their daughter, I would imagine that they are only doing it for her sake.
• India
17 Dec 06
me to feel the same thing. I think the growing child's mental state is more important than any jealous feeling which the adult should be able to make him/her understand themselves. thats why we are called adults
• United States
17 Dec 06
Honestly, No, they don't have a friendly relationship AT ALL. In fact, a few days ago when he went to see his daughter...all was fine for awhile, then he said that they started arguing and that lead to his ex choking him until he could not breathe at all! Right in front of his daughter!!! This is going to be a new discussion Im going to start today.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
17 Dec 06
I agree also. If they have a friendly relationship with each other, then it would be good for the daughter to have both parents in a picture with her. It is not saying that they are in a commited love relationship but in a commited relationship of parenthood. May I ask how old the daughter is?
@kaspyv (1011)
• United States
17 Dec 06
Is it just me or does no one else think that maybe the daughter would like pictures with both her parents and her? If you are secure in your relationship with her father then it shouldn't bother you. Think of his daughter's feelings about this.Your honey did ask how you felt about it so that tells me he is committed to you so if I were you I wouldn't sweat the small stuff.
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@tanaclark (570)
• United States
18 Dec 06
@msqtech (15073)
• United States
18 Dec 06
good point and it is crazy
• United States
6 Jan 07
i would feel the same way you do. their is no reason why they should all 3 be in it because they are not a family anymore. she's just trying to cause problems with you guys. i think it should be him and his daughter and his ex and his daughter. you are not wrong for feeling this i would have told the witch no right off. not with all 3 of you in it.
• United States
7 Jan 07
Thank you so very much for your response. This is no longer an issue I have to deal with for you anyway!
@msqtech (15073)
• United States
18 Dec 06
once ex leave it alone // you should move on and not be called back into it
@isasice (2015)
• Iceland
7 Jan 07
I understand your concerns but try to think of it from his daughters point of view. A picture of her with both of her biological parents can be very valuable to her when she's older. Think of it as a picture for her, not for his ex. I know it doesn't matter now since you are breaking up but for others in this situation, remember that sometimes we need to think about the rights of our children and what they might want in the future.
@krysy1982 (1041)
• United States
18 Dec 06
no you are not wrong for feeling that way. I would of said something too! You need to talk to him. Tell him how you felt about it.
• China
17 Dec 06
You are a lot more lenient on this than I would be. I would have told him that it made me feel uncomforable from the get-go and never would have said it was okay. Why does his ex need "family" pictures with him? They aren't a family. period. It is certainly okay to be in his daughters life, and he should be. But it sounds like his ex is really trying to pull him into her life a little too much. I'd keep those boundries drawn or you are going to run into a world of problems through your relationship with him.
• United States
17 Dec 06
I agree that yes, he should definately be in his daughter's life. And, I press this issue a lot. I MAKE him call her when he wants his daughter, he doesnt even like to talk to her on the phone because all she does is make him feel like dirt. I MAKE him go to her house and spend time with his daughter, and he HATES this. Not spending time with his daughter, but the forced interaction with his ex.
• United States
18 Dec 06
You are not wrong to feel that way. I would have never gotten a family picture done with my ex. Your no longer a family. If It were me I would have told my husband to take his daughter and have their own pictures taken. His ex could take her own. My husband would never do that with his ex either.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
17 Dec 06
It doesn't sound right to me. They should have separate photos taken. Or go the extreme and include both new spouses as well (the child's step parents), but that would only work if both have remarried. And that's a bit extreme. I don't think he should have pictures taken with just the three of them. Though they are still, technically, a family (mother, father, daughter), they are a family divided. So, the pictures should be divided.
• United States
17 Dec 06
So Im ok for feeling this way? Thanks for your response. I feel exactly that way.
@snakeyes (569)
• India
18 Dec 06
I think you ae quite right to be worried, their is no reason for your husband to go for a family picture with his ex because they ae no longer a family,it is okay if they took pictures with their daughter's seperately but taking picture with all of them is a bit out of proposion.
@foosje (41)
• Belgium
17 Dec 06
My idea of a family picture is to have a picture of the family, so really I think if he's no part of the family anymore, he shouldn't be in the picture. Let them just take pictures of their daughter and them seperately. It's not use to have a family pictures this way. Or they should involve the new partners too, but that might be a little too extreme I suppose.
@cloud9 (176)
• Philippines
17 Dec 06
For me it's just a picture and nothing more. Just trust your honey and think that what he had with his ex-wife is already in the past. You should have told him that you don't agree with them taking the family picture if you really feel uncomfortable.
@Aali311 (6112)
• United States
18 Dec 06
They are not a family anymore, I don't think they should have family pictures together, you are right about feeling the way you do and you should tell your guy. It's not right to lie about a family that doesn't not exist anymore.
@innechen (1318)
• Indonesia
18 Dec 06
family pic - family pic
i understand how u feel, and its not wrong to feel bothered, however u've made the right decision by allowing him to take a family pic.lets just think thats its for his daughter.every kids must be always wanted a complete family pic with their mom n that u have let him do that its prove that u're not selfis and also think the good for his daughter:)
@SViswan (12051)
• India
18 Dec 06
I don't think it's right. If they aren't a family anymore, what point is there in taking a family pic? Your partner is the girl's father and that can't change. He can have pictures taken with her. But the girl's mother is no longer his wife. So, no point taking pictures with her...unless she's a friend and it's casual group pictures with her. And if it bothers you so much, he should be able to respect that. Tell him frankly that it bothers you and you can't stand the idea of him having pictures taken along with his ex.
@jfeets726 (775)
• United States
18 Dec 06
I also think that it is a little bit weird. I can tell that a lot of others also feel the same way. After couples split up, even when children are born, families tend to go their separate ways. My parents are divorced, but they were both their for my daughter’s birth and they both came to her birthday party, but besides that they both live their separate lives. In fact, I personally find this kind of funny, but it goes to show that most others would feel the same way as you. My family, when I was about seven and my brother was four got our family pictures taken. My grandmother, which is my mom’s mom, ordered this huge one to be displayed in our home. After my parents spilt, my grandmother took it. I had to get some stuff out her basement. I saw the picture one day and commented that it was kind of cool to see it again. Anyways, the next day my dad was coming to help me move stuff and the picture was gone. My grandmother got rid of it before he came. She said that everyone has already moved on and she didn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable.
• United States
18 Dec 06
no your not wrong for feeling the way you do.they should take seprate pictures with their daughter but not together if they are no longer a couple that would be giving off the wrong inpression.
• Canada
18 Dec 06
they may be seperated but they are still both the parents of the little girl. so in her eyes they still are a family. so maybe the ex is doing it for her to show her no matter what they are a family. it may not be good in some peoples books but i think if you were married the kid would want pics with you in them to just so when she gets older she can look back at ev1