Paranormal Theory
By linepau1
@linepau1 (188)
December 17, 2006 4:49pm CST
Across the globe we have heard stories of ghostly hauntings in everything from wells to houses, and even shocking tales of humans with amazing abilities.
What do you think of these? Are you a believer or a skeptic? What are your theories?
As a believer I feel ghosts are nothing more than what many religious believers may call demons or Daemons. These are not creatures you would see in Buffy or Angel, but creatures from a hell sort of place, maybe literally hell.
These people with these abilities are quite common now. Whether you know it or not if you bring up the topic in a forum you will most definetly get many replies from those who are no longer afraid to say they can do certain things. I believe that this is something anyone can do. Our brains, maybe even our souls allow us to bring forth these abilities, especially stronger as a young child. As we grow older we are told that these things don't exist so we begin to forget them and believe we were children with huge imaginations.
Compare it to a child in school. Give him an art class and he will paint you a wonderful picture of you and him holding hands in front of a very 2D yellow house with a grass green roof and purple grass. He may later grow up to be an amazing artist. Give him a social studies course and he will become bored, lose attention, lower his grades and just not care.
Wanting these abilities is the first step into keeping them. You have to know you want them and to know almost 100% that you can do what you want to do with them. If it's turned into something boring ad stupid, even fake, you lose interested and no longer believe. You have to want to learn it.
What are your thoughts? All I ask of you is to keep it polite nd if you do not agree, please keep it clean and don't be stupid.
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9 responses
@shiboleth (270)
• Canada
17 Dec 06
I think people shouldn't mess with things like that. I think they are asking for trouble. God does not want us messing with things that we don't understand.
@linepau1 (188)
• Canada
17 Dec 06
As a believer in God myself I think that if we have these abilities he wouldn't give them to us so we couldn't use them. God gave us choice yes, but he also gave us many other things. Artistic ability, singing talents, a brain for math or technology. It's there for a reason.
Humans have the habit of trying to understand what we do not. It's how you sit at your computer and comment to me now.
Thank you for the response =)
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@BobbyTMathew (164)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I agree. Humans have the ability to percieve other realities. How many of you have heard of a practice called "Astral Projection" or "Cloud Walking". It is basically a self induced out-of-body experience. What do you experience when out of body? You experience a reality that is more vivid and real than what you percieve in the physical world. I, myself, have done this about ten times in my life. There are people that have done this for a living. Here are there authors who write about these kind of experiences.
-Robert Bruce
-Robert Peterson
-Robert Monroe
-William Buhlman
@linepau1 (188)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
Astral Projection is something I'm very familiar with. I've never managed it, but I hear it's common in our sleep, maybe even the reason for dreaming. You have my congrats for managing it though. Actually attempting AP tends to be difficult, but I guess an open mind always helps.
@itsjustmeb (1212)
• Canada
18 Dec 06
I don't think people should be allowed to mess with the paranormal... leave them be, they aren't bothering anyone!
@linepau1 (188)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
As mentioned, something such as possession, if it truly exists, should be delt with if it really is possible. I'm sure the possessed victum would greatly appreciate it.
Although with something such as ghosts it's just natural that the unknown fasinates us. There is also the possability that maybe we help them somehow by interfering. How we should help them I really don't know, but that's why we call it the unknown.
@kendrah101 (94)
• United States
18 Dec 06
altho i havent had any experiences, im a believer. 100% believer. witches and ghosts are my interests.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 Dec 06
i am a believer in the theory that we use maybe 10 percent of our brains capacity in our life time. With this in mind it is clear that the other 90 percent is there for something, maybe this communication between man and spirit is part of this potential leaking through. Maybe this is why some of us see spirit, others talk to spirit while yet others seem to have an innate sense of the future and precognition
@gau_veldt (63)
• Canada
17 Dec 06
Hmm... there's almost two topics in there because the comparison to the child learning art could be a complete discussion of its own...
Myself also being a believer yeah the "ghost" thing is a demonic presence. There's more to it though. These demons exist in the "principality of the air". The Bible talks of a war of principalities, namely the principality of light (God) versus the principality of the air (Satan).
Hell is described in the Bible as a holding place for demons that have been cast away and sent there by God (when asked to by any of his children in His son's name).
The problem is there are a lot of demons. One third of the angels sided with Lucifer to become these demons after Lucifer rose up against God. There are a lot of Angels in Heaven so one third of that is still a really large number. They literally float about the air and harass people and encourage them to do not so nice things or bombard their minds with not-so-nice thoughts.
I'm totally not skeptic about the presence of demonic evil in the principality of the air.
Now the ablities thing... We wouldn't have them if God didn't first allow them.
@linepau1 (188)
• Canada
17 Dec 06
It's easily said that there are a lot of demons. Look at the world today. we are so pathetically tempted into doing wrong. I understand how demons would be casted away and all that sort of thing. My friends and I have had, or at least tried to rid of many demons in my old house to many times to count and the same thing always came back, or at least what seemed to be the same thing.
We had this one spot in my house where standing there made you dizzy, almost, or even to the point where the person fell over. We never did find out how to stop or fix the problem if it were just something such as mold or an air vent. There was none of that around our basement. Or that spot anyways.
If there is a God, which I do believe there is, I think he had to have allowed for them. Just because they are dangerous does no mean they can't be used for good, or that people don't use them for good at all. Do you think things such as pyrokinesis and hydrokinesis, even something so simple as telepathy are just over the top though? (manipulation of fire or water, and then of course ability to read minds).
@gau_veldt (63)
• Canada
18 Dec 06
I've never seen actual telepathy, hydrokinesis or pyrokinesis that isn't an elaborate illusionist stunt so I wouldn't know. Jesus did walk on water though.
@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I don't believe any of this exist within every person. I don't doubt others can see these things. I just don't believe everyone can. I personally never want to so I don't allow my mind to go to that higher level of intelligence. Some of it is probably very real for the person experiencing it. I compare it to a schizophrentic person. They believe what they see or hear is real where as I do not see and hear what they do.
@bryelee (451)
• United States
18 Dec 06
I do believe that we all have spirits, when we die our spirits live on. I have seen ghosts, smelled a perfume then it was gonbe misteriesly, I have heard my oldest daughetr speak 2X becasue she actually said anything. I think I am a senistive persona dn I can usually pick up on things.