The filter's the best part. That's where they put the heroin.
By fazlyawi
@fazlyawi (95)
December 17, 2006 11:18pm CST
I had my first cigarette when I was about 12. I rifled through my grandfather's ashtray to find one that was mostly intact. We were at my grandparent's house for the holidays and I wanted to give it a try.
I snuck to the side of the house with a couple of stick matches and the half snubbed butt. Lighting it, I puffed tentatively on the end. I didn't know what the f**k I was doing, and didn't inhale. The taste was bad and I was scared that I was going to get caught by another member of my family, so after a couple of pseudo drags, I ground it out and fled for the bathroom. I gargled mouthwash and doused myself with some stank perfume, then shook like a leaf in fear of being accused of smoking.
It wasn't until I was 17 that I started smoking "for real." It was then that I learned to actually inhale and it took me some time to get used to it. Almost all of my friends were smokers and being Navy brats, most of their parents were smokers as well. I learned that I could blame the smell on being at their homes and my mom believed me.
I took to smoking like the proverbial duck to water. I liked smoking. I liked that I was doing something that my mother had beaten into my head not to do. I liked the headrush that it gave me when I did. I liked having something to bond with other people over. I liked the concept of smoking.
I smoked steadily from 17 to 22. It was then that I was first living on my own. After a year of trying to figure out how to juggle my expenses, I realized that the quickest way to save myself a chunk of change was to stop smoking.
It wasn't hard. I am hard headed and stubborn. When I decide to do something, I do it. So I quit cold turkey. I didn't buy any cigarettes and I didn't really have any strong cravings. I just convinced myself that I didn't want to smoke anymore.
I would allow myself the occasional stick at a party or bar; that old "social smoking" stand-by. It was only one or two, and only if I had a drink in my hand. I cruised along like this for a couple of years. A few months before my 25th birthday, I picked up the habit again. There was tension at work and tension within my internal emotions, so I fell back on the one thing that had always been true to me: tobacco.
For those of you who have never smoked, you couldn't possibly understand that an addiction to smoking is more a psychological thing than anything else. The effects of nicotine on the brain and the calming effect on the nerves. Smoking is soothing when you're stressed.
I discovered that I was pregnant with Midget shortly after picking up the habit again and promptly dropped it. There was no way that I was going to poison someone without their permission. It wasn't a problem for me. I quit cold turkey again, except this time there was no occasional butt at a party.
When I started the job that I work at now, right around the time that Midget turned 2, I started smoking again out of stress. It's been about 4 years since then. I've had a 4 months patch where I quit cold turkey, but for the most part, I've firmly settled into being a smoker again.
I was asked recently why I smoke. I started to throw out the usual defenses, about it being calming when I'm stressed, etc… but the truth didn't lie in that. I don't know if it ever has. I have an oral fixation. Even when I'm not smoking, I'm always sticking things in my mouth. I smoke because I LIKE to smoke.
I like lighting a cigarette. I like inhaling and exhaling with precision. I like the headrush. I like the act of smoking in and of itself.
Do I like that it makes all of my clothes stinky? No. Do I like that it makes me feel horrible when I'm sick? No. Do I like that it costs me money that I could possibly be putting toward something else? Of course not.
But I feel no guilt about liking to smoke. I won't justify it any more than that. I just like it.
There will come a time when I quit again and the next time could be the cataclysmic last time. I would be willing to quit for someone that I loved. I would be willing to quit if Midget ever walked up to me and asked me to. I know that the normal line of thinking is that you need to quit for yourself or the success rate is much lower. I believe the opposite.
For now, I shall sit outside and suck down some cancer before heading in to write. I shall use it as an excuse to get away from obnoxious people that I can't stand because I know they hate smoke. I shall do it to annoy the activists who scream that I shouldn't.
I shall smoke because I damn well WANT to.
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26 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
18 Dec 06
Yes, I think the activists have gone nutz. Let them clean up their own lives, and leave others alone. I find nothing wrong with a smoking section when I go out to eat. Though taverns do get a little smoke laden if there isn't good ventilation.. but hey, I say get the ventilation! If they must prohibit it in public, they should darn well stay out of people's rights in their own homes, cars, and the outdoors! Good grief, they need to get a life!
@itsjustmeb (1212)
• Canada
18 Dec 06
I don't smoke, I had a cig popped in my mouth at the age of four by my mothers boyfriend... I know it wasn't the nicest thing in the world to do to a child, but it worked for me :)
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
18 Dec 06
Hello fazlyawi . I find your post most interesting. It has described the way I feel about smoking. I tried it when I was about 18 or 19 but couldn't see any value in it bcause I ddid't know how to inhale. Din't think about it again until I was 33 and seriously thinking about a devorice. Started to calm my nerves. smoked until about 2 1/2 months ago. Had been thinking about quiting for 6 or 7 years. I used to get mad whenever some one would talk abot how bad it was for and all that stuff. It still makes me mmad because we know how bad it is for us. we'er not stupid. There are times that if there was a cigrette around I would smoke it. They really are calming. You almost tempt me to go get some. but Iv'e come this far so I won't do it. Yhank you for such a good job of describing what smoking is about. good luck for when you decide to quit.
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@spangles94 (546)
• United States
18 Dec 06
yes i think thats what it really biols down too we smoke cause want too and when we dont want to we dont , i do know the addiction thing but like every addiction it can be broken if you really wanna stop, im not gonna tell ppl i smoke cause im addicted i tell them that this is what i wanna do its my life if they dont wanna smoke then they dont have to im not forcing them to smoke , i dont smoke around other smokers so they cant blame that on me lol, and i like my best joke by saying imactually saving ppls lives because i smoke i know alot of ppl that have been saved from my wrath because i had a smoke , so in a way im helpin right ??LOL
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@josan181237 (1204)
• Philippines
18 Dec 06
I don't smoke and I don't plan to because I know it will become an addiction. If you don't want Midget to smoke then you should stop smoking. Don't wait for her to approach you and ask you to stop.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
18 Dec 06
What the Hell is wrong with you? Do you want to kill yourself? Is that it? You need a doctor. You need a psychologist. Your life cannot be all the bad. You know what, get over yourself and grow up. Take some responsibility for your actions and quit blaming the world for your problems. If you want to f**k up your life, go ahead, but do not put others in the middle of your s**t.

@sororravn (448)
• United States
18 Dec 06
It does not seem that they are blaming others for their smoking. It looks to me that this person has already taken responsibility for their actions. They said that they smoke because they like to - I don't see how that is blaming others for your problems. Could you clarify that?
@ability (692)
• China
19 Dec 06
This comprehensive article covers all aspects of analog filters. It first addresses the basic types like first and second order filters, highpass and lowpass filters, notch and allpass filters and high order filters. It then goes on to explain the characteristics of the different implementations such as Butterworth filters, Chebychev filters, Bessel filters, Elliptic filters, State-variable filters, and Switched-capacitor filters.
Ease of use makes integrated, switched-capacitor filters attractive for many new applications. This article helps you prepare for such designs by describing the filter products and explaining the concepts that govern their operation.
Starting with a simple integrator, we first develop an intuitive approach to active filters in general and then introduce practical realizations such as the state-variable filter and its implementation in switched-capacitor form. Specific integrated filters mentioned include Maxim's MAX7400 family of higher-order switched-capacitor filters.
@raeleighb (384)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I just have a quick question for you. You said you didnt want to poison somebody without ther permission, but dont you realize you do that everytime you smoke in public or around your kid?
@bertus_magnus (329)
• Philippines
18 Dec 06
i dont get smoking. just the smell of it makes my head ache. though i know about the addictive effects of nicotine and stuff, and i also know about the different factors that lead to smoking, but i still dont get why people do it even if they know it will kill them. is the surgeon general's warning not easy enough to understand? smoking is dangerous to your health, smoking causes cancer!
about doing what you want because it's your right to do what you want, think about the people who dont smoke but inhale the vile air that you breath out? does killing other people fall under your rights too? think about your so called right to smoke when you're bed ridden and dying at age 35.
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@jagdishrajan (189)
• India
18 Dec 06
Smoking and for that matter any habit is okay if one can afford it and have the self control to quit whenever you would want to. Let the vices be your slave rather thna you being a slave to it.
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@guitarkidwr (224)
• United States
18 Dec 06
You really shouldn't smoke. You also shouldn't have hidden it from your parents.
@classmates2006 (32)
• India
18 Dec 06
hei i just don't like this idea of smoking..why do people want to do this when they are really aware of all the bad things that bring to your physical health as well as your mental health..
you know my dad was a chain smoker and i have lost him because all these made severe damage to his body and he is no more..Now my mother,brother and myself is struggling to live..
The people who does such things are geting some pleaure and they just dont bother how it is affecting other people's life directly or indirectly.It's a proven fact that passive smoking is the most dangerous problem than active smoking.The people around you are forced to inhale these bad smoke eventhough they hate it so badly.That loved ones maybe your children,wife,husband..whoever it maybe....Why do you wanna hurt them?..
I appreciate that you are able to leave the idea atleast for somtime..that proves that you can surely give it up if u want.But most of the people who start smoking are not able to give up this habbit.They will just get addicted and put into a trap.
In my case no one can understand a girl's feeling who is been alone without a dad in this younger age itself.My mother alone cant look after me and do everything for me.She is depressed.
Just think wisely...
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@angel_manders (912)
• Canada
18 Dec 06
you knoe i think that you have a strong hold on your point there. its your life if you want to do something like smoke you can damn well do it. i think that people who dont smoke and who are against it have issues because the people who smoke are not out there to hurt anyone but maybe themselves. have a good one.. peace
@sweetieBerry (235)
• Philippines
18 Dec 06
this is very well written...
and it's exact mirror image of how i feel about smoking as well..
you know how when you read someone's work and say, "That's exactly what i wanted to say."
as for me, i started smoking when i was in the 5th grade.
but again, never started inhaling til i was 18. :o)
... i also think that for smokers - there's a little bit of us that wants to look "cool" or be part of the "cool crowd" when we started smoking. i know i did... :o)