Do you think that this show is a bad influence?
By fsustriker
@fsustriker (826)
United States
December 18, 2006 6:33pm CST
I hear from my parents that they have always told me it is a bad influence on me, and my brother. But I do not see how it could be any worse than all the real shows out there that we watch, all the rated R movies, with people killing, mass swearing, and than movies with kids who yell and swear at there parents is alright for me to watch, but when it comes to a cartoon with kids disobeying its over the edge for my mom. Would you let you kids watch Simpsons, or do you think it is a bad show? if you think its bad have you thought of the other stuff you let them watch, is that good or bad? than compare it to the shows you dont let them... Does it make sense? What makes a show bad enough for you to not let your child watch?
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27 responses
@itsjustmeb (1212)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
Oh give me a break.
Shows, music DO NOT make people evil. If you don't have the time to sit down with your kids and explain that movies and music aren't real, then you don't have the right to have kids.
Parenting is ALL about being there for your child, and if you expose them to violent television and movies, BE PREPARED before they watch it. PLain and simple.
I've watched violent movies and such since I was little, and you don't see me running out to blow people up. Its called my mother actually got off her butt and TOLD us, explained TO US that the things in the movies themselves were not real.

@medooley (1873)
• United States
19 Dec 06
You are 100% correct. I watched all the killing movies as a kid... I listened to hard core gangster rap... I played the shoot'em up games on the computer. But I knew the difference between right and wrong, fantasy and reality... and it was my parents who taught me that. If you actually talk to your kids, explain to them how you expect them to act, and displine them when they do not act the way that you want, I bet that your kids will know the difference too.
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@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Yea, I agree, I just thought of this discussion as I sat watching Simpsons, and remembering my mom always yelling at me to turn it off, for she hated the show. So I just wanted to see if other people have the same reactions or if it was just her.

@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
19 Dec 06
My kids watch it almost every day. They are 6, 5 and 4 and they have been watching it daily since my oldest was a baby. We used to curl up at night as a family and watch it. Now when I need to keep them occupied to make dinner I put Simpsons on. It has had no ill-effect on them. They don't act like the characters or talk like them. They know it is just a cartoon and they are not allowed to behave that way. Although one of my oldest daughter's first words was "D'oh", lol.
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@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
lol the D'oh would of been cute to hear, but I agree with you, I dont see how people could over re-act to a show like Simpsons. They are just a hallarious cartoon family. And it ends up that there are a few families that seem to act the same, lol.
@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Well, I remember when the show first started (after it came off the Tracy Ulman show) and parents were outraged that it was in primetime. They wanted it banned and off the TV completely. Almost 20 years later and it comes on after school and is geared towards kids, lol. Of course, I feel they have toned the show down some over the years. My boyfriend in college was not allowed to watch the Simpsons at home. He had never watched it before going to college. His mother was pretty religious.
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@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
lol, I have it the same way at my house. I guess my parents had gotten the same impression from when they first saw it, and just keeping to that impression of the show. I personally think it is funny, and in the top five with futurama, southpark, family guy, and the boondocks

@shawnasie (389)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I think it is an adult cartoon and should not be viewed by children. They imply bad things and there is too much violence. I and my husband watch it every night after the kids go to bed but not while the kids are awake. I am always checking the shows my kids watch and have to make sure my husband doesn't shows that are to violent while the kids are awake since it has given my 2 yr old nightmares.

@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
20 Dec 06
You probably ban the classic cartoons we all grew up with then, too? If you don't then you should because Tom and Jerry, Loony Toons and all of those have much worse violence then Simpsons. I wonder how all of our tender minds survived it all.
@fsustriker (826)
• United States
20 Dec 06
well I think atleast people should go by the tv ratings for the shows. And I know what you meen by 2 yr olds getting nightmares.. pretty much all little kids get some nightmares from some of those shows.

@Centregeek (500)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Watching a tv show doesn't make a child bad. As long as your parents have taught you to respect them you will do so. Most people can use common sense and see the difference between fiction and reality. If a person isn't wise enough to avoid blurring the two together, then I would recommend that they avoid watching tv shows with negative story lines. I wouldn't say that watching the Simpsons would cause you any damage if you keep in mind that the characters are not representing real people.
@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
good point, thats a good answer. Alot of people seem to think that if you just make sure the child knows it is fake, that it is alright, and they wont get any bad habbits. I never thought they would get any. Just curious of what parents thought.
@ecpunzalan (401)
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
anything my son watch I should be there to explain why that show is doing such thing... even if its a nice and non violent show but if the kid doesnt understand it, it will still have a negative effect on them... you can always explain why, and believe me the kids will understand...
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@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I agree with you. Parents are just too lazy nowadays, that they just block shows and channels on there tv, instead of telling them not to watch it, and explain to them why. And than let them make the decission, with consenquences for doing so.
@cajundharma (641)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Actually, I'm a religious education teacher at my church, and we taught a course this summer for our high school youth called "The Gospel According to Homer Simpson". Popular culture has always, throughout history, combined social and political satire with reflection on contemporary morals and values, and the Simpsons does that as well. Whether we like it or not, they're a reflection of the typical american family; we're not perfect and we do things wrong. We make mistakes, we're sometimes selfish and dumb, our children' aren't little angels. But in the end we love one another and we stick together, and along the way we learn some valuable lessons now and then.
I have a kid who is almost ten. I don't let her watch horror movies or anything with a lot of violence. She's a sensitive kid and has nightmares sometimes. I think she's smart enough not to emulate what she sees on TV (bad behavior or whatever), but I don't want her sweet little head filled with violent images that can stay with you for years and years.
I was little, I guess 7 or 8, when the first Friday the 13th came out, and I still remember being so scared of just the commericials that I would run out of the room. So I'll let my kid struggle with issues of right or wrong on tv, but not what is, in my opinion, senseless gore and violence.
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
19 Dec 06
That is true. I think it is great that the Simpsons is being used as an educational tool.
I also limit the horror movies my kids watch. Actually it is the one thing I do not let them watch (well occasionally they watch one with me but I am very picky and don't like really scary or violent ones).
I remember watching Poltergeist when I was like 8 or so and it scared me so bad I couldn't sleep for weeks. To this day I am deathly afraid of clown dolls, lol. But I also remember watching all the Freddy movies when I was a kid with no ill-effects. Every kid is different though. I was just involved in a discussion over the movie Monster House. People are very upset that it was marketed towards kids because it was too scary. Yes the movie was scary but it was a cartoon and my kids understood it was just fake. They loved it even though they got scared. People like to get scared, even kids. One of their favorite games is "boo" where you jump out at them and scare them.
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@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Thats a cool Idea. It prolly got some kids in that normally dont come, since its about homer simpson, and they have something incommon with what you might be talking about there.
@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I always watched the Simpsons as a kid. I realize over the years it has gotten more adult oriented. I love it, but not sure I'd let my kids watch it now. It was so different in the 80's and early 90's! I think a lot of the adult jokes would go over their heads anyhow.
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@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
except those jokes are getting told to younger and younger ages nowadays. But It is better graphics now than it probably was in the 80's.. I have seen some of those old ones.
@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
19 Dec 06
i do believe this shows could have a negative influence on anyone it does not teach anything good other than violence and bad words your parents are right about that.
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I don't know. I think it teaches about family togetherness and triumphing over life. Every always goes wrong with the Simpson family but at the end of the show they are all one big family. They stick together no matter what. There isn't a lot of swearing in the show and they toned down the back talk that Bart does. The violence--it is a cartoon so it is meaningless. It has way less violence then Tom and Jerry or any cartoon produced in the hay-day of cartoons (stuff my parents grew up watching and stuff I watched). And for a teenager--they are old enough to decide on their own. In my opinion the more a parent bans something the more enticing it will be to the kids. That is why so many kids go to their friends' houses to watch "forbidden" shows and never tell Mommy about it.
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@sheryl_bc (35)
19 Dec 06
I like watching Simpsons, I enjoyed it. I don't mind my kids watching it, too. My baby girl is three years old. I am not sure if she understands it yet. But if she does, well, I just have to say that Simpsons is simply a way of showing the kids the fact of life in a cartoon show.
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@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
lol, thats a good way of puting it. It does show most situations that do end up happening in life. And its not like when the kids do misbehave they get away with it, they still get punished.
@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Thats why South Park is rated Mature =) and I love that show personally.. Watch it every night. But thats just my oppinion, and yes it is alot worse than Simpsons.
@shiboleth (270)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I don't mind the Simpsons. It is disrespectful, but it shows a solid family where they stay together and do not cheat and run around. There are better shows out there that are more serious-minded, but at least the Simpsons is a good Christian family.
@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I wouldnt say a good Christian family, its really only Marge. But it isn't full of all the junk like South Parkt "Dont get me wrong, I still love to watch south park.
@msack3889 (102)
• United States
19 Dec 06
No worse than many other shows out there. My kids know that it's just a cartoon, and they only watch it occasionally if we have it on (which isn't too often). I've seen no ill effects--though my daughter saw the episode with Mr. Burns saying "show me looove"...and that freaked her out a bit.
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@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
well as long as it isnt changing her thought, I think its all good. I personally think it is a good show for kids to watch. They could start watching other stuff out there that you have never heard of. Atleast you know what Simpsons is about.
@SerpentsTongue (67)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I think the Simpsons is inappropiate for young children under 14 years old. But I also wouldn't let them watch rated R shows or other shoes with violence, swearing, and disrespect of parents. I am very strict about this. I don't think young impressionable children should be exposed to these things. It is a bad role model for them.
@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Thats a good point, but I think 10 years is when it would start to be ok, and also, thats when they normally get more into cartoons like those ones anyways.
@autenseo (9)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I think that you should take in what your parents say, and not listen to what others may think outside of your family.
I used to watch the Simpsons when I had a T.V. but now I don't. So I wouldn't be concerned with what you can and can't watch, you aren't missing much and if I were you I'd read a book or ride a skateboard or something.
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@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
lol, I do skateboard, but I still watch all the shows, its only my parents that think its bad. I think the older you are, the more you think cartoons are bad. I dont know why, but just because it is a cartoon they think it is 100% worse, but with people in it, its not. I would think it would be worse watching it with actors, since it actually looks real, and cartoons are cartoons.. common.. lol.
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
19 Dec 06
Well a show isnt good or bad
It is just suited for a certain age group
A bad show means that it isnt suitable for a certain age! That can effect them in a long run
So thats what one should be careful about the ratings are for ages A is for adult etc.
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@micheller (1365)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I don't think that the Simpsoms is a bad show. There are way more worst shows out there . These days almost every movie or show you watch has something bad in it.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
19 Dec 06
you know what, my children have watched the simpsons, I watched the simpsons, it funny and great. i think if you let tv babysit your kids and don't explain to them the wrong things then it can be bad. but if you monitor your children while they're watching these things, then it shouldn't be all bad. my son points out things in his cartoons that are bad. he says 'he shouldn't be doing that' or 'thats not nice' and i'm very proud of it because kids have to learn to dertermine the diffence between good and bad even if its in their own cartoons. i wouldn't let my children watch something i think they couldn't understand or i could't explain in a way they would understand.
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@padewy (129)
• United States
19 Dec 06
If people think the simpsons is that badly influencial then they should look at other cartoons that were a lot more violent like Looney Toons and Tom & Jerry. Noone ever said that they were bad for kids yet the violence in those shows is a lot. I think kids are smart enough to distinguish between cartoon happenings and real life people.
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@marymaejazmine83 (470)
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
i think its not bad influence. but dont let them watch too much of it.
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