can anyone who knows about ghosts etc help me with this situation
By lynseyxxx
@lynseyxxx (59)
December 18, 2006 7:27pm CST
When I was 16 (I am now 31) I was staying at my nans house for the weekend, that night when I went to bed with all the lights off, after about 20mins I was still wide awake, when suddenly my whole body became paralysed, I tried shouting for my nan but no sound came out, then all off a sudden it was like someone had grabbed my hair and pulled my head back(I heard my neck crack it was that sudden) and then a huge huge shiver went from the bottom of my feet to my head, and I was able to move again when I looked up there was a blue haze in the air for a couple of seconds and then went.
I never mentioned this to my nan because I did not want to un-nerve her, but I did tell my mum, and she said the exact same thing happened to her at the same age and in the same bedroom.
This has prayed on my mind for years, as I have not got a clue what on earth happened to us, so please anyone who has some knowledge on this subject please help me understand.
P.S all you guys that leave 3 word comments dont bother I am fed up off reading e-mails that say dont know!!!! I will just mark you as negative comment.
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60 responses
@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
19 Dec 06
I have encountered somewhat a similar experience like you did. But not the blue light. That night I couldn't sleep but as soon as my eyes drifted to sleep I felt my body paralyzed and could not move. The panic this was I could see the surroundings of the bedroom but couldn't do anything, not even open my mouth or say anything even a grunt could not escape my mouth. I experience it quite a number of times and at one time I saw a fire burning at the exercising bicycle in the hall while I was actually sleeping at that time. Ghosts are everywhere. This is my suggestion. Try not to sleep on your back flat on the bed. I had practised this and it has reduced the disturbances. So whenever you want to sleep just lay on your sides. Then if you lay on your back when your are already sleeping, it's okay because the crucial time ghosts usually interfere is when the time you are in the first phase of sleeping. i.e. when you first drifting to sleep.
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Dec 06
It sounds as though you have a bad spirit here, lynsey, and firstly, I would cleanse and smudge the house.
Then if that doesn't rid you of the spirit, speak with your local clergy and ask if they might come along and exorcise the spirit.
To cleanse the house, you need a besom broom.. start at the very farthest point from your front door and sweep thoroughly through every room until you reach the front door. Then sweep that spirt right out of the door. When you've done this smudge the whole house, and afterwards, sprinkle black salt along the base of your doorsteps, outside, along all the window ledges outside, upstairs and down, then across fire grates if you have any. This should prevent the spirit and any negative energies from returning. There are other things you could do, but try this first and if you have any further problems, either pm me, or go and talk to your clergy.
I hope this helps. Good luck.

@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Jesus is the answer. There is so much power in His name,and believing in Him. Remember this, the two forces good and evil exist, but the good is the winner. Claim it.
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Dec 06
Margie... your comment is good. However, if Lynsey is not a Christian then it's unfair for you to preach to her. She believes what she believes and you shouldn't try to change that.
Lynsey... if you are comfortable with leaving the light on whilst you sleep, then fair enough, but it could be only a temporary relief. I think I would want to make sure that the spirit was gone forever, and that my daughter wasn't going to experience such a happening again. Could you possibly post the dates in here that the incidents happened, and whether they were significant dates to you? I would be interested to see them, if you're ok with it. :-)
@lynseyxxx (59)
19 Dec 06
I have always felt that there was something there, but after this incident happenend I dont feel uneasy or as though something is there anymore (I still sleep with the lamp on though when me and my daughter visit!!!)
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I had a similar experience 20 years ago. I believe it was satan, as I was paralysed, and could hardly breath. I wanted to call Jesus, but I could not speak. I was being pulled like a piece of gum. It was awful, and I have never forgoten it. Finally, with a lot of effort, I was able to barely whisper Jesus, and I woke up and it was gone. I was in a big sweet, and so scared to go back to bed. Later on, someone told me I was delivered. I don't know, but I certainly did experience a spirit.
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@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
19 Dec 06
well the same thing happened to me when i was a kid too but i did not see any blue haze i was paralysed though luckily for me the only word that wanted to come out of my mouth was JESUS and believe me it did i just kept on shuting his name i believed it was then i realised that name had powers..
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@lynseyxxx (59)
19 Dec 06
It is so frightning when something like this happens as it is the unknown!
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I know how powerful His name is, because I had a simalar situation. I could barely even say His name, and was sufficating from the evil spirit. This is 20 years ago, and I have never forgotten it.
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@mfrancq (1806)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Wow, I never talked about my situation because I didn't want people thinking I was some crazy! I feel better now! i was staying with some friends when I was 17 because my mom had kicked me out of the house. I laid there for a while and then I could feel "hands" clamping down on my ankles, knees, and over my mouth. I too started to call out the Lord's name..the best I could however the grasps just got tighter. It was only when I mustered up all my strength I was able to yell it and the "hands" went away. I got up and read the bible for like an hour and prayed. It has never happened since then. But it was very unnerving.
@wolflvr (335)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Not to say the experience you has was not a ghost I couls offer you a couple scientfic reasons behind what happened. There is something called sleep paralysis. You don't relize you are half asleep half awake. Your brain is awake but your body is not. That is where the paralysis comes in. It is isn't uncommon to halucinate as well. Scientists also believe that people have ghostly or paranormal encounters in certain homes because of EMF exposure. Some homes are built on places that have higher EMF readings than other areas. Areas such as water underground or certain types ofs tones. Prolonged EMF exsposure affects some people more than others. It causes hallucinations from all your senses. Now for the paranormal I have taken courses in ghosthunting and have gottent he chance to speak with a demonologist as well. So I have known people to go into haunted places on purpose for the reason of finding the ghost and have never been seriously hurt. From your description it does not sound to be a bad spirit or inhuman haunt as they are usually called. Since it is unexplained there is no experts on the subject since nothing can be proven. Just remember that you are the one in control. They are on your turf and make sure you tell them that.
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@lynseyxxx (59)
19 Dec 06
See I would normally go for the scientific reason as I am logical thinking, but on this instance I was most definatly wide a wake this is why It has puzzled me so much!
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@mistreated79 (40)
• Singapore
19 Dec 06
Seems like theres an entity in ur nan's house. Not sure if its someone she knows or maybe previous occupant of that house. Why it is 'bothering' you in the middle of the night is probably because of 2 things...
1. that bedroom is its ground
2. you had offended it in some way before that (you know, like peed on it or kick some of its 'belongings' or you might had mentioned something offensive)
There's no particular right ot wrong answer to the theories of what and why it happen but if you keep a strong faith, it'll be ok. I know those stuff fear human cos' they're not a comlpete being like us hence make us more superior than them.
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@lynseyxxx (59)
19 Dec 06
I was petrified at the time, but after the incident it seemed calmer and more serene and I have not felt uneasy or nervous in the bedroom so hopefully it has gone, I took my baby daughter to stay and believe me I warned it to stay away (just incase) The power of motherhood it makes you fearless!!! LOL
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@vinaykiran28 (5149)
• India
19 Dec 06
may you would have had a bad dream.... well if you are thing of ghosts,,,,,,,, then just forget it, may it was an illusion and i feel you need not bother much on that
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
19 Dec 06
i believe that the house your nan lives in has spirits and sometime in life something bad happened to someone in that room of the house so now the spirit is basically haunting the room basically saying that bad things happen to people that are in this room basically it was a warning the spirit may have been trying to protect you and your mom.
@asheshpatel (178)
• India
19 Dec 06
once i was walking in kicthen a night when i was alone ,as i was walking out of kicthen vessels from table fell of about 30 vessels from the table there was no wind out side n the fan was off n vessels were made up of steel no it was not by wind
then i ran outside the house..........
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@sarkar1 (336)
• India
19 Dec 06
I was watching a programme on Discovery channel a few days ago, there explaination of this phenomena was is known as "sleep paralysis" is actually a dream sequence, while dreaming many times the electrical signals which control our muscle movement is inhibited, so we get a sensation that we are paralysed...............the electrical signals are inhibited so that we may not cause our self an injury, while imitating the actons that occur in the dream.
In that programme , they said that this phenomena is not very common but it does occur regularly, among masses of people. There is nothing abnormal about it!
So my friend, you do not need to worry, it is just a natural phenomena. Ghosts do not exist!
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
19 Dec 06
I used to see a light of figure opposite to our old house's wall. The good thing is that it never scared me, but it gave me a lot of peace and happiness whenever I see during the night. Whenever I feel lonely it made me feel like some friend is there watching me. I felt from that day there are lots of friendly spirits in the world that are there to help us.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I'm so thankful that has never happened to me. You should research the house. See who lived there before your Nan, and if so. What happened to them. That bedroom is a hot spot. You can do things to get rid of it. But before you do, you have to find out what it is. Spirit or a demon. Either way, this thing isn't good.
Ask your Nan, if she knows anything about the previous owners. You don't have to tell her what happened, unless she brings it up. Because she's lived there for a long time, so she might not believe your story.
I watch the show A Haunting on the Discovery Channel every Thursday. It's taken from accounts of real people's stories.
Good Luck with this. You can ask God to protect you from this. That's what I do after I had problems in my last house.
@graphixgen (32)
• India
19 Dec 06
the best way wud b 2 know the exact history of that house,, i suppose yr nanny is the best person to be approached at the very first.. i think she will have some clue or who knows may be she have had the same experience & she must be keeping it away from u & yr mother, like u did.. psychics (i cant remember how to spell it) cud b of great help just make sure u r not cheated.
@menaku (25)
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
the same thing happened to me one year ago and not just me but my sister as well.... it seems like somebody was on top of us pressing us down.. i also tried shouting but no word came out and you know what i did? in my mind i kept cursing because according to legends they don;t like to be cursed
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Well, I'd have to say there was an unfriendly entity, or what I would personally think of as a fallen (rebel) angel, a demon. This being gripped your hair and made you paralysed. The good news is I think the blue was the wave which went up from your feet, and was an angel (one of the 2/3's faithful angels) sent to you, or rather the angel touched your feet and released you from the other's grip. I don't think you have anything to worry about again from the entity. But I wouldn't stay in that room again or try to conjure it or anything, which I feel quite sure you wouldn't do anyway! If you ever did experience it again, prayer would be the thing :))
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
19 Dec 06
If you have to sleep in the room, don't worry, I really do feel the angel took care of it. Maybe when daughter is that though, douse room with prayers :)) I wonder if something bad/evil ever happend in that room to a female, at that age?
@lynseyxxx (59)
20 Dec 06
I really believe what you are saying here, because when a shiver went through me, I instantly felt at ease and felt a kind of serenity which I think only a guardian angel can make you feel like that after encountering something so terrifying, and as I said earlier in a comment when I go to see my nan now I dont have jittery feelings anymore..
@lynseyxxx (59)
20 Dec 06
As to your other comment I really believe from the way I felt at the time it was happening, that something happened to a young women and from the feelings I got it was a male most definatley but I cant explain why I know this
@vhenwood (1061)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Wow . . that's kinda creepy!! I really have no helpful advice, but soemthing of the sorts happened to me once when I was younger. I was sitting in my grandpa's recliner when all of a sudden it felt as if I was being pinned down and I could not get up! It lasted about 2 or 3 mintues. Only happened that one time though. I really hope you get someone who helps you figure all this out. I'm going to follow this discussion in hope of some good words :)
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@jewel76 (2305)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
It could be a ghost...or it could be what they call sleep paralysis, where the brain wakes up before the body, leaving the body paralyzed, and you,unable to speak or scream. You're half awake,sometimes seeing your dream, mixed up with your real surroundings. I suffer from sleep paralysis, have been for almost 5 yrs now, and it is very scary, although said to not be dangerous. Once, i was sleeping and dreaming of a blonde little girl. She had long nice hair and was wearing her pajamas. Then i woke up, unable to move or speak or scream, i was glued to my bed, and there was like a pressure on me, and i saw the little girl, for a fraction of a second, in front of my wardrobe door. I was so scared, unable to fall back asleep. I then found out it was sleep paralysis.

@lynseyxxx (59)
19 Dec 06
I know for definate I had not been to sleep, If I had woken I would definatly put it down to sleep paralysis, but it is not the case, I am sceptical about certain things but this instance is totally unexplainable in my eyes

@vssornavel (978)
• India
20 Dec 06
such a strange experience . can u come that house and the room after that experience .
@lynseyxxx (59)
20 Dec 06
Yes I can it happened along time ago now, but even after I tried not to show fear, if it ever happened again I am older and wiser and I will fight it
@adolfhitler (42)
• India
19 Dec 06
well if the same thing again happens just utter 'hanuman'.believe me the ghost will just flee.
@emilieespino (963)
• Philippines
20 Dec 06
First, I would say that perhaps a spirit was trying to enter your body. If that happens again, here is what you should do. When you suddenly wake up and feel paralyzed, you definitely would not be able to move any part of your body nor talk and shout for help. The thing is you have to calm down. If you panic, you will just aggravate the situation and such things could happen like you passing out and the spirit would have control over your body; you could even have a cardiac arrest because of too much fear. You must relax mentally and physically and try moving your big toe. It is the first and only part of your body which you can move first. If you are able to do that then the other parts will now be in your control. Try not to open your eyes because you might just see something which could aggravate your situation and fear. The spirit does really want you to pass out. Try also saying your full name in your mind, to help you remember who you are. You must also say "in Jesus Christ's name I command you to move out of my body". Lastly, try to find out the history of the house and the room. It surely has a history. Try also requesting for a priest to bless the place. But don't bother telling the priest about your experiences. Have a nice day and God bless. I hope this helps you.
@lynseyxxx (59)
20 Dec 06
Thankyou for this comment and I think this is very constuctive advice and am sure it will help a lot of people on here that have had similar experiences and to which I have found a lot there is definatley something out there that is very sinister but I also believe that some cases are sleep paraysis, in my case I had not been to sleep and was wide awake planning the next day which to me rules out sleep paralysis plus I am usually sceptical but this is to me unexplainable in scientific terms