Need Advice on My Marriage!
By wwjdn2007
@wwjdn2007 (231)
United States
December 19, 2006 11:57am CST
I know this may seem crazy but I rather advice from people who don't know me. Well, I have been married for 5yrs, i don't believe in divorce unless the person cheats. When my husband was in the Army he cheated. We were separated after he came back from Iraq because he had a girl friend. I told him and God i would never take him back unless I felt he could love me the way God commanded a man to love his wife. Okay so we ended up getting back together, he got saved, doesn't cheat, but now there are things that just turn me off about him now.
It's sad to say but it is true. I love him but just some times not with passion. He is the father to my 4yr old girl. I want to tell him the things he do turns me off.
The List:
•He plays video games most of the day (W.O.W)
•He acts like a kid
•His brothers 17,18 lives with use and I can't stand it. They don't clean up, they argue all the time.
(we never got the chance to fix our marriage because his family is always living with us, He don't get it!)
•He goes to school and don't work (no part-time job)
he's Lazy now after the army.
•Our bills are stacking up because we can't afford to take care of his brother and his game palying
I just want:
•Someone who will read the bible with me
•Pray with me
•A Hard worker
•Someone who Loves God with all his mind heart and soul
•Knows how to love.
maybe if I used this I just want list before i got married maybe I would not have gotten married to him so young. We were not equally yoke to start and God warns us of that.
I need help, do i tell him what I want out of a husband; do we get a divorce since he did cheat before; Don't say anything and just hope he changes?
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74 responses
@cyberserd (28)
• India
20 Dec 06
It seems that u r not at all happy with teh situation at the moment. And it seems that u didnot have a chance to talk things out also with ur thsi case I can advise...tlak it with ur sort things out....and u can also tell him that...u want some scurity for ur daughter..and need to do some financial planning...if he still behaves in that odd that case..if u feel that u can stand on ur own and secure urself...then please proceed in that manner...I know it can be tough...but for some ones good....some sacrifices have to be made ..
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@BulletsMama (221)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I for one could not forgive cheating in my marriage ~ it would be over.
First, I don't think you have truly forgiven him for the cheating.
Second...was your husband all of the list you posted as wants before this all happened?
Third...the brothers have to can't have a healthy marriage right now with them there...
You really need to talk it out with him and probably some marriage counseling too.
Good luck...marriage is all about communication...and you choose your own destiny no one else.
@domenyag (1273)
• Philippines
20 Dec 06
you must be at the hardest part of your marriage. I am also a wife and i have a husband in the special action force here in our country. During our first stage of marriage, i got problems just like what you specified about your husband. He is just like that also. and i am also Christian who happens to be a church lover and bible reader too. At first, what i did was, i just show to my husband that i am a God fearing. then second, i talked to him heart to heart the things that i do not want he is doing. he struggled to changed his lifestyle until one day he himself appreciate reading the bible and going to church with me. All i can say to you is, you pray for your husband, then you talk to him heart to heart. that as a father he should be mature enough to be an example to his family. He should be responsible to give the needs of his family. Just talk to him. and I'l pray for you...
@santwana_veddika (2018)
• India
20 Dec 06
when u said that u love him so much , now he also love u , than these problem is just a time matter . i think this is ur bad time thatwhy u are facing these type of problem . let this time to pass every things will be o.k.
believe in GOD. u will come out from all ur problem and ur marriage live will be also good .
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@mauier113 (688)
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
Maybe youre fed up at this point. I can understand your situation. But probably, you you don't have to surrender yet. I can see from your wishes that you are a prayerful person. Why don't you pray for him. Let God change the way your husband acts. I'm always reading a book it's titled: The Power of A Praying Wife by Stormie O'martian. Thisbook has helped me a lot to somehow put my husband on the right track. It's like constantly praying for your husband in all aspects otthis life from his work to his future. Hope you could read this book, too.
@wwjdn2007 (231)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Thanks i Thank i will get that book, my sister was telling me about it
@samwilliams06 (946)
• United States
21 Dec 06
you had me at the wow part my husband does it all the damn time. Im ready to throw the computer out the window . Anyway, I think you should just come out and tell him. He may rant and rave and yell and stuff but i bet he is gonna see that you have a point weather he likes it or not.
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@innechen (1318)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 06
Silence is not a good way to solve a problem, even if you pray all the time and people pray with you it still wont help if u didnt do anything.besides praying and hoping you also have to perform an to him about how u feel and how he should take a responsibility to his a husband he should earn a living for his family not to mention that his brother lives with him,then he got to take full responsible
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@Sukhmeen (396)
• India
20 Dec 06
This u know is the worst thing in boys as they never take their responsibilites properly C wat i feel If u have already given him a chance then share ur feelings and if he doesnt understand this then better go for a divorced as by doing all this ur making ur life a hell as well as for ur daughter as rite now she is 4 yrs old u know wat ur daughter must be getting frustrated with all this as gals r very sensitve with all this and u need to understand her also at heart she must be feeling insulted coz of all this C if he could understand this otherwise be on ur way dont make ur daughter's life hell as she no where concern in ur mistake
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@muffy_092000 (379)
• Philippines
20 Dec 06
why dont you have a heart to heart talk with your husband???who knows how you felt if you dont open know what i think with your husband...i can sense that he suffered a lot in iraq...he wants to change his life..maybe he dont love you anymore maybe he can...or better ask your self if your happy or not happy anymore with him..if not why u stick with that relationship...focus to your daughter, what you can do for her and her future..
@ellemayra (284)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 06
Wow you’v got big problem in your marriage.
If he really do love you that should be willing to do what he supposed to do in marriage couple, such as conceiving each other, or find a job to afford his playing game and all of your need. But love is universal, for me love is understanding that take to satisfy our partner as well as we could. But if he couldn’t give you a comfort zone, probably he hasn’t have passion anymore, he just let himself live down without any achievement.
If you think leave him will make u happy just do it.
Life is too short… your career will be also get influenced.
Don’t ever look back as a failed. But it was a process to be adult.
Don't focus on whether you should have taken him back or not becuase that is already done. Focus now instead on what you can do right now to make things better.
Love yourself and your girl more than somebody who cannot give you better place to be wife.
Your child deserves someone better for a male figure. please do yourself and your daughter a favor and divorce him and find someone better!
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I would suggest marriage counseling. I have a lot of the same problems that you do in my marriage, but my husband has never cheated and he does work. He just doesn't make a lot of money at this job and does play alot of video games. If he won't make any effort to go for marriage counseling then I would file for divorce. His brothers need to get out on their own or live with their mom. You deserve better than this.
@divin_gracia (180)
• Philippines
20 Dec 06
i suggest you try to talk to him about it. GIVE HIM YOUR LIST. THE TURN OFFS AND THOSE YOU WANT. then tell him you'd help him change, support him, and of course do that to revive the relationship. if he does not respond, then there's a problem. make divorse your last resort.
@wednesday (113)
• Australia
20 Dec 06
I understand the conflict you are in dear and firstly my heart and my prayers go to youand your family. I was in and unhappy relationship for 7 1/2 years years and i ended up leaving my husband a year ago, we have a 3year old daughter. My husband cheated, I said I forgave him, but in my heart i knew the damage would never repair. I still love him, we are friends now, and our daughter isnt stressed. I would not suggest leaving your husband, but i would advise you to start putting conditions on him so as to help the family stay together. I understand you wanting to love him without this, but it seems to have gotten to the point of him walking on you because he has absolute faith that you will not leave him. if worse comes to worse you can always force him to go to marriage counselling ....... an idea i came up with now.... if he says no you can always take yourself and your child to a friends for a couple of nights and say something like well i will give you the time to think about it, because our marriage is in trouble, I want to fix it and you are gonna have to help me. I know it sounds a bit cruel, but sometimes men are a bit slow and need a bit of a kickstart and your first priority is your child..... always
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
20 Dec 06
You have to talk to him. You have to let him know your expectations and in turn you have to hear his. Communication is key, but don't just give up on the relationship without communicating first.
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@venombarca (34)
• India
20 Dec 06
you try to make your husband believe that you love him more than any body else. even after that he does not love you it is better to
@eu_ursuletzu (1197)
• Romania
20 Dec 06
hy!you dont love your husband,only somethimes?
i will tell you something but please dont be mad at me!!!pls!!!
there are a lot of things in the list and your not thinking well.this is my oppinion.i mean...
you said thathe plays what?let him play.why dont you search for a game to,and play whit could play together,you could have fun dont have to me selfish and not let him to him and find a game that you could play together 1-2 hours.if you want to make him stop playing,then you should stop cocking and cleaning,so he can see how is it like not to do anything in the house.but its not the good solution. said that..he acts like a baby!and..?where is the problem?its true..that a man has to ba a man..if he was to serrious it wasent good,let him be a kid..he will be old a lot of time...that much that you wont want to see him anymire. said thathes brother live whit you.this is not a thing that you dont like at him!!!this is a fact!the fact that his brother is living whit you,its not his fault...if you dont want him there do somehing.they are argueing all the time...make them not to.they dont clean up...they dont have to.they are mans.we have to clean up not the mans.or if you want him to help you,you just tell him and he just have to find the way to tell him.
and the rest of the things are not about your husband!so try to think of what i am telling you becouse my husband was like yours and i maked him to be as i wanted to.he plays videogame now to.but we do have 2 videogamea that we play together.he helps me whit the cleaning,he has time for me,for the babyes,he has time for us to talk....try and lisent to will see that i am right.
i holp i was helping you
@wwjdn2007 (231)
• United States
20 Dec 06
the thing is in the past I did play games with him, but now for over a year he has been addicted to this game call World of War Craft, he can play for over 12 hrs straight.
@mikecoolguy17 (240)
• United States
19 Dec 06
if your unhappy, then i think its time to call it quits. why be in an unbenefitting relasonship? its not worth the time or the energy.

@wwjdn2007 (231)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I know i feel guilty, it do feel like i am giving up, When He cheated I figured I would try and work it out, It's been 2yr since he cheated. Maybe I am holding on to that pain.

@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
19 Dec 06
My first thought is that no one should stay in an unhappy marriage.
If you really do love him and have and/or are willing to forgive him for his cheating and you want to stay then you need to talk to him.
Be honest about your feelings and let him know in a way that is not putting him down. Communication is one of the most important things in a marriage. Use it.
A marriage takes work from both parties. If he loves you and wants to stay married then together you can work it out. But if it is one sided then nothing you do will make it work.
You have a right to your feelings just like he does. You also have a right to be happy. You must love yourself enough to do what is best for you.
If you let things go eventually they will blow up in your face. I don't think God inteneded for people to stay in unhappy and unhealthy stiuations. God gave you free will so use it.
Don't focus on whether you should have taken him back or not becuase that is already done. Focus now instead on what you can do right now to make things better.
Good Luck
@wwjdn2007 (231)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I keep having this fear inside that I am just over reacting or that i have the problem. I should be more understanding and let him mature.
I think inside no matter how i tell him he will feel put down. I just want for him to grow up. It's like he is trying to please everyone, Himself, brothers, his mother (by taking care of his brothers)
Sometimes I feel depressed because i hold everything in but I don't want to explode.
Thank you for you advice! I think I will write down what i want to tell him first.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 Dec 06
Well there is not a lot more to add to this I totally agree with the to advise I was in a one sided Marriage and funny enough my Ex Husband used to be in the Army to after 21 Years I could not not take the Mental abuse anymore
I gave him the choice and he promised to change it didn't last a week 3 Months later it was over
Good luck to you Love
@wwjdn2007 (231)
• United States
19 Dec 06
He really is a good guy, i just think that he is not for me sometimes. I am just all confused. I just pray he can grow up, be a man of God! That's all I want for Christmas! I talked to him and we decided to sit down and talk tomorrow when no one is home.
@Chiriac (286)
• Romania
19 Dec 06
You have to make the decisions for you and your daughter. Try to see what is best for both of you and make your decisions based on that and not on him. He will have to make his own decisions. If you both decide to get back together and work on your marriage - GET COUNCELLING and insist upon both of you getting councelling together and seperately. What has happened is something that will really hurt your marriage for a long time and is very hard to overcome. Councelling can impove your chances of saving the marriage and improve your marriage overall.
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