I am at my wits end!! PLEASE help!!
By CheckNitout
@CheckNitout (853)
United States
December 19, 2006 1:25pm CST
My three yeard old daughter won't keep her clothes on for anything. This is nothing new she has been taking htem off every since she figured out she could. I have to dress her 50 times a day and everytime it is a huge struggle. She takes her clothes off when we go to visit family and streaks through the house laughing at me as I chase her down. Before I could put her in clothes with zippers and snapps that she couldn't undo but she has figured all that our now. If I manage to get her dressed before bed she will actually wake up in the middle of the night and take her clothes off. Does anyone else have this problem? I need some major advise. I'm worried about her starting school and stripping in class. What can I do ?
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77 responses
@fairly4458 (842)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Wow, I had heard that some kids do this...you should actually be talking to her doctor. I am sure they have seen this before & probably have ways to help her control herself. The other thing is, I have also heard of skin conditions that she may be trying to get away from....
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Maybe you are right. She does have a mild case of ecsema. I had never thought there might be a connection. It's worth a shot to look into it though thank you.
@birthlady (5609)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Switch laundry soaps and get away from detergent. The other comment has a point, maybe her skin is too sensitive for the laundry products you're using.
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@nancygibson (3736)
• France
20 Dec 06
This is a really important point, try washing with a completely plain soap, and use as little as you think you possibly can, if her clothes feel even a little bit itchy she'll just take them off. But I also agree she will grow out of this phase. Let her run round bare until she gets a tiny bit cold too, then she will associate clothes with feeling cosy
@rainbow (6761)
19 Dec 06
ha-ha,my 2 year old did this, ignor it and when she gets cold she'll learn to keep them on or put them back on even if she asks for your help. This has turned into a fun game and a wonderul way of getting your full attention.
My older son often takes his clothes off in the night, I used to wory he'd get cold but now I just let him get on with i, if he comes to tell me he is cold I just remind him to get dressed.
I found the more fuss I madethe worse it got so I gave in, it's not life threatening although you would have to re-dress her in public of course.
Good luck, she'll find something new soon enough!
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
20 Dec 06
she'll get out of it soon. take her to meet other children of same age group and tell her how pretty everyone is dressed and that is the norm. slowly but surely, she'll also learn. meanwhile, enjoy her pranks and her clear laughter, children do grow up in the blink of an eyelid.
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@Bayleigh (141)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Children do all kinds of things to get attention, and yours has learned that this one will really get mommy going! I like the comment about how the child was told he cant visit with people without his clothes on and is subjected to his room. When I was a child my mom couldnt keep clothes on me either, but look I turned out okay! I keep them on now...hehe She is only 3, and I think she will come out of it with some guidance from you. Some patient guidance of course. If you show her its a big deal then she will def want to keep doing it. Redirect her when she does with a little bit of discipline and by the time she starts school she will see its important to keep your clothes on. I dont think you have much to worry about, all kids go through some sort of phase or another.
@kunvah (9)
• India
20 Dec 06
Thats a very uncommon problem. You can mete out some kind of punishment for her. how about locking her in a room for a while whenever she does that. Take note of her fears, what she dislikes and do the things with her that she does not like. You can give her food that she does not like, etc. All the best, dont worry things will work out.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
20 Dec 06
This is a phase many kids go though. Iat thre years old she is old enough for you to sit her down and talk too her. My friends brother did this all the time. They stopped him by telling him he needs to wear clouths at school and outside and all the time. However they allow him about an hour beofre his bath which they call naked time and he runs around naked and had a lot of fun. They also let him sleep naked if he chooses too. He keeps his cloths on all the time now.. Except for naked time. However now he is 9 and does not have naked time anymore.. He grew out of it and so will your daughter.
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@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
20 Dec 06
spank her everytime she does it she will eventually get the point that she better leave her clothes on or she will get her butt spanked
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I agree it is a rediculous thought to spank her for this. No I would never do that.
@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
22 Dec 06
No, I have asked her why she won't keep them on and why she doesn't like them. She just says NOOOOOOO
@funlola (26)
• Nigeria
20 Dec 06
hmmm dont wory toomuch about it it is just a passing face.but in the mean time u can try dressing up,maybe like qa princess or something and let her know howbeautifull she lookswhen she is dressed and try as mch as possible to be very firm with her when she refuses to get dressd.u can denyher of her favourite toy o something it works wondres.
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@twistedvanilla (244)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I still have this problem with my son, he will be 5 years old in April 2007. He has been going to a special nursery school now for 2 years, because when he was born he had skin tags in his ears and was tongue tied, so he's delayed on his talking, which puts him behind on other things, and this program helps him to catch up so he can go to kindergarten. For the first few weeks, he would still try to strip his clothes off at school, but then he stopped. He still does this at home, but not all the way, just down to underpants and tshirt, I guess thats how he's most comfortable. Does she take off her underpants or just her outer clothes? If its just her outer clothes you could try clothes that button in the back where she can't reach.
@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Dec 06
It is her underpants and every thing. How did the school get him to keep his clothes on do you know? What did they do when he took them off?
@webster76 (152)
20 Dec 06
Hee hee hee, oh the memories. My 6 year old son used to do the exact same thing. I think it lasted about 6 months and then he stopped doing it. Now he is very shy about being seen even in his underwear ;).
My 3 year old daughter on the other hand went through the same thing as your daughter. She stopped stripping and now has a habit of changing clothes 8-10 times a day.(mainly weekends. more time.)
Anyway your only jealous 'cos you can't get away with it ;)
@webster76 (152)
20 Dec 06
Don't go to the doctor they will only tell that its a phase.
Ask your parents if you did it. You grew up OK didnt you?
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@wyldechylde (139)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
Hahaha, she sounds funny. My neice used to do that and I would die of embarrass whenever I babysat her but she grew out of it and she doesnt do that any more. I think your daughter wil grow out of it to.

@sweetieBerry (235)
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
you know, this is the first time i've heard this kind of thing.
i totally sympathize with the mom, though.
must be tough.
all the advise that i've read so far are good though.
and all seems to be saying that she'll grow out of it.
still, not a bad idea to see her doctor just to double-check.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I had a cousin who did that and the best thing you can do is desiginate a time out chair and when she undresses her self you put her in her timeout chair and have her sit for a time out every time she strips. Eventually she will get the picture that striping is unacceptable and wont like sitting intime out that she will keep her clothes on. It wont be easy but i nthe end you will hav a child that stays dressed except when she is in the bath.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I can't keep her clothes on do you think I can keep her in a time out chair? NOPE. She is so stubborn.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
20 Dec 06
hahahahaha...sounds like my boys...i say, compromise. my kids get to run around in their underwear at home...i mean, they're little, it doesn't matter that much, and honestly, they see their daddy do it, so to them its okay. especially when its hot out...they know when people are over not to strip, and when they're at someone elses house not to strip. just keep an eye on her when you're out and tell her its not nice to do that at someone elses house...she'll eventually get it. as soon as my kids get through the door...off comes the clothes (most of the time, its cold now, so they keep the clothes on a little longer)
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Yes we always tell her she looks pretty but this seems to make her mad. She nays "NO Not Pretty" and takes her clothes off.
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I have a two year old that does the same thing.I think all kids go through this.they grow out of it though i do not believe your child will go to school and strip.when my daughter does it i usally discipline her and that usally works it can get fustrating but the more they think its getting to you the more they are going to do it if you ignore it they will stop it because nobody is paying attention so they wont need to do it anymore.
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I think that with some kids this is completely normal. My son is 3 and he does this, too. Also, you might want to read up on Sensory Processing/Sensory Integration. It's possible that your daughter doesn't like the type of fabric on her skin. It's not a huge deal, but some people are very sensitive to the touch of some fabric on them. My son prefers long sleeved shirts, but does not wear pants. During the winter, he does not like to wear clothes, but in the summer, he was wearing too many clothes. LOL He has been stripping near naked since he was able to do so himself.. and I have caught him with no clothes on in his bed, several times. We have learned that he is sensitive to the touch of different fabrics, and craves certain sensory input. :)
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I posted a respone to you above but I would like to thank you again this is really great advice.
@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
20 Dec 06
I can't hold my laughter upon reading that you dress your child 50 times a day. What a tiresome work.
I think you just let her undress then talk to her lovingly teaching her why she should get dressed, show her all people have their dresses on, ask her why she doesn't want her dress on and check what's her problem then solve that problem. She might be uncomfortable with the dresses you're putting on her. Choose the loose ones if she so desires. Follow what she wants just to have her dress on.
When she grows older, she'll dress up, she couldn't be naked anymore, otherwise, there's a serious problem other than refusing to put on a dress.
Just add some more patience letting her to put on her dress.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Yes it is funny to think about it but not when you're inthe situation. One day I will be the one laughing about this. I thank you for your advice :)