Do you collect anything?
By elizabeth525
@elizabeth525 (654)
United States
15 responses
@huanghaozi (1472)
• Egypt
10 Feb 07
I collect the actual piece of gum I chew. I usually chew a piece of gum before I get busy with a female to moistin my mouth, so when I am done with it, I just stack it on top of all the other pieces of chewed gum on my bedpost. Girls usually look at it and think it's gross, but that doesn't stop them from jumping my bone.
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@sherifff33 (355)
• Al Mansurah, Egypt
10 Feb 07
yes, i collect postcards , i have many postcards from the worldwide , really it is very nice hobby
@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
6 Feb 07
fruit stickers? thats different!! i saw this one guy on the food network channel and he used fruit stickers to make artwork! It was amazing!
@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
Personally, I do have a few collections going at the moment. I am in the process of collecting stuffed animals, gothic dolls & movies. I've been working on my stuffed animal collection since I was a kid.
I've got so many they are spread out all over my bed. I do need to find a new place to put them though. I'd like to go ahead & put them in a netted bag or a hammock or something & suspend them from the ceiling in my bedroom. That way I can free up room for the next part of my plan. I want to place the gothic dolls on my bed instead of the stuffed animals.
I would love to get my hands on a lot of these certain gothic dolls so I can have an army of them on my bed. I love the way they all look. I want my bedroom to look like it's a home for these little goth dolls that look like little demons.
I remember I was online when I first stumbled upon this one certain line of dolls that I'm crazy about now. There was one photograph where this one person had about twenty of the dolls all over their bed. It looked freakin' awesome because it was something that I had planned on doing as well.
I am also looking to collect some stuffed animals/toys that I had from my childhood that I was unable to get when I was a kid. Or at least the one's I had to leave behind. I feel like if I was to get these I would be able to have a piece of my childhood that I missed out on.
Some of these stuffed animals would be things such as the old smurf dolls. Or the pound puppies stuffed animals, as well as the old alf stuffed animal.. Since watching his old show was one of my favorite things to watch back then.. And still to this very day being able to watch that when I was younger.. The show had such an impact on me that I can still remember parts of it to this very day.
When it comes to movies, a lot of them are old 80s movies that are hard to find because they're out of print. I've been able to locate some of them & finally get them through eBay as well as find some of the other ones I like even at the local supermarket.
I had almost given up hope with trying to find certain movies because at times it looked like no one had a copy of the movie I was looking for but then out of nowhere someone would have it & I'd end up getting a good deal on it. If it wasn't for eBay, I wouldn't have half of the collection I do have right now. They were responsible for helping me find the out of print movies I was looking for.
In conclusion, I've been working on all of my collections for some time now & I find each one holds some sort of importance to me whether it be old toys or movies from my past. They help to remind me of a simpler time, when things weren't so fast paced and life wasn't so crazy.
Thanks for allowing to share! xx
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@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
2 Feb 07
i think i know what dolls you mean...i have seen some altered dolls on ebay before ...they look so real it is creepy. as for stuffed animals...i used to do that also but had soooo many i had to get rid of tem
@Savannahsmiles (110)
• United States
2 Feb 07
i collect dust and bad luck...honestly if is wasnt for bad luck id have no luck at all
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I enjoy Philately (stamp collecting) but I also have a newer collection I started a while back. I want to thank you for adding to my collection elizabeth525.
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@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
20 Dec 06
there are so many different stamps ...that would be fun
@emmaacton (225)
• South Africa
12 Feb 07
lol...i collect children husban and i have 2 and we want 2 more :)
@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
20 Dec 06
lol we do that also. my mom used to have one that was from like 1820 and it talked about cooking over a fire. it was pretty cool
@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
20 Dec 06
thats cool..i used to collect CDs also but they all got yah...
@solicino11 (27)
• Romania
20 Dec 06
I collect football tickets to matches that i go for 5 or 6 seasons,i think the most prestigious
ticket is the one from Romania-Italy 0-2 with 2 goals from inzaghi.
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@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
20 Dec 06
i wonder if those would be worth something especially if it was a major match ya know?
@lucterius (213)
• Belgium
20 Dec 06
Nop, nadda ! otherwise i will become to addicted
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@my_name_is_coco (4333)
• Philippines
5 Mar 11
I love collecting lots of stuff.I collect clothes,those coming from thrift,secondhand,and vintage stores.I collect shoes.I prefer Mary Janes,wedges,gladiator flats,booties,and high boots.I collect cute lingerie.I collect pigs - stuffed toys,shirts,and other stuff with pig pictures.I collect pandas - stuffed toys,shirts,and other stuff with panda pictures.I collect perfumes,especially those with good smell.I collect character figures.
@Savannahsmiles (110)
• United States
13 Feb 07
i collect bad i didnt have bad luck i wouldnthave luck at all....i collect...umm buddahs and idian stuff...noy like pocahonats from