By Tremium
@Tremium (96)
December 20, 2006 3:40pm CST
I'm currently 15 years old.
A few months ago, I realised I needed help. Yes, I had a depression. This is my second month that I'm going to therapy, and I don't have the feeling that it helps at all!
One of the main problems is that I feel lonely, because I'm more mature than all of my friends.
They just don't understand how it's like to feel like me...
Currently I'm in a stage where I'm becoming a person full of hate. I just don't know what to do anymore...
Any other persons who would like to share their experiences with me? Thank you.
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99 responses
@whitneyX3 (217)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I too suffer from a case of depression. and surprisingly i know exactly how u feel. luckily, im surrounded by people who love and care about me and it helps alot. i also found that knowing and realizing the cause of your depression helps too. it's hard and there are many people who go through it. just know you arent the only one, and if you need help i can always help!
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@nishanity (1650)
• India
21 Dec 06
hey dont feel so desperate...does depression come just like tht wid no reason? i mean something wud have triggered ur depression right? any idea what it is? if u did then half ur problem is solved... if your pals are much less mature than u, then all i can suggest is tht u go and make pals with the same maturity level as you... and dont hate!! its the most negative feeling... u know u tend to have these feelings only when your mind is idle enough to have them.. keep your mind occupied all the time... do some small small household chores.. or some co-curricular activities tht u enjoy... like some game... even board-games would be perfect... go o the movies... just keep your mind occupied so tht it wont think of any negative thoughts... hope my advice helps... do get back to me and tell me if it helped
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@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
21 Dec 06
hi there sorry to hear you are experiencing depression at such an early age, but don`t give up on your councilling ,i suffer from severe depression and it`s not nice no matter what you do there is no quick fix for depresion it`s a long slow process.talking really helps and there are some wonderful people out here that are willing to help /listen/and guide you .there are lots of web sites you can enter who give advice or just listen you should search them out and at least have a look i was looking at one yesterday caled beyondblue and will visit them again today .
just remember you are not alone and people are willing to help if you let them . take care and god bless and keep you safe
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@vandanna (96)
• India
21 Dec 06
Try to be more open! Though u are more mature , I dont find any reason for u to fill ur heart wid hatered. I dont think any therapy will help u in this case. This is ur own notion and u have to deal wid it urself. Try to open urself in front of others. Discuss ur problems wid ur parents. they will help u out. Take part in group activities. Go out for exposure to new hobies! joining mylot was a good decision. try interacting wid new ppl!
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@friends4ever (116)
• India
21 Dec 06
Remember that loneliness is very common. Almost everyone feels it at some time. It is not a defect. It is something that can be changed. It is a sign that important needs are not being met. Changing the situation may involve finding and developing a circle of friends, but it may also mean finding ways of learning to enjoy your times alone; to use them more constructively and pleasurably.
Do not wait for other people to visit you or speak to you. Try to talk to people you sit next to in class or at meals or in breaks at work. Say hello, or even just smile, at people you pass on the staircase or elsewhere in college or in your workplace.
Try not to be critical of your efforts. Remind yourself that intimate friendships take time to develop. Do not disparage friendships in the belief that only romantic relationships will relieve your loneliness or give you confidence and social status.
Build relationships by being a good friend to others.
Respond to others and their interests (but do not feign an interest you do not feel).
Some people are more at ease in groups and others in 'one to one' situations. Consider your own preferences and 'style'. Find others with similar outlooks and interests. Remember that, despite appearances, not everyone is interested in bars or sports.
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@redmondn (33)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I've had depression four about five years now and I think you and I are very alike. Although now, this year, against my doctors and parents suggestions I've stopped everything. I stopped my medication. I stopped going to therapy a while back because, for me, it did nothing at all. I wish I could offer you some hope, but I have none myself.
Good luck and I hope you find some happiness.
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@Randync (544)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Ive battled depression on and off for about 15 years. I was never full of hate, just stress or perhaps frustration that things were not going well. As you get older it does get better. You have more options in life, and ways to get away from stressful things. I hope you feel better.
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@ashfaq_2405 (72)
• India
21 Dec 06
I Wll try To Decrease Your Loneliness....
Just try every day To Pray The God.,
be Calm ,Be Happy In The Life
Increase The Confidence.....
Dont Try To hate With any Other Or At Your Self.
Try To Bee With All Friends , This Will decrease Your Loneliness.....
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@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
I am really sorry to hear this. I know what depression can do to you. I am glad you are coming out and talking about this. Is there anyone who you can talk to like a guidance counsellor? You really need to talk to someone professional who can give you advice.
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@classy56 (2880)
• United States
21 Dec 06
its sad to hear a 15 yr old with this promble. it happens.being lonely can take a toll on you,are you in school,get involed in after school programs ,do volunteer work. helping other people makes you feel good about yourself,join a church group,keep going to therapy an ask about medication from your doctor.hope this helps
@Eeorye (6)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Loneliness is something that everyone will experience many times through their life time. Being a young teen and being more mature than your friends is tuff. There are many friends you haven't met yet. Don't fill yourself with hate, that won't help you find the friends that will truley mean somethink to you. I grew more mature alot faster than my friends, and it was difficult. But your true friends will stick around and make your life fun. Hang in there!!
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@striped_moxie (4)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I also was very depressed at 13, 14, 15 to present. Times get better and they sometimes get worse. The trick is to realise that it is easy to be sad and angry. It is easy to feel like a victim. What is most rewarding is to wake each day and know that this day can be different. Also your body chemestry at 15 will still be changing and medication can be difficult to adjust to. Give it time and remember you are not alone.
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21 Dec 06
Helloooooo Tremium....its minniemee here..ur tooo young too feel this way, theres your whole life ahead of u..if you really,really feel like this, then its probs something deep down which is getting at you and you are needing to open up to release it, but iam thinkin it has to be someone very special who u can trust and confind in..please dont waste ur young life feeling this negitive effect, even though it is hard to do at first, but thinking positive in EVERYTHING you do will help, get up one morning and before you even get out of bed think a positive thought, anything, and carry on through the day like that.. just try it for me for a week and let me know how u got on...GO ON PROMISE ME FOR ONE WEEK....LUV MINNIEMEE..good luck..
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@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I have gone through this before when i was younger.it helps to talk to someone who understands you.alot of professional counselors don't.try a different counselor until you find one you like and can talk to.when i was severally depressed it helped me to write down my thoughts and not to keep my feelings bottled up because that only makes things worse.i fought depression for 5 years but i finally over came it and now i have a normal and happy life you will get through this depression i did i ended up in a hospital because of it i had no one there for me so believe me its better to find someone who understands you than to go threw what i went threw.hang in there things may not look good right now but,they will get better.good luck.
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@Hamlet333 (724)
• Pakistan
3 Jan 07
I don't y u feel lonely and depressed bcos u don't show any reason behind ur loneliness...I think u shd b in company of family members n frnds more n more...and feel free...whtever u hv...say thanks on that...and whtever u don't hv...don't think on this and feel frank n free...good luck 4 future.
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@nufoundglory (1353)
• Serbia And Montenegro
2 Jan 07
dont worry your not alone, dear. maybe we need time to fully recover. at first maybe the therapy wont feel very right, try to give it a time. if that also didnt work, try to switch therapist.
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@xmanofsteel69 (458)
• Canada
3 Jan 07
I know exactly what you're going through. When I was 13, I was diagnosed with clinical depression, but unfortunately, none of my "friends" would be there for me. I'm not trying to act all mighty and better than anyone, but I do have a large IQ and I matured quite quickly. I couldn't talk to anybody my own age about the problem, because they wouldn't understand and they'd just laugh at me...but I couldn't tell any parents because they'd see me as a defect in society.
So what to do? I found someone who was suffering the same way I was. We were never friends to start, but we just talked back and forth through MSN, relating to each other and describing what happened. We actually became great friends after a while and it made me feel a lot better.
I'm not saying to go out and find depressive people to talk to, but find someone you trust, someone who is mature and understands how to help someone in this situation.
It's been 5 years since I was diagnosed, and every day is a struggle. I went to therapy and nothing seemed to work. So, I know it sounds stupid and hard, but you have to find happiness within yourself. It's not easy and it'll be hard to do, but once you do, then you'll start seeing the world through different eyes.
Good luck, and if you do ever need to talk, send me a message on mylot, here.
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