Crime Against the Elderly.

@Jshean20 (14348)
December 21, 2006 3:08pm CST
It's sad enough that people have to commit a crime, but turning to the innocent elderly people just doesn't make sense to me. I read a fact that really shocked me, apparently the poorer the elderly person is, the more likely they are to become a victim. I don't understand this? Why do you think a poorer elderly person would be at more of a risk of being a victim than a wealthier person? The only thing that I could come up with was no security system? Or no car, so they have to walk everywhere? What do you think? Have you ever known an elderly person who was victim of a crime? What happened? If you want to read more about the article I read (where I got my facts) you can check it out at the following site: Source:
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40 responses
• United States
21 Dec 06
I think because the elderly cannot put up a good fight. They are weaker, cannot hear or see as well. So, the stronger will over power the weaker. It is so sad, isn't it?
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
Yes it is sad..I wonder why the poorer elderly get picked on more than the wealthier though??
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
tha makes sense
• United States
22 Dec 06
the poorer have less security then the wealther ones
@volschenkh (1043)
• South Africa
22 Dec 06
Here in South Africa there was a big story in the news last year, when elderly people was abused in an old age home. It was filmed with a spy camera, showing how the old and fragile people were verbally and physically abused. Its caused a major uproar! The culprits was suspended and it actually lead to new laws being implemented to protect the elderly.
@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
22 Dec 06
A lot of elderly people are subject to crime here in S.Africa. I cannot comment on their financial positions, but a lot are farmers, or live in the normal middle to upper class suburbs. Often the murders are brutal and a few items are stolen. It is terribly sad for a life to end this way. One thought does come to mind, criminals go for easy targets.
@openedone (240)
• France
22 Dec 06
crimes are not good at all
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• United States
22 Dec 06
I don't know of any elderly people that have gotten hurt but I just think that's terrible. That would be like hurting my grandmother or grandfather and I would never do something like that.
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@Leonzz (195)
• Brazil
22 Dec 06
I cant say anything about Ederly. Just have to look it to know what is.
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• United States
22 Dec 06
Probably an elderly person because they are weaker now, emotionally AND physically, that the attacker knows they wouldn't really be able to fight back. :( It's sad, really. Very, very sad.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
it is sad
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
I agree about how sad it is. Anyone who has the need to attack anyone or anything so defenseless is a sicko and should be locked away. Anyone with no heart and soul will attack defenseless beings like animals, children and the elderly.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
30 Dec 06
thank you
@dmanuel (411)
22 Dec 06
i think it's because they lack security and most of the times they're alone and other people take advantage of that. it's just so sad that we live in a world surrounded by sick and cruel people. :(
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
thank you
@nhtpscd (1416)
• Australia
22 Dec 06
fireworks - taken at a local show
I hat seeing on the Australian new this too. They get robbed on the streets in their own homes and by carers. It totally stinks. The people doing these crimes should stop and think they will be old to ones day and you watch the fireworks go off in the heads if it happens to them
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
thank you
@Kuvitz (26)
• Brazil
22 Dec 06
OMG! The world is lost :(
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
it sure is
• India
22 Dec 06
old - elder
its very sad to hear that there the crimes against the older people in the society are increasing.....these people have worked really hard throughout their life and what are they getting in return is this....this is the time when they should be enjoying their last days of life and its our dusy to protest guys please co-operate
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• United States
22 Dec 06
I've never known one, but I thinkit's totally cruel to target people who can't help themselves
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
26 Dec 06
sure is
@prospar (86)
• Brazil
22 Dec 06
oh, elderly people.. .-. crimes against them are not nice. well, crimes are not nice.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
30 Dec 06
@shellyrios (1212)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I think elderly people are susceptible to crime because of their fragile condition if the person committing the crime is that sick to even think about attacking, mugging, robbing, an elderly person. It's sad that our society succumbs to that, but I don't know if whether or not their wealth has anything to do with it.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
According to an article I read, it happens more often to the poorer elders
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
22 Dec 06
I guess people are becoming more desperate and greedy and unfortunately the elderly to them are soft targets, these people horrible people are obviously cowards.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
thank you
@birthlady (5609)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Elderly who are poor, if receiving Social Security and eligable, are sometimes recipients of care providers who are cruel or worse. Many elderly on Medi-Caid or Medi-Cal, and receiving services from In Home Supportive Services care providers, are vulnerable.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
good answer,thanks
@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I believe that is true the poorer the elderly the worse they are treated, but i don't feel it is just the elderly. My father, god rest his soul, when he first got sick he was in the hospital for a month and at that hospital he was treated like crap (sorry) but they really did not want to treat him because he didn't have insurance and didn't work (he was in a middle of a disabilty case whaen he got sick), but they looked at him as an alcholic and a smoker and they figured he brought his sickness on himself, but never really got to know the real person he was. He was diagnosised with oral and throat cancer and they beasically said it was too far gone to treat and passed him on to hospice. but it took them a month to diagnosised him.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
that's unfortunate
@hsvgrl86 (194)
• Australia
22 Dec 06
I think its so discusting how people treat the elderly, i know that most criminals also think its cruel to bash or attack the elderly, and also women. there was a recent case where a young man and pregnant woman stole this elderly woman bag and bashed her in a shopping centre car park during the day. a lot of other criminalsget revenge on these people who attack the elderly.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
thank you
@jen20619 (1300)
• Ireland
21 Dec 06
no one should hurt the elderly
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
of course not